“Features of conducting physical education classes for young children” methodological development

Article: “Physical education in kindergarten”

Starting from the second junior group, three classes per week are planned. Their duration in the junior group is at least 15 minutes, in the middle group - at least 20 minutes, in the senior group - at least 25 minutes, in the preparatory group - 30 minutes. If children have sportswear and there are no medical contraindications, one of the three physical education classes in the senior and preparatory groups should be held outdoors year-round. For regions of the middle zone in the winter season, physical education classes on the site, as well as walking for children 5–7 years old, are not carried out at air temperatures below –20°C and wind speeds of more than 15 m/sec. In the warm season, under favorable weather conditions, it is recommended to conduct the maximum number of activities outdoors. There are various options for conducting physical education classes:

traditional classes;

classes consisting of a set of outdoor games of high, medium and low intensity;

classes – training in basic types of movements;

Rhythmic gymnastics;

classes-competitions, where children identify the winners during various relay races of two teams;

test classes, during which children pass physical education standards;

story-based activities, etc.

Physical education and health work includes morning exercises, outdoor games and physical exercises on walks (morning and evening), and a physical exercise minute. Morning exercise helps to awaken the child’s body, moderately affects the muscular system, activates the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other body systems, stimulates the work of internal organs and sensory organs, promotes the formation of correct posture, good gait, and prevents the occurrence of flat feet. Morning exercises are valuable because children develop the habit and need to do physical exercise every day in the morning. In addition, it provides an organized start to the day in kindergarten and makes it possible to switch children’s attention to joint forms of activity. The duration of morning exercises in the 1st junior group is 4-5 minutes, in the 2nd junior group - 5-6 minutes, in the middle group - 6-8 minutes, in the senior group - 8-10 minutes, in the preparatory group - 10-12 minutes. The optimal place for morning exercises in the warm season is the group's playgrounds, and in the cold season - the group room. Depending on the ambient temperature, children exercise in lightweight clothing or panties. In the health complex of morning exercises, in addition to general developmental exercises. They include breathing exercises and special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and foot. Health jogging of varying intensity for 3 minutes. Particular attention is paid to improving the functions of external respiration, for which children are taught to combine movement with inhalation and exhalation, include so-called “breathing exercises” with the pronunciation of sounds and syllables, and pay attention to the formation of correct nasal breathing. Children's stay in the fresh air is of great importance for physical development. Walking is the first and most accessible means of hardening a child’s body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially colds. During the walk, children play and move a lot. Movement increases metabolism, blood circulation, gas exchange, and improves appetite. Children learn to overcome various obstacles, become more agile, dexterous, courageous, and resilient. They develop motor skills and abilities, strengthen the muscular system, and increase vitality. Properly organized and thoughtful walks help to achieve the goals of the comprehensive development of children. Children are allowed to spend up to four hours a day outdoors. In summer this time increases significantly. The daily routine of the kindergarten includes a daytime walk after classes and an evening walk after afternoon tea. The time allotted for walking must be strictly observed. On the site there are places for outdoor games and the development of children's movements: climbing fences (triangular, tetrahedral and hexagonal), a log for balance exercises, a slide, equipment for jumping and throwing exercises. All this should have an attractive appearance, be durable, well processed, secured and appropriate for the age of the children. Planning the content of children's activities during a walk depends on the time of year, weather, previous activities, interests and age. An important component of organized physical activity is outdoor games played during a walk in the first half of the day. To achieve an optimal training effect, use high-intensity outdoor games, sports games, competition games, relay races or running at an increasing pace for 3–5 minutes, depending on age (1–2 games or jogging, alternating them with periods of independent activity). In the summer, outdoor play is supplemented with elements of hardening (playing with water). They develop basic movements, relieve mental stress from classes, and develop moral qualities. An outdoor game can be played at the beginning of a walk if the activities involved children sitting for a long time. If they go for a walk after a music or physical education lesson, then the game can be played in the middle of the walk or half an hour before it ends. The choice of game depends on the time of year, weather, air temperature. On cold days, it is advisable to start your walk with games of greater mobility associated with running, throwing, and jumping. Fun and exciting games help children cope better with cold weather. In damp, rainy weather (especially in spring and autumn), sedentary games that do not require a lot of space should be organized. Games with jumping, running, throwing, and balance exercises should also be carried out on warm spring, summer days and early autumn. During walks, plotless folk games with objects can be widely used, and in older groups - elements of sports games: volleyball, basketball, gorodki, badminton, table tennis, football, hockey. In addition to outdoor games and individual exercises in basic movements, sports activities (exercises) are also organized during the walk. During the walk, the teacher makes sure that all the children are busy, not bored, and that no one gets cold or overheated. He attracts very active children to participate in calmer games. About half an hour before the end of the walk, the teacher organizes quiet games. The right combination of different types of daily physical exercise and outdoor games helps to ensure rational motor activity for children. Mastering the program material in the classroom is the basis for all physical education and recreational activities and independent exercises and games for children.

