Daily routine of preschoolers in preschool and at home

The main components of the daily routine of children of different ages

The child’s daily routine should include the following mandatory elements:

  • meal time. A child, depending on his age, must eat a certain number of times a day. The intervals between feedings are also important;
  • time to sleep. The nervous system of a child, compared to an adult, is at the stage of formation, so exhaustion occurs faster, requiring recovery. Also, a small organism spends more energy on all vital processes than an adult. The need for sleep decreases as the child grows.
  • time spent in the fresh air. It may include walking, sleeping, playing;
  • time for compulsory educational activities. In a children's group and at home from a toddler age;
  • free time. It becomes important when the baby already knows how to do something on his own. At this time, the child himself chooses his type of activity. Free time is important for processing received information and realizing creative abilities.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Lesson “Parts of the day, daily routine”

for older preschoolers with mental retardation Topic: “Parts of the day, daily routine”

Goal: Generalization and consolidation of knowledge about the daily routine, according to the parts of the day"



  1. Consolidation of knowledge about the parts of the day, correlation with the daily routine.
  2. Teach children to distinguish parts of the day and determine their sequence.
  3. Expansion of passive and active vocabulary

Correctional and developmental:

  1. Development of auditory attention.
  2. Development of oral coherent speech, updating of passive vocabulary.
  3. Development of visual perception.


  1. Develop the ability to collaborate in a team.
  2. Develop skills of cultural behavior in joint classes.
  3. Develop the ability to listen and independently follow instructions.

Equipment and materials: two sets of pictures depicting parts of the day, a set of pictures with the daily routine, flannelgraph, colored pencils for each child, black and white story pictures with the daily routine.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys! I see that you have not all woken up yet. What should we do now? We need to exercise!

Every day we do exercises in the morning. We all really like to do everything in order.

We walk merrily, we raise our hands, we squat and stand up, we jump and gallop.

- Guys, tell me, what time of day is it now? That's right, it's morning now. Why do you think so? The sun is rising, the birds began to sing, we all woke up. And let's remember together what we always do in the morning: we wake up, wash our face, brush our teeth, do exercises and have breakfast (the corresponding pictures hang on the board).

Look at this picture (Day). What time of day is it? That's right, day. The sun is already high. Guys, what do you usually do during the day? We go for a walk, play, draw, sculpt, study.

Repeat this poem after me:

We repeat everything we know, And we sing with pleasure, And we read poetry with all our might, Or we remember fairy tales.

Now let's remember what comes after the day. That's right, evening is coming. The sun goes down, the flowers close their buds, and it gets dark outside. What are you doing in the evening? You come home from kindergarten, play calm games, watch your favorite cartoons, have dinner with the whole family and get ready for bed. And it's true

This time is given to us For a fun movie, For riding a horse And on daddy's back.

The moon is floating in the sky, Mom is calling for dinner.

And then comes... That's right, night comes. What do you do at night? At night we sleep.

This time is sleep time, The pine tree is sleeping outside the windows. The children fell into a sweet dream, tomorrow they will go back to kindergarten.

Now take colored pencils and color the pictures in order: morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Guys, today we learned to identify the parts of the day and found out what our routine is at each time of the day. What part of the day do you like best? Why?

Guys, you've been doing a good job, and now it's time to relax. Class over!

Next >

Are there any disadvantages to the daily routine?

The disadvantages of a daily routine, or, more precisely, objections to following a strict daily routine, are as follows:

  • kids often get out of their usual routine, disrupting the sequence and timing of events. Their sleep and nutrition are easily disrupted by external factors (weather, physical or mental discomfort, changes in the type and method of feeding);
  • children can intuitively follow their needs. This is the basis of the objection to forced obedience to a schedule;
  • Strict adherence to the daily routine, ignoring individual living conditions, personality traits and age can lead to rigidity of thinking, inability to adapt to changes in the environment, deprivation of individuality and also to health problems.

