Card file of games on speech development for the 2nd junior group of preschool educational institutions

Speech games in the 2nd junior group

Card index “Didactic games in the 2nd junior group

“Introduction to sound reality and the development of voluntary hand movements”

"Guess what it sounds like"

Goal : To introduce children to the sounds of the world around them, to isolate and recognize them.

Progress: The teacher shows the objects one by one and demonstrates how they sound. Then the teacher offers to solve riddles. He closes the screen and acts with different objects, and the children recognize which objects the different sounds belong to. Explains that there are many sounds in the world and they all sound differently.


Goal: To develop children's speech attention.

Progress: V-l: Listen to how the clock ticks: “Tick-tock, tick-tock,” how the clock strikes: “Bom-bom...”. In order for them to walk, you need to start them: “tri-truck...”! .

- Let's wind up a big clock (children repeat the corresponding sound combination 3 times); Our clock goes and first ticks, then strikes (sound combinations are repeated by the children 5-6 times).

- Now let’s wind up the small clock, the clock goes and sings quietly, the clock strikes very quietly (the children imitate the movement and ringing of the clock with their voices each time).

"Bear cubs eat honey"

Goal : To develop the articulatory apparatus of children.

Progress: The teacher tells the children that they will be bear cubs, and bear cubs really love honey. He suggests bringing your palm closer to your mouth (with your fingers) and “licking” the honey - the children stick out their tongues and, without touching their palm, imitate that they are eating honey. Then, lifting the tip of the tongue, remove it. (Mandatory demonstration of all actions by the teacher.)

The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Then the teacher says: “The bear cubs are full. They lick the upper lip (show), lower lip (show). They stroke their tummies, saying: “Oooh” (2-3 times).

"The Frog and the Little Frogs"

Goal: To develop children's speech attention.

Progress: The teacher divides the children into two groups: large and small frogs. He says: “Big frogs jump into the pond, swim in the water and croak loudly: “Kva-kva” (children imitate that they are swimming and croak loudly)

Little frogs also jump into the pond, swim, and croak quietly (children imitate the actions and croak quietly). All the frogs got tired and sat down on the sand on the shore.” Then the children change roles and the game is repeated.

"Let's feed the chicks"

Goal: To develop the speech apparatus of children.

Progress: (I am the mother bird, and you are my little chicks. The chicks are cheerful, they squeak: “pee-pee,” and flap their wings. The mother bird flew for tasty crumbs for her children, and the chicks fly merrily and squeak The mother flew in and started feeding her babies (the children squat down, raise their heads up, the chicks open their beaks wide, they want tasty crumbs.

(The teacher tries to get the children to open their mouths wider.) The game is repeated 2-3 times.

"At the doctor"

Goal: To develop the articulatory apparatus of children.

Progress: The doll is a doctor. She wants to see if the children's teeth hurt.

Q: Show the doctor your teeth (the teacher with the doll quickly walks around the children and says that everyone has good teeth. Now the doctor will check if you have a sore throat. Whoever she approaches will open his mouth wide (the children open their mouths wide).

The doctor is happy: no one has a sore throat.

"Guess what it sounds like"

Goal : Continue to isolate and recognize the sounds of individual musical instruments.

Progress : The teacher shows musical instruments one by one and demonstrates how they sound. Then the teacher offers to solve riddles. He closes the screen and acts with different instruments, and the children recognize what different sounds belong to.

"Recognize by voice"

Goal: To clarify and reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Progress: The teacher shows the toys and asks who it is, asks to say how it screams. The screen is closed and one subgroup of children takes the toys and takes turns speaking for their animals. Another group guesses who shouted.

“Who lives in the house? »

Goal: To reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop children's speech breathing.

Progress: (The teacher shows a picture of a dog). Who is this? The dog barks loudly: “aw-aw.” And who is this? (children's answers) The puppy barks quietly (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). (The teacher shows a picture of a cat). Who is this? The cat meows loudly: “Meow-meow.” And who is this? (children's answers) The kitten meows quietly.

Let the little animals go home (the pictures are put away behind the cubes). Guess who lives in this house: “av-av” (pronounced loudly? (children’s answers) That’s right, a dog (shows a picture). How did she bark? (children’s answers).

Guess who lives in this house: “meow-meow” (pronounced quietly? How did the kitten meow?

Similarly, children guess who lives in other houses and repeat sound combinations several times.

“Who is screaming? »

Goal: To develop children's speech attention.

Progress: The mother bird had a little chick (puts out pictures). His mother taught him to sing. The bird sang loudly: “chirp - chirp” (children repeat the sound combination). And the chick answered quietly: “chirp-chirp” (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). The chick flew and flew far away from its mother (moves the picture of the chick further away). The bird is calling its son. What does she call him? (Children, together with the teacher, repeat the sound combination). The chick heard its mother calling him and chirped. How does he tweet? (Children say quietly). He flew to his mother. The bird sang loudly. How?

"Call Your Mom"

Goal: To reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonation expressiveness.

Progress: All children have object pictures with baby animals. Educator: “Who is your picture, Kolya? (chicken) Who is the chicken's mother? (chicken) Call your mother, chicken. (Peep-pee-pee) The teacher imitates the clucking of a chicken and shows a picture.

The same work is carried out with all children.

"Answer me"

Goal: To reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonation expressiveness.

Progress: Educator: This is a goat (showing a picture). How is she screaming? Who is her cub? How does he scream? This is a sheep (show picture). How does she bleat? And how does her baby lamb scream? etc. Pictures are displayed on flannelgraph.

The teacher hands out pictures of animals and birds to the children. The cubs are walking (children leave the tables, nibble grass, nibble crumbs. Whose mother or whose father will call the cub. He must shout - answer them - and run - put the picture next to them.

The teacher pronounces the cry of an animal or bird. The child with the cub depicted makes sounds and places the picture on the flannelgraph.

on speech development


Goal: focus on the gender of a noun when defining an object by its characteristics.

Materials: hare, carrot, cucumber, apple, tomato, bag.

