Recommendations for equipping a book corner in preschool groups
Guidelines for equipping a book corner
in different age groups
A book corner is a necessary element of a developing subject-spatial environment in a group room of a preschool institution. Its presence is mandatory in all age groups, and its design and content depend on the age of the children. The corner should not be a ceremonial corner, but a working one.
Its purpose is not to be a bright, festive decoration for a group room, but to enable a child to communicate with a book.
The main task of teachers is to instill in children a love of the literary word, respect for the book, and the development of the desire to communicate with it, i.e., everything that forms the foundation for raising a future “talented reader” through the book corner of the group / The book corner is located away from where children play , since noisy games can distract a child from focused communication with a book. You need to think about the right lighting: natural (near the window) and electric (table lamp, wall sconce) for the evening.
In the design of a corner of a book, each teacher can show individual taste and creativity - the main conditions that must be met are convenience and expediency. The book corner should be cozy, attractive, conducive to leisurely, focused communication with the book. It is important that everyone can choose a book according to their own taste and calmly look at it.
The selection of literature and pedagogical work organized in the corner must correspond to the age characteristics and needs of children.
The frequency of book exchange also depends on the specific goals of introducing children to reading. The composition of the book corner may not change for a week or even two when both the teacher and the children constantly need to access it. On average, the shelf life of a book in a book corner is 2-2.5 weeks. However, the basic rule must be observed: the book remains in the corner as long as the children remain interested in it. But, if a change of books has occurred, the children need to point this out or ask them to notice it, give them the opportunity to look at new books, ask the children what stopped their attention, what book they wanted to read right there.
Basic requirements for the design of book corners in groups of senior preschool age:
1. Rational placement in the group.
Choose a suitable location. If possible, the book corner should be located away from the play area, closer to the window. This should be a cozy, quiet and peaceful place in which a preschooler can “communicate” with literature. The main criterion when choosing books is the teacher’s consideration of the children’s literary interests and their age characteristics.
2. Compliance with the age and individual characteristics of the children in the group.
When designing a book corner, you should take into account expediency and convenience. The corner should be attractive, cozy, conducive to focused, leisurely communication with the work. The selection of literature and pedagogical work carried out in the book corner must correspond to the age needs and characteristics of children 3. Compliance with the interests of children.
Arrange the books correctly. The book corner contains publications that are well known to children. It should be remembered that, despite the different tastes of children, they all love fairy tales and humorous rhymes. In addition to the books themselves, there may also be individual colorful educational pictures that are pasted onto thick paper. The works of S. Marshak, N. Nosov, and E. Uspensky remain among the most beloved. Along with fiction, books dedicated to flora and fauna can be placed on the shelves. By looking at pictures, children enter the natural world and learn to better understand the world around them.
4. Constant turnover. The frequency of book exchange also depends on the specific goals of introducing children to reading. The composition of the book corner may not change for a week or even two when both the teacher and the children constantly need to access it. But, if a change of books has occurred, the children need to point this out or ask them to notice it, give them the opportunity to look at new books, ask the children what stopped their attention, what book they wanted to read right there.
5. Aesthetic design.
The book corner must be designed in accordance with the requirements of SaniP
6. Demand.
Each child in the book corner should find a book according to his desire and taste.
Contents of the preparatory group's book corner. The older the children, the more serious and voluminous the books are located in the book corner. The number of books should not be regulated. It depends on the tasks that the teacher sets in working with children during the day or week.
In the preparatory group it is recommended to place in the book corner:
books on various topics (each child should find a book according to his desire and taste: stories about the Motherland, war, adventures, animals, natural life, plants, poetry, humorous works, etc.):
2-3 fairy tales;
poems, stories aimed at developing the civic personality traits of a child, introducing him to the history of our homeland, to its life today;
publications of works that children are currently being introduced to in class;
funny books by S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, N. Nosov, V. Dragunovsky, E. Uspensky and many other writers with illustrations by our best artists;
books that children bring from home;
books on school topics are added;
thematic albums for viewing. These can be albums specially created by artists on certain topics (“Different Animals” by N. Charushin, “Our Children” by A. Pakhomov, etc.), albums compiled by the teacher together with the children from individual postcards and drawings about work, nature in different seasons, books of this or that writer, etc. There should also be illustrations by artists for books;
portraits of famous children's writers and poets.
To help children learn and remember letters better, you can place different types of alphabet in the book corner: prose, poetic, artistic.
There should be a library in the book corner of preparatory groups. It is necessary to prepare attributes for the role-playing game “Library” (forms for each child, index cards for each book, etc.)
