Analysis of a kindergarten teacher’s lesson: example, diagram

Analysis of examples of activities of kindergarten teachers helps improve the education system, helps plan and spend time with children fruitfully and with the greatest benefit. Lessons in kindergarten need to be analyzed systematically, and specially organized open lessons attended by parents, kindergarten teachers, representatives of educational organizations and guests will help summarize teaching experience, receive useful advice, and identify shortcomings.

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Using the example of analyzing the activities of a kindergarten teacher, we can determine:

  • Presenter professional training.
  • His ability to find an individual approach to a child and work with a group of children.
  • Ability to maintain a level of interest in the learning process.
  • Identify errors and find ways to correct them.
  • A good teacher always has something to learn in an open lesson.

    In the process of analyzing a lesson for kindergarten teachers, its organization is assessed. It is important that there is enough teaching material for all children. If a drawing lesson using a template is provided, then all children should be provided with paper, pencils or felt-tip pens. Then the stages of logical construction of the lesson are considered.

Logical stages of lesson construction

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In the introductory part, the kids are explained what and why they will do; in the main part, they begin to do it. Here they need help; it is especially important for the teacher to understand who is having difficulty performing and for what reasons. According to educational standards, development is carried out in five directions: cognitive, speech, social and communicative, artistic and aesthetic, and physical. Tasks are selected according to age.

At the end of the lesson, you need to express approval and support for the children.

Analysis of modern classes in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Analysis of modern classes in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard

. General information

1. Topic of the lesson.

2. Date and place of its holding. Who conducts it?




  • what problems this lesson is designed to solve and what personality traits to develop in students;
  • Tasks:
  • how the specificity and realism of the goal is realized (from the point of view of sufficient time to complete it, compliance with the children’s preparedness for solving it in previous lessons, the capabilities and abilities of the children);
  • how the integration of educational areas is implemented in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of students in the classroom.

5. Psychological justification for the choice of form and content of activity


  • compliance of the lesson with general educational and correctional-developmental goals and objectives, the level of development of students, and their age characteristics;
  • implementation of a comprehensive thematic principle (the topic of a specific lesson is chosen in the context of the general topic being studied);
  • During the lesson, the joint activity of an adult and children is realized, the main component is interaction.

6.Observing the progress of the lesson

How convincingly, clearly, emotionally were the goals and objectives of the upcoming activity revealed to the students?

How meaningful, interesting and organized was the work?

What knowledge did the students acquire during the lesson:

what social attitudes were formed among the pupils, towards what socially useful

activity prompted their occupation;

what vital values ​​were formed.

Controllability of the lesson:

  • how the opportunity to evaluate intermediate and final results is realized;
  • what conclusions did the students make during the course and at the end of the work;
  • what results have been achieved?

How did the lesson affect the formation of public opinion of the group and individual students on their relationships.

what could be the consequence of this activity for the development of the team, for the formation of its social orientation.

What is its impact on individual pupils:

  • emotional and aesthetic responsiveness to beauty in art;

work ethics, artistic activity.

aesthetics of behavior

Methods of work, the nature of relationships, their compliance with educational tasks, age and individual characteristics, the level of development of relationships in the group team.

7. General assessment of the educational event

  • To what extent were educational goals and objectives achieved?
  • Reasons for successes, failures, mistakes?
  • General assessment of the educational value of the work performed.
  • Psychological and pedagogical conclusions and suggestions to teachers and students:
  • the effectiveness of the lesson in relation to each child;
  • analysis of children’s activities (by the teacher) and children’s self-analysis of their work;
  • reflexive moment (the teacher encourages the child to express his attitude to the situation, to his activity).

8.Analysis of the teacher’s activities

What character traits of the teacher contributed to the

effective work with students, which, on the contrary, interfered

  • the teacher encourages children to show initiative and independence, encourages the manifestation of subjectivity;
  • the teacher stimulates and encourages children's individual achievements;

What pedagogical abilities were demonstrated during the

effective work with students?

