Organization of walks and trips outside the preschool in the summer

Progress of classes in kindergarten


- Today we are going on a hike. Many discoveries await us. But our hike is not an easy one, a gathering of tourists - that’s what it is! With you, we are not children now, we are adult tourists. We will cope with everything bravely, We will overcome everything along the way. Our hiking trip will bring us health.

The teams that will go on the hike are:

  • "Lightning",
  • "Tiger cubs"
  • "Sun",
  • "Tourists"
  • "Beetles."

Teams greet with chants.

Team "Beetles":

— We are mobile beetles: Two legs and two arms. We don’t sit still - We will win here and there!

Team "Sun":

— The sun is shining brightly, brightly! It's hot and hot for us from the sun! Sunshine, warm up more. Warm the water in the river for us! Sun, air and water are always great with them!

Team "Tiger Cubs":

- One, two! Three four! Three four! One, two! Hey guys, step up! No, probably, in the whole world there are more fun, friendly guys! There is no sadness in our family! We sing, draw, dance!

Team "Tourists":

— Who walks with a backpack? - We are tourists! - Who is not familiar with boredom? - We are tourists! — Our motto: “Always forward!”

Team "Lightning":

- Hey guys, step up! What does a tourist take on the road? - A song, a spoon and a backpack! Who's behind? Don't fall behind! Who's tired? Cheer up! Be healthy! Always healthy! Our best friends! Sun, air and water. Sun, air and water are our best friends!

Presenter: – Before competing, you must warm up.

Warm-up “Radiant Sun” is carried out.

Presenter: - Well done! You conducted the training very cleverly. Are you ready for the hike?!

Children: - Ready!

Presenter: - Well done. Let's go on a hike. Each team will follow its own route.

Team captains receive a route sheet. The journey through the stations begins.

Unusual environment

Games in a new environment

Children, especially toddlers, are sensitive to their surroundings. Some sleep anxiously in an unfamiliar place, others are more capricious during the day. The following will help calm your baby:

  • Worry less yourself: the baby reads the parents’ state.
  • Prepare in advance for camping with children. Let them play in a tent at home. Go spend the night in the nearest forest.
  • For a night's sleep, it is important to choose the right sleeping bag: it is not only a blanket, but also a house for the baby.
  • If your child is afraid of the dark, set up camp early on an overnight camping trip. In a tent with a cozy flashlight, the night is not scary.
  • A favorite toy gives a feeling of home and reduces anxiety.
  • Tell us about your upcoming trip. Focus on joyful events: what you will do and what new things you will see.
  • Increase the duration and complexity of the trip gradually.
  • Life among strangers is not easy for introverted children. Start by traveling in a small group. On group hikes, pay more attention to the kids and place the tent in a secluded corner so that the kids have their own space. Perhaps staying in small houses, such as in family Turkey, is more suitable for you.


Lisa comes out to meet you.


- I am a cunning cheat, Red head, Fluffy tail - beauty! And my name is Lisa!

Presenter: - Hello, Lisa!

Fox: - Hello, tourists. Do you know what things you need to take on a hike?

Children: - Yes!

Lisa: - Let's check now. Let's pack all the essentials into a backpack. The main rule of a tourist is that you should not take on a hike what may be useful, but only what you cannot do without.

Teams are invited to the start.

The game “What will be useful on a hike?” is played.

For children of primary preschool age:

The child takes the required item, runs in a straight line two meters and puts the item in the backpack, then runs back.

For children of senior preschool age:

Two participants are selected. In front of them are items that are necessary for the hike, and those that are completely unnecessary (canned food, mugs, spoons, juice, toys). At the Fox’s command, the children pack only the items necessary for the hike into their backpacks.

The relay race “Who is faster?” is held.

Children stand in columns behind the starting line. At the start there is a hoop with items that are necessary on the hike - canned food, mugs, spoons, juice. The child takes the required item, runs around three “snake” limiters located at a distance of two meters, puts the item in the backpack, and runs back.

Lisa: - Well done, guys! We completed the task. Goodbye! It's time for you to continue on your way.

How to ensure proper nutrition while camping?

Vegetable salad at rest

What to take on a hike to make it tasty and healthy? Nothing unusual: cereals, canned food and dried fruits.