Let’s tell the children something like this: “A hare came to our kindergarten. Running bunny, what's in your bag? Can I have a look? What is this? (Carrot.) What carrot? (Long, red.) Put the carrots on the table. And what's that? (Cucumber.) What cucumber? (In the same way we take out a tomato, apple, etc.)

Now the hare wants to play with you. He hid all the vegetables and fruits in a bag. The bunny will put his paw into the bag, take a vegetable or fruit and tell you about it, and you must guess what the bunny has in his paw. Listen carefully. It is long and red. What is this? (Carrot.) It is green and long. What is this? (Cucumber.) It is round and red. What is this? (Apple.) It is round and red. What is this? (Tomato.)"

If the children answer the last two questions incorrectly, we repeat, emphasizing the pronoun in our voice: “Listen again. It is round and red. It's round and red.

Now find and put vegetables in the bag. What's left? (Apple.) Apples are fruits. Thank you, hare, for coming to us. Goodbye".


Goal: learn to focus on endings when agreeing words in gender.

Materials: chest, object pictures: egg, cookies, jam, apple, towel and other objects designated by neuter and feminine nouns, according to the number of children.

Let's put a chest with pictures on the table. We will invite the children to take out the pictures one at a time, while asking questions: “Which egg? Which

matryoshka? Etc. The interrogative pronoun agrees with the noun and helps the child correctly determine the gender of the latter.

If the pictures show 2-3 objects, the game will take on a new meaning: the child will be able to practice forming the nominative plural forms of nouns.


Goal: focus on the ending of a verb in the past tense when agreeing it with a noun.

Materials: wooden house, toy animals: mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear.

Let's put a tower on the carpet. We will place the animals near the tower. We will tell a fairy tale, encouraging children to take part in the telling.

— There is a tower in the field. She ran to the tower... who? That's right, mouse. (Children give hints based on the meaning of the verb and its ending.) “Who lives in the little house?” Nobody here. The mouse began to live in the little house.

A frog galloped up to the tower. Etc. In conclusion, let's summarize:

- Listen to how we say: the frog galloped, and the bunny galloped; The fox came running, and the wolf came running.


Purpose: to practice the formation of genitive plural forms of nouns.

Materials: pairs of objects: nesting dolls, pyramids (large and small), ribbons (of different colors and different sizes - long and short), horses, ducklings, Pinocchio, bag.

Pinocchio appears in front of the children with a bag. He says that he brought toys for the guys. Children look at toys. They call them. They put it on the table.

We comment:

- What is this? Matryoshka. Let's see what's inside the nesting doll. Another matryoshka. Place them next to each other. Vova, now take out the toy. What is this? (Pyramid.) Is there another pyramid? Etc.

- Remember what items are on the table. There are pyramids, nesting dolls, and ducklings. Pinocchio will play with you. He will hide toys, and you will have to say which toys are gone: nesting dolls, pyramids, ducklings or something else.

Three pairs of objects remain on the table: nesting dolls, pyramids, horses. Children close their eyes. We hide the nesting dolls and put ribbons in their place. (“Who’s missing?”) Then we hide the ribbons and put pyramids in their place. (“What’s missing?”) Etc. Finally, we remove all the toys and ask: “Which toys are missing?”


Purpose: to practice the formation of genitive plural forms of nouns.

Children sit on chairs. Let's address them, inviting them to a joke or a game with intonation:

Where are our pens? Our pens are gone! (We hide our hands behind our backs. Children do the same.) Here are our hands! (We show our hands and play with our fingers.)

- Where are our legs? Our legs are gone! (Children hide their legs under the chair.) Here are our legs! (They stomp their feet.)

- Where are our pens? What's missing? (Pens.) Here are our pens! - Where are our legs? What's missing? (Legs.) Here are our legs!

The game is repeated 2-3 times.


Purpose: to practice the formation of plural forms of nouns (in the nominative and genitive cases).

Materials: pictures depicting objects in the singular and plural (matryoshka - nesting dolls, bucket - buckets, wheel - wheels, ring - rings, etc.).

We distribute pictures to the children, keeping the paired ones. We explain the conditions of the game:

- This is a game of attention. I will show pictures. Each picture shows a toy. Anyone who has a picture with the same toys should quickly say so. For example, I have a wheel. And Vera has wheels. Faith must quickly say, “I have wheels,” or “I have many wheels.” Toys must be named.

The one who hesitates gives his picture to an adult. If the child quickly and correctly names the toy, we give our picture to him.

At the end of the game, the losers (who do not have pictures on their hands) are offered comic tasks: jump on one leg, jump high, sit down three times, etc. We come up with tasks together with the children.


Purpose: to practice the formation of imperative forms of the verbs to jump, to go.

Materials: truck, mouse, bear.

We bring a truck and a mouse and a bear into the room. We address the children:

— Do you want the mouse and the bear to ride in a truck? If you want, ask them. You have to say: “Bear, go!” You can also ask the mouse and the bear to jump: “Mouse, jump!” (Requests are accompanied by actions with toys.)

- Oleg, who do you want to ask, a mouse or a bear? What will you ask for?

The game continues until the children's interest in it runs out.


Purpose: to practice the formation of imperative forms of the verbs lie, sing.

Materials: teddy bear (voiced toy).

A bear cub comes to visit the children. We tell you that he knows how to carry out orders. You can ask the bear: “Bear, lie down on your side... lie down on your back... lie down on your tummy.” He can also sing, you just need to ask: “Bear, sing!” (The story is accompanied by actions with the toy.)

At the request of the children, the bear cub performs various tasks. If the child finds it difficult to formulate the task, we ask leading questions: “Do you want the bear to lie down? On the tummy or on the back? Let’s say together: bear, lie down on your tummy.”

You can give the bear cub other tasks: go (down the hill), jump, dance, write a letter, etc.


Goal: correctly use prepositions with spatial meaning in speech (in, on, about, under, before).

Materials: truck, bear, mouse.