  • the teacher takes into account the characteristics of each child (pace of activity, emotional state, level of development of mental processes, temperament)
  • The teacher “sees” each child: helps, stimulates, encourages.

Sample self-analysis of a lesson at a preschool educational institution


To develop children's interest in knowledge about vegetables through the integration of educational areas: cognition, communication, socialization, artistic creativity, health.


  • Formation of children's understanding of vegetables, the place of germination and their preparation for the winter;

-To strengthen children’s ability to describe vegetables according to their characteristic features, according to the diagram;

- Improving the ability to construct your statements grammatically correctly and consistently;

-Expand the active vocabulary, activate the names of vegetables in children’s speech.

-Continue to develop in children the ability to distinguish and name colors, to practice comparing objects by color;

-Encourage children to answer questions by pronouncing words clearly.

-Developing children’s ability to coordinate movements with text, understand and follow verbal instructions;

-Development of visual perception and memory, motor imagination and coordination of movements;

-Development of fine general and fine motor skills of the hands;

-Developing a friendly attitude towards peers;

-Creating a favorable emotional atmosphere and conditions for active play activities of children.

Organizational activities, preparation for class

The lesson was carried out in accordance with the notes. The abstract was compiled independently, in accordance with the objectives of the basic general education program, corresponding to the given age of the children. To implement each task, techniques were selected in an interesting and entertaining way.

At every moment of the lesson there were visual aids that stimulated and activated the children’s mental activity. The manuals are of sufficient size and aesthetically designed. Their placement and use was rational, thoughtful in the learning space and in the lesson.

Music was used during the lesson to enhance emotional perception. The organizational technique “Greeting” in poetic form” was aimed at developing communicative qualities and establishing friendly relationships both within the children’s team and between guests and children.

The lesson is dynamic, it includes techniques that provide for a quick change of activity. Conversation - sitting on chairs, moving around the group while looking for a way out of a problem situation with a hare - going to the garden, working with a test, developing fine motor skills of the hands - sitting on chairs, search activity - standing, working with cereals “Find a Vegetable”, logorhythmic exercise - “walking to the garden.” A quick rotation of techniques and changes in poses during the lesson made it possible to avoid fatigue in children.

Didactic activities of the teacher

All aspects of the lesson are logical and consistent

, subordinated to one topic. Moments from the educational areas of Cognition were integrated into the lesson: Reinforced the ability to describe a vegetable according to its characteristic features, according to the diagram; developed the ability to distinguish and name colors;


children participated in the general conversation, listened without interrupting their peers; activated the children's vocabulary using words - the name of vegetables, practiced coordinating nouns and adjectives; “Socialization” to independently express goodwill and empathy. Artistic creativity: Improved children’s ability to roll plasticine between their palms with straight movements, reinforced pressing techniques, developing fine motor skills of the hands. Physical Culture; developed motor imagination and coordination of movements.


: formed children’s ideas about vitamins and their importance. The techniques in the lesson were of a playful nature and were based on playful learning situations.

The use of the “Vegetable Garden” model helped to implement the main educational task in an interesting way - forming children’s ideas about vegetables and where they grow. My role was limited to learning to give detailed answers. This helped to achieve optimal results.

At every moment of the lesson, I tried to guide the kids to find solutions to the problem, helped them gain new experience, activate independence and maintain a positive emotional attitude.

Creation of search engines

, problematic situations intensified the mental and speech activity of children,

The specifics of working with children in the classroom were reflected in a person-centered approach. She encouraged timid children and praised them in order to consolidate their situation of success.

During the lesson, I tried to communicate with the children on the same level, tried to maintain the children’s interest in the lesson throughout the entire time.

The outcome of the lesson was organized in the form of a game problem situation “Guess the treat?” so that during it you can check the quality of assimilation of the material.