Children take books from the library according to their desire and taste, but then be sure to put them back in their place. In the preparatory group, you can organize the duty of pupils who issue and receive books and are responsible for their safety.
Children of the seventh year are taught to understand the motives of the heroes’ actions, the position of the author and his attitude towards his heroes. Preschoolers gain deeper knowledge of how a book is created, how many people work to ensure that it reaches the reader.
Conversations with older preschoolers must be combined with showing illustrations, repeated reading, organizing dramatization games, and frequent return to previously read books, because with age, children perceive them differently, more consciously.
Book characters come to life in the drawings and modeling of preschoolers. The best drawings are used to create albums and exhibitions for the book corner.
Children get special pleasure from looking at funny pictures in humorous books. Communication with them not only brings joy to children, but is also useful for them, as it develops the ability necessary for a person to feel and understand humor, the ability to see the funny in life and literature.
In preparatory groups, children can already repair books on their own. Therefore, materials for repairing books should be placed in the book corner.
Also in the book corner, the teacher and the children organize thematic exhibitions.
Their main goal is to deepen the literary interests of children, to make one or another literary or socially important topic particularly significant and relevant for preschoolers. The theme of the exhibition must be important and relevant for children (connected with the upcoming holiday, the anniversary of a writer or illustrator, with the content of the planned matinee).
Rules that are important to follow when organizing a thematic exhibition.
The theme of the exhibition must be important and relevant for children (related to the upcoming holiday, the anniversary of a writer or illustrator, the content of the planned matinee, etc.)
A special, careful selection of books is required in terms of artistic design and external condition.
The exhibition should be short in duration. No matter how important its topic is, no matter how attractive its design, it should not last more than 3-4 days, because... further, the attention and interest of preschoolers will inevitably decrease
Requirements for organizing an exhibition: - thematic exhibitions are planned 1 month before its registration. — 5-6 or more are planned per year. — the theme of the exhibition should be meaningful and relevant for children:
•upcoming holiday; •anniversary of a writer, artist and illustrator; •upcoming matinee. - careful selection of books in terms of decoration and external condition.
— the exhibition should not be long.
Duration approximately 3-4 days, because... further interest will decrease.
Pedagogical work with children during exhibitions:
Conversations with children, activities; Selection of various materials:
•books, •artist illustrations, postcards, •badges, •small sculptures, photographs, •children's drawings •and other exhibits. The children are attracted to the arrangement of materials, and their skills are focused on aesthetics. Inviting guests (children from a neighboring group, parents). Formation of dialogical communication: the ability to ask questions, answer questions asked. Formation of a culture of behavior (etiquette). Visiting exhibitions in other groups.
Age group
Corner equipment
Educational work with children
1 younger
There should be a few books in the book corner - 4-5, but the teacher should have additional copies of the same books in stock:
Books on a dense basis based on familiar fairy tales, nursery rhymes, no more than 5 sheets in volume;
Books with dynamic elements (moving eyes, opening and closing windows, etc.);
Books of different formats: half-books (half a landscape page), quarter-length books, little books;
Panorama books (with folding decorations and moving figures);
Musical books (with animal voices, songs of fairy-tale characters, etc.);
Folding books, including those made by yourself;
Subject pictures depicting objects of the immediate environment (pieces of furniture, clothing, dishes, animals), subject pictures with the simplest plots.
The teacher gives children the first lessons in independent communication with books: teaches them to look at books and pictures only there, tells the rules that must be followed (take books with clean hands, leaf through carefully, do not tear, do not crush, do not use for games; after looking, always put the book back, etc.).
2 junior, middle
There should be 4–5 book titles in the corner.
Books with hard sheets, as in 1st junior;
books with a regular sheet structure;
prints on themes of Russian folk tales.
Plot pictures based on fairy tales and program works.
The teacher consolidates knowledge about the structure and purpose of a book corner, teaches children to independently and carefully examine books. In the second junior group, work continues, taking into account the increasing complexity of the tasks set by the preschool educational program. We place familiar literary works in the book corner, and each child can come up, watch their favorite fairy tale, and talk about it with their peer
In the book corner it is necessary to place familiar fairy tales, stories about nature, animals, etc. (4-6 books, the rest are in the closet).