The bear and the mouse are visiting the children again. The guests began to play hide and seek. The bear leads, and the mouse hides. We invite children to close their eyes. We say:

— The mouse hid. Open your eyes. The bear is looking: “Where is the mouse? He’s probably under the car?” No. Where is he, guys? (In the cockpit.) Look where he got into!

Close your eyes again, the mouse will hide again. (We put the mouse on the cabin.) Where is the mouse? Guys, tell the bear!

In the same way, children, together with the teddy bear, look for a mouse that is hiding under the car, near the car, in front of the car.

Games and exercises with grammatical content can be included in group lesson scenarios, or can be carried out at the request of children with small subgroups during leisure hours. You can organize games with children, with the help of which they would learn to correlate the producing and derivative words. This is done on the basis of nouns denoting animals and their young. The formation of methods of verbal word formation is closely related to form formation. It is carried out in outdoor games, dramatization games, and special didactic games.


Goal: match the name of the animal with the name of the baby.

Materials: toy house, animals (toys): duck and duckling, hen and chick, goat and kid, cow and calf, horse and foal.

Let's place adult animals around the room. Their cubs are on the carpet in the house. Let's invite the children to find out who lives in the house.

- Let's get a look. Quack-quack-quack - who is it? Duck? We take out the toy from the house. Is the duck big or small? Small? This, guys, is a duckling. Little duckling. And the duck is his mother. Help the duckling find his mother duck. Vasya, take the duckling. Look for the duck.

- Whose voice is this - pi-pi-pi? Who is this? (We take out the chicken.) Who is the chicken's mother? How does a chicken cackle? How does the chicken respond? Look, Olya, for the chicken, the chicken’s mother.

The rest of the characters are played out in a similar way. When all the babies have mothers, the adults and cubs are placed together. Let the children look at them, say the words: duck - duckling, hen - chicken, etc. Then the animals leave by car to visit other children.


Goal: to distinguish between adult animals and young animals by onomatopoeia, to correlate the names of an adult animal and its young.

Materials: toys: mouse and little mouse, duck and duckling, frog and baby frog, cow and calf.

Animals come and visit children. The animals want to play. Children must guess whose voice they heard.

- Moo-oo - who moos like that? (Cow.) Who moos lowly? (Calf.)

Kwa-kwa—whose rude voice is this? And who croaks thinly? The frog is large and croaks in a rough voice. And her cub croaks thinly. Who is the baby frog?

The rest of the toys are played in the same way. After the game, children can play with toys. To receive a toy, the child must call it correctly (“Frog, come to me!”, “Duckling, come to me!”).


Goal: use the names of baby animals.

Materials: tray with toys: squirrels, hares, ducklings, mice, etc. - according to the number of children, building material.

We bring a tray of toys into the room. We say that children should build houses for the kids. Everyone must first decide for whom he will build a house, and correctly ask an adult: “Please give me a duckling (little squirrel).”

If necessary, you need to suggest the whole word or just the beginning and ask the child to repeat the name.

We lay out building material on the carpet. Children build houses for their animals and play.


Goal: to correlate the names of adult animals with the names of their babies, to activate the names of baby animals in speech.

Materials: squirrel and fox.

Let's explain to the children the content of the game:

— Now we’ll play the game “Friendly Guys.” Get into pairs. Now line up in two columns. The first column is squirrels, the second is fox cubs. Here are your houses (we place chairs at different ends of the room, on which we sit the squirrel and the fox). If you hear dance music, dance and run - frolic on the lawn. At the command “Danger!” run home to your mothers. The one who gets it together the fastest wins.

The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Plastic sketches and exercises also contribute to the activation of the names of baby animals and their correlation with the names of adult animals. For example, an adult takes on the role of a mother hen, and children take on the role of chickens. A hen with chicks walks through a clearing. Everyone is raking the grass, looking for worms, drinking water, and cleaning their feathers. At the command “Danger!” The chickens run under the wing of their mother hen.

Card file “Didactic games for speech development” younger age

Didactic games for speech development for young children.

“Wonderful bag”

focus on the gender of the noun when defining an object by its characteristics.


hare, carrot, cucumber, apple, tomato, bag.


“A hare came to our kindergarten. Running bunny, what's in your bag? Can I have a look? What is this? (Carrot.) What carrot? (Long, red.) Put the carrots on the table. And what's that? (Cucumber.) What cucumber? (In the same way we take out a tomato, apple, etc.)

Now the hare wants to play with you. He hid all the vegetables and fruits in a bag. The bunny will put his paw into the bag, take a vegetable or fruit and tell you about it, and you must guess what the bunny has in his paw. Listen carefully. It is long and red. What is this? (Carrot.) It is green and long. What is this? (Cucumber.) It is round and red. What is this? (Apple.) It is round and red. What is this? (Tomato.)"

If the children answer the last two questions incorrectly, we repeat, emphasizing the pronoun in our voice: “Listen again. It is round and red. It's round and red.

Now find and put vegetables in the bag. What's left? (Apple.) Apples are fruits. Thank you, hare, for coming to us. Goodbye".

“Multi-colored bag”

focus on the ending when agreeing words in gender.


: chest, object pictures: egg, cookies, jam, apple, towel and other objects designated by neuter and feminine nouns, according to the number of children.


Let's put a chest with pictures on the table. We will invite the children to take out the pictures one at a time, while asking questions: “Which egg? What matryoshka?” Etc. The interrogative pronoun agrees with the noun and helps the child correctly determine the gender of the latter.

If the pictures show 2-3 objects, the game will take on a new meaning: the child will be able to practice forming the nominative plural forms of nouns.

“Such a leaf - fly to me!”

Practice finding leaves by similarity, activate children's vocabulary (names of trees: maple, oak, rowan, birch), cultivate auditory attention.


The teacher, together with the children, collects tree leaves during a walk (according to the number of children, one for each). The children stand in a semicircle.

— Do you know what trees grow on our site? Let's name them and approach them. Look at the leaves of the maple - large with teeth. The leaves of the rowan tree are small, the leaf itself looks like a feather (By comparing and naming the leaves, the teacher finds out what children know about trees, how their leaves differ).