Due to the fact that the children are small and there were many choral responses, I plan to pay special attention to individual responses. It is also necessary to achieve clear pronunciation of words. Work on sound pronunciation, expand active and passive vocabulary. But, despite these difficulties, I believe that all the program tasks I set during the lesson were solved.

How to create a lesson plan

The work of a teacher in a kindergarten is carried out according to a plan, which is drawn up taking into account the characteristics of children at a certain age, daily routine, and dosed load. The educational process should be continuous and systematic, helping the child to actively explore the world around him and taking into account individual characteristics.

The preschool educational institution employee draws up plans for the future and for each day, and based on the lessons conducted, he compiles a report on the work of the teacher in the kindergarten. It consistently tells what work was planned, how it was carried out, what changed in the children’s behavior, and what they learned.

Why are the analysis results needed?

The consequence of a competent analysis of the activities of a kindergarten teacher, for example, is to work on mistakes and identify positive experiences that can be used when planning further work.

To do this, they carry out operational self-analysis, which allows one to analyze daily observations, and then summarize the results for a certain period and draw useful conclusions. During thematic analysis, a specific area is examined (FISO, FEMP).

The report describes the work done, how it was organized, goals, successes, and evaluates the degree of results achieved in comparison with the expected ones.

Working with parents

In examples of analysis of the activities of a kindergarten teacher, not only work with children, but also with parents is often examined, since they have a greater influence on him in the process of interacting with the child. Often they bring the child to classes late, and at the beginning of the day they do gymnastics with the children. In this case, you need to draw their attention to the importance of arriving on time, talk about the child’s difficulties in performing certain tasks, and about his emotional state.

The report evaluates how visual, creative, verbal, and gaming techniques are combined.

The teacher must devote time to each child during the lesson; his speech and intonation must correspond to the topic. He completes the program items in the allotted time, and if it was not enough, then note for what reasons: as a result of improper planning or disruption of the rhythm of classes.

In accordance with federal requirements, the teacher must conduct an independent analysis of each lesson in order to identify shortcomings, note valuable pedagogical findings, and think about how to help children develop.

Map of lesson analysis according to Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education

Map of lesson analysis according to Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education


The date of the:________________________________________________________________________

Age group:______________________________________________________________________

Amount of children:_______________________________________________________________________

FULL NAME. teacher:______________________________________________________________________________

Beginning of the lesson:________________________________End of the lesson:_______________________

Criteria for assessing the teacher’s work in the classroom

(High -3, acceptable - 2, low - 1):



Activities of the teacher in the classroom

The ability to creatively use ready-made lesson notes (make necessary changes to the course of lessons, adjust goals in accordance with the individual characteristics of children)

The ability to draw up a lesson summary in accordance with the goals, determine its content and structure, and select didactic games

Preparation for class

Selection of demonstration and handout materials. Rational placement of material.

Preliminary work with children (conversations, organizing observations, reading fiction)

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements

Satisfaction of physical activity (organization of dynamic breaks, physical education minutes)

Monitoring correct posture while children work at tables

Changing children's poses during the lesson

Rational choice of dynamic poses of children during classes (sitting at tables, sitting in a semicircle on chairs, sitting on the carpet, standing, etc.)

Compliance of the duration of the lesson with sanitary and hygienic standards

Activities of a teacher

in class


Using various forms of organizing children in the classroom (work in small subgroups, in pairs, individual and collective work of children). Justification of the chosen forms.

Justification and rationality of the choice of methods and techniques for working with children (game techniques, techniques for attracting children’s attention, techniques for activating thinking, etc.

The ability to regulate children’s behavior during the lesson, maintaining children’s interest throughout the lesson

The ability to adjust the course of a lesson taking into account “feedback” (reduce lesson time depending on the degree of fatigue of children; change the form of organization of children; take part of the program material outside the scope of the lesson; timely use a dynamic pause, etc.)