Books with the same work, but illustrated by different artists;
The albums are supplemented by themes: “Russian Army”, “Adult Labor”, “Flowers”, “Seasons”;
Postcards for viewing by work;
Portraits of writers: S. Marshak, V. Mayakovsky, A. Pushkin;
Thematic exhibitions “Fairy Tales”, “Seasons”, “Tales of Animal Friendship”, etc. are organized (once a quarter);
Book repair material
In the middle group, preschoolers already show great interest in books. They look at the illustrations for a long time, exchange opinions on the content of the fairy tale or story. You can offer for consideration, for example, the same fairy tale “Turnip”, but illustrated by different artists (Yu. Vasnetsov and V. Dekhterev). This encourages children to express their impressions of the book, how the characters are depicted, and which illustrations they liked best. Picture books are used less often; new fairy tales, poetic works, books about nature, and funny books are added. Children dramatize familiar poems and fairy tales and show their attitude towards the characters. Children develop stable skills in handling books carefully. Five-year-old children can be involved in simple gluing of bindings, in making an album with pictures, and in making character crafts for a shadow theater.
Content: 10-12 books of various subjects and genres (there may be books of the same title, but illustrated by different artists);
Portraits of writers: M. Gorky, S. Mikhalkov, B. Zhitkov, L. Tolstoy, N. Nosov, K. Chukovsky;
books recommended by the program;
Books are homemade books consisting of children's stories written down by adults, illustrated by the children themselves;
Encyclopedias (“smart” books), dictionaries;
"Thick" books;
Albums or illustrations are supplemented with information about the Motherland, technology, and space;
sets of postcards related in content to the themes of fairy tales, literary works, cartoons;
Portraits of artists - illustrators (E. Rachev, N. Charushin);
Periodically (once a quarter) thematic exhibitions “Funny books”, “Books about our country”, etc., exhibitions with children’s drawings on a given topic are organized.
Pedagogical guidance is becoming more correct, because Children are already quite independent in choosing books.
The teacher teaches independent, focused communication with a book. Looking at a recently read book gives the child the opportunity to relive what he read and deepen his initial experiences.
The teacher pays attention to “smart” books and turns to them for answers to children’s questions; introduces dictionaries.
“Thick” books are read for a long time (with continuation).
Book repair workshops are also organized in senior groups. Children themselves select the necessary materials - paper by color and thickness, glue, etc. While working together, they remember the contents of the books and share their impressions of the actions of the heroes.
Preparatory school
The number of books in a corner is not regulated.
books on various topics (each child should find a book according to his desire and taste: stories about the Motherland, war, adventures, animals, natural life, plants, poetry, humorous works, etc.):
2-3 fairy tales;
poems, stories aimed at developing the civic personality traits of a child, introducing him to the history of our homeland, to its life today;
publications of works that children are currently being introduced to in class;
funny books by S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, N. Nosov, V. Dragunovsky, E. Uspensky and many other writers with illustrations by our best artists;
books that children bring from home;
books on school topics are added;
thematic albums for viewing. These can be albums specially created by artists on certain topics (“Different Animals” by N. Charushin, “Our Children” by A. Pakhomov, etc.), albums compiled by the teacher together with the children from individual postcards and drawings about work, nature in different seasons, books of this or that writer, etc. There should also be illustrations by artists for books;
portraits of famous children's writers and poets.
In the book corner of preparatory groups there should be a library of books for children. It is necessary to prepare instructions for the role-playing game “Library” (forms for each child, registration cards for each book, etc.)
Children take books from the library according to their desire and taste, but then they always put them back in their place. In the preparatory group, you can organize the duty of pupils who issue and receive books and are responsible for their safety.
Children of the seventh year are taught to understand the motives of the heroes’ actions, the position of the author and his attitude towards his heroes. Preschoolers gain deeper knowledge of how a book is created, how many people work to ensure that it reaches the reader.
After children get acquainted with the process of creating a book, they begin to understand: books must be protected - after all, this is the work of many people. Conversations with older preschoolers must be combined with showing illustrations, repeated reading, organizing dramatization games, and frequent return to previously read books, because with age, children perceive them differently, more consciously.
Book characters come to life in the drawings and modeling of preschoolers. The best drawings are used to create albums and exhibitions for the book corner.
Children get special pleasure from looking at funny pictures in humorous books. Communication with them not only brings joy to children, but is also useful for them, as it develops the ability necessary for a person to feel and understand humor, the ability to see the funny in life and literature.
The teacher and the children organize thematic exhibitions. Their main goal is to deepen the literary interests of children, to make one or another literary or socially important topic particularly significant and relevant for preschoolers. The theme of the exhibition must be important and relevant for children (connected with the upcoming holiday, the anniversary of a writer or illustrator, with the content of the planned matinee).
