Tamara Komarova - Classes in visual arts in the middle group of kindergarten. Lesson notes. Page 17
Materials and equipment required for the lesson Before starting the lesson, you need to prepare everything
What you need to know about a child’s psychological readiness for learning
Without exception, all parents are interested in the success of their child’s education. Therefore, they begin to prepare it in advance
The problem of incorrect sound pronunciation.
Individual speech therapy session. Topic: Sound production [R]. outline of a speech therapy lesson
Features of articulation The problem of incorrect sound pronunciation (if the child does not have other speech problems, for example, dysarthria)
article on the topic “Organization of a family club in a preschool educational institution” from work experience
Parents' club as one of the forms of effective interaction with families Dear friends, we are glad
busy board
Card index of games for the development of fine motor skills in children 3-4 years old.
IMPORTANCE OF FINE MOTOR SKILLS Fine motor skills of the hands are a unity of coordinated manipulations that are aimed at
Card index of experiments for familiarization with living and inanimate nature for children of senior preschool age
Card file of experiences and experiments in ecology Card file of experiments and experiments in ecology (in senior
Summary of educational activities in the middle group on the topic "Space" lesson plan on the surrounding world (middle group)
Progress of the conversation: Guys, have you ever looked at the sky? What did you see there? People have long
aspiring musicians
Musical corners in kindergarten: design according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Musical games and musical instruments for children
Many psychologists and modern teachers note the influence of music on the formation of a child in preschool age.
Children's outdoor game "Mousetrap" for preschool age
Summary of a lesson on “Sonora” for children 3-4 years old on the topic: “Cat and Mice” based on the outdoor game “Cat and Mice”.
Rules of the game Cat and Mice Choosing a presenter and driver: it is more advisable to act as a presenter
Drawing lesson in the middle group on the theme of berries
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes. The purpose of this lesson: Cultivating children’s love for arts and crafts
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