Summary of a valeological lesson for preschoolers 5-6 years old

Seeds of health. Your daily routine

A valeological lesson for students (5-6 years old) and parents of the early development studio “Solnyshko”
Author : Dulina Natalya Aleksandrovna, deputy director, methodologist of MKU DO – DDT “Master”, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk district, Krasnoobsk. Description: I bring to your attention a scenario for a valeological lesson for children 5-6 years old. This material will be useful for additional education teachers and preschool teachers. Purpose of the lesson: developing ideas about the daily routine, parts of the day and the need for a healthy lifestyle. objectives : - consolidate students’ knowledge about the parts of the day; — reveal the interdependence of a healthy lifestyle and adherence to a daily routine. Educational: - formation of a conscious attitude towards one’s health; — cultivate the ability to listen to each other, communicate, respect other people’s opinions; - foster a sense of collectivism. Developmental: - development of memory, attentiveness, coordination of movements; — development of the need for active manifestation of one’s “I” in communication with peers and adults. Materials: multimedia presentation, screen, projector, laptop, recordings of the musical game “The Giraffe Has Spots, Spots...”, funny children's songs. Vocabulary work: valeology, daily routine, lullaby. Preliminary work: - analysis of proverbs and sayings about parts of the day. Methods, techniques: playful, visual, practical, verbal, artistic expression. (Slide No. 1. A picture depicting a drawn daily routine is projected onto the screen) Presenter: Hello, dear mothers and grandmothers! Good morning, dear children! We are glad to see you in our hall for a lesson on valeology. Let's get acquainted with this word - valeology. Translated from Latin it means “to be healthy.” Health Science. The science of healthy living. To be healthy, you need to take care of the correct daily routine from childhood. What is a daily routine? (Answers from children and parents) Daily routine is the distribution of time of day into types of activities, rest and entertainment. To correctly create your daily routine, you need to know the parts of the day and correctly plan the time for sleep, personal hygiene, nutrition, sports and rest. Let's review the parts of the day, and you tell us what you do in the morning, afternoon and evening. Presenter: The cockerel greets the dawn, The mother washes the children, It’s not difficult for us to get up early, This time of day... (Morning) (Slide No. 2. A picture is projected onto the screen depicting children waking up and washing themselves) That’s right, guys. It's morning. What do you do in the morning? Children's answers (we wash our faces, brush our teeth, do exercises, make the bed, have breakfast, study). (Slide No. 3. A picture of children doing exercises and having breakfast is projected onto the screen.) One of the children recites a poem by A. Barto (Slide No. 4) A picture of children doing exercises is projected onto the screen. Line up in order! Charge everything! Left! Right! Running, swimming, We grow brave, Tanned in the sun. Host: I suggest you go in the morning and do exercises. (Musical game “The giraffe has spots, spots...” or exercises to the monkey’s song “Exercise” from the cartoon “Exercise for the Tail”). Presenter: Next riddle: The sun is high in the sky, And the night is far away, The shadow of the trees is short. What time of day is it? (Day) (Slide No. 5) A picture of children reading is projected onto the screen. What do you do during the day? (Slide No. 6) A picture is projected onto the screen depicting children studying, walking, and having lunch. Children's answers (we draw, walk, have lunch, sleep) (Slide No. 7) A picture of children sleeping during the day is projected onto the screen. Game “Day-Night” (To cheerful music) A spacious area is required for the game. At the beginning of the game, a driver is selected. He turns away from the other participants in the game and loudly announces: “Day!” The players are having fun, jumping and running around the court. After some time, the driver says: “Night!” At this moment, the participants in the game must instantly “fall asleep” - freeze in the position in which they were caught by the “night” command. The driver looks around, and if he notices a player who did not have time to “fall asleep,” he loudly announces this, indicating what kind of movement he noticed. The loser becomes the driver... (repeat 2-3 times) After the game, the children sit in their seats. Host: The day has passed. The sun is setting. Dusk creeps in slowly. Light lamps, candles - It’s getting dark... (evening) (Slide No. 8) A picture of children walking in the evening is projected onto the screen) What do you do in the evening? Answers from children and parents. (Slide No. 9, 10) A picture of children having dinner and reading before bed is projected onto the screen. Game Throwing the ball in various ways (hitting the ball on the floor, rolling, passing the ball in a circle), children answer the facilitator’s questions. Sample questions: What must be done in the morning? Early in the morning we woke up and each other... (smiled) What did you do in the evening? Name the “neighbors” of the morning. Name the missing word: We have breakfast in the morning, and lunch... (in the evening) Morning in the evening... (wiser) What wakes us up in the morning? First evening, and then..? Host: Guys, help me solve the last riddle. It's dark outside, the moon is looking out the window. The son and daughter are sleeping in their cribs - So it’s come... (night) (Slide No. 11) A picture of children sleeping is projected onto the screen. What do we do at night? Children answer (sleeping) Host: We spend a third of our lives sleeping. What is the role of sleep? What is sleep for? Answers from children and parents Presenter: Sleep serves to restore strength. Sleep creates a favorable basis for normal growth and development. Preschool children should sleep at least 11 hours a day. Sleep reconciles us with the difficulties that occurred during the day. Let's remember the well-known sayings and proverbs. (Address to the audience) Answers of children and parents: (Slide No. 12) A picture is projected onto the screen depicting proverbs that appear one after another. The morning is wiser than the evening. The best medicine is sleep. Sleep is better than any medicine. Sleep is dearer than father and mother. Cute girlfriend pillow. Lie down and sleep; wake up and be healthy! Host: What should you remember before going to bed? Answers from children and parents (brush your teeth, ventilate the room) What kind of clothes should you wear for sleeping? (loose, made of soft natural fabrics) The bedroom should be ventilated. Our and foreign psychologists are unanimous in their opinion: before going to bed, a child must be caressed, stroked on the back, and hugged. The child reads a poem by A. Blok (Slide No. 13) A picture depicting night nature is projected onto the screen. The meadows are sleeping, the forests are sleeping, fresh dew has fallen. The stars are shining in the sky, the streams are talking in the river. The moon looks through our window and tells the little children to sleep. What are the names of the songs that mothers and grandmothers sing to children before bed? Lullabies Let's light up the stars in our night sky together to the lullaby song from the cartoon "Umka". Children attach stars to the night sky. Presenter: You must follow a daily routine in order to be healthy, cheerful, and joyful! To consolidate the knowledge we received in class, guess the riddles. Riddles about the daily routine (Slide No. 14-15) A picture is projected onto the screen depicting an alarm clock, a family, a shower, a baby having breakfast, children playing, a smiling sun, the moon. You decided to become healthy, so follow... (regime); In the morning at seven our cheerful friend rings persistently... (alarm clock); Our whole friendly... (family) got up to exercise; Of course, I won’t break the regime - I wash myself in a cold... (shower); After a shower and exercise, a hot drink awaits me... (breakfast); After lunch you can have a nice sleep, or you can go in the yard... (play); After dinner there is fun - we take dumbbells in our hands, play sports, each other... (smile); It’s high time for the children to go to bed, looking out the window... (moon). Well done. Let's remember what kind of science we are talking about? If you want to be healthy, forget about doctors, wash your face, toughen up, do physical exercise! VALEOLOGY teaches this, friends! We wish you good health! Have a great mood! Goodbye! (Slide No. 16) A picture of children rejoicing is projected onto the screen. References 1. Nepomnyashchaya R.L.
Development of ideas about time in preschool children - M.: “Prosveshcheniye”, 2008. 2. Richterman T.D. Formation of ideas about time in preschool children" - M.: "Prosveshchenie", 1991. - 46 p. 3. Electronic resources /blogs/vera-janchenko/puteshestvie-v-stranu-zdorovja-vospitatelnoe-zanjatie-v-ramkah-nedeli-zozh.html Presentation on the topic: Daily routine