— I have leaves from different trees in my hands (shows). Let's repeat their names. I'll give you all a piece of paper and keep a few for myself. When I show a leaf and say: “Whoever has the same leaf, fly to me!” - you will run to me.

“Who will collect it sooner?”

Correctly assemble the pyramid, first selecting large rings, then smaller and smaller ones; practice naming the size of the ring (large, smaller, even smaller, smallest).


pyramids (according to the number of children), flags.


Play with a small group of children. Having distributed the pyramids to each child, the teacher attracts the attention of the children:

- Look at the ring below: big or small? (big)

- What is this? (smaller)

What ring is on top? (the smallest)

If children cannot answer on their own, the teacher helps:

- Remember that the largest ring is at the bottom, and what is at the top? (the smallest)

Now listen to how we will play with the pyramids. Let's first disassemble the pyramid (removes the rings, puts them on the table) and you do the same. And then, when I hit the ring on the table, you will quickly begin to assemble the pyramid. You need to assemble it correctly. Whoever collects the fastest will win. He will get a flag.

“What has changed?”

Practice correctly naming objects and their actions (the nesting doll hid, came running, stands still), notice and name the difference in the color of clothing and the size of the nesting dolls.


five different-sized multi-colored nesting dolls.


The teacher shows five nesting dolls one by one and, together with the children, names the colors of the clothes, noting that all the nesting dolls are different in size.

- What do you see on my table? (matryoshka dolls)

- Look at the height of the nesting dolls (places two, then three, and then four nesting dolls next to each other). Are they the same height or not? (different). What's different about them?

The teacher helps with guiding questions:

- Look at the handkerchiefs. What are they? (touches first one, then another nesting doll). One nesting doll has a red scarf, another has a green one, and this one has a blue one. How can we say about handkerchiefs in one word? (the handkerchiefs of the nesting dolls are of different colors).

— What about sundresses, how can you say? (sundresses are also different colors).

“Now let’s play like this: I’ll cover the matryoshka dolls with a screen, and then you’ll find out which doll will hide.” But you need to answer only one at a time, so the one who notices will come up to me and say quietly so that others do not hear.

Next, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the size of the nesting dolls: he hides behind the screen first one, then another, then two at once.

When the game is played again, the one the matryoshka points to answers.


focus on the ending of the verb in the past tense when agreeing it with a noun.


wooden tower, toy animals: mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear.

Content .

Let's put a tower on the carpet. We will place the animals near the tower. We will tell a fairy tale, encouraging children to take part in the telling.

— There is a tower in the field. She ran to the tower... who? That's right, mouse. (Children give hints based on the meaning of the verb and its ending.) “Who lives in the little house?” Nobody here. The mouse began to live in the little house.

A frog galloped up to the tower. Etc. In conclusion, let's summarize:

- Listen to how we say: the frog jumped up,

and the bunny
galloped up;
the fox
came running,
and the wolf
came running.
“What’s missing?”

practice forming genitive plural forms of nouns.


pairs of objects: nesting dolls, pyramids (large and small), ribbons (of different colors and different sizes - long and short), horses, ducklings, Pinocchio, a bag.


Pinocchio appears in front of the children with a bag. He says that he brought toys for the guys. Children look at toys. They call them. They put it on the table.

- What is this? Matryoshka. Let's see what's inside the nesting doll. Another matryoshka. Place them next to each other. Vova, now take out the toy. What is this? (Pyramid.) Is there another pyramid? Etc.

- Remember what items are on the table. There are pyramids, nesting dolls, and ducklings. Pinocchio will play with you. He will hide toys, and you will have to say which toys are gone: nesting dolls, pyramids, ducklings or something else.

Three pairs of objects remain on the table: nesting dolls, pyramids, horses. Children close their eyes. We hide the nesting dolls and put ribbons in their place. (“Who’s missing?”) Then we hide the ribbons and put pyramids in their place. (“What’s missing?”) Etc. Finally, we remove all the toys and ask: “Which toys are missing?”

“Where are our pens?”

practice forming genitive plural forms of nouns.


Children sit on chairs.

- Where are our pens? Our pens are gone! (We hide our hands behind our backs, the children do the same.) Here are our hands! (We show our hands and play with our fingers.)

- Where are our legs? Our legs are gone! (Children hide their legs under the chair.) Here are our legs! (They stomp their feet.)

- Where are our pens? What's missing? (Pens.) Here are our pens! - Where are our legs? What's missing? (Nozhek.) Here are ours

legs! The game is repeated 2-3 times.

“Find an object by description”

To develop the ability to find an object by its most characteristic features, to develop the ability to describe an object without naming it.


Pinocchio toy.


The teacher, together with Pinocchio and the children, examine the objects that have been selected for the game (ball, truck, dog, doll, etc.). In this case, it is necessary to draw children’s attention to the appearance of objects, their shape, color, what they are made of, and what they are needed for. Then he invites the children to turn away (hides objects in different places).

- All our toys have fled, now you will look for them. First, I’ll tell you about the toy that you should find very first,” Buratino suggests. This is a round, rubber object that bounces and rolls along the floor (this is a ball).

- Seryozha, find the ball.

Pinocchio describes another toy:

— Plastic, green with a handle, they carry water in it to water the plants. What is this item? (bucket)

- Lena, look for a bucket and bring it here.

The game continues until the children find all the hidden objects according to the description.


practice forming plural forms of nouns (in the nominative and genitive cases).


pictures depicting objects in the singular and plural (matryoshka - nesting dolls, bucket - buckets, wheel - wheels, ring - rings, etc.).


We distribute pictures to the children, keeping the paired ones. We explain the conditions of the game:

- This is a game of attention. I will show pictures. Each picture shows a toy. Anyone who has a picture with the same toys should quickly say so. For example, I have a wheel. And Vera has wheels. Faith must quickly say, “I have wheels,” or “I have many wheels.” Toys must be named.