“Features of conducting physical education classes for young children” methodological development

“Movement is health,

Movement is joy

Movement - development"


Features of physical education classes at an early age.

Issues of health conservation are the most relevant in the educational concepts of kindergartens. The goals of implementation of the educational field “Physical Development”, defined by the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), are:

-Development of indicators of such physical qualities as speed, strength, endurance, flexibility and the ability to coordinate their movements;

-Replenishment of luggage with the first movements (running, walking, jumping);

training correct posture and stable body position;

- Fostering a conscious need for physical activity.

Movement is one of the leading lines of development of young children. It is in childhood that vitally important basic locomotor skills and abilities are formed, the foundation of motor experience is created, the ABC of movement is mastered, from the elements of which all human motor activity is subsequently formed. In addition, children’s physical activity is both a condition and a stimulating factor for the development of intellectual, emotional and other areas.

Therefore, educational activities in the field of physical education are designed not only to develop motor skills and abilities, but also to help maintain the mental health of younger preschool children.

Physical education for children aged 1.5–3 years is carried out three times a week. If the weather permits, then one of them is organized outdoors. Physical education classes are one of the vectors for implementing the tasks of the educational direction “Physical Education”, therefore the topics are consistent with the topics of other areas, which is reflected in long-term planning. In addition, drawing up a plan allows you to rationally group the types of activities of children and select play exercises to achieve the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Organization and methodology of physical education classes.

Physical education lesson

– the main form of teaching children physical exercises, has an educational focus.

Each lesson should include several diverse games, replacing each other. It is important that calm games are combined with active ones, and vice versa. In order for knowledge, skills and abilities to be consolidated, it is necessary to repeat what has been learned many times. Children's attention is involuntary and short-lived; taking this fact into account, it is necessary to plan the lesson in advance in order to avoid overwork. Young children are characterized by imaginative thinking and relatively little motor experience, so demonstrating movements in physical education classes is of paramount importance. Kids need a positive assessment of their activities at every stage of the lesson. Positive emotions and emotional saturation of classes are the main conditions for teaching children movements. Interest has a positive effect on children's physical activity.

The basis for constructing a lesson is its structure.

The structure of a physical education lesson is presented in three parts


-Introductory part or preparatory part (1-2 min.)

-Basic (8-10 min.)

— Final (1-3 min.)

Introductory part

includes exercises that have a stimulating effect on the child’s entire body. Dynamic exercises: various options for walking, running, jumping. Exercises for attention, dance steps, exercises for shaping the foot.

Main part

includes gymnastic exercises aimed at training various muscle groups and improving coordination abilities. The structure of the main part includes consistent training, consolidation and improvement of the main types of movement. In addition, these movements are actively implemented by children in outdoor games.

Final part

represented by relaxation exercises and breathing exercises. Their goal is to ensure maximum restoration of body functions in a fairly short period of time. For this, breathing exercises are used, which can be combined with calm walking, as well as relaxation and low-mobility games.

The recommended number of children in a group for physical development classes and their duration depends on the age of the children


(according to Ilyina)

Children's age from 1 year up to 1g.6m from 1 year 7m. before

2 years

from 2 years 1 m.

up to 3 years

over 3 years old
Number of children 2-4 4-6 8-12 Whole group


6-8 min. 8-10 min. 10-15 min. 15 minutes.

Types of physical education classes in the first junior group:


in which exercises of a different nature are practiced, grouped under a common theme;


, that is, classes conducted on behalf of a fairy-tale character (a toy or a teacher in an appropriate costume, for example, a bear, a hare, a bun, etc.);

Rhythmic gymnastics

(for example, organized according to the type of awakening gymnastics).


(for example, doing an outdoor activity with your parents or going to the pool).

As a rule, you can use elements of all types of classes in one, which allows you to diversify the set of exercises, and also contributes to the comprehensive development of children within the time allotted in the lesson.

With the youngest children, only general developmental exercises are practiced, that is, tasks that include individual or combined movements that can be performed and at the same time affect specific muscle groups, which allows you to dose the load.

Ways to organize children in class:




With the frontal method of organization, all children simultaneously perform the same exercise or perform different movements at the same time. The frontal method of organization ensures constant interaction between the teacher and children.

Group method - provides the opportunity for a small group of children to independently practice familiar movements, which allows the teacher to teach another group a motor action. After the children complete the task several times, the subgroups change places.

With the individual method, the child does the exercise independently, and the teacher checks the quality of performance and gives appropriate instructions.

During one lesson, you can alternate ways of organizing children.

Methodological techniques for physical education classes

When working with children aged 1.5–3 years, the teacher will need all types of techniques that allow them to realize the goals and objectives of classes in a specific educational area, and quickly adapt children to new conditions of interaction with peers and adults in general.

