Hello, Father Pokrov! In the kindergarten at Staritsa station the holiday was celebrated in an interesting and bright way

Lesson summary on the topic “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

Elena Makhrova
Lesson notes on the topic “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

Lesson summary on the topicProtection of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Notes for children in the preparatory school group. It will help enrich children's knowledge about the Orthodox holiday, about the icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary .

Goals: to introduce children to the traditions of their people

Equipment: Icon of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary , icon of the Savior, disk with a recording of the bell ringing, illustrations of the Intercession Cathedral , Christmas card.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment: The ringing of bells. (Enable record on dix)

Educator: Did you find out what this ringing was? Where are they calling?

Children's answers. (at bell towers, belfries, calls to church services)

Educator: That's right, the bells ring in the church, they tell us that a service is beginning or inform us about some holiday. And now the bells invite us to an interesting conversation and a story about another amazing story.

(showing the icon of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary )


Do you know who this is?

• What is the name of the painting depicting the Virgin Mary ? (icon)

• What is unusual about this icon? (holds a handkerchief and stands)

Indeed, here the Most Pure Virgin holds her omophorion , she covers everyone with her Veil and protects them from harm

Then the teacher shows the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and tells the children:

(Display of the icon of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary )

Educator: And now I want to tell you a story: “Once upon a time, evil enemies surrounded the ancient city of Constantinople and wanted to capture it. Residents fought to the last of their strength for their city, but the enemies did not retreat. Then they turned to God with a prayer for help. Where should you pray to God? That’s right, so they gathered in the temple and prayed with tears all night. Early in the morning, a man named Andrei and his disciple Epiphanius saw the Virgin Mary with Angels above their heads. The Mother of God opened her veil over the worshipers (a headdress similar to a scarf)

This meant that she would cover and protect the city from enemies.
“ ( Cover a model of the city with a light scarf. You can cover the heads of children )

On the same day, residents saw that the enemy had retreated from the city. The people were very happy and thanked the Mother of God . In memory of this event, a holiday was established and the Icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos . It is celebrated on October 14th. Our Lady still protects everyone. Who asks her for help.

Since then, Orthodox Christians have celebrated this holiday as one of the most beautiful. At this time, the peasant had already harvested his harvest and the wedding time began. What kind of headdress was required for the bride (veil)

That's right, this is
the Veil of the Mother of God , sheltering from all evil, pure, white, like the first snow, which falls just at this time, covering the earth with a blanket
. And at this time, fairs began, where they sold their harvest and handicrafts artisans and peasants showed their skills to apprentices, offering a try to everyone, played games and had fun. These fairs were called Pokrovsky ! Let's play with you too.

3. Logorhythmics (with a speech therapist)

4. Educator: Children, look, we find ourselves in a handicraft workshop and here the craftswoman meets us.

The craftswoman offers to decorate together the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary .

Teamwork of children + parents + teachers decorating an image using mosaic technique

What Orthodox holiday did you learn about from today’s conversation?

Can the salvation of the city of Constantinople ?

How did people begin to celebrate the Intercession in Russia ?

What did you and I make together with your parents just now?

Photo report “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” In our kindergarten “Ryabinushka”, work continues to instill in children love and respect for Russian folk culture and spiritual and moral values.

Lesson summary “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary” (senior group) “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary” senior group. Program objectives: Educational: introduce children to the Orthodox holiday “Protection of the Most Holy.

Lesson summary “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” Goal: To develop a sense of belonging to the spiritual heritage of the people; promote an optimistic perception of the world and life. Tasks: •.

Scenario of the puppet show “The Tale of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary” for younger groups Puppet show “The Tale of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary”. Based on the script by Irina Turova. Scenario for younger groups Presenter: Holiday.

Photo report “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” In our kindergarten “Aksinya” the children and I work according to the “Good World” program. We introduce children to Orthodox holidays. One of those.

Holiday “Protection of the Virgin” Scenario for the holiday “Protection of the Virgin” (To the music, a group of children in Russian folk costumes enter the hall and dance in a circle) 1 child:.

Scenario for the Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary “Brave Mother” Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary “Brave Mother” Prepared by the teacher of the MBDOU MO Krasnodar “Kindergarten No. 33” Guchetl S.N. Programmatic.

Event “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary” Scenario of the holiday “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary” Troparion “Protection of the Mother of God”. Korshunova O. V. and Smirnova T. P. Troparion, tone 4. Today.


Project in the senior group "Father's Cover"

Anna Lebedeva

Project in the senior group "Father's Cover"




Prepared by: Lebedeva A. N.

Novocherkassk 2016-2017 academic year. G.

Topic: Father Pokrov


Author: Lebedeva A. N.

