Consultation for parents “Environmental education of preschool children.”

Consultation for parents “Environmental education of preschool children.”

Consultation for parents of preschool educational institution “Environmental education of preschool children”

In the modern world, the problem of human interaction with the environment is of particular relevance. Global climate change, a decrease in drinking water supplies, the depletion of natural resources, the threat of extermination of many species of plants and animals and many other environmental problems associated with the consumer attitude of natural resources lead to the problem of human alienation from nature, his low level of formation of an ecological culture. Environmental culture is understood as the inherited and formed experience of human life in its interaction with the natural environment, promoting a healthy lifestyle, sustainable socio-economic development, environmental safety of the country and each person. More and more often we hear and pronounce the word “ecology”. Science is complex, important and necessary. The science is relevant. Environmental education

- a continuous process of education, upbringing and development of a child, aimed at the formation of his ecological culture, which is manifested in an emotionally positive attitude towards nature, the surrounding world, a responsible attitude towards one’s health and the state of the environment, in compliance with certain moral standards, in a system of values orientations.
As practice shows, modern preschoolers have a large amount of knowledge about nature. However, this knowledge is often formed spontaneously, under the influence of television programs, advertising, and cartoons. Only in the process of purposeful work of the kindergarten and parents can an ecological culture, ecological thinking, and environmental consciousness be formed in children. We must instill in children a clear understanding from an early age: man is part of nature.
There will be no greenery, no animals - and he will not live on Earth.
And vice versa: the richer the world around, the better it will be for a person to live in this world. A child’s knowledge of nature affects not only the area of ​​the mind, but also the area of ​​moral feelings. Therefore, while imparting to children knowledge about the animal and plant world, adults at the same time inform them of the rules of behavior in nature. A person who does not see the beauty of nature is worse than a blind person: he has blindness of soul. And from someone whose soul is blind, do not expect kindness or honesty, devotion or courage. Is it necessary to talk about how urgent the issue of instilling in children a caring attitude towards the world around them is? Preschool age
is an important stage in the development of human ecological culture.
During this period, the foundations of personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature and the surrounding world. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, an emotional and value-based attitude to the environment develops, and the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual are formed, which are manifested in the child’s interactions with nature, in the awareness of inseparability with it. Thanks to this, it is possible for children to develop environmental knowledge, norms and rules for interacting with nature, develop empathy for it, and be active in solving some environmental problems. At the same time, the accumulation of knowledge in preschool children is not an end in itself. Environmental education of a preschooler
is solved mainly on the basis of the formation of natural history knowledge acquired at the stages of preschool childhood.
Environmental education and upbringing involves the formation in children of knowledge and ideas about the surrounding world, including nature and society; understanding the relationship between these components of the world and interdependence; developing the correct forms of interaction with the environment; development of an emotionally positive attitude towards nature. The formation of the principles of ecological culture
is the formation of a consciously correct attitude directly towards nature itself in all its diversity, towards the people who protect and create it, as well as towards the people who create material or spiritual values ​​based on its wealth.
It is also an attitude towards oneself as a part of nature, an understanding of the value of life and health and their dependence on the state of the environment. This is an awareness of your abilities to interact creatively with nature. The initial elements of ecological culture
are formed on the basis of the interaction of children, under the guidance of adults, with the objective-natural world that surrounds them: plants, animals (communities of living organisms, their habitat, objects made by people from materials of natural origin.
The formation of environmental education of a preschooler involves the solution of the following objectives:
Development in preschool children of environmental ideas, knowledge about the value of nature and the rules of behavior in it. Formation of skills in various activities in nature and the formation of environmentally oriented interaction with its objects. Accumulation of emotionally positive experience by children in communication with nature. Parents must realize that You cannot require a child to follow any rule of behavior if adults themselves do not always follow it. For example, it is difficult to explain to children that they need to take care of nature if parents do not do this themselves. And different requirements imposed in kindergarten and at home can cause they feel confused, resentful, or even aggressive. However, what is possible at home does not necessarily have to be allowed in kindergarten and vice versa. It is necessary to highlight the main things that will require joint efforts from teachers and parents. It is necessary to consider and discuss the results obtained and make a joint decision regarding the final list of vital rules and prohibitions. It is possible to instill in children a positive attitude towards nature only when the parents themselves have an environmental culture. The effect of raising children is largely due to the extent to which environmental values ​​are perceived by adults as vital. A noticeable influence on the upbringing of a child is exerted by the way, level, quality and style of life of the family. Children are very sensitive to what they see around them. They behave like the adults around them. Parents need to realize this.

