Project at the preschool educational institution “Useful and entertaining advice from Uncle Zhora Lampochkin”

Project at the preschool educational institution “Useful and entertaining advice from Uncle Zhora Lampochkin”

  • May 27, 2015

Conference “Project activity in an educational institution - 2015”
Nomination “Pedagogical project in a preschool institution”

Relevance of the project topic. One of the most pressing problems of the modern world is saving electrical energy and finding ways to conserve energy resources. In the process of implementing the task of developing the fundamentals of energy saving in preschoolers, a contradiction between the need to carry out this work on the basis of material that preschoolers can understand, and the presence in the methodological literature and Internet resources of information and reference materials that solve this problem.

The idea of ​​resolving this contradiction is to develop and implement a project to teach preschoolers the basics of energy saving, the participants of which are teachers, preschoolers and their parents. Joint work on the project will increase the interest of preschoolers and their parents in the problem of energy saving, expand their knowledge in this area, and will also help strengthen parent-child relationships in the process of joint activities.

The goal of the project: to educate preschool children of an elementary culture of energy saving through the organization of various types of joint activities of the teacher, students and their parents.

Project objectives.

For pupils:

1. Enrichment and systematization of preschool children’s knowledge about electricity and methods of its generation.

2. Development of interest in the problem of saving energy resources.

3. Development of skills of economical behavior in relation to energy resources.

4. Development of intellectual abilities in preschoolers, the ability to compare facts, phenomena, objects, compare and analyze them.

5. Improving skills in working with an interactive whiteboard and multimedia equipment.

For the teacher:

1. Creating conditions for familiarizing pupils with energy resources and their production through enriching the subject-development environment and a system of activities with pupils and their parents.

2. Consolidating skills in organizing project activities with preschool children.

3. Development of ICT competence of the teacher.

4. Formation of skills in working with an interactive whiteboard, multimedia equipment and Internet resources.

For parents:

1. Involving parents and other family members of pupils in joint activities and participation in preschool educational institutions projects.

2. Activation of the creative potential of parents of pupils.

3. Ensuring favorable, emotionally rich relationships between parents and children.

4. Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents, enriching their educational experience.

Type of project: informational, research, creative.

Project duration: short-term (5 weeks).

Project implementation period: October 2014 – November 2014.

Project participants: teachers, children of senior preschool age, parents.

Project leader: senior teacher.

Project working group: teachers of senior and preparatory school groups.

Expected results:

1. Expanding the horizons of preschoolers about energy resources and the culture of energy saving.

2. Development of energy-saving behavior skills among students and their parents.

3. Development in pupils of curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity and the ability to use acquired knowledge in various activities and behavior.

4. Harmonization of parent-child relationships.

5. Development of ICT competence of teachers, students and their parents.

Project product: an electronic book “Useful and Entertaining Advice from Uncle Zhora Lampochkin” created by teachers, students and parents in joint activities, containing text, photo, audio and video information that is understandable and usable for children of senior preschool age.

Stages of project activities.

1. Preparatory stage – 1 week.

2. Practical stage – 3 weeks.

The materials accumulated during the implementation of the practical stage of the project are summarized in the form of an e-book “Useful and entertaining advice from Uncle Zhora Lampochkin.” The book contains an information block, educational tasks, photographs of the work of preschoolers and their parents, as well as video materials from Internet resources and our own production.

The final stage is 1 week.

Appendix 1. Pedagogical project

Appendix 2. Electronic book.

Author: Elena Vyacheslavovna Oreshenkova, senior teacher at MBDOU DS No. 24 in the city of Smolensk.