Visual techniques

The transition from the manipulative to the visual-figurative type of thinking of children of the first junior group determines the value of visibility in the classroom, which is embodied:


depicting children or cartoon characters engaged in physical education, including demonstrating the order of performing an exercise or game (for example, finger play);

accompaniment to speech means (for example, pictures with heroes of riddles or poems, literary characters on the topic);

character toys for activities


attributes for the lesson

(gymnastic sticks, balls, massage balls, skittles, hoops, etc.);


, that is, the teacher performs all exercises and game actions as a visual explanation of the task;

Speech techniques

Children aged 1.5–3 years are just beginning to master speech, so the word plays an important role in working with them, even though physical education classes, in fact, do not involve lengthy monologues and dialogues. Speech techniques in physical education classes not only explain tasks, but also motivate children to work.


This speech technique in the first junior group has a number of features. Firstly, the sentences should be short, and secondly, the teacher’s statements should be based on words familiar to the kids. So, for example, from personal experience I can say that I structure the explanation of the exercise “Crawl to the goal” as follows: “You must crawl, like very little kids, to the rattle. Explanations should be filled with gestures and facial expressions, thus enriching children’s repertoire of expressive means.


As noted above, children of the first junior group are just beginning to speak, so dialogue with them, and conversation presupposes precisely this form of interaction, will be difficult. However, you shouldn’t refuse to take the class: the questions need to be formulated so that the kids can answer “yes” or “no,” and also using the words they have mastered. For example, before performing general developmental exercises, the teacher asks:

“Guys, we don’t like being sick, right?”;

“To drive away all diseases, you need to do physical exercise. Will we drive away diseases with you?;


Rhymes are usually used to motivate children to begin performing exercises at the introductory stage, and also as pronunciation for finger exercises:

Interesting stories

Children love fairy tales, and even more so if fairy-tale characters come to visit. So, a lesson built after listening to a story can be motivated: “Look, guys: it turns out that in order to achieve something, you need to practice well. Now we will check whether you have learned this rule.”

Gaming techniques

The most productive group of techniques, given that work with children of the first junior group has a playful form. Three types of games are used in physical education classes:

1.Didactic, designed to introduce or generalize the material of the lesson;

2.Moveable, forming the basis of the motor regime in a physical education lesson;

3. Dramatic, presenting the material in images

The role of physical education in the development and education of a preschool child

Preschool age is the most important period for the formation of motor activity. Children strive to satisfy their biological need for movement, and in older preschool age they have a rich creative imagination. With proper guidance, this helps them master complex movement development program material.

By the time they enter school, children should have developed the basic motor skills of walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing, and in some types of sports exercises and games.

Insufficient development of any motor quality in a child reduces his ability to learn new motor actions, as well as his motor activity. In this regard, it is necessary to provide in the planning of program material for physical education classes the relationship of the learning process with the main types of movements and the development of motor qualities and abilities of children.

When conducting physical education classes, the main attention is paid to the formation of motor skills, expanding the motor experience of children, developing physical qualities and abilities, promoting health, and increasing the functional capabilities of preschool children. Various programs of education and training in kindergarten contain requirements for performing physical exercises taking into account age, a list of physical exercises is given, but the amount of knowledge that would allow the formation of a general method of action when using a group of homogeneous movements is not defined.

Basic movements belong to applied motor actions; they are widely used by the child to solve motor problems in play and practical activities. Each such movement can be performed in various ways, only some of which will be appropriate for successfully solving a motor task in a specific situation. It is no coincidence that P. F. Lesgaft emphasized that the tasks of “physical education will consist in the ability to isolate individual movements and compare them with each other, consciously manage them and adapt to obstacles, overcoming them with the greatest possible dexterity and perseverance, in other words, to accustom them with the least possible by labor, in the shortest possible period of time, to consciously produce the greatest physical work or to act gracefully and energetically.”

It should be remembered that physical education is a form of work that provides children with the experience of expedient and health-saving movements.

Objectives of physical education classes

At each lesson, as a rule, a set of interrelated tasks is solved: health-improving, educational and educational. They are aimed at developing rational, economical, conscious movements in the child, accumulating motor experience and transferring it into everyday life.

Health-improving tasks are aimed at creating a healthy lifestyle and cultivating a conscious attitude towards the manifestation of one’s physical activity. They contribute to harmonious psychosomatic development, improvement of the body’s protective functions through hardening, increasing resistance to various diseases, adverse environmental influences, and increasing the child’s performance.

Health objectives are specified taking into account the individual developmental characteristics of the child’s body and are aimed at:

- formation of correct posture; — timely ossification of the musculoskeletal system; - formation of spinal curves; - development of the arches of the feet; — strengthening the ligamentous-articular apparatus; — development of a harmonious physique; - regulation of bone growth and mass; - development of the muscles of the face, torso, legs, arms, shoulder girdle, hands, fingers, neck, eyes, internal organs - heart, blood vessels, respiratory muscles, etc.; Particular attention is paid to the development of extensor muscles.