We buy vegetables and dairy products in civilization. We find fruits and berries along the route. We stock sublimates: they are easily prepared in an electric dryer from carrots, tomatoes, and zucchini. Take a look at our article about camping meals - it contains menus for short and long trips.

Station WE WILL SAY “YES!”

Doctor Pilyulkin: - Children, hello! I know that you want to be the healthiest person in the world. I have prepared tasks and a game for you. For completing each task correctly, I give you a piece of paper. Whichever team has more of them will win.

Assignments from Doctor Pilyulkin.

The doctor asks the children questions:

  • What is health? — Strength, intelligence, beauty, happiness.
  • What should you do to be healthy? - Temper yourself, follow a daily routine, walk in the fresh air, eat right, ventilate the room.
  • How should you help your health? - Take care of your eyesight and do not sit for a long time in front of the TV or computer, watch your posture, cross the street carefully.
  • Which mushrooms are edible and which are not? (On the table in front of Doctor Pilyulkin there are cards on which mushrooms are depicted. Children must attach edible mushrooms to one board with a magnet, and inedible mushrooms to the other).

Doctor Pilyulkin: - Well done! Now let’s play the game “The Most Dexterous”.

The game “The most dexterous” is played.

Mushrooms are arranged in a circle. There are several fewer of them than participants. At a signal, the children begin to move in a circle; at a second signal, they quickly take one mushroom. Whoever did not have time to take the mushroom leaves the game. The presenter gradually removes several mushrooms. The game continues until there are only a few participants left - the most dexterous ones.

Doctor Pilyulkin: - Well done, guys! We completed the task. Goodbye! It's time for you to continue on your way.

How to prepare for a hike with a child?

The kids were well prepared!

Remember: you are going on a hike for a good mood. Create it in advance and don’t lose it along the way.

Think through the logistics and route. If they were developed in advance, refresh the information. If you go with a group, check to see if there are any changes.

Write a list of equipment - take into account the experience of others and decide for yourself what to take for a comfortable stay. Consider the weather forecast. Take your favorite toy, but don’t overdo it with entertainment: there is plenty of it in nature. Think about what games to play while camping.

Tell your child about the upcoming event - explanations are useful even for a baby.

Relax on the eve of departure: busy days lie ahead. Good luck!


Baba Yaga: - What's that noise? What's all the fuss? Who are you and where did you come from? Well, turn back! I won't let you in! There are all kinds of people walking around here! The forest is being littered!

Educator: - We are not just anyone, we are tourists!

Baba Yaga: - Those guys also called themselves tourists, but look what they did! And what a clearing it was! I frolicked here as a child, when I was only a hundred years old! Oh! What was the air like! Aroma! And now? That piece of paper will lie for three years, or maybe more, until nature digests it. And this plastic bottle will not disappear even in fifteen, or even twenty years. What are you watching? Go away, I said I won’t let you in!

Educator: - Dear Baba Yaga, our guys know how to behave in the forest.

Baba Yaga: - And we’ll check this now.

Ecological signs.

Baba Yaga will test children's knowledge of environmental signs:

  • Don't trample flowers or grass.
  • Carefully extinguish the fire when leaving the resting place.
  • Don't shout, don't play loud music.
  • Don't tear up the cobwebs.
  • Don't break tree branches.
  • Don't destroy birds' nests.

Baba Yaga: - Well, tell me, where to put the garbage after yourself?

A competition is being held to see who can collect the trash the fastest.

Children put on gloves, take garbage bags and, when given a signal, quickly put garbage in them.

Baba Yaga:

- I will tell you from the bottom of my heart - All the guys are good! They cleared a clearing for me.

- Look at this fire. Did his previous children prepare him correctly? What is missing?

The competition “Cover the fire with stones” is being held.

Baba Yaga: - Well done, guys! We completed the task. Goodbye! It's time for you to continue on your way.

How to organize your baby’s hygiene while camping?

Bathing a baby in a basin in nature. Source:

  • toilet;
  • washing clothes;
  • shower.


The main issue in a children's camping trip is the toilet for babies under one year old. Taking disposable diapers at the rate of 5-7 pieces per day is an additional burden and responsibility for their disposal. There are no trash cans on the hike; you will have to carry all the garbage to the nearest village.

Reusable diapers with cloth inserts are more environmentally friendly: they allow the baby's skin to breathe and are easily washed in the parking lot.