The one who hesitates gives his picture to an adult. If the child quickly and correctly names the toy, we give our picture to him.

At the end of the game, the losers (who do not have pictures on their hands) are offered comic tasks: jump on one leg, jump high, sit down three times, etc. We come up with tasks together with the children.

“Choose dishes for the doll”

consolidate knowledge about different types of dishes; develop the ability to use utensils for their intended purpose.


Three dolls: one is a cook, the other is a nanny, the third is just a girl. Toy stove, toy dinnerware, toy table and chair.


The game is played after a conversation about the work of the cook and nanny, what utensils are used in their work. During the game, a cook doll stands near the stove, another nanny doll prepares dishes for dinner, and a girl doll sits at the table. The teacher asks to look at the dolls, there is a conversation about who they are, what they do, what utensils they need.

There are different dishes on the table near the teacher. Showing an object, he tells what this object is called (saucepan), the cook needs it.

- Kolya, take the pan to the cook and put it on the stove.

Next, the teacher shows the bread box:

- What is this item called, who needs it? (breadbox, it needs to be taken to the nanny).

The teacher shows a teaspoon:

- What is it, what is it for? (a teaspoon to put sugar in tea, eat cake).

One by one, the teacher shows all the dishes. To maintain interest, you can use the following options:

— And probably no one needs these dishes? (shows a ladle, colander or teapot),

- Needed, needed!

-Who needs a ladle? (to the cook)

- Does the nanny need it? (needed)

- So how many ladles are needed? (two). Let's look for another ladle (the children find another ladle and take it to the cook and nanny).

“More is less”

practice distinguishing and comparing the sizes of objects (more, less, the same)


Natural material: cones, acorns, leaves, pebbles, shells (different in size, so that there is the same number of each type).


Children sit at the table and look at objects together with the teacher and name them.

- Let's look at the cones. Do you think they are the same in size or different? (Different) Vitya, show me which one is larger. Lena, so what kind of bump is this? (smaller)

“We’ll play with these cones, pebbles, leaves and shells today.” We will arrange them by size: first we will put the largest object, and then smaller and smaller ones (shows actions on the table with acorns).

- You need to put only identical objects in a row. The one who took the cones puts only the cones in a row. And who will take the leaf, the one that will put it in a row? (leaves)

At the teacher’s command, children lay out objects in a row on the table. Children select objects and arrange them by size (5-6 objects of each type).

- The one who quickly and correctly puts all the objects in a row wins.

“Fold the picture”

practice composing a whole object from its parts.


The box contains whole pictures depicting different objects: vegetables, fruits, toys, plants. In another box there are the same pictures, cut into four equal parts.


The teacher introduces the pictures, the children name what is depicted on them. Then shows parts of the picture:

- What picture is this piece from? (from an apple). The teacher superimposes part of the picture onto the whole.

- Now let's find other parts of the apple.

Children look for pictures of apple parts when all the pieces are found and placed next to the whole picture:

— It turned out to be a whole apple. Now, I will give you pictures. I’ll give Sveta a pear, Vika a tomato, and Dima a carrot. Collect whole pictures from their parts (cut pictures are on the table).

Then the rules change:

“I won’t give you the whole picture, but a piece.” Using this piece, you can guess which picture needs to be assembled (if the child has guessed which object he will get, then he must be allowed to put together the whole picture to check the accuracy of the guess).

“Hide and Seek”

correctly use prepositions with spatial meaning in speech
(in, on, about, under, before).

truck, bear, mouse.


A bear and a mouse come to visit the children, and they begin to play hide and seek. The bear leads, and the mouse hides.

- Let's close our eyes. The mouse hid.

The bear is looking: “Where is the mouse? He’s probably under the car?” Where is he, guys? (In the cockpit.) Look where he got into!

Close your eyes again, the mouse will hide again. (We put the mouse on the cabin.) Where is the mouse? Guys, tell the bear!

In the same way, children look for a mouse, which is hiding under

by the car,
the car,
in front of
the car.


match the name of the animal with the name of the baby.


toy house, animals (toys): duck and duckling, hen and chicken, goat and kid, cow and calf, horse and foal.


Let's place adult animals around the room. Their cubs are on the carpet in the house.

- Let's get a look. Quack-quack-quack

- who is this? Duck? We take out the toy from the house. Is the duck big or small? Small? This, guys, is a duckling. Little duckling. And the duck is his mother. Help the duckling find his mother duck. Vasya, take the duckling. Look for the duck.

- Whose voice is this - pi-pi-pi?

Who is this? (We take out the chicken.) Who is the chicken's mother? How does a chicken cackle? How does the chicken respond? Look, Olya, for the chicken, the chicken’s mother.

The rest of the characters are played out in a similar way. When all the babies have mothers, the adults and cubs are placed together. Let the children look at them and say the words: duck

duckling, hen
, etc.


use the names of baby animals.


a tray with toys: squirrels, hares, ducklings, mice, etc. - according to the number of children, building material.


We bring a tray of toys into the room. We say that children should build houses for the kids. Everyone must first decide for whom he will build a house, and correctly ask an adult: “Please give me a duckling (little squirrel).”

If necessary, you need to suggest the whole word or just the beginning and ask the child to repeat the name.

We lay out building material on the carpet. Children build houses for their animals and play.

“Who needs what for work?”

to consolidate children’s knowledge that different things and tools help people in their work.


large cards depicting a cook, doctor, driver, builder, etc., and small cards depicting items necessary for work.


This game is played after conversations and observations of the work of people of different professions, paying attention to the tools of their work. As children become familiar with the work of adults, they add pictures depicting a builder, postman, salesman, milkmaid and the tools of their labor. The game is played according to the “Loto” type. There is a competition to see who can cover all the squares on large cards the fastest. The teacher clarifies the children’s knowledge about professions and the tools of their work, then reminds them of the rules of the lotto game. It is necessary to help with questions:

- What else does a doctor need? How does it measure temperature? What does he bandage with?


follow the adult's word.


rattles on the handle (2 for each child); boxes (baskets) for folding rattles.