When developing the content of educational tasks, it is important to pay attention to the development of independence, activity and communication, as well as the formation of the emotional, moral and volitional sphere of children in the process of motor activity.

Educational tasks:

- need for daily exercise; – the ability to rationally use physical exercises in independent motor activity; - acquisition of grace, plasticity, expressiveness of movements; - independence, creativity, initiative; - self-organization, mutual assistance.

In addition, the child develops hygiene skills, the habit of self-care, helping the teacher in conducting and organizing various forms of sports games.

Thanks to physical education:

— favorable conditions are created for the formation of positive character traits (organization, modesty, responsiveness, etc.); — the moral foundations of the individual are laid (self-esteem, justice, camaraderie, mutual assistance, responsibility for the assigned work, the ability to work in a team); — volitional qualities are cultivated (courage, determination, self-confidence, endurance, perseverance in overcoming difficulties, self-control); — a culture of feelings and an aesthetic attitude to physical exercise are instilled.

Educational objectives involve the formation of motor skills and abilities, the development of psychophysical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance, eye, dexterity); development of motor abilities (balance functions, coordination of movements).

In the process of physical education, the child:

— acquires a certain system of knowledge about physical exercises, their structure, health-improving effects on the body; - is aware of his motor actions; - masters physical education and spatial terminology (starting positions, column, line, etc.; back and forth, up and down, etc., gains the necessary knowledge about performing movements, sports exercises and games; - learns the names of objects, equipment, aids, methods and rules for using them; - the child gets to know his body, he develops bodily reflection.

By doing physical exercises, the child enriches knowledge about the surrounding nature. His vocabulary improves, memory, thinking, and imagination develop.

Physical education helps a child become involved in sports. He acquires knowledge about leading world and domestic athletes, which significantly expands his horizons.

The content of the classes consists of physical exercises and games provided for in the program for each age group. When selecting program content, it is important to wisely complicate tasks, observing the principles of systematicity, consistency and accessibility.

Systematicity is manifested in the interrelation of knowledge, skills and abilities. The system of preparatory exercises allows you to move on to mastering a new movement and, relying on it, begin to learn subsequent, more complex material. Regularity, systematicity, and continuity of physical education throughout preschool age ensure the principle of systematicity.

In all age groups, a clear sequence of physical education classes must be observed with the obligatory alternation of loads and rest, as well as consistency, continuity, and interrelationship in the content of the classes .

Structure of a physical education lesson

The structure of the lesson consists of children sequentially performing a set of physical exercises and games. It is determined by the assigned tasks and the performance characteristics of the child’s . The highest level of a child’s depends on the nature of the activity.

The introductory part is aimed at activating children’s attention and gradually preparing the body to perform more complex exercises and increased physical activity, which are planned in the main part of the lesson . This includes: various types of walking, running, hopping, jumping, simple game exercises for attention and coordination of movements, building and rebuilding, exercises for posture, and strengthening the foot. A simple set of obstacle course exercises may be suggested.

The main part solves a set of program tasks: differentiated training in basic types of movements, selected taking into account the level of development of motor activity (MA) of children; development of motor skills and physical qualities; training of functional characteristics of the body. This part of the lesson begins with performing general developmental from various starting positions (standing, sitting, lying). A set of general developmental exercises includes 6-8 exercises:

1-2 – for the arms and shoulder girdle (bending the arms at the elbows, circular rotation, etc.); 1-2 – for the body (bending), etc.; 1-2 – for legs (swing the leg forward, clap under the leg) jumping, skipping, running and walking in place.

After completing the complex, exercises to restore breathing follow. After a set of general developmental , the main types of movements follow. program material on the development of movements for preschool children taking into account the degree of intensity ( high, medium, low ).

Exercises in the main types of movements of varying degrees of intensity can be combined as follows:

- high-intensity exercises are combined with low-intensity exercises; for example, a running high jump goes well with throwing a ball up and catching it with one or two hands; - high-intensity exercises are combined with moderate-intensity exercises; for example, running after the ball and dribbling it with either the right or left hand. - high-intensity exercises are also combined with high-intensity exercises; for example, crawling on a gymnastic bench with pull-ups and running long jumps.

The selection of lesson material involves the use of exercises of a predominantly dynamic nature, aimed at developing various muscle groups.

The main part of the lesson ends with a general outdoor game. Outdoor games, as a rule, are variable in nature: with the complication of the task, changing the distance for running, jumping, throwing, changing the pace of their execution, increasing the number of “traps,” and complicating the rules in the games.

The final part of the physical education lesson is aimed at ensuring a gradual decrease in DA, relieving general agitation and bringing the child’s heart rate to normal. The third part of the lesson includes: fast walking with a gradual slowdown, breathing exercises.

Types of physical education activities

To complete the physical education program, different types of classes are planned.

A traditional type of lesson can be educational, mixed or variable.