Only with the help of repeated repetitions of skills, knowledge, and abilities at practical events, it is possible to firmly form an environmental culture in children. In the process of learning to form an ecological culture, the following forms of work can be used: conversations, discussions, social hours, role-playing games. During such events, interaction between adults and children occurs, which provides great opportunities for establishing connections between the conditions of the natural environment and its inhabitants, between animals and plants, between human activities and the state of the natural environment. Among the effective ways of environmental education for children, it is important to note excursions and walks. In order to satisfy the desire to learn as much as possible about the world around them and natural phenomena that attract attention, middle-aged children are actively involved in the observation process. Observation is the main way of forming concrete ideas about nature in preschoolers, the basis of imaginative thinking. Ideas obtained through observation become the meaningful basis for many types of children's activities: play, art, work in nature, communication with it, speech. During your walk, you need to pay attention to the beauty of nature and weather conditions. It is necessary to observe the behavior of animals and the state of plants, teach children to independently notice natural phenomena, name them and draw conclusions, and encourage them to ask questions. Each observation expands and deepens the child’s understanding of the natural environment, gives new knowledge, awakens curiosity and inquisitiveness. Familiarization with specific examples of plants and animals, their mandatory connection with a certain habitat and complete dependence on it allows preschoolers to form initial ideas of an ecological nature. By growing individual specimens of plants and animals, children learn the different nature of their needs for external components of the environment, at different stages of growth and development. An important aspect in this regard is the consideration of human labor as an environment-forming factor. Plant at least one broken one along with the others. A few days later, when you and your child come back to the bed with already strong tomato stems, point to the broken stem and remind him that it was broken when planting. At the same time, do not talk to the child in a didactic tone. Next year the child needs his own garden bed to give him the opportunity to do whatever he wants on it. Under no circumstances should a child be forced or correct what he has done. You can only ask him what he would like.

You can help only by asking his permission and working with him. When you sow cereals, let him throw grains onto the bed with his handle. This way the child will show interest in the plant world. The point is not only that he will know and feel how and what is growing. The main thing is that he will start thinking and analyzing. Introduce your child to various birds, their habits, show photographs, most likely he will be incredibly happy and receive a lot of positive emotions from the fact that each bird has its own unique trill song (excluding, of course, the species - the mockingbird and its genus, which are able to repeat songs many birds, indistinguishable from the original). You can listen to several types of songs of the most common birds. It will be easier for you to start with them. Of course, bright pictures and sounds of bird trills will interest your baby, and the ecological game will turn into an exciting lesson from which your baby will not only want to learn a lot about birds, he will learn a lot - including learning a lot of terms and learning how to correctly analyze living nature. It is also important that a corner of nature is present in the child’s home and is always at hand. Collecting herbariums, cones, beautiful pebbles and even bird feathers is all a way of understanding the world around us. Well, keeping pets and caring for them is also a big contribution to the environmental development of a child, the education of moral and ethical qualities; you should not deprive him of such interaction with nature.

We play
with the children
“What would happen if they disappeared from the forest...”