Children stand in front of an adult who holds a box of rattles and says:

Everybody run to me quickly, you'll get some rattles!

(The adult quickly distributes rattles to the children)

The children took the rattles. They walked fast with them!

(The adult walks in front of the children, waving rattles)

They began to run and jump. Play with rattles!

(Children run around jingling rattles)

Now everyone needs to stand in a circle and show the rattles!

(Children stand in a circle)

Raise the rattles. And then lower them. Raise and lower! Raise and lower!

(Children raise and lower rattles)

The children began to squat and bang their rattles. Knock and straight! Knock and straight! Knock, knock, knock! And everyone stood up.

(Children squat, knock rattles on the floor, stand up, repeat these movements twice; in response to the words “knock, knock, knock,” they quickly knock rattles on the floor three times, then get up)

And now we're all running. We make rattles.

(Children run after an adult, waving rattles)

Quietly, quietly, let's all go. Let's remove the rattles!

(Children pass by a box placed on their way and put their rattles there)

“Olin’s assistants”

form the plural form of verbs.


Olya doll.


- Children, the doll Olya and her assistants came to us. I’ll show them to you, and guess who these helpers are and what they help our Ole do.” The doll walks along the table. We point to her legs: “What are these? These are the legs. They are Olya's assistants. What do the legs do? (They walk, jump, run, skip, dance, etc.) Next, we point to other parts of the body and ask similar questions (hands - take, put, hold, wash, dress, draw, cut out, paste; teeth - chew, bite, gnaw; eyes - look, close, open, blink, squint; ears - listen).

Next, we read the poem, pausing, and the children suggest the right word:

Olya runs cheerfully along the path to the river, and for this Our Olya needs... legs.

Olya takes two or three berries. And for this, Our Olya needs... pens.

Olya gnaws on the kernels, the shells fall off, and for this our Olya needs... teeth.

Olya looks at the cat. To pictures-fairy tales. And for this, Our Olya needs... eyes.

“Whose voice?”

form verbs from onomatopoeic words.


Toys: cat, dog, chicken, cockerel, car.


Toys arrive by car. The adult shows them (one at a time), and the children name them.

- Cuckoo! Who is this? (Cockerel.) How does a cockerel crow? (Crow.)

- Where, where, where, where! Who is this? (Chicken.) How does the chicken cackle?

- Woof woof woof! Who is this? (Dog.) How does the dog bark?

- Meow meow! Who is this? (Cat.) How does a cat meow?

- Woof woof woof! Whose voice is this? (Dogs.) What is she doing? (Barks.)

- Meow meow! Whose voice is this? (Cats.) What is the cat doing? (Meows.)

- Where, where, where, where! Whose voice is this? (Chickens.) What does the chicken do? (Cackles.)

- Cuckoo! Who is this? (Cockerel.) What does the cockerel do? (Crows.)

Word games for the younger group using visual aids

In addition to the usual puns, when working with preschoolers, didactic games based on visualization (objects, subjects and images of the plot) are used. Children of the fourth year of life need to perceive a large amount of information, learn many new words, learn their various forms (diminutive, plural), then help in the form of a visual aid will make the game more lively, bright and small, more accessible to children’s understanding.

Studying pictures of objects will help children understand what objects they will encounter in the game.

Word games serve not only to develop the speech of preschoolers. In them, children consolidate their knowledge about the world around them, objects and living beings, natural phenomena, professions, family, and social phenomena. The topics of the games should be varied, covering the entire scope of knowledge provided for by the program, which students will need to master during the school year. As a result, the visual material for games will also be rich.

Table: examples of verbal didactic games based on visualization

Name and objectives of the gameContent
“Big - small” Teach children the ability to distinguish and name the sizes of objects, develop logical thinking, coherent speech, attention, increase concentration, perseverance, and cognitive activity.The game uses a series of pictures that depict pairs of objects of different sizes (a large spruce and a small mushroom, a large house and a small hut, etc.). The teacher asks the child to look at the picture and say what is big and what is small. If the child has difficulties, he is given an example: “The cat is big and the mouse is small.” Alternatively, the teacher can say the first part of the sentence, and the child - the second.
“What what what?” Activate your dictionary of adjectives, learn to correctly identify and name the properties of objects, develop speech, thinking, curiosity, and memory. Children are given pictures with objects, asked to look at them carefully and name what kind of object is depicted and what it is: “This is the sun, it is yellow. This is a tomato. It's round and red." The teacher should encourage the child to describe those properties of objects that are not visible in the picture: “The sun is hot, the tomato is tasty, ripe, the tambourine is playing, etc. »Moments mode
“Moms and Puppies” Strengthen children's knowledge of the names of animals and their puppies, develop the ability to construct simple sentences, cultivate a love for animals and a desire to take care of them.Children are offered pictures (they can be in the form of puzzles) or figurines of animals and puppies, and they are asked to find and take each child to the mother. When the pairs are matched, the child and teacher describe them: “The cow has a calf, the dog has a puppy, and the cat has a kitten.”
“Find a Pair” Develop logical associative thinking in children, teach them to describe their choice in coherent sentences and sentences. Cultivate concentration and the ability to fully complete the task. This game requires a series of images connected in logical pairs: a Christmas tree and a toy Christmas tree, a cat and a bowl of milk, a spool of thread and a needle. Preschoolers form pairs and talk freely about why they connected these particular images. Considering the age of the children, the teacher should not rely on their experience, but the first two or three times they independently make pairs of pictures and describe why they are similar.
“Name the toy affectionately” Consolidate knowledge of diminutive forms of names, teach how to form them, develop grammatical hearing and attention.The teacher puts a box of toys on the table in front of the children and says: “Today the toys came to play with us, but they are sad, they are hiding. They will only play when we call them affectionately. What is this? (Car). How to call him affectionately? (Typewriter). Yura, welcome to the car. Children, let's call it together." Next, the machine is placed on the table in front of the children. They do the same with all the toys, after which the children play with them. You can offer to address toys with other affectionate words: “You are beautiful, you are cheerful, come to us, we will play with you.”
“Say the opposite” Intensify the use of antonymic words in children's speech, develop thinking, enrich vocabulary, encourage emotional reactivity and curiosity.This game is difficult for younger preschoolers because a small number of signs are based on visual perception, many properties and qualities that the child must understand and understand at the emotional level, and some of them know through direct perception. Therefore, images of emotions (bad - good, happy - sad), as well as objects from various materials are used as visual aids. By studying them, comparing and naming properties, children also remember words with the opposite meaning: “The cube is wooden, it’s difficult. The duck is rubber and soft. The ball is smooth and the bear is soft.”
“Who’s hiding where?” Strengthen the use of prepositions in speech, consolidate the names of furniture, develop coherent speech, and the ability to express one’s thoughts. To play you will need a set of doll furniture (table, chair, wardrobe) and small toys. The teacher places the toys in random order, says who is hiding where, and then asks them to repeat: “The glass is on the table, the rabbit is hiding under the chair, the bear climbed into the closet, and so on.”
"Who's doing what?" Teach children to correctly use verbs in a sentence, develop grammatical hearing, attention, and coherent speech. This game is indispensable without images to describe the actions. Children study them, and then, with the help of the teacher, describe what the people or animals depicted in the images are doing: “The girl is watering the flowers. Grandma is knitting a scarf. Children swim in the river. The cat drinks milk. The rabbit is eating grass."
"Yes or no?" Develop logical thinking, the ability to correctly identify and name the characteristics of an object, and instill a love of logic games. The teacher shows the children a toy fox and says that he wants to play with them, but they need to be very careful, because the little fox loves to cheat and cheat. Then show pictures or objects, describing them on behalf of the cockerel with errors: “What is this? (This Apple). Is the apple green? (No, it's red.) Who is it? (This is a rabbit). Does the rabbit have a long tail? (No, briefly).”