The training session is aimed at introducing new program material. A mixed activity helps to learn new movements and improve previously mastered ones. It is based mainly on repetition of the material covered. A variable activity is based on well-known material, but with the inclusion of complicated variants of motor tasks (in outdoor games, on an obstacle course, in relay races).

The training type lesson is aimed at developing the motor and functional abilities of children. It includes a large number of cyclic exercises, elements of acrobatics, and differentiated motor tasks for the development of reaction speed, agility, and endurance.

The game lesson is based on a variety of outdoor games and relay races.

Classes using exercise equipment and sports complexes include a variety of exercises: hanging, climbing a rope, pole, gymnastic wall, rope ladder, exercises on “Health” disks, with expanders, dumbbells, etc. It is important that children acquire certain motor skills and skills, learned to use exercise equipment independently, and mastered techniques.

A lesson of a complex nature (synthesis of different types of activities). As a rule, game exercises such as “Who collected the most objects”, “Collect cubes by color, in pairs, by shape” are used.

Methodological techniques necessary to enhance the motor activity of children in physical education classes:

— rational use of physical education equipment (equipment should be used as much as possible); - inclusion of different ways of organizing children (frontal, continuous, group, shift, circuit training, station, individual); — explanation of tasks and demonstration of exercises; - activation of the child’s mental activity (use of spatial terminology; - variability of outdoor games, methods of complicating them.

An important indicator of the effectiveness of physical education classes is physical activity, which can satisfy children’s need for movement.

Physical education of children in pre-school educationArticle on physical education

Physical education of children in preschool educational institutions.


Human development is a process of physical, mental and social maturation and covers all quantitative and qualitative changes in innate and acquired means that occur under the influence of the surrounding reality.

Physical development is associated with changes in height, weight, increase in muscle strength, improvement of sensory organs, coordination of movements, etc. In the process of mental development, significant changes occur in cognitive, volitional, emotional processes, in the formation of mental qualities and personality traits. The social development of a child is carried out in the process of his inclusion in the life of society, manifested in changes in his behavior, attitude towards others, in the features of participation in the affairs of the team, etc.

In the first years of life, physical education is the basis for the comprehensive development of a child. In childhood, the foundation of health is laid and some important personality traits are formed. Success in any activity is largely determined by the physical condition of the child. The child's body reacts sharply to minor deviations from the norm in the environment, which is associated with its development and insufficient functional maturity of individual organs and systems. The connections between somatic and mental processes are closer than in adults. Therefore, the solution of many pedagogical problems must be carried out with mandatory consideration of the physical capabilities and condition of the child.


A healthy lifestyle is a set of typical types of human activity, which, in unity with living conditions, is aimed at organizing the correct, normal functioning of the body, its complete physical and mental well-being.

Physical education is the process of purposeful and systematic formation of a healthy, full-fledged person, his physical strength and physical qualities, ensuring his introduction to physical culture and the desire for physical perfection.

Physical culture is a set of material and spiritual values ​​of society that are accumulated, created and used for the physical improvement of people.

The content of physical culture is: 1) personal hygiene, which includes skills in work and life (neatness, neatness of clothing, cleanliness of premises), and habits of a hygienic regime (rational routine of activity and rest, hygiene of sleep, nutrition, etc.) ; 2) hardening of the body in natural conditions (air, sun and water); 3) physical exercise.

Physical perfection is a historically determined level of harmonious physical development, health, and physical fitness of a person that optimally meets the requirements of society.

The physical education system includes the creation of sanitary and hygienic conditions, hardening, the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, the organization of a balanced diet, morning exercises, physical education classes, walks, sports games and entertainment.

Physical education is closely related to the age characteristics of children. In this regard, specific tasks, content, methods and forms of organizing physical education in early preschool and school age are determined, as well as the continuity between them. Physical education is especially important in early and preschool childhood, when the most intensive development of the child’s body occurs, when its basic movements are formed, but at the same time the body is still very weak and vulnerable.

Physical education of preschool children is aimed primarily at protecting life and promoting health, full physical development, the formation of motor skills and the development of physical qualities, the development of cultural and hygienic skills, and the cultivation of habits for an orderly rhythm of life.

The place of physical education of preschool children in the general education system, taking into account modern requirements.

Work on physical development permeates the entire organization of children’s lives in the family and preschool institution, the organization of the subject and social environment, all types of children’s activities, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers. In a preschool institution, the child’s daily routine includes physical education classes, games and outdoor entertainment, and individual hardening procedures, which take into account regional and climatic conditions.

The main form of teaching children movements is considered to be classes conducted by a physical education instructor (or teacher). At the same time, a significant place in the system of physical education is occupied by outdoor games, which are widely used in the classes of a special education teacher, in other classes (music, rhythm, theatrical activities), as well as during walks conducted by the teacher.

Physical education classes solve both general and correctional problems. The classes include physical exercises aimed at developing all basic movements (throwing, walking, running, climbing, crawling, jumping). A wide variety of educational activities in the physical education area makes it possible to solve in a complex the tasks of moral, mental, aesthetic and labor education.