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How is a daily routine beneficial for a child?

The benefits of a routine are determined by physiological and psychological aspects, which are the basis for creating a daily routine:

  • the benefit from the physiological side is the development of conditioned reflexes, with the help of which the body adapts to existing conditions. The child is prepared to perform the necessary tasks and does them without unnecessary stress. Those. energy is saved and distributed evenly for all necessary activities;
  • from a psychological point of view, the child’s nervous system needs a stable environment, which, with its predictability, gives a feeling of peace and reliability. This, in turn, creates a favorable background for the child’s development, a deeper understanding of the actions performed and the development of skills.

How to accustom your baby to a routine?

To accustom your child to a routine, you need to follow the following simple recommendations:

  • You can start accustoming your child to the regime after discharge from the maternity hospital. A parent needs to plan, first of all, his life, taking into account walks and meals. But be prepared that not everything will go smoothly right away. Most often, children enter the regime by 3 months.
  • it is necessary to introduce some new stages gradually during complete health and at the moment of satisfaction from the fulfillment of urgent desires;
  • it is necessary to take into account the age of the child, the nature of feeding, the time of year, state of health, personality characteristics;
  • strive to maintain the regularity of events and their sequence;
  • introduce rituals that prepare the child to perform a particular action. They facilitate the introduction of new components of the regime.