The child receives ideas about similar and opposite properties of objects in the process of direct examination of them.

Photo gallery: stimulus material for games in the younger group

to compare sizes, it is better to select contrasting elements to make it easier for the child to navigate

Pictures of objects for the game “What, what?” they have prominent markings and a small number of additional details that may be distracting to children

The game "Moms and Puppies" is also presented in the form of a puzzle

You can create the Match a Pair game yourself or buy it in specialized stores

To describe the actions, the younger group is offered not photos, but drawings

Children also benefit greatly from outdoor games with choral pronunciation of words such as “Geese-geese”, “Excitement, bubbles”, “Loaf”. Because they take place outdoors, children can not only practice pronouncing words correctly, but also speak fast and slow, loud and soft, which teaches them to control the strength of their voice and the speed of their speech. The teacher should ensure that children do not shout too loudly, as this harms the speech system.

Folk outdoor games are of great value: in them, children get acquainted with beautiful examples of folklore, learn the beauty of their native language

Word games are an excellent means of introducing children not only to their native language, but also to the world around them, the phenomena of society and nature. However, their use in the younger group requires that the teacher and parents are well versed in child physiology and psychology. It is necessary to select such material for games so that children do not work too hard, but receive full development, information accessible for their age, and the joy of communicating with adults and peers.

Distance education

Planning work on ZKR in the junior group

  1. Main areas of work:
  • Formation of correct pronunciation
  • Development of auditory perception, phonemic hearing
  • Development of prolonged oral exhalation, speech breathing
  • Work on intonation expressiveness of speech (voice height and strength, word stress, diction development)
  • Development of fine motor skills
  1. Recommendations for planning work on ZKR:
  • As an element of speech development in educational areas, it is carried out 2 times a week
  • In the calendar plan, work on the development of the respiratory system (breathing, auditory attention, intonation) is taken into account daily
  • Fine motor skills are also developed daily
  • Individual work must be reflected in planning
  1. Planning for working with sounds:

Didactic games and exercises:

  • Games for the formation of correct pronunciation of sounds - 7c, pp. 54-95, speech therapy lotto, dominoes,
  • “Magic cubes” (for onomatopoeia and articulation),
  • “Magic bag”, “Sound clock”, “Fishing” (7d, p. 28),
  • "Logical Train"
  • “Who will pack their things faster?” (7d, p. 49),
  • “Pick up a bouquet” (7d, p.52),
  • “Find a Pair” (7d, p.53), “Shop” (7d, p.50),
  • “Train” (7d, p. 61),
  • “Find a place for the picture” (7d, p.29),
  • “Magic Wand” (7l, p.24),
  • “Whose story is better?” (7c, p.99),
  • “Let's go for a ride in the car” (7b, p.27),
  • “Name the products” (76, p. 141),
  • “Guess the last word” (addition of poems, phrases - 7e p. 59),
  • “Who will see more?” (finding words with a given sound in the picture),
  • “Who is more faithful and faster?” (you can work similarly with any sounds) (7e, p.30),
  • “Who will remember more?” (selection of any words - all parts of speech - with a given sound),
  • “Who will hear more?” (selecting words with a given sound from a listened text), making sentences based on plot pictures, stories based on a series of pictures, staging fairy tales.
  1. Games and play exercises used to develop general speech skills:
  • Development of auditory attention , speech and phonemic hearing:

It is necessary to have sounding toys and music in the group. instruments (hammers, bells, metallophone, tambourine, pipes, drum, rattles...) Work on reproducing a series of sounds. Practice the ability to reproduce a series of sounds at different tempos.

Didactic games for the development of auditory attention:

  • “Repeat after me” (“Parrot”, “Tape recorder”),
  • “Seller and buyer” (7d, p. 16),
  • “Telephone” (7 l, pp. 89,94), “Who heard what?” (7g, p.15,16),
  • “Who called?” (7g, p.22),
  • “Where does it sound?” (7g, from 15),
  • “Blind Man’s Bluff” (with sounding objects, with a voice - 7g, p. 18),
  • "Whose voice?" (birds and animals - 7g, p. 21),
  • “Who hears better?” (7 l., p. 89), “Echo” (7 l., p. 89),
  • “Commotion”, “Wind and Birds”, (“Sun and Rain” - 7g, p. 19,20),
  • “Snail” (7d, p.22),
  • “Frog” (7d, p.22),
  • “Find the mistake” (7b, p.25), poems, fables...