The unity of the child’s physical and mental development.

Mental processes: perception, attention, imagination, memory, thinking, speech - act as the most important components of any human activity.

The activity of a child of early and preschool age is expressed primarily in movements. The child’s first ideas about the world, its things and phenomena come through the movements of his eyes, tongue, hands, and movement in space. The more varied the movements, the more information enters the brain, the more intense the intellectual development. The development of movements is one of the indicators of proper mental development. This is the development of coordination of movements (perception of direction and speed of movement, time and space); the ability to remember the sequence of movements and motor operations (memory: memorization and reproduction); attention to your movements and the actions of others; the ability to perform movements according to verbal instructions (imagination); initiative in movements; analysis of movement based on the quality of its execution (thinking); development of speech skills. Movements are performed with speech accompaniment and relying on visual and tactile images and representations. The development of all types of manual motor skills and hand-eye coordination serves as the basis for the development of typical types of children's activities, is a prerequisite for the development of oral and written speech, and also helps to increase the cognitive activity of children.

Objectives of physical education: health-improving, educational, educational. Methods of physical education.

Health-improving tasks have a life-sustaining meaning. The means of implementing the tasks of this group are hygienic and social factors, nutritious nutrition, the healing powers of nature, a rational lifestyle, and physical exercise. Pedagogical work aimed at solving this problem includes organizing the children’s lifestyle, hardening procedures, and special exercises for the development of movements. This area of ​​physical education for children requires the teacher to have constant contact with medical professionals, take into account their recommendations, an individual approach to children, and conversations with parents.

Educational tasks are aimed at developing personality traits and the need for physical perfection. The means for achieving these tasks are children's activities, games, as well as artistic means (fiction, folklore, films, works of musical and visual art).

The work takes place in different forms: physical education and health work during the day (morning exercises, outdoor games, physical exercises while walking), independent motor activity of children, active recreation (physical education, holidays, health days). Methods: exercises, conversation, game, creation of problem situations, analysis of physical and moral qualities.

This group of tasks involves the development of such qualities as dexterity, courage, willpower, the desire to overcome difficulties, a sense of camaraderie, and mutual assistance.

Educational goals are related to the formation in a child of a conscious attitude towards his health. Here the leading means are such as an adult’s example, children’s own activities, and artistic means.

The form of work in which problems are most adequately solved is educational work in physical education classes and in everyday life. Among the main methods are experimentation, exercises, conversation, looking at pictures and illustrations.

Means of physical education: hygienic factors, natural forces of nature, physical exercises.

In the physical education system, work is carried out using a variety of means that affect the body:

— hygienic factors (correct regimen, balanced diet, hygienic environment, formation of cultural and hygienic skills).

- natural forces of nature (for hardening and strengthening the body).

- physical exercise.

A child's routine is a rational, clear alternation of wakefulness, sleep, nutrition, and various types of activities, repeated daily in a certain sequence.

When drawing up a regime, the following must be taken into account:

1. Age-related characteristics of higher nervous activity: changes in the limit of performance of cells in the cerebral cortex determine the total number of hours and duration of periods of sleep and wakefulness.

2. Age-related features in the functioning of the digestive system, which regulate the number of feedings during the day.

3. Individual characteristics: children with an excitable and weak nervous system need to sleep more and rest more often.

4. Age-related needs for movement.

5. Time of year, climatic conditions.

The integral features of the regime are the rhythm and constancy of its basic elements over a certain period of time. The rhythm of the regime is determined by the rhythm of natural phenomena, the rhythm of the body’s activity, which is manifested in the alternation of sleep and wakefulness, changes in body temperature (increase in the evening and decrease in the morning), in the rhythm of breathing, heart contractions, in the rhythm of the digestive tract, etc.

The educational significance of the regime lies in the fact that in the process of frequently repeated actions at a certain time and in a certain sequence, the child more easily masters many of the most appropriate household, cultural, hygienic, and labor skills; these skills are automated, and the child's attention is freed up for other, more complex activities. At the same time, the child is given the opportunity to act on his own, which develops such important personality qualities as independence, activity, and initiative.


An important component of the full physical education of children is rationally organized nutrition. Nutrition is one of the main sources of the metabolic process, without which life is impossible. For a growing body, nutrition is especially important, as it ensures normal growth and development of all tissues.

All deviations from the norm in nutrition quickly affect the vital functions of the child’s body.

Creating a sanitary and hygienic environment in accordance with existing standards is also an important condition for physical education. This includes maintaining cleanliness and order in the room and area, maintaining optimal light, air and temperature conditions in the room, as well as hygiene of clothing for children and adults. Equally important is the creation of the necessary material environment: rational layout of the premises and area, provision of furniture and physical education equipment in accordance with the age of the children.

Cultural and hygienic skills include skills in maintaining cleanliness of the body, cultural food, maintaining order in the environment and cultural relationships of children with each other and with adults.