Individual work with children

Children's activities in class

Assessment of children's work in class, quality of assessment

Maintaining children's interest and attention to activities in class

Children’s activity and independence in solving assigned tasks

Children's assimilation of program content

Ability to adequately evaluate one’s own work in class

Total points -___________________ Average score_________________

Positives during the lesson:

Conclusions, recommendations:

Senior teacher_______________________________________________

Date _____________________________________________________________


I am familiar with the results of the analysis:



Why are open lessons held?

An example of an analysis of classes in kindergarten is the assessment by teachers of other kindergartens of an open lesson.

Evaluation of an open lesson is carried out according to the same scheme as self-analysis. The readiness of the children for the lesson is noted and how the teacher helped them cope with the excitement of the presence of guests, introduced them to the topic of the lesson, formulated the task, and set motivation.

Teachers note how well children are organized, whether teaching methods have been chosen correctly, how to stimulate children’s cognitive activity and retention of attention. Analyzing the course of classes, they note how time was distributed for different types of activities in terms of content and form of perception. During the discussion, guests explore whether the chosen structure of the lesson is justified, how each stage of the lesson is worked out, as well as the smooth transition from one stage to another.

Lesson analysis card in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards

Card for analyzing the lesson in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard


1. Types of children's activities ____________________________

Underline those used in the lesson:

(motor, communicative, gaming, labor, cognitive and research, musical and artistic, productive, reading fiction).

2. Workspace with different forms of OD organization.


Mark what is used in the lesson:

(affiliate form:

Adult – partner, next to children (together), in a circle

 Free placement of children allowed

 Free movement of children during activities is allowed

 Free communication of children is allowed (work noise)

School uniform:

Adult – teacher, distant from children (above/against

Children are strictly assigned jobs

Children are prohibited

Free communication of children is prohibited; a disciplinary requirement of silence is introduced)

3. Form of training organization.


Underline the one used in the lesson: (individual, subgroup, frontal).

4. GOALS of direct educational activities .


Underline those used in the lesson:

(TRADITIONAL OOD: children’s accumulation of the necessary personal experience;

DEVELOPMENTAL OOD: independent acquisition of knowledge, children’s use of acquired experience.)

5. TASKS of organized educational activities.


Underline the following used in the lesson:

( Educational: increase the level of child development.

Educational: to form the moral qualities of the individual, views and beliefs.

Developmental: when teaching, develop students’ cognitive interest, creativity, will, emotions, cognitive abilities - speech, memory, attention, imagination, perception.)

6. METHODS_______________________________________________________________

Underline the following used in the lesson:

Practical METHODS : experience, exercise, experimentation,

modeling; Visual methods: observation, demonstration of visual aids; Verbal methods : teacher’s story, conversation, reading fiction; Game methods: didactic game, imaginary situation in expanded form.


Underline the one used in the lesson:

(presence of game characters, plots, plot structure, travel, ICT, problem situation, game, etc.).

8. Compliance with hygienic conditions for organizing group space, placing equipment and materials

9. Contents of the OOD________________________________________________

Underline what is used in the lesson:

Combined OOD

(a combination of different types of activities or several didactic tasks that do not have logical connections with each other (after drawing there is an outdoor game).

Comprehensive OOD

(implementation of tasks by means of different types of activities with associative connections between them. In this case, one type of activity dominates, and the second complements it, creates an emotional mood (a conversation about fire safety rules turns into drawing a poster on the topic).

Integrated OOD

(combine knowledge from different educational fields on an equal basis, complementing each other (considering such a concept as “mood” through works of music, literature, painting).

*Where possible, add your comments and your opinion.

Preschool teacher _________________________________ Full name

_________________________________ painting

Scheme of analysis of a lesson on retelling what was read

For example, if the topic of the lesson is retelling a story, the report notes that the goal is to develop the ability to consistently and expressively repeat what is heard.

To do this, the following skills must be instilled: listen carefully to the text, understand the content, speak loudly and expressively without embarrassment, answer the questions posed in complete sentences.