We suggest removing insects from the forest.
What would happen to the rest of the inhabitants? What if the birds disappeared? What if the berries disappeared? What if there were no mushrooms? What if the hares left the forest? It turns out that it was no coincidence that the forest gathered its inhabitants together. All forest plants and animals are connected to each other. They won't be able to do without each other. “Which plant is gone?”
Four or five plants are placed on a table.
The child remembers them. We invite the children to close their eyes and remove one of the plants. Children open their eyes and remember which plant was still standing. The game is played 4-5 times. You can increase the number of plants on the table each time. “Where does it ripen?”
Goal: learn to use knowledge about plants, compare the fruits of a tree with its leaves.
Progress of the game: we lay out two branches on the table: on one - the fruits and leaves of one plant (apple tree, on the other - the fruits and leaves of different plants. (for example, gooseberry leaves, and pear fruits) We ask the question: “Which fruits will ripen and which will not "The child corrects mistakes made in drawing up the drawing. "Flower Shop"
You can play with the child in the shop. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to distinguish colors, name them quickly, find the right flower among others. Teach to group plants by color, make beautiful bouquets. Progress games: A child comes to a store where a large selection of flowers is presented. Option 1. On the table is a tray with multi-colored petals of different shapes. Selects the petals he likes, names their color, and find a flower that matches the selected petals in both color and shape. Option 2. The child independently makes three bouquets of flowers: spring, summer, autumn.You can use poems about flowers.

Fairy tale game “Fruits and vegetables”

Visual material:

pictures of vegetables.
A parent says:
“One day a tomato decided to gather an army of vegetables.”
They came to her with peas, cabbage, cucumber, carrots, beets, onions, potatoes, turnips (she puts pictures of these vegetables on the stand one by one) And the tomato said to them: “There are a lot of people who want it, it turns out, so I set this condition: first of all, to join the army.” My only vegetables will be those whose names contain the same sounds as in my poommiidoorr.” - What vegetables do you think responded to his call? The child names, highlighting the necessary sounds with his voice: gorrooh, morrkoo, karrttoofel, turnip, cucumber, and explains that these words have the sounds p, p, as in the word tomato. Pictures depicting the named vegetables move closer to the tomato. Tomato conducts various training sessions with peas, carrots, potatoes, and turnips. Good for them! And the rest of the vegetables were saddened: the sounds that make up their names in no way fit the sounds of the tomato, and they decided to ask the tomato to change the condition. Tomato agreed: “Have it your way!” Come now, those whose names have as many parts as mine.” - Who do you think responded now? Together we find out how many parts there are in the word tomato and in the name of the remaining vegetables. The answer explains in detail that the words tomato and, for example, cabbage have the same number of syllables. Pictures depicting these plants also move towards the tomato. “But the onions and beets were even more saddened. How do you think why? explains that the number of parts in the name is not the same as that of a tomato, and the sounds do not match. Distribution of fruits by color
We invite the child to distribute the fruits by color: put fruits with a red tint on one dish, yellow ones on another, and green ones on a third.
The game character (for example, Winnie the Pooh) also participates in this and makes mistakes: for example, he puts a yellow pear with green fruits. The child kindly and delicately points out the teddy bear’s mistake, names shades of color: light green (cabbage, bright red (tomato), etc. Distribution of fruits according to shape and taste
An adult invites children to arrange the fruits differently, according to shape: round - one dish, oblong ones - on another. After clarification, he gives the children the third task: distribute the fruits according to taste - put sweet fruits on one dish, savory ones on the other. Piglet rejoices - he loves everything sweet. When the distribution is over, he puts the dish with sweet fruits to to myself: “I really love honey and everything sweet!” “Piglet, is it really good to take all the delicious things for yourself?” says the teacher. “Children also love sweet fruits and vegetables. Go wash your hands, and I’ll cut the fruits and vegetables and treat everyone "
"The Fourth Wheel"
You already know that not only insects and birds fly, but there are also flying animals. To make sure that you are not confusing insects with other animals, we will play the game "The Fourth Wheel" hare, hedgehog, fox , bumblebee; wagtail, spider, starling, magpie; butterfly, dragonfly, raccoon, bee; grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, chafer; bee, dragonfly, raccoon, bee; grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, mosquito; cockroach, fly, bee, cockchafer; dragonfly, grasshopper, bee, ladybug; frog, mosquito, beetle, butterfly; dragonfly, moth, bumblebee, sparrow. In order for a child to fall in love with nature, begin to respect it and treat it with care, not much is needed, because he is a part of it himself. Everything necessary is already inherent in the child from the very beginning. The child’s need to communicate with living nature will help to show sensitivity and kindness in him. And the aesthetic sense of beauty and understanding of nature will force him to take the initiative that is so necessary in our time in preserving our beautiful and vulnerable surrounding world.