The physiological basis of cultural and hygienic skills and habits is the formation of conditioned reflex connections and the development of dynamic stereotypes. These skills and habits have a pronounced social orientation, since children are taught to follow the rules established in society that correspond to the norms of behavior.

Cultural and hygienic skills and habits are largely formed in preschool age, since the child’s central nervous system is highly plastic, and actions related to eating, dressing, washing are repeated every day and repeatedly. Children's interest, attention to everyday activities, and the impressionability of the nervous system give adults the opportunity to quickly teach the child a certain sequence of operations that make up each action, techniques that help complete the task quickly and economically. If this time is missed, incorrect actions are automated, the child gets used to sloppiness and negligence.

Hardening is the development of the greatest stability and adaptability of the body to various physical influences that come from the environment (changes in temperature, humidity, air speed, degree of solar radiation, etc.).

Hardening has a wide physiological effect on the body. The child not only develops a quick reaction to

temperature and climate changes, but the amount of hemoglobin also increases, immunological properties improve, it becomes less susceptible to any diseases and copes with them more easily.

The physiological essence of hardening determines certain requirements for organizing work with children:

1. Hardening should be carried out systematically, throughout the year, taking into account seasonal phenomena.

2. Gradually increase the strength of seasonal stimuli.

3. Take into account the health status, typological characteristics of the child, his emotional state, as well as home conditions and the conditions of the child care facility.

4. Use natural factors in connection with the regime, the correct organization of all the child’s activities, since the general strengthening of health contributes to the effectiveness of hardening.

The systematic nature of hardening procedures is determined by their conditioned reflex nature. When carrying out hardening activities at the same time and under the same conditions, conditioned reflex connections are easily formed. A physiological reaction appears already when preparing the child for the procedure. But these bonds are not strong, so hardening procedures must be regular.

A gradual change in the strength of the stimulus is a necessary condition for hardening, since the body cannot immediately adapt and react appropriately to a sharp decrease or increase in temperature. Too small a difference in stimuli or their constant value also does not turn out to be useful, since they do not cause changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems, metabolism, i.e. hardening does not have a profound effect on the body. If the body has a certain resistance to temperature changes, contrasting short-term exposures should be used, which helps improve physiological reactions and higher adaptability to environmental conditions.

Indicators of the correct choice of stimulus are a short-term deepening and increase in breathing, pulse, as well as the appearance of the skin, and the child’s general positive reaction: good mood, good health.

Taking into account individual characteristics is necessary when hardening. Children with an excitable nervous system need more careful changes in temperature, as well as calming procedures before bed (rubbing, warm bath). Inhibited children benefit from invigorating procedures after sleep (douching, showering). Children with poor health must be hardened, but gradual changes in temperature must be maintained more carefully: there are longer time intervals during which procedures are carried out at the same temperature. Medical supervision is necessary.

The connection of hardening procedures with physical exercises and various activities of the child in everyday life gives the best results both directly for hardening and for the general strengthening of the body.

Physical exercises are special movements, as well as complex types of motor activity aimed at solving the problems of physical education.

During the period of preschool childhood, with targeted pedagogical influence, great shifts occur in the development of movements: from involuntary, chaotic movements at birth to mastery of all basic movements and sports exercises.

Physical exercise has multifaceted physiological effects on the body. When muscles contract, the processes of metabolism and blood circulation are activated, and the work of all internal organs and systems is restructured. A working muscle absorbs 7 times more oxygen and 3 times more nutrients compared to an inactive one. This stimulates the growth and development of the muscular system.

Physical exercise is also important for the full functioning of the brain: its blood supply improves, the overall tone of the cortex increases, due to which the activity of all analyzers increases. With active muscular work, overexcitation of brain systems decreases or is completely removed. The basic properties of the nervous system (its strength, mobility, balance) also improve.

In the education of young children, massage is used - one of the types of passive gymnastics. It also causes changes in the functioning of all organs and systems. Under the influence of massage, the composition of the blood, the functions of the nervous system, as well as the nutritional conditions of the skin and muscles improve, and heat transfer increases. Massage accelerates the flow of blood and lymph, due to which tissues are quickly freed from decay products and muscle fatigue is relieved.

Physical exercises in various forms are included in morning exercises, physical education and musical-motor classes, especially in a variety of outdoor games.


Physical development and physical education.

The strategy for organizing physical education is based on the physiological mechanisms of movement formation during the development of a growing child’s body. The classes include physical exercises aimed at developing all basic movements (throwing, walking, running, climbing, crawling, jumping), as well as general developmental movements aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle and legs, coordination of movements, formation of correct posture, development balance.

During morning exercises in the family and in classes at preschool educational institutions, it is advisable to offer children the main types of movements in the following sequence: stretching movements in a lying position; throwing, crawling and movements in a low squat position, on your knees; exercises in an upright position (walking, climbing, running) and outdoor games.