If you teach your baby to drop off, the consumption of diapers and laundry will be significantly reduced. In the first months you will have to work hard on the habit, but then it will become easier.

Washing clothes

Wash. Source:

Children's clothing weighs little - you can take a supply for a couple of days and not wash it at all. Dress your child in layers: if the top gets dirty, the bottom will last until the end of the day. In the off-season, a waterproof overall will protect your pants.

On a multi-day hike, you can’t do without washing. Take quick-drying clothes. Wash with soap: it is more environmentally friendly and requires less water. A simple way to do laundry on the go is to put the laundry in a plastic bag with soapy water and leave it in the sun for half an hour, then shake and rinse. Protect colored items from the sun.


A clean child means a satisfied mother. Not every child will go for a swim in a cool river; in this case, a large black bag for heating water in the sun will come in handy. The purchased alternative weighs a little more - a camp shower with a volume of 10 liters or more.


For children of primary preschool age:

Children walk in pairs along the path. At the “tree” signal, they stop, hold hands, raise them up and slightly move away from each other, forming a tunnel. The last couple in the column runs under the raised hands of the children and stands in front of the column.

Each pair completes this task. When all the pairs have run and taken their places, the walking continues.

For children of senior preschool age:

The task for children is no different from a group of children of primary preschool age. Only the “bump” signal is added. At the signal “bump” the children stop. Holding hands, they move away from each other at arm's length and squat down, making a hummock. The last pair steps over all the bumps, sits down in front of the column, and makes the same bump. All pairs do the same thing one after another.

The game ends as soon as the first pair returns forward to their place.

Don't climb high into the mountains

Children, like adults, at altitudes above 2500 meters can suffer from altitude sickness. Weakness, shortness of breath, headache, nausea, rapid pulse - these are symptoms that the body has not yet adapted to the high altitudes. If you don't pay attention and continue to climb, the consequences can be very serious.

What can you do to ensure that neither you nor your children suffer from altitude sickness? The easiest way is to choose routes at low altitudes. You most likely won’t even feel the rise to 2500 meters. Eliminate the Himalayas and Elbrus from your immediate plans, go instead to the Khibiny Mountains or Taganay - and there will be no problems with altitude. If you want to climb above 2500 meters, follow the acclimatization rules. To determine if a child has altitude sickness, use the CLSS method.

Just in case: How to choose good travel health insurance


Lesovichok: - Hello, guys! You came to me on foot. Do you know what else you can travel on? What types of tourism exist?

Children: - Water, horseback, ski, automobile.

Lesovichok: - Correct! Only when traveling can dangers await you, and you must know how you can help yourself and others.

Lesovichok asks the teams questions. For each correct answer the team is awarded a piece of paper.

Tasks on knowledge of rules of conduct in the forest:

  • If you scratch yourself in the forest, but you don’t have iodine or brilliant green with you, what can you use to lubricate the scratch?
  • If you are bitten by a wasp, what will you do? - You need to pull out the sting, lubricate the bite site with soap.
  • If you hurt your knee badly, what will you do? - You need to wash the wound, treat it, bandage it.
  • If you find a tick on your body, what will you do? — You need to tell an adult, lubricate the skin with oil, and when the tick starts to emerge from under the skin, you need to carefully pull it out with a needle and consult a doctor.

When going to the forest for nature, remember the safety rules:

  1. Wear clothes that fit your body tightly.
  2. The jacket must be tucked into trousers, a scarf, a hood, and a cap on the head.
  3. When you return from the forest, immediately examine your body. The best way to see an attached tick is in the sun. If you find a tick on your body, immediately inform an adult about it - you cannot cope with this problem yourself.
  • If you get a thorn under your skin, what will you do? - You need to tell an adult, treat the needle with alcohol and pull out the splinter with a needle.
  • What to do if you hit your head and get a bump? - You need to apply something cold: a cold spoon, a handkerchief soaked in cold water, a wet newspaper.
  • What to do if you are bitten by mosquitoes? - You need to lubricate the bites with brine - salt water. This will help reduce itching.
  • What to do if you meet a wild animal in the forest? - You can't run away. It is best to freeze, then the beast will go its own way. If an animal is about to attack you, call an adult for help and climb a tree.