Child's daily routine

A child’s daily routine depends primarily on his age.

Up to a year

When starting to talk about the regime of children under 1 year old, it would be correct to separately highlight the newborn period.

A newborn's daily routine consists of alternating periods of feeding and sleeping. Ideally, only hygienic procedures are wedged between them: washing, bathing, dressing.

Natural feeding

Natural feeding occurs at the request of the baby. This is important because the baby and mother adapt to each other during this period.

There are important points:

  • It is impossible to limit the time spent at the baby’s breast, because The pace of sucking in babies is different and in the case of a slow “suckling”, with a reduction in feeding time, there is a risk of depriving him of his portion of “hind” milk, rich in protein and lactase. The result is weight loss, abdominal cramps, foamy stools with all the ensuing consequences. The average feeding time is 30-40 minutes (in hot climates, the baby can reduce the feeding time himself, consuming only foremilk, rich in water, and thus quenching his thirst). Valuable hind milk is produced approximately 20 minutes into feeding;

The mother should pay attention to the baby’s correct latching of the nipple so that during prolonged feeding the breast is not injured. Also, there is no need to dry out the skin of the areola with excessive washing and various antiseptics, because... This contributes to the formation of cracks and infection.

  • Feeding by the hour during breastfeeding is a thing of the Soviet past, but you should pay attention to a baby that sleeps “too” well. It is advisable that regular sleep breaks between feedings should not exceed three hours. This is very important in the first month, because... Frequent feeding every 2-3 hours contributes to the good development of lactation in the mother, which, in turn, ensures the growth and development of the child and the prevention of mastitis in nursing mothers.

Night feedings must be mandatory, because... they stimulate the production of prolactin, which, in turn, supports daily lactation.

Therefore, if necessary, to comply with these conditions for successful feeding, it is sometimes necessary to even wake up the baby.

Feeding by the hour

When artificial feeding, it is necessary to adhere to feeding by the hour to avoid overfeeding, because... Formulas take longer to digest than breast milk.

The intervals between feedings are 2.5-3 hours, after 5 months - 4-4.5 hours.

Frequency of feedings: from 8 times a day in the first month and 5 meals by the year.

Age difference

The pattern of sleep and wakefulness in a newborn child differs from that of an older child due to a very short period of wakefulness. At this time, in addition to hygiene measures, the child can be given gymnastics and a light massage.

Time for walking and being outdoors

It coincides with sleep time. Once the newborn period has passed, the child's daily routine begins to change towards longer waking hours and shorter sleep times.

A child's waking time by month: at the age of 1-3 months, the total waking time is approximately 6-7 hours (the duration of a single period is 1-1.5 hours). From 3-6 months this time extends to 8.5 hours, while the child is in an active state for up to 2 hours. In the second half of the year, the daily waking time increases to 10 hours, with 2.5-3.5 hours in between sleep periods.

Approximate sleep schedule for a child up to one year: in the first half of the year, from the age of 1-2 months, a child can ideally sleep up to 3-4 times a day for 1.5-2 hours, in the second half of the year the frequency of sleep is 2 times 2.5-3 hours.

The outdoor routine for babies in the first months of life replaces sleeping on the street.

1 year old child's daily routine

“Yearlings,” despite the fact that they have successfully passed the age limit of 1 year, continue to follow the regimen of 9-10-month-old infants:

  • night sleep - 10-11 hours;
  • daytime sleep - 2 times for 2.5 hours;

Usually, by the age of one year, parents have an idea of ​​what type their beloved child belongs to: a “night owl” or a “lark.” So, “owls,” that is, those children who like to get up closer to noon and go to bed by midnight, can sleep once a day.

  • 5 meals a day;
  • the period of total daily wakefulness is 10-11 hours;
  • the period of stay in the fresh air can be up to 5-6 hours a day, depending on the time of year and weather conditions, but not less than 2 hours per day.

When organizing walks, it is necessary to provide for the child’s physical motor activity, as an important link in the development of physical and mental health.


For toddlers (1 year 6 months - 3 years), a regimen is built in such a way that it contributes to the proper development of the muscular and skeletal system, the development of speech function, strengthening the immune system, and improving existing basic motor skills. You need 4 meals a day, active walks in the fresh air at least twice a day for 2-3 hours.