“Energy saving is everyone’s concern.” Entertainment for middle group children (4–5 years old)

Svetlana RAIBE, music director of the highest category, State Educational Institution “Nursery-Garden No. 14 in Smorgon”, Grodno region

Program objectives: to form in children an understanding of the rules of frugality and economy, to develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships and dependencies, and to apply them in everyday life; develop creativity, imagination, curiosity, independent judgment; cultivate economically significant qualities (thrift, hard work, thrift)

Materials and equipment : multimedia, costume (adult) of Masya’s fixie, a city built from modules, illustrations for the game “You can - you can’t”, a flashlight for the game “Wires”, lanterns made from hoops for the plot dance “Lanterns”; for theatricalization - animal caps (mice, frogs, bunnies, foxes, bears), a window made of polystyrene foam, an energy-saving light bulb; children's hammer, mouse broom, children's kitchen with faucet, electronic records for playing games.

Progress of the event

Musical director. Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to our music hall. Look how many guests we have in the hall. Let us greet them musically.


Musical director. Guys. Do you like cartoons? (We love it!)

Musical director. Who can tell me what kind of cartoon this is?

Multimedia song about Fixiki and Fixik Masya enters the hall.


I am Fixik, very small, but remote! I smile playfully - I am smart, kind and handsome!

– And I’m also from the city of Economy! And my good friends live in that city, but lately nothing has been known about them. I'm very worried, maybe something bad happened to them? But it’s also very scary to go alone.

Musical director. Guys, let's help Masya. (Let's)

Musical director . Close your eyes and repeat the magic words.

I’ll close my eyes, I’ll turn around myself, I’ll find myself in a land of economy!

Children perform, magical music sounds. When the children close their eyes, the music director moves the screen aside, and there a city is built from modules.

Educator. Look, guys, we are in the city of Savings! But to get there, we need to solve riddles.

In this white chest we store food on the shelves. It’s hot outside. There’s a refrigerator in the chest. (Fridge)

He inhales a lot of dust to keep us healthy. (Vacuum cleaner) V. Fetisov

Hisses with displeasure, Bites painfully, It’s dangerous to leave him alone. You have to get along with him, And you can pet him. But you shouldn’t pet him! (Iron) V. Azbukin

A house on legs, There is a window in the middle. The window will light up - A movie will appear. (TV)

Masya. Well done guys, you guessed the riddles correctly, I suggest you sit down.

Educator. Tell me, what do all these items have in common? (They have a cord and plug that plugs them all into an outlet.)

Educator . These are electrical appliances. They are called that because they run on electricity.

Masya. What other electrical appliances do you know? (Washing machine, microwave, electric kettle)

Educator. What is electricity? Tell us, fixie Masya.

Masya. Electricity is like a lot of little angry bees running around on the wires and making the appliances work.

Educator. To make it clearer, let's play a game.

Game "Wire"

Educator. I will be the socket, and you will be the wire. Children hold hands, line up, and squat down. At one end of the wire there is a socket (teacher), at the other there is an electrical appliance (child). The teacher takes the hand of the last child (electricity started flowing through the wire). The children take turns standing up, creating a wave motion when the last child stands up (turns on the flashlight).

Masya. It is impossible to see the current, and there is no point in trying. Electricity is invisible. You should always remember that children should not touch sockets, plugs, or turn electrical appliances on and off. This can only be done by adults.

Educator. What should you do to save energy?

Children's answers:

– always turn off the lights when you leave the house;

– do not turn on many electrical appliances;

– do not turn on the lights in sunny weather;

– do not leave the radio and TV on if you are no longer listening or watching them.

Masya. You can also use flashlights to save electricity. Look at the lanterns in my city.

Dance of the Lanterns

Educator. Masya, you can save not only energy, but also water, heat and gas, listen.

1 Take care of the light, people! We have no life without light. If there were no light, We would live - I don’t know how? A person would not have any blessings for life. (I. Kuntsevich)

2 Close the tap tightly so that the ocean does not leak out. Don’t waste water - know how to value water . ( V. Viktorov)

3 A drop flows out of the tap in vain - Throwing our money down the drain. Just a drop, people, stop! Save rivers, lakes, seas! (R. Skorobukh)

4 Adults and children know: Gas is our best friend: We need it in every home, The world around us is reliable with it.

All children.