Lesovichok: “ I want to offer you horseback riding today.” What will this type of tourism be called?

The relay race “Equestrian tourism” is held.

Children gallop at a straight pace, racing in pairs to a landmark and back.

Lesovichok: - Well done, guys! We completed the task. Goodbye! It's time for you to continue on your way.

At what age can you take children on a hike?

Young tourist in Cyprus

In a way that makes you feel comfortable. Experienced tourists teach babies to travel as soon as they begin to hold their heads. Babies at 2 - 3 months sleep peacefully in an ergo backpack and warm up at a rest stop. Family outings with small radial outings, for example, children's Ladoga, are suitable for them.

Long walks are not recommended for children, especially when they are learning to crawl or walk.

If you can’t imagine your baby outside the walls of your home, wait until he confidently follows you and rolls around behind you with pleasure. Typically these skills are mastered by the age of one and a half years. From this age, young tourists are taken on hikes in Georgia.

A three-year-old toddler shows conscious interest in what is happening, asks questions and talks about his experiences - it’s not scary to take someone like that with you.

Finally, a five-year-old can cover 5-7 kilometers - most children’s hikes are designed for this age.

The sooner the baby goes on his first trip, the easier it will be for him in the future.

Methodological recommendations for educators “Organization of walks and hikes with older preschoolers”


for educators

"Organization of walks and hikes

with older preschoolers"

Methodological recommendations for organizing walks and hikes with older preschoolers.

It is known that metabolic processes in the body occur more intensely during outdoor activities, and this is an important factor in strengthening the health of children. In the fresh air, the teacher has more opportunities to diversify activities, it is easier to solve organizational issues, and there is more room for movement.

Long walks can be carried out with preschool children; in summer - hiking, in winter - skiing. The purpose of these walks is to improve the health of the child’s body.

Children encounter a wide variety of phenomena in nature.

Such walks add variety to the usual life of preschoolers. This is a special type of walk, which differs from the traditional one primarily in form, content and unusual organization. They should be carried out with pupils of senior preschool age. At this age, children are quite independent, and friendly relationships develop between peers. In preschoolers, the volitional sphere begins to form, and they are characterized by high cognitive activity. Walks - hikes cannot be carried out frequently, as this requires serious preparation on the part of both the teacher and the children. The optimal number of such walks is 2–3 times a year. When such events are held frequently, they lose their attractiveness and children’s interest in them decreases. It is important that pupils look forward to walks - hikes, prepare for them, and prepare themselves emotionally. Therefore, we must try to ensure that after such walks children retain pleasant memories in their memory, and not negative impressions associated, for example, with fatigue from a long walk.

Each walk has a specific task. A walk plan and route are developed, objects encountered along the way are listed, the necessary equipment and clothing are determined (depending on the weather). Only healthy, physically fit children can go on long hikes.

The plan and route of the walk is agreed upon with a medical professional. Before the walk, a conversation is held and the order of the walk is communicated. The duration of the walk is no more than 60-80 minutes with rest after every 35-40 minutes.

Hiking trips can be varied in form and content depending on the objectives:

— Traditional;

— Game: in the form of a complex of outdoor games of low, medium and high intensity, relay games, attraction games;

- Plot-based games: everything is united by a single plot - “Journey to the spring forest”, “Autumn has come to visit us”, etc.

— Hiking-training: reinforcing exercises familiar to children, elements of sports games (throwing, jumping, etc.);

— Classes on the ecological trail;

— Walks with elements of folklore (Maslenitsa).

In addition, you can use:

— Carrying out actions (“Let’s protect the forest!”, “After us it’s better than before us”, etc.);

— Meetings with interesting people (tourists, rescuers, forestry workers);

— Project protection (“Sun, air and water are our best friends”);

— Presentations (“Movement is the key to health”);

— Raid (on compliance with fire safety in the forest);

— Championship;

— Expedition and others.

The walk begins with the organizational moment:

All participants gather, the teacher conducts a roll call and briefing.

Then the group moves to a halt

, during which there may be short stops both for rest and for observing interesting objects.

The final point of the walk - hike - is a halt.

Its place should be convenient for relaxation, provide an opportunity to have a picnic, put up a tent, make a fire, organize games, etc.

At the end of the stop, gather the children and clean up the area.