There are classes devoted to the development of speech, self-care skills, and fine motor skills. They are carried out in a playful way. Children at this age can hold their attention for up to 10 minutes. These games are best played in the first half of the day, at least 30-40 minutes before rest. During the day, children over the age of one and a half years sleep, as a rule, once for 2-2.5 hours. The daily amount of sleep is 12-12.5 hours. The periods of wakefulness are approximately 4.5-5 hours.

If parents plan to send their child to kindergarten, then the daily routine should be as close as possible to the nursery routine. You should help your child in advance to adjust to waking up early and going to bed the same way in the evening if the child adhered to the opposite routine. Such an event will contribute to a faster and more successful adaptation to the life of the children's group.

Preschool children

The routines of preschool children vary by age. In kindergarten they are divided into groups.

younger3-4 years4 times2 lessons of 10 min. morning and afternoon 12-12.5 hours. Once a day for 2 hours Before breakfast, after sleep and after afternoon snack2 times a day, at least 4 hours a day
average4-5 years4 times2 lessons in the morning for 10 minutes with a break of 10 minutes11.5-12 hours a day. 1 time during the day for 2 hours Games in free time2 times a day, at least 4 hours a day
Older5-6 years4 times3 classes a day in the morning for 20 minutes with breaks of 10-12 minutes11.5-12 hours a day. 1 time during the day 1.5-2 hours Games in free time2 times a day, at least 4 hours a day
Preparatory6-7 years4 times3 classes of 25-30 minutes a day before lunch with breaks of 10-12 minutes11.5 hours of night sleep, 1.5 hours of daytime sleep.Games in free time2 times a day, at least 4 hours a day

Thus, with age, the time spent practicing for the development of higher nervous activity increases, and the need for daytime sleep decreases.

Night sleep remains 10-11 hours long until the end of primary school.

The time for walks and games remains unchanged, which, as they grow older (from the age of 5 years), begins to include, and then become more complex, the main work activity (sweeping paths, cleaning the room, watering, etc.) lasting from 10 to 15 minutes a day.

Consultation for parents “The importance of daily routine in raising a senior preschooler.” consultation

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 43 of the urban district of Ufa

Republic of Bashkortostan

Consultation “The importance of daily routine in raising a senior preschooler.”


Ivanova Aida Filaridovna

Ufa 2018

Every parent wants their child to be healthy, cheerful and develop properly. Proper organization of the daily routine will help in this endeavor. What is it? The daily routine is a clear routine of life during the day, providing for the alternation of wakefulness and sleep, as well as the rational organization of various types of activities.

A correct regimen that corresponds to the child’s age-related capabilities improves health, ensures efficiency, and the successful implementation of various activities. It provides for a certain duration of various activities, sleep and rest, regular and high-calorie meals, and compliance with personal hygiene rules.

It is necessary to teach a child to follow a daily routine from the first days of his life. This contributes to the normal development of the child, his health, the development of will, and teaches discipline. As the child grows, his routine will change. But the foundation laid in early childhood must be preserved throughout life - the alternation of all forms of body activity in a certain rhythm. Developing a sense of rhythm in a child is not difficult; the baby easily gets used to the regime offered to him. But it turns out to be difficult for the adults around us to observe it without interruption: it’s a pity to leave a walk on time in good weather or interrupt an interesting game, or lunch is not prepared on time. And the child’s brain records this instability of the regime, and that is why it is so difficult to maintain it. As the child gets older, he begins to ask to stay “a little” late, be late, postpone, etc.

One of the important distinguishing features of education in kindergarten from home education is the regime in kindergarten. In kindergarten, everything is subject to a pre-established routine. And this is a definite plus. After all, such systematicity accustoms even the most eccentric little one to neatness, precision, and order. What can we say about nutrition? Any nutritionist will confirm that eating the right foods at the same time promotes the growth of a healthy body.

In a child accustomed to a strict routine, the need for food, sleep, and rest occurs at certain intervals and is accompanied by rhythmic changes in the activity of all internal organs. The body, as it were, adjusts in advance to the upcoming activity, so it is carried out quite efficiently, without unnecessary waste of nervous energy and does not cause pronounced fatigue.