Participants: Teachers, children, music director, parents.

Type: social-patriotic.

Implementation period: from September 19 to October 21, 2016.

Implementation base: MBDOU kindergarten No. 59, senior group . Novocherkassk, Rostov region.

Characteristics of the project .

Problem: children’s insufficient knowledge about folk culture, traditions, and holidays.

Relevance. The need to introduce the younger generation to national culture is interpreted by folk wisdom: ours today, like never before, our past, also creates the traditions of the future. What will our descendants say about them? Our children should know well not only the history of the Russian state, but also the traditions of national culture, be aware of, understand and actively participate in the revival of national culture; to self-realize as a person who loves his homeland, his people and everything connected with folk culture.

From the first years of a child’s life, introducing him to culture and universal human values ​​helps lay in him the foundation of morality, patriotism, and forms the foundations of self-awareness and individuality.

Goal: to create conditions that reveal the creative and intellectual potential of the child, focused on the creative interaction of children, parents and teachers based on introducing children to traditional culture.


1. Study and systematize scientific and methodological material on the topic. Select modern methods and techniques for educating preschool children.

2. Expanding children’s knowledge about the Christian holiday Intercession

, the formation on this basis of a spiritual, moral and personal attitude to reality;

3. Improving work on interaction with parents, enhancing the position of parents as participants in the pedagogical process of kindergarten


• Introduction of new forms and methods of working with participants in educational relations on patriotic education

• Expanding children’s knowledge about the Christian holiday Intercession

, the formation on this basis of a spiritual, moral and personal attitude to reality;

• Improving work on interaction with parents, enhancing the position of parents as participants in the pedagogical process of kindergarten


Methods used in the project :

•Research: problematic issues, observations (independent, collective)


•Visual: illustrations, photos, artists’ cortina, icons, living objects, theatrical performances, presentations;

• Listening to music;

• Directly organized activities (integration of educational areas)

Forms of organization for project :

•Game activities: folk outdoor games, didactic games, board and other games;

• Artistic and creative activities of children and parents of pupils;

• Labor activity (work in a group and at a preschool educational institution )

•Educational activities: educational activities, excursions.

Material and technical resources:

1. Visual material:

• Paintings, illustrations, postcards

• Family works created for the exhibition.

• Presentations about the Intercession , about the history of the holiday.

2. Materials for artistic and productive activities of children and adults.

3. Musical repertoire:

• Song "Drema"

• Song-game “Here are those combs, here are those flaxes”

• Orchestra of Russian folk instruments “The month is shining”

• Dance with “The Young One Went for Water”

4.Creating conditions for cognitive activity:

• Mini-museum “Folk Crafts” (replenishment of the museum with exhibits)

6. Creating conditions for play and work activities of pupils

Project implementation stages :

Preparatory stage 1 – preparation, collection and processing of materials, drawing up a long-term plan;

Stage 2 organizational - project ;

Stage 3 – completion and evaluation of the project

List of events:

Activities aimed at implementing the first stage from September 19-25

1 Selection and analysis of methodological and fiction literature for all project September 19-25 Educators, parents Selection of literature

2 Formation of the material and technical base for the implementation of the project : illustrations, paintings, presentations, cartoons, games, manuals, materials for experimental and creative activities of children and adults September 19-25 Educators, parents Organized material base

3 Development of a long-term plan for project September 19-25 educators Action plan

Activities aimed at implementing the second stage September 26-October 14

1 NOD: NGO “Cognitive Development” – “ Pokrov” (conversation)

1 week Lebedeva A. N

2 NOD: NGO “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” (modeling)

— “Harvest” Lebedeva A.N.

3 View the presentation “ Protection of the Virgin Mary” Skribtsova E.V.

4 Game activity - didactic game “Find the differences” Lebedeva A. N.

5 NOD: OO “Cognitive Development” - “ Pokrov - heat a hut without firewood” 2nd week Skribtsova E.V.

6 NOD: NGO “Physical Development” - Russian folk outdoor games. 3rd week Skribtsova E.V.

7 NOD: NGO “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”

Application “Vegetables” Skribtsova E. IN.

8 NOD: NGO “Communication”

Reading the legend " PROCROV "

Lebedeva A. N.

9 NOD: OO “Cognitive Development” Compilation of stories “In the garden or in the vegetable garden” 4th week Lebedeva A.N.

10 NOD: NGO “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”

"Decorate the handkerchief"

Skribtsova E. V.