Didactic games for the development of phonemic hearing:

  • “What sound does your name begin with?”
  • “Find the mistake and say the word correctly” (76, p. 151),
  • “Rhymes” (desktop-printed and oral version), “Damaged phone”, “Highlight with your voice” (the child pronounces a word with the voice highlighting a given sound - xxtail, mehhh,...) + d/i from point No. 3
  • Development of the articulatory apparatus:

At this age, articulatory gymnastics is very effective! It is recommended to include 1-2 minute articulatory exercises daily at any routine moments: after exercise, after sleep, as pauses for rest.


  • cards of games and exercises for articulatory gymnastics (7c p. 32-39, 7e, 7d, 7m p. 125)
  • fairy tales about the “Merry Tongue” (7l pp. 31,53,79,111; 7d;…)
  • material containing a description of the structure of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sounds being studied (7i, 7e)
  • Development of long exhalation, speech breathing:

The group should have games and play material for the development of long-term smooth exhalation (tissue paper aids, leaves, snowflakes, pendant toys, pinwheels, light blowing toys, inflatable toys, balloons, soap bubbles, pieces of cotton wool, pipes,...) It is necessary to make a card index of games and breathing exercises.

Didactic games for developing long exhalation:

  • "Footballers"
  • “Whose snowflake... will fly next?” (7g, p.40),
  • “Pump”, “Lumberjacks”, “Whose steamboat hums better?” (7g, p. 40), “
  • “Recognize by smell” (any aromas - 7g, p. 40),
  • “King of the Winds”, “Gurgling” (blowing into water through a straw), “Who is stronger?” (to blow off a light scarf... - 7 l, p87),
  • "Bubble." (differentiation S - Ш - 7g, p. 42),
  • “Blizzard” (“Beep” - 7g, p. 51)

Didactic games for the development of speech breathing:

  • “Come up with a phrase” (7d, e.44),
  • “Name your neighbors” (7d, p.44),
  • “Echo” (repeat the phrase in 3-5 words),
  • “The Magic Mirror” (7d, p.45),
  • “Locate the place of the toy” (7d, p.49),
  • "Who will win?" (7d, p.52)
  • Work on the expressiveness of speech: (tempo, rhythm, verbal and logical stress, diction...):

Practicing the pronunciation of tongue twisters, tongue twisters, poems (choose words with a complex syllable structure).

Dramatization games: “Three Bears”, “Wolf and Seven Little Goats”, “Bear and Christmas Tree” - 7v pp. 53,54).

Round dance games, role-playing games: “Guests”, “Bus”, “Mail”, “Telephone”,…. “Say a phrase with ... mood”, “Isolate a word in a phrase with your voice”, “Your mood”, “Cat and mice” (children are forced to speak slowly), “Blizzard” (7d, p. 51), “Dashes” (7c .51), “Guess which train” (7b p.36)

  1. Development of fine motor skills:

The group must have:

  • card index of finger games, speech with movement
  • various mosaics with small details, construction sets, large beads, ...
  • aids for fastening buttons, lacing
  • tutorials for shading, stencils, labyrinths, stamps, “Lay out a pattern from sticks”

Didactic games for the development of fine motor skills:

  • "Piano",
  • "Magic bag"
  • “Find a pair” (buttons or other paired small items),
  • “Dry finger pool” (7i, p. 74),
  • “Clothespins” (7i, p.67),
  • “Make a chain (paper clips)”, “Finger theatre”, “Shadow theatre”, “Forfeits”, “Drawing with scissors” (7i, pp. 69,75),
  • “Embroiderers” (7i, p. 70),
  • “Find a surprise” (7i, p.66),
  • “The Little Pharmacist” (7i, p.69),
  • “Colored drops” (7i, p. 68), “Wind up a ball”, “Motley rug”
  1. Organization of the ZKR corner:
  • For the corner it is necessary to allocate a specific place where the following should be collected:
  • systematized speech and visual material
  • card files of games and exercises. for the development of fine motor skills
  • card files of games and exercises. on the development of breathing
  • card files of articulation exercises
  • card files of games and exercises. on the development of breathing
  • card files of games and exercises. on the development of auditory and speech attention
  • card file of speech material for working with studied sounds
  • Material for the development of fine motor skills should be accessible to children (except for very small parts)
  • The corner is replenished monthly:
  • speech and visual material according to planning
  • material for the development of general speech skills and fine motor skills according to these recommendations at the discretion of the teacher
  • any training session for working with sounds (one) and for developing general speech skills (one)
  1. Recommended reading:
  • A. Efimenkova L.I. “Speech Formation in Preschool Children”
  • b. Maksakov A.I. “Is your child speaking correctly?”
  • V. Maksakov A.I., Tumakova G.A. "Learn by playing"
  • Ed. Seliverstov V.I. “Games in speech therapy work with children”
  • D. Shvaiko G.S. “Games and play exercises for speech development”
  • E. Aksenova A.K., Yakubovskaya E.V. “D/i in Russian language lessons in grades 1-4. aux. school."
  • and. “Tru-la-la” from the series “Karapuz”
  • h. Budennaya T.V. “Speech therapy gymnastics”
  • And. Galanov A.S. “Mental and physical development of a child from 3 to 5 years old”
  • K. Borodich A.M. “Methods for the development of children’s speech”
  • l. Khvattsev M.E. “Speech therapy work with preschool children”
  • m. Ed. Ushakova O.S. “Speech development classes in the Danish garden”
  • n. Gerbova V.V. “Classes on speech development in the senior group”

Speech therapist teacher
E. S. Mikushina , highest qualification category

Methodical piggy bank
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