Consultation for parents “Cultivating a caring attitude towards nature”

Consultation for kindergarten parents “Cultivating a caring attitude towards nature in preschool children”
“A person became a person only when he saw the beauty of the evening dawn and clouds floating in the blue sky, heard the nightingale singing and experienced admiration for the beauty of space.
Since then, thought and beauty go hand in hand, elevating and exalting man. But this ennoblement requires great educational efforts.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky Fostering high responsibility for the preservation of natural resources, their reasonable use and multiplication is the duty of every citizen.
It is very important to introduce a child to the world of nature from early childhood, teach him to love it and treat it with care: take care of plants on your property, in the park, in the forest, take care of animals, protect nature. Every person on earth should take care of nature conservation. Because we are not a separable part of it, and we are also a reasonable one! We must teach children to understand themselves and everything that happens around them. It is necessary to teach children to behave correctly in nature and among people. Often, due to lack of knowledge, they cannot choose the right course of action. The tasks of education are complicated by the fact that children often see how adults violate basic norms of communication with each other and with nature. Probably in such cases you need to say: “Even though they are adults, they don’t know that they shouldn’t speak rudely, leave garbage in recreation areas, carve inscriptions on tree trunks, offend stray animals, etc. You guys are great, you won’t do that.” A consciously correct attitude towards nature is based on an understanding of the connection of plants and animals with external conditions, their adaptability to the environment, the dependence of life and the state of the body on the influence of environmental factors and human activity. The starting point for developing a consciously correct attitude of preschoolers towards nature is a system of specific knowledge. Speaking about the specifics of the methodology of environmental education for preschoolers, it should be noted that its characteristic feature is the child’s direct contact with natural objects. When children communicate with nature, a contradiction often arises. On the one hand, they are very interested in plants and animals, they love them, on the other hand, they show cruelty and indifference. Why is this happening? The fact is that a preschool child does not know how to simply look at a butterfly, bird or kitten. He definitely needs to take possession of them. This often leads to children harming nature, and no explanation from adults helps. This is due to the preschooler’s ignorance of the rules of interaction with natural objects. Children have not yet developed the ability to pay attention to the state of objects of living and inanimate nature. Therefore, it is important to form in children ideas about nature and forms of attitude towards it, to teach them to love and protect nature, to form a sympathetic attitude towards representatives of the flora and fauna. The most important condition for instilling in children a humane attitude towards nature is their awareness of themselves as part of living nature. The child needs live communication with plants and animals, observations and practical activities to care for them, and comprehension of what he saw during the discussion.
Indirect knowledge of nature through books, slides, fairy tales, paintings, conversations, etc.
are of secondary importance. Its tasks are to expand and complement the impressions that the child receives from direct contact with natural objects. Every person, regardless of age, should treat nature with care and respect. In this regard, we adults who introduce children to nature are given the following tasks: - To cultivate in children emotional responsiveness, the ability to see and understand the beauty of nature, and to form aesthetic feelings. — Cultivate an interest in native nature, a desire to learn more about the nature of your region. — Develop a caring attitude towards nature, strive to create it. — When introducing children to nature, we must not only impart specific knowledge to them, but also evoke an emotional response in the soul of every child and awaken aesthetic feelings. As soon as the baby leaves the threshold on his own, he explores the surrounding nature with all his senses. From now on, it is useful for parents to be extremely attentive to the safety of the child. Just as the world around us is magical and beautiful, it can also be dangerous. The adult's position should be active enough to satisfy the child's inquisitive mind. A parent should be a kind mentor and an active storyteller. Your active explanations, conversations, instructions must be supported by personal example. Because the child forms a model of behavior - relationship with the world around him, watching you, copies your behavior! In upbringing, the unity of requirements of all participants in the process is also encouraged (that is, all family members should share your views on upbringing). It is also necessary to take into account an individual age approach (i.e., you need to explain to the child in words that he understands). Show sufficient firmness and validity in your explanations during the education process, then you will see the result. Careful, tactful communication with nature should be satisfied taking