We understand all this and save resources!

Educator. Guys, if we save money, we can buy a lot of useful things.


If you save up money, (“They count the money”) You can buy a lot: (“They put the money in the wallet”) There are candies - first grade. (Make a spring, hands on the belt) Economics will help you save money correctly. (Lean left and right, back and forth, hands on the belt). This is why, friends, we need, I think, to be friends with the economy and what we want to buy. (Perform jumps in place with clapping) (D. Chernova (reworked))

Masya. Well done boys! And now I want to check with you whether you know whether this can be done or not. If possible, you run to the green house, if not, then to the red one. (Houses near the central wall in the city).

– The child did not turn off the iron and went for a walk outside. (You can also show pictures) – Dad watched the TV and turned it off. – He washed himself and forgot to turn off the tap. – When leaving the house, we turned off the lights. – It’s frosty outside, and the window is not sealed. – Mom cooked food and turned off the gas stove.

Masya. Great guys, you are so attentive!

Educator. Masya, what kind of beautiful house is this?

Masya. And this is a mansion, but who lives in it?

Musical director.

The guys and I know. (The teacher puts on hats) We want to show you a show about energy saving. The fairy tale “Teremok in a new way” Invites adults and children to visit!

All the children sing:

There is a little mansion in a field, It is neither low, nor high, nor tall. Like a mouse running across a field, across a field, it stops at the door and knocks.

Mouse. There is no one, I will live here. I'll go put things in order. (Takes a broom and sweeps.

All the children sing:

There is a little mansion in a field, It is neither low, nor high, nor high. Like a frog running across a field, a field, Stops at the door and knocks.

Frog. Knock Knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?

Mouse. I'm a little mouse, and who are you?

Frog . And I'm a frog. Let's live together, I'll fix the tap. You see yours is faulty, a lot of water is wasted. And we need to save water.

All the children sing:

There is a little mansion in a field, It is neither low, nor high, nor tall. Like a bunny running across a field, a field, it stops at the door and knocks.

Bunny. Knock Knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?

Mouse. I'm a little mouse.

Frog. I'm a frog frog.

Together . And who are you?

Bunny. I'm a runaway bunny. Let's live together. I’ll insulate your window so that all the heat doesn’t escape through the cracks. (Insulates)

All the children sing:

There is a little mansion in a field, It is neither low, nor high, nor tall. Like a fox running across a field,

Fox. Knock Knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?

Mouse. I'm a little mouse.

Frog. I'm a frog frog.

Bunny. And I'm a runaway bunny.

Together . And who are you?

Fox. And I am a fox-sister. Let's live together. I have a light bulb that saves electricity. (Shows)

All the children sing:

There is a little mansion in a field, It is neither low, nor high, nor tall. Like a bear running across a field, a field, Stops at the door and knocks.

Bear . Knock Knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?

Mouse. I'm a little mouse.

Frog. I'm a frog frog.

Bunny. And I'm a runaway bunny.

Chanterelle. I'm a little fox sister.

Together . And who are you?

Bear. I'm a clumsy bear. Let's live together. I’ll fix the roof, it’s completely leaky (Knocks with a hammer).

Musical director.

The whole world needs to try, So that you don’t be left in the house without heat. And if so, get down to business, So that the roof in the house survives . (Sh. Ikramutdinov (reworked))


Take care always, take care everywhere, Take care of you, him and me! The more we save together, the better we will all live!


So we learned about how animals take care of their common home, water, warmth, electricity - there are no wiser people in the world!

Masya. You guys are great, you know everything, stay in my city of Fixikov.

Educator. Thank you, Masya, we would love to, but it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. We close our eyes and repeat the magic words.

I’ll close my eyes, I’ll turn around myself, I’ll find myself in kindergarten.

Educator. Here we are in the garden, it’s time for us to return to the group. Let's say goodbye to everyone.

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