Then the group moves to kindergarten

, during which there may be short stops for rest and observation.

Approximate structure of a walk-hike

(depending on the time of year, weather, children’s health, topic of the trip)

1. Collection and movement to the halt (15-35 minutes).

2. Stop, rest (10-20 minutes). Natural history activities.

3. A set of games and exercises (25-30 minutes).

4. Independent activity of children (15-20 minutes)

5. Collection of children and return to kindergarten (15-35 minutes).

The structure of a trip to the forest according to Runova M.A.

Part I. Collection and movement until the first stop (30 min.).

Part II. Stop, rest (10-15 min.).

III part. Movement along a developed route, a set of games and physical exercises (25-30 min.).

Part VI. Independent activity of children (15-20 min.).

Part V Collection of children and return to kindergarten (20-25 min.)

The organization of walks and hikes involves their systematic preparation.

At the beginning of the year, the teacher outlines several routes by drawing a map. At the same time, children are introduced to the cardinal directions: south, north, etc.

The length of each route is up to 3-4 km (round trip).

The route is divided into several stages. The first is the shortest: from 500-600 m. Gradually the distance increases, and finally, the children reach the intended goal. Having mastered one route, they move on to another, longer one. Children must have backpacks, drinks, and first aid supplies.

This activity allows children not only to improve their health, since walking and running are universal types of movement that work all muscle groups, but also to significantly expand their knowledge about the world around them.

The algorithm for preparing a walk
or hike
can be presented as follows:

1 - determination of the route for a walk or hike;

2 - coordination of the route with the administration of the preschool educational institution;

3 - careful study of the route of the walk - hike, passing it by adults;

4 -involving parents of pupils to participate in a walk - hike;

5 - selection and preparation of the necessary equipment;

6 - preparation for briefing for participants of the hike (determining the date, time and duration of the walk - hike, recommendations on the tourist’s equipment - clothing and contents of the backpack).

Preliminary work with children

may include:

- conducting conversations,

- organization of games - relay races,

- reading fiction;

— viewing tourism videos.

Students learn a lot of new things, for example, that hiking requires special equipment that is rarely used in everyday life: a tent, a backpack, a bowler hat, a sleeping bag, etc.

In the process of conversations, children’s vocabulary is enriched, an understanding of the concepts of “tourist”, “halt”, “route”, etc. is formed.

It is important to explain to them the rules of behavior on a hike, tell them about the need to obey the leader of the hike, be organized, coordinate your actions with the actions of others, follow safety rules: do not come close to the fire, do not jump in a tent, etc.

During walks and hikes, the following safety rules must be observed:

- movement of the group along a specific and planned route;

-accompaniment of children by adults (at least two per group);

-presence of a medical worker; availability of a first aid kit;

-conducting a roll call according to the list (several times during the campaign);

- clothing corresponds to the season of the year and weather conditions, the mandatory presence of a headdress;

— compliance with traffic rules when crossing streets and roads;

-compliance with the drinking regime (it is better to take regular boiled water with you).

A walk - a hike may contain a surprise moment:

an unexpected meeting or an interesting task.

During a break and rest, it is good to play games that stimulate the cognitive and intellectual activity of children, outdoor and sports games.

Students should be given the opportunity to demonstrate independence and experience for themselves all the difficulties in organizing everyday life during a hike, for example, those associated with setting up a tent.

The presence of parents, especially dads, will be valuable, communication with whom will enrich the children's experience. During such walks, preschoolers develop a sense of responsibility and camaraderie, and they will be able to better understand what “One for all and all for one” means. During hikes, a special, trusting atmosphere is established between children and adults.

Not all preschool educational organizations have the opportunity to go outside the kindergarten, but it is recommended to first organize a walk or hike around the territory of the institution.

This type of walk is an imitation of an adult hiking trip. It would be good if it included all the elements of a hike: gathering, “getting together” around the fire and “returning” to kindergarten.

Based on the results of the walk or hike, you can exchange impressions and fill out a diary. It is important that children remember the trip as an interesting journey, discovering something new, admiring the world around them, singing around the fire, communicating with each other.