All physiological processes in the body, having their own biological rhythm, obey a single daily rhythm - the change of day and night. During the day, the child’s activity and performance are not the same. Their rise is noted from 8 to 12 o'clock and from 16 to 18 o'clock, and the period of minimum performance occurs at 14-16 o'clock. It is no coincidence that activities that cause pronounced fatigue in children are planned in the first half of the day, during hours of optimal performance.

Performance is ambiguous throughout the week. On Monday it is low. This can be explained by the child’s adaptation to the kindergarten regime after a two-day stay at home, when in most cases the usual regime is significantly disrupted.

The best performance indicators are observed on Tuesday and Wednesday, and starting from Thursday it deteriorates again, reaching its lowest performance on Friday and Saturday. Consequently, by the end of the week there is a gradual and steady increase in fatigue. An increase in the motor component and a rational (taking into account the dynamics of performance) distribution of activities during the week, especially tiring for children, can be considered among the measures to prevent fatigue.

Baby's daily routine - parents' work

If everything is more or less clear with feeding (you need to feed, you can’t overfeed), educational games are also in perfect order (young people start going to early development centers at the age of one and a half years), then such important components as proper sleep and physical activity in the fresh air are often omitted air. Namely, these two aspects provide a solid foundation for the development and health of the child.

To provide the child with adequate physical activity, the parent must:

  • schedule time;
  • overcome fear of weather and colds and try to walk with your child in any climatic conditions (with the exception of frost minus 15 (minus 20 for children over 5 years old) and wind over 15 m/s);
  • choose clothes that will simultaneously protect from weather conditions and provide the child with the opportunity to actively move.

To ensure proper rest for the child’s nervous system (and the parent’s as well), you need:

  • do not wait until the child goes to bed on his own (fatigue in children often manifests itself as overexcitement, which leads to motor and emotional disinhibition), but gently prepare the child for rest, taking into account the time required by age for wakefulness. To do this, you can introduce so-called rituals (certain sequential actions, quiet games, reading books, bathing, singing);
  • exclude active types of games and gadgets before bedtime;
  • provide adequate physical activity during the day so that the child does not become overtired or tired;
  • try to ensure that going to bed and getting up in the morning are not too different on weekends and weekdays;
  • try not to skip daytime sleep;
  • avoid turning on the TV in the background during the day
  • limiting the time spent using a computer and TV to 15 minutes a day for children over 3 years old.

Approximate daily routine in a preschool institution

7.00- 8.00Reception of children.
8.00- 8.20Morning exercises.
8.25- 8.55Preparing for breakfast. Breakfast
8.55- 10.00Preparation for classes. Organized focus: speech and physical development, artistic and aesthetic, cognitive, including FEMP (formation of elementary mathematical classes). Social, communicative and musical.
10.00- 10.15Lunch.
10.15- 10.45Independent studies.
10.45- 12.05Preparing for a walk. Walk.
12.15- 12.55Preparing for lunch. Eating.
13.00-15.00Daytime sleep.
15.00- 15.15Gradual rise. Gymnastics after sleep.
15.20-15.55Afternoon snack.
16.00-17.00Independent activity of children and adults. Preparing for an evening walk.
17.00- 18.00An evening walk.
18.00- 19.00Dinner. Independent activity. Going home.

Have you ever wondered why preschoolers’ day is structured this way? Why are the first half of the training sessions provided for by the program in which the child is developing? Why is there such a time interval between meals?

Scientists in the field of childhood development have observed and found that it is during this period of time that food is better absorbed in the child’s body, releasing more useful substances. This has a beneficial effect on both digestion, without overloading the stomach with snacks, and on the development of the child’s brain activity.

The hourly period from 9.00 to 12.00 is a “cheerful” time for assimilation of information. In the first half of the day, children's brains do not sleep - they work, absorb new knowledge. With irregular intellectual stress, the nervous system and psychological state are in a relaxed state, which leads to low academic performance, passive physical development, and this is a consequence of a decrease in the body’s functioning, including against viral diseases. Children who strictly follow a daily routine, are organized, independent, inquisitive and intellectually developed.

In combination, daily routine + mental stress + physical focus = strengthening the nervous system, immunity, general development.

If a child often stays at home or does not attend kindergarten, it is recommended to carefully approach his all-round development. It is necessary to divide the day into energetic and passive parts according to age and psychological characteristics.

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