Such activities play a developing role; they train memory and attention. During such a lesson, children should treat each other with respect, show patience, and provide support, which stimulates social and communicative development.

Analysis of an open lesson

When analyzing the lesson plan in kindergarten, it is noted that children learned to break the text into parts, the ability to use the singular, plural, and change words using endings in the necessary cases was consolidated. Thematic pictures were used during the lesson, the structure of the lesson was logically justified. The teacher managed to attract and interest the children and maintain their attention throughout the lesson. The training room was well prepared and ventilated. The children did some exercise during the lesson. The teacher was recommended to more actively encourage individual successes and try to see the characteristics of each child.

Analysis of lessons, the teacher’s thoughtful attitude to the educational process, and attentive attitude towards each child will certainly help make classes useful and interesting.


Analysis of classes in kindergarten: methodological aspects of implementation

Analysis of classes in kindergarten: methodological aspects of implementation

The main task of a modern kindergarten is to help families raise a harmoniously developed child: inquisitive, physically healthy, capable of empathy, and understanding the value of friendship and family. Therefore, a teacher of a preschool educational institution (DOU) is required to be in the context of what is happening in modern methods of working with children. And in order to find out whether this requirement successfully correlates with the educational process, classroom analyzes are regularly carried out in kindergartens.

Goals and objectives of analyzing a lesson in a preschool educational institution Monitoring a lesson in a preschool educational institution can be carried out in two types: self-analysis, or reflective analysis; analysis by those present, or problematic, which is carried out by colleagues, methodologists, and the management of the preschool educational institution. This is interesting. Analysis of classes in the senior and preparatory groups can be carried out by primary school teachers who will work with children in grades 1–4. In this case, the purpose of attending the lesson will be to assess the level of preparation of children for school. Self-analysis is carried out by the teacher in order to identify methodological shortcomings, organizational miscalculations, as well as determine the level of children’s mastery of the curriculum. Analysis of the lesson allows you to see methodological and organizational failures in the work of the teacher. Problem analysis is intended to diagnose: the quality of the implementation of the educational program that determines the principles of operation of a particular kindergarten; the effectiveness of the methods used to work with children; the level of professional skill of the teacher in selecting material and presenting it using techniques for interacting with children; compliance of the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of preschoolers with the accepted requirements designated by the Federal State Educational Standard. The tasks of diagnosing classes in kindergarten are: assessing the accuracy and realism of the lesson goal (that is, the ratio of time for implementation with the level of preparedness of the children, their abilities and capabilities); tracking the integration of different areas of education within one lesson (that is, fulfilling one of the main requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, based on combining types of activities from different areas of education - drawing in mathematics, or counting in physical education); psychological validity of the content of the material and the form of the lesson (implementation of an integrated approach to choosing a topic through different types of interaction based on the joint activities of children and the teacher - games, conversations, etc.); monitoring the progress of the lesson (evaluating both the content of the selection of material and organizational aspects, such as motivating children to work, maintaining interest throughout the lesson, summing up); the level of children’s mastery of the material; methodological literacy of the teacher (creating a situation of success for each child in the classroom, implementing an individual approach, that is, the ability to both see and “feel” each student). Techniques for conducting analysis To monitor a lesson, three types of techniques are used. Verbal techniques Analysis of a lesson involves an oral presentation in the form of a report at the teachers' council (small if the analysis is carried out immediately after the lesson, or large if monitoring is part of the development of a methodological problem by a senior educator about the progress of work in a preschool educational institution). With the exception of cases when, when conducting competitions of pedagogical skills, the teacher is required to compile a methodological folder, including, among other things, several written self-analysis of classes. In general, the completed tables according to the analysis criteria are presented orally. An oral presentation of the analysis is made on the basis of the monitoring map. Observation This is the main way of obtaining data for analysis. With the help of observation, the person analyzing the organization of direct educational activities (DEA) makes a conclusion about: the methodological equipment of the lesson, that is, the correspondence of the set of visuals to the topic, the level of the children (for the first younger group, an illustration about spring with flying birds and melted snow is quite enough, but pictures of sowing garden and cereal crops will be superfluous); psychological climate in the lesson (for example, does the teacher find the “key” to all children, including hyperactive, inattentive ones; for example, in the older group such children can be involved in reading poems or riddles that illustrate the topic); methodological knowledge of the teacher, that is, how the teacher varies the methods of interaction with the children depending on the complexity of the material, the experience of the children or their general physical condition (for example, in a lesson on speech development after a physical education lesson, you should not give children an outdoor game as a physical