Rules for organizing trips:

- a tourist trip is carried out only after a thorough study of the route: on the eve of the trip, the leader examines the road, parking areas and games, it is important to provide for all the little details, to find a successful combination of various types of physical activity with rest; think over which movements are more appropriate to use on certain sections of the road, taking into account natural obstacles;

— leaving the territory of the kindergarten is registered in a special journal;

- a group of 10-15 children is accompanied by at least two adults;

- adults take signal flags with them, line up the children so as to keep all the pupils in sight;

- while following, children walk in pairs, observing traffic rules; less prepared children, hyperactive ones, as well as those who are easily distracted, walk in front, hand in hand with one of the adults;

— clothes and shoes of preschoolers must correspond to the season;

— compliance with the drinking regime in accordance with the time of year;

- every adult should know poisonous mushrooms, berries, herbs growing in a given area; study the contents of the first aid kit and the rules for using it in order to provide first aid if necessary;

— exclude trips to the forest during the period of encephalitis tick activity;

- difficult to pass areas (tree roots, etc.) are overcome in formation one after another at a distance of 1 m, the person walking in front warns of the danger;

— upon arrival in the forest, teachers remind children of the rules of conduct in the forest;

- during a hike, take into account the individual physical capabilities of children, monitor the well-being and mood of children, observe modes of movement and rest;

— the recreation area is marked with signal chips or ribbons;

— the teacher monitors children’s compliance with personal hygiene rules;

— during the hike, it is necessary to periodically gather children together (at a certain signal), checking the number of children with the list;

— upon arrival at kindergarten, children must be examined by medical workers;

— children should know that when camping it is necessary to comply with the requirements of adults.

Hikes with children of senior and middle preschool age are carried out over a distance of 1.5-3 kilometers, lasting 1.5-2.5 hours. The optimal time in the daily routine is from 10 to 12 hours. Walking plays a huge role in hiking – the most natural way of human movement, involving up to 50% of the entire body’s muscles.

Each trip requires careful preparation.

The physical education instructor, together with the group teachers, prepares the necessary equipment, develops a summary of the mini-trip, taking into account a certain structure and long-term plan.

Distribution of functions when organizing a hike:


carry out preliminary work with children:

— introduce children to environmental laws and environmental signs;

- talk about the rules of behavior in the forest;

— teach how to prepare camping equipment (backpack).


advise parents on the topics “Packing a backpack for a hike”, “How to behave in the forest”, “Be careful on the road!”, “How to properly dress a child for a hike”. Educators organize an initiative group of parents of 2-3 people who play the role of fairy-tale characters or active helpers on a hike.


they talk with children, help collect camping equipment, take part in mini-hikes, creative exhibitions, and seminars.

Senior teacher (deputy head for educational and methodological work)

Conducts all necessary briefings with teachers.


1.Bocharova N.I. Tourist walks in kindergarten: A manual for practical workers of preschool educational institutions. – M.: ARKTI, 2004.

2.K.Yu. Belaya, E.A. Karalashvili, L.I. Pavlova. Methodological recommendations for organizing walks and hikes. //Handbook of senior preschool teacher.-2013.-10.- p.10.

3.K.Yu. Belaya, E.A. Karalashvili, L.I. Pavlova. Methodological recommendations for organizing sports walks. //Handbook of senior preschool teacher.-2013.-11.- p.4.

4.K.Yu. Belaya, E.A. Karalashvili, L.I. Pavlova. Methodological recommendations for organizing walks and events. //Handbook of senior preschool teacher.-2014.-2.- p.10.

Internet resources:









Take some delicious food

Camping food is not sticky kindergarten oatmeal. With a little ingenuity, outdoor cooking can be done just like at home. To make a delicious milk porridge, take plain milk powder (not powdered coffee creamer!), dilute it according to instructions, add your favorite cereal or whole grains, cook on a burner and, when almost ready, add freeze-dried berries. Place the finished dish in a beautiful camping plate and take a photo for Instagram.

For lunch, you can make soup, for example, from the Yelli or Yelli Kids series, or have a snack with sandwiches and tea from a thermos. For dinner, try pasta with dried vegetables, aromatic oil (make sure the bottle cap doesn't leak), and a hard cheese that's easy to grate ahead of time.

For bottle-fed babies, parents usually carry water in a thermos and bottles according to the number of feedings, and in the evening they wash and sterilize everything at once.

Find more ideas on what to feed your child while camping and what to do about the lack of fruits, vegetables and milk on the Touristenok website.

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