Work on the development of manual and fine motor skills is carried out in special classes. At the initial stage of training, much attention is paid to the general development of the child’s hands, the formation of grasping skills, the formation of the leading hand, the coordination of the actions of both hands, and the identification of each finger. During the classes, children practice the skills of holding a finger pose, switching from one pose to another, and simultaneously performing movements with the fingers and hands of both hands.

The main directions and tasks of correctional pedagogical work.

Throwing is one of the first types of motor activity of a child, which is based on the development of grasping movements and actions of the baby. Even a deeply mentally retarded child can grab objects, hold them for a short time and throw them, performing movements from the shoulder, so this type of activity comes first in the program. During throwing, the movement is performed with both one hand and two hands. At the same time, the release of the leading hand is stimulated and the coordination of joint actions of both hands is formed. All this is of particular importance for correcting deviations in the cognitive sphere of children with intellectual disabilities.

The structure is aimed at organizing the activities of children in the process of physical education. During the construction, children learn to hear the adult and correct their behavior to the requirements of the adult’s instructions. Along with this, a mentally retarded child learns to behave adequately, navigate the situation and participate in joint activities with peers.

Walking is aimed at developing the child’s basic movements, developing the ability to hold the body correctly, observe the rhythm of walking, improving coordinated movements of the arms and legs, and developing auditory-motor and visual-motor coordination. In the process of walking, purposefulness in the child’s activities develops.

Running helps improve the child's basic movements, allows him to master the skill of coordinated control of all body movements, and creates ease and grace when the child moves quickly.

Jumping is aimed at training the internal organs and systems of the child’s body. Jumping prepares the child's body to perform balance tasks, which are very difficult for a mentally retarded preschooler. To improve jumping skills, a child must demonstrate the strong-willed qualities of his personality. The foundations for self-regulation and self-organization of one’s activities begin to be laid.

Crawling, climbing, and climbing help strengthen the muscles of the back, abdominals, and spine. These movements have a positive effect on the formation of coordinated interaction in the movement of arms and legs, and on strengthening the internal organ systems. Due to the fact that many mentally retarded children pass the crawling stage in their development, one of the tasks of physical education is to fill this gap in mental development.

General developmental exercises help develop interest in movements, improve physical performance and motor abilities; develop flexibility and mobility in joints; strengthen the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

Outdoor games consolidate developed skills, stimulate mobility and activity of children, develop the ability to cooperate with adults and children; create conditions for children to develop spatial orientation and the ability to coordinate their movements with the movements of other children playing. The most effective way to organize outdoor games is in the fresh air.

Swimming has a stimulating effect on the growing body of a child (the physical properties of the aquatic environment, in particular the density of water, have a specific effect on the functions of blood circulation, respiration, and skin receptors). Exercises in water must be combined with general developmental exercises and outdoor games on land.

Objectives of physical development and physical education to protect and improve children’s health for the entire period of children’s stay in a preschool institution:

To develop children's interest in physical education and joint physical activities with peers.

Strengthen children's health.

Form correct posture in every child.

To form in children the need for different types of physical activity.

To develop children's movements, motor skills, physical and mental performance.

Train children's cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthen the body.

Create conditions in the group for the effective prevention of colds and infectious diseases.

Implement a system of correctional and restorative measures aimed at developing mental processes and personal qualities of pupils, preventing the occurrence of secondary deviations in the psychophysical development of the child.

Teach children to perform movements and actions to imitate the actions of an adult.

Teach children to perform actions according to the model and verbal instructions.


Use health-improving and developmental exercises to develop the manipulative function of the hands to develop fine motor skills and speech skills (exercises with various objects (balls, jump ropes, cords, rings, hoops) based on shifting and throwing an object.

Among the corrective exercises, the most important ones are breathing ones, for relaxation, for developing coordination of movements and balance functions, for correcting posture, walking, and developing rhythm.


The forms and directions of correctional and developmental work in physical education in each group of preschool educational institutions have their own educational tasks, selection of tools and methodological techniques appropriate to age, conditions of classes.

Features of physical education in modern kindergartens

The physical development of the baby is the object of constant monitoring by specialists, both pedagogical and medical. Therefore, the task of each institution that draws up physical education projects in preschool educational institutions with children is to prepare such programs that will fully meet the requirements of these specialists.

Modern pedagogical practice allows for the only form of work with children, this includes traditional classes that contribute to achieving positive dynamics in the matter of the child’s physical development. All methods of conducting physical education exercises in preschool institutions are based on the need to solve 2 most important problems:

  • organization of such a health complex that promotes the formation of an optimal sequence of movement and gradual increases in physical activity, which will further help strengthen the child’s immunity, and also have a positive effect on stimulating psychophysiological development. This will prevent the development of many pathological changes in the body;
  • meeting age-related needs for physical exercise, which should be perceived by every child as “muscular joy”, and by educators as the main means of comprehensive development of preschool children. During such physical education classes, children not only understand the characteristics and capabilities of their body, but also communicate with peers through competitions in attentiveness and dexterity.
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