into account the time of year. It is recommended to take walks together in a park, forest, field, or to a pond. When going for walks, dress for the weather and don’t leave trash behind! In summer: • You can observe the varied flowering of the flower bed in the summer. Examine newly blooming flowers, remind children of the need to carefully handle the decoration of the earth. • When carrying out labor activities in flower beds and vegetable gardens, instill a caring attitude towards flowers and plants (watering, loosening the soil, thinning out plants, replanting, creating shading from the active sun). • At this time of year, insect life can be easily observed. Tell your child about diversity, structure, adaptive features, benefits, harms, miracles of transformation. • While taking walks, you can watch birds and their offspring. In dry times, you can make drinking bowls for birds and monitor their condition. • Observations of animals will also be useful. Pay attention to how animals behave in the hot season, what they look like, what they eat, etc. • When taking walks, remember to be safe, avoid overheating in the sun, and do not let communication with the animal world be too persistent with your and child's side. • Remember that man is the most perfect creation of nature. He has the power to preserve and enhance all the beauty of the world around him! • Let's live in harmony with nature. Protect and take care of her gifts! In autumn: • Observe the seeds for their diversity and adaptation to distribution in nature. Handle seeds with care and store them in bins in accordance with storage rules. • Watch the weather. Explain that there is no bad weather in nature. That the precipitation that falls in autumn is necessary for the earth to saturate it with moisture. • Watch the trees. Explain that the trees are preparing to “sleep” and therefore shed their leaves; if they do not do this, they will die in the winter. Form the ability to perceive the beauty of nature, develop the desire to rejoice and be surprised in the process of communicating with nature, learn to notice the beautiful in the world around you. • Take care of perennial plants, cover the roots of trees and shrubs with fallen leaves. • Make and hang feeders for wintering birds, provide constant patronage for birds during the cold season. • Explain to your child that animals should not be disturbed in the autumn, at this time the animals’ activity decreases, you need to be attentive to them, and not make noise in the forest, park, or on a pond. Noisy activities can provoke aggressive behavior in animals. In winter: • Observe the weather, falling snow, and the beauty of the winter nature of your native land. • Explain to your child the purpose of snow, tell the children that snow saturates the earth with water and beneficial salts. A person on such land will be able to grow a good harvest. The ground under the snow rests and becomes fertile. • Observe trees covered in snow. Participate in joint raids to insulate trees and shrubs with snow to prevent freezing. • Carry out systematic observation of birds in winter, make sure that the feeders are clean and filled with food. • Take walks in the forest, park, field. Leave bait on the stumps for forest dwellers. Be quiet in the forest. When going on an excursion, dress appropriately for the weather and avoid hypothermia. In spring: • It is recommended to monitor the weather in spring. Pay attention to the appearance of warm days, to the way the air smells in spring, to the fact that the days have become longer and the nights have become shorter, the weather is very changeable. Clarify knowledge about the types of precipitation and their significance for plants and animals. When walking, dress appropriately for the weather and avoid hypothermia. • While taking walks, tell your child that in spring nature wakes up from sleep, young shoots appear, the buds are very fragile and tender. And you can examine them very carefully, trying not to cause harm. • Invite the child to look at the fresh grass that has appeared, pay attention to its color and smell. Explain to the child that you need to walk carefully and not trample on it, because it is food for many animals that are weak after winter. • You can take a walk to the flower bed. Look at the flowers that appear on it. Tell your child that flowers are a decoration of our earth and should not be picked recklessly; in addition, they are a source of food for many insects. It is useful to instill an ecological culture as a result of joint, feasible labor actions with children (planting seedlings, watering plants, loosening the soil, tying them to supports, etc.) • while walking through a park, forest, meadow, explain to the child that animals awakened from It is better not to touch hibernation. Excessive anxiety can harm them and for a child, meeting an animal can be dangerous. • Spring is the nesting time for birds. We need to tell children about the life of birds in spring and observe them. Explain that it is forbidden to break bird nests and that making noise near existing nests is prohibited. Since this can prevent the birds from hatching their chicks and continuing their family. Try to build birdhouses together for visiting starlings. The beauty of our native nature also reveals the beauty of human labor and gives rise to the desire to make our region even more beautiful. Therefore, it is so important to show children how a person protects and multiplies natural resources, how much work he puts in to make forests and lakes, fields and rivers happy for everyone.