education lesson, it is better limit yourself to finger gymnastics). Practical techniques for analyzing lesson notes It is understood that before attending the lesson, the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the children in the group and the self-analysis of the types of direct educational activities will be studied. After the lesson, the teacher provides the inspector with a summary of the lesson, which is considered not only from the point of view of the selected materials for work, techniques, but also from the point of view of the correct execution of such documents (indication of the topic, goals, objectives, description of the course of the lesson, expected results). This is interesting. Indicating the expected results in the lesson notes allows the examiner to adequately evaluate the techniques chosen for interaction in the lesson. For example, if one of the expected results was memorizing a new rhyme, then this fully justifies the fact that the poem in class was repeated 2-3 times at all stages of the lesson, and not just once in the introductory part, which is enough to get acquainted with the topic. Analysis of the notes allows you to see the consistency of the structure of the lesson and the consistency in the choice of methodological techniques for developing a specific topic. What types of activities are analyzed. Monitoring is carried out in open classes or ongoing ones, regardless of their educational focus: speech development; formation of elementary mathematical concepts (FEMP); formation of a holistic picture of the world (FCCM); music activity; speech therapy session; choreography; physical training; basics of literacy. This is interesting. Schemes for analyzing physical education and choreography will differ in content from diagnostics in other classes. In addition, it is mandatory to conduct an analysis of educational activities within the framework of: walks; matinee; entertainment. This is interesting. If in classes of direct educational activities, special emphasis in the analysis is placed on the organization of cognitive activity (for example, conducting a didactic game) and physical development, then in the diagnosis of matinees and entertainment, an important element of analysis is social and communicative activity. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, not only activities are analyzed, but also entertainment and walks. Analysis schemes Monitoring schemes may differ in structure and goals depending on the indicators being studied: general analysis, which gives a general idea of ​​the activity, which is more subjective in nature; pedagogical analysis, designed to give a detailed description of the form and content of the lesson, as well as the activities of the teacher and children, having a point system for assessing each analyzed criterion; psychological diagnostics, which allows, through organized educational activities, to assess the emotional contact of the teacher with the audience of children; analysis of routine moments (usually includes monitoring of the first half of the day). General analysis is carried out as an element of constant methodological control in preschool educational institutions, as well as to evaluate the activities of student trainees. Pedagogical analysis is a mandatory event during the certification campaign for teachers, and is also considered an integral element of the package of documents for participation in pedagogical excellence competitions. Algorithm for conducting a general analysis of a lesson in a preschool educational institution The topic of the lesson. The date of the. Full name of the teacher indicating regalia. Name of the group and age of the children. What goals and objectives are key in the lesson. Compliance with the structure of the lesson with the Federal State Educational Standard, that is, the presence of an introductory part, a main part, stages of consolidation and summing up. How well the selected techniques and tasks correspond to the level of development of the children (give an assessment for each type of work within each stage of the lesson). Is an individual approach implemented in the lesson? Evaluation of the teacher’s actions, indicating both positive and negative aspects of the work. Moreover, it is important to summarize the activities of the teacher, including from the point of view of the children, that is, which selected types of work they liked and which they did not and why. Results for the lesson as a whole with an assessment of the teacher’s personal qualities that contribute to or hinder the implementation of the educational process. For example, if the teacher is phlegmatic by temperament, and the majority of children are choleric, then perhaps the change in types of activities does not occur very dynamically. An example of an analysis of a lesson on speech development Date: 11/26/16. Group: “Sun” Teachers: Kolmychenko A.I., Pavlova S.V. Lesson: Speech development, drawing. Topic: “Give Good” Goal: developing ideas about peace, love, goodness. The lesson I watched was prepared and conducted in accordance with the group program and the volume of program content. The lesson corresponded to the level of development of children in this group. Characteristics of the teacher’s activities: when working with children, teachers used the following techniques to solve the assigned tasks: visual techniques (showing illustrations, samples), verbal techniques (the teacher’s story, children’s answers), practical techniques (drawing). The teachers were attentive to taking into account the individual characteristics of the children when preparing the lesson. Characteristics of children’s activities: children easily learned the new material presented. The atmosphere of the class was favorable. The children were active in dialogues with teachers and attentive in mastering new material. It was also noticeable that the children experienced positive emotions throughout the lesson: joy, surprise, fun. During the lesson, the optimal balance between dialogic and monologue communication between teachers and children was observed. The appearance of the teachers was neat, neat, and encouraged the children to communicate and work in class, especially since costume elements were used. There was a psychological distance “nearby”, i.e. children felt comfortable interacting with teachers. The conditions met sanitary and hygienic requirements. The activity, in my opinion, can be considered productive and useful for both children and observers.