Parents as participants in educational relations

2 Help in selecting illustrations, photos and reproductions of paintings dedicated to the holiday.

3 Creative task for children and parents of pupils - creating drawings and crafts for the exhibition “ Pokrov”

4 Consultation “How and with what you can please your child on holiday”

5 Consultation “How the Intercession was greeted in Russia


6 Parents’ participation in the musical entertainment “ Pokrovsky Gatherings”

7 Help in decorating the hall for entertainment

Activities aimed at implementing the second stage October 17-21

1 Design of the mini-museum “Folk Crafts Educators, children, parents

2 Musical entertainment “ Pokrovsky gatherings” Music . head Poyarkova T. G.



1. From birth to school. Basic general education program of preschool education. Edited by N. E. Vervksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2010.

2. M. F. Litvinova. Russian folk outdoor games for children of preschool and primary school age: A practical guide. – M.: Iris-press, 2003.

3. O. L. Knyazeva, M. D. Makhaneva. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture: Program. Educational and methodological manual. – SP.: Childhood-Press, 2004.

4. Introducing children to Russian folk art: Lesson notes and scripts for calendar and ritual holidays: A manual for teachers of preschool educational institutions / Author. comp. L. S. Kuprina, T. A. Budarina, O. A. Makhaneva, O. N. Korepanova and others - St. Petersburg: “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”

, 2004.

5. The folk calendar is the basis for planning work with preschoolers according to the state educational standard: Plan-program. Lesson notes. Holiday scenarios: Methodological manual for teachers of preschool educational institutions / Nikolaeva S. R., Katysheva I. B., Kombarova G. N., etc. - St. Petersburg: “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”

, 2004

6. Tikhonova M.V., Smirnova N.S. red hut...Introducing children to Russian folk art, crafts, and everyday life in the kindergarten museum. –SPb: “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”

, 2004.

7. Calendar ritual holidays for preschool children. Author team: Pugacheva N.V., Esaulova N.A., Potapova N.N. textbook. – M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005.

"Feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God"

Irina Kosmodemyanskaya

"Feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God"

«Feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God»

Goal: to introduce children to the history of Orthodox holidays , the traditions of Russian culture, and how Orthodox holidays are celebrated in Russia .

- introducing children to some works of music, painting, and icon painting that are understandable to children;

Age category: preparatory school group.

Conversation for children of the preparatory group “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

Kovaleva Natalia

Conversation for children of the preparatory group “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

Goal: to form in children a general understanding of the meaning of the holiday Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary


1. Explain the meaning of the holiday Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary

using the example of
cover with leaves in autumn.
2. Introduce the signs and customs associated with Pokrov


3. Develop curiosity and interest in the folk traditions of your country.

Equipment: dried autumn leaves, multimedia presentation Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary

, screen, projector, laptop.

Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group on the topic: Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Summary of continuous educational activities Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Preparatory group of children

Prepared by Anisimova Evgeniya Aleksandrovna


Introduce children to the history of the holiday “Protection of the Mother of God”.


- give children an idea of ​​the Most Holy Theotokos as the Patroness, Intercessor before God for all people.

- introduce sayings for the holiday of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

- introduce owls to words and concepts: Omophorion (veil) - invisible veil, Mother of God - Intercessor.

- develop skills in preparing salad (vinaigrette)

Progress of the lesson:


Hello guys

Children's answers:


Look what I brought to our class today? (showing the icon)

Children's answers:


That's right, it's an icon. It has its own name: the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She was the kindest, most modest on earth, so She became the mother of God. She was always with her son, helping His affairs in everything. Out of all her kindness and love for people, she always prays for us before her Son. And He, as the Son, always listens attentively to Her prayers and saves those for whom She intercedes. The Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary tells about one of these cases. On October 14 we celebrate the church holiday - “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos”. Now I will tell you about this holiday.

One of the most beloved holidays in Rus' is associated with the name of the Mother of God - “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary”. An ancient legend tells about an amazing event that happened a long time ago, more than a thousand years ago, in the country of Byzantium, far from Rus'. The large city of Constantinople was surrounded by Saracen enemies who wanted to capture the city and turn all the inhabitants into slaves. And then the residents of the city gathered in the temple, in which the shrine was carefully kept - the head veil (cover) of the Virgin Mary. People prayed for a long time with tears to the Lord and the Mother of God, asking for help and intercession from evil enemies. At night, one of the praying people, Saint Andrew, saw the Mother of God descend from heaven, take off her veil from her head and cover it with the people standing in the church praying. This cover shone more than the sun's rays. This cover is also called an omophorion. Then the Mother of God rose again to the sky, the cover became invisible. And when dawn came, morning, the residents of the city saw that the enemy, in fear, was quickly running away from the walls of the city of Constantinople.

And at that time it began to snow heavily, covering the entire earth.

If you look closely at this painting,

you will see that it depicts the inhabitants of the city who have gathered in the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary and ask the Virgin Mary for protection from enemies.

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