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Consultation for parents

"Ecology and Children"

For a child, a family is his place of birth and his main habitat. He has close people in his family who understand him and accept him for who he is - healthy or sick, kind or not so kind, flexible, he belongs there.

It is in the family that the child learns the basics about the world around him. It is in the family that the child’s ideas about good and evil are deposited. With loved ones, he experiences feelings of love, friendship, and duty. By its nature, family education is based on feeling. Feelings of love with all the harmony of the various nuances of its manifestation accompany the child in the family, from prenatal development to adulthood. This range of feelings has a beneficial effect on the development and upbringing of a child: it gives him a passing feeling of happiness, tenderness of existence, a sense of protection from external adversity, and in the person of parents - helpers, advisers, older friends. Moreover, the harmonious development of a child in a family is created by various manifestations of feelings of love among family members.

From the first years of life, children formulate the beginning of an ecological culture. Children see at home how their mother takes care of flowers, a cat or a dog. They themselves are drawn to all living things, they want to pet the animal and admire the beautiful flowers.

Growing up, children learn that every creature has its own “home”, which contains everything for its life. Environmental education is the knowledge of living things that surround a child in their habitat, and our main task is to teach them to protect and take care of what they see. You need to clearly explain to your child that breaking a tree branch is prohibited, especially in winter. Draw the child’s attention to the beauty, how beautiful they are in the frost. In winter they sleep and they have only us as protectors.

We need to cover the roots with snow, explaining that we are helping them survive in the winter. When you are in the forest with your children in winter, pay attention to the silence in the forest, its beauty and how well you can breathe in the forest.

In spring, nature transforms, and we rejoice at every new blade of grass and new leaf. Work at the dacha begins and the children help you, albeit very little, but they are drawn to it, seeing how you do it. There is a forest near the dacha areas; you go there with your children. We are all drawn to nature to relax, breathe fresh air, listen to the babbling of a stream. We adults collect flowers and medicinal herbs, pick only as much as you need, and try not to tear up the roots.

When picking mushrooms and berries in the forest, take only those that you know, and leave others alone. Animals need them, they feed on them and are treated with them. Like, for example, the fly agaric mushroom, it’s so beautiful, admire it, but don’t touch it, the elk will come and use it for treatment. To prevent mushrooms from disappearing from our forest, do not disturb the mycelium, explain to children that mushrooms need to be cut with a knife, a new mushroom will grow here.

Children often act cruelly to nature and we adults are to blame for all this. They couldn’t teach us to see the beautiful and make sure that everything that surrounds us only makes us happy.

Feed the birds, hang a feeder outside the window or on the balcony. The child will put the food there himself. If you want to please your child, get him a parrot or a goldfinch, a turtle or a hamster. Explain and teach how to properly care for them and the child will be happy. Many children have a dream to have a friend nearby, this is a kitten or puppy. And if you get yourself an animal at home, do not throw them out into the street when they grow up, they are animals and trust people. I wish you to cultivate a sense of compassion in children, teach them to see the beauty of the world around them and this will not be in vain. If a child treats everything with care and takes care of this “home”, your upbringing will not be in vain. They will be attentive not only to the world around them, but also to you adults.

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