ov/ General analysis is an element of the constant methodological control of the preschool educational institution Table: diagram of the detailed analysis map Purpose of attending the lesson: Full name of the teacher, regalia: Date: Lesson: Topic: No. Indicators Points 1 Goal setting Correspondence of the purpose and objectives of the lesson to the topic and selected content . Targets have been defined. 2 Preparation for lesson 2.1. The ability to create a “skeleton” of a lesson and use it creatively (make changes to the course of the lesson). 2.2. Selection of demonstration and handout material, modern teaching aids. Their rational use in the classroom. 2.3. Preliminary work with children (if necessary). 3 Lesson structure 3.1. Clear tracing of the structural parts of the lesson. 3.2. Each part of the lesson plays a specific role in solving problems. 3.3. Optimal allocation of time for each part of the lesson. 4 Contents of the lesson 4.1. The content of the lesson corresponds to the program material. 4.2. The material being studied is accessible and corresponds to the age characteristics of children. 4.3. There is a connection between the studied material and practice; there was reliance on the life experience of children in order to develop cognitive activity and independence. 4.4. The connection between the material being studied and previously covered material, the integrative nature of the lesson, and the connection with other classes can be traced. 5. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements 5.1. Satisfaction of children's physical activity (rest during the lesson). 5.2. Changing poses during class. 5.3. Monitoring the correct posture of children while working at tables. 5.4. Compliance of the duration of the lesson with sanitary and hygienic requirements. 6. Creation of the cognitive sphere of the lesson The lesson or most of it takes place on a high emotional and intellectual high, as a result a feeling of satisfaction from teamwork is born, a desire to repeat and consolidate success. 7. Teaching methods used 7.1. Children's search activity is stimulated using various methods. 7.2. The teacher does not forget about the methods that motivate the learning process. 7.3. Methods of self-organization of cognitive work of preschoolers are skillfully applied. 8. Organization of children's activities 8.1. The activity is developmental in nature in the communicative, creative and cognitive spheres. 8.2. Children accept creative and problematic situations in classes, which indicates the degree of trust between the teacher and students. 9. Interaction between the teacher and children 9.1. The teacher encourages students’ initiative, creates conditions for emotional openness and trust. 9.2. The teacher, together with the students, creates opportunities for personal self-realization. 10. The teacher’s speech and its meaning in the lesson 10.1. The teacher’s speech enriches the lesson material. 10.2. In monologues, the teacher thoughtfully uses pauses, rhetorical and problematic questions, and creates emotional climaxes. 10.3. The emotional and intellectual richness of speech supports the cognitive activity of students and encourages creativity. 11 Educational side of the lesson. 11.1. The teacher carries out moral, aesthetic, labor education, etc. through the content of program material, methods and forms of work. 11.2. The teacher (his demeanor, speech, professional skills) serves as a positive example to follow. 11.3. A value-based attitude between the teacher and students is developed and vice versa. 12 Monitoring and correction of children’s activities. 12.1. Control is carried out in the system, the activities of students are unobtrusively adjusted. 12.2. Preschoolers have the skills of self- and mutual control. 12.3. Children master simple methods of self-analysis and reflection. 13 Lesson effectiveness 13.1. Everyone has mastered the lesson material, and the prospects for further learning have been determined. 13.2. The pupils received an incentive for independent cognitive activity. 13.3. The educational effect of the lesson is high (from the acceptance of moral norms and responsibilities to the desire to understand oneself and one’s place in the world). Total points: Evaluation criteria: 0 points. – the indicator does not appear; 1 b. – manifests itself partially; 2 b. – manifests itself in full. 60–70 b. – optimal level; 35–48 b. – permissible level; 49–59 b. - enough level; less than 50 b. – critical level. Lesson attended: Table: diagram of psychological analysis of a lesson in kindergarten Questions for consideration Yes No Partially Note Psychological monitoring of children’s activity: children are active in class; children perceive the teacher positively; During the lesson, the children are in a good mood. Psychological and pedagogical assessment of the lesson: organizational level of the lesson (general mood in the lesson, use of games as elements of organization); the ratio of monologues and dialogues in children’s communication with the teacher (whose monologue/dialogue speech predominates or is equally correlated); compliance of work methods in the classroom with the age-related psychological and physiological development of children (does the teacher provide an individual approach when conducting a lesson). Psychological diagnostics of the teacher’s activity: the presence of a distance between the teacher and the children (“above”, “under”, “next to”, “together”); sociability (the ability to find an approach to the group and to each child); the teacher’s appearance (posture, facial expressions, pantomime, style and restraint in clothing and hairstyle). Date of analysis: Group: Educator - Full name: Inspector - Full name: Files of schemes for analyzing classes of different educational orientations With schemes for analyzing GCDs of different directions, routine moments (walks, organization of the first half of the day), as well as the rules for attending classes and events can be found in the selection of preschool education methodologist N.V. Nikolaeva, presented here Video: example of a general analysis of a lesson on moral and patriotic education of preschoolers Video: analysis of a lesson in a preparatory group by primary school teachers in order to determine the level of readiness of children to school Analysis of classes and other types of educational activities in kindergarten is an obligatory element of the methodological work of teachers. The monitoring schemes recommended by the Federal State Educational Standard allow for a comprehensive study of the effectiveness of the implementation of the educational program, as well as the effectiveness of the methods of interaction with children chosen by the teacher. All this allows us to improve the quality of the educational process aimed at the harmonious and comprehensive development of preschool children. Author: Natalya Vasylishin Print Higher philological education, 11 years of experience teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective view of modernity are the key lines of my 31-year life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improvement. Rate this article: 54321 Share with friends! Similar posts: Methodological aspects of carrying out work before bedtime in kindergarten How to analyze an open lesson in kindergarten Methodological foundations for preparing and conducting games on traffic rules in kindergarten Yandex.Direct Courses for preschool teachers! Distance courses! Diploma! According to the Federal State Educational Standard! FIPKiP! Recruitment is underway! All around Russia! fipkip.ruAddress and telephone Contest of educators. Participation from 25 rubles! All-Russian competition (Moscow). Diploma in 1 minute! Only prizes! Publications! Official website of AK Moravia Sochi Sale of apartments with sea views. 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Analysis of classes in kindergarten: methodological aspects of implementation

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