In preparatory groups, children can already repair books on their own. Therefore, materials for repairing books should be placed in the book corner.
– The teacher helps create a calm, comfortable environment in the group for independent, focused communication of children with literary works
– It is necessary to involve children in looking at and discussing books together. By encouraging students to look at a book together and talk about it, the teacher thereby develops the ability to perceive it in the unity of verbal and visual art. Draws their attention to how the main characters are depicted, etc.
Everything for a child's development
Instill a love of books from childhood. Reading, especially paper books, develops imagination and creativity. The task of parents is to create a comfortable reading area for the child, where it will be pleasant to sit down with his mother or alone with his favorite book. Setting up a reading corner at home is easy. You can place it in the children's room or in the common living room where the whole family gathers. Just add a bookcase, armchair or cushion for comfort.
How to organize a reading area
- The place for reading books should be well lit. If there is not enough natural light, install additional lighting fixtures (chandeliers for children's rooms from Aliexpress).
- Make the corner multifunctional so that children can not only read but also play there.
- Make the area fun and attractive for the child with the help of bright colors, unusual decor depicting favorite book characters, and inspiring inscriptions (Aliexpress).
- If you organize a reading corner in a room where the whole family gathers, then it will be used more often.
- Place children's books where they are visible and accessible to the child.
Ideas for decorating a reading corner
Check out the ideas and get inspired to create the perfect book reading nook for your kids' room or living room.
Place pillows or a bean bag chair (Aliexpress) on the floor and your cozy reading corner is ready!
Children love decorative pillows, especially fluffy ones (Aliexpress).
Organize proper storage of books. All books should be visible and the child could get them on his own. For example, using shelves from Aliexpress.
Decorate your reading corner with children's posters (Aliexpress)
Hang a canopy over the chair (Aliexpress) and you will have an ideal area for privacy with your favorite book.
The reading area can be arranged directly on the floor by laying down a warm rug (Aiexpress).
An excellent solution for a reading corner would be a wigwam tent (Aliexpress).
Organize a reading space in your closet or pantry.
WE RECOMMEND: Place the mattress and pillows (Aliexpress) on the rack to create a comfortable place for reading.
If you are the happy owner of wide window sills, then you can arrange a reading corner there.
Use curtains (Aliexpress) to create a secluded place for reading books.
Organize a reading space under the stairs.
A toy house can serve as a place for privacy.
Use the area under the loft bed.
For the more adventurous, create a reading area at the top of the room.
What if there are two children and each wants their own reading corner? There is a solution!
In the summer, organize a reading place outside the city in nature.
Non-standard solutions. Reading books in a hammock (Aliexpress).
Book corner in kindergarten, methods of organizing work.
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The corner of the book plays a significant role in developing preschoolers’ interest in fiction and instilling a caring attitude towards books. This is a special, calm, comfortable, aesthetically designed, specially designated place where a child can independently, according to his taste, choose a book and calmly examine and “re-read” it. Here the child has intimate, personal communication with a work of art - a book and illustrations; here he can look at magazines and albums.
A book corner should be organized in all kindergarten groups .
The main principle that teachers must adhere to when organizing it is to satisfy the diverse literary interests of children. A periodic change of material (literature, paintings, portraits) and connection with educational work in the group is necessary . For example, in a book corner you can prepare children for a conversation about their city: look at illustrations, photographs, make an album.
There are a number of requirements for the installation of a corner:
— convenient location - a quiet place, away from the doors to avoid walking and noise;
- good illumination during the day and evening, proximity to the light source (not far from the window, presence of a lamp in the evening), so that children do not damage their eyesight;
- aesthetic design - the book corner should be cozy, attractive, with slightly different furniture. Decoration can be objects of folk arts and crafts. You can hang reproductions of paintings on the wall, and for children 5-6 years old - portraits of the writer.
In the corner there should be shelves or display cases on which books and reproductions of paintings by famous artists are displayed. It’s good to have a closet nearby to store books, albums, and materials for repairs. You can store characters and scenery for shadow theater and flannelgraph in it. There are different options for designing a corner.
Each teacher can show individual taste and creativity in decorating a corner of a book. However, there are main conditions that must be met - convenience and expediency. In addition, the corner of the book should be cozy, attractive, conducive to leisurely, focused communication with the book. The selection of literature and pedagogical work organized in the book corner must correspond to the age characteristics and needs of children.
In younger groups, a book corner is not immediately organized , since children do not have the skill to use a book, and often they use it as a toy.
The book corner should have 3-4 books suitable for children, but be sure to have several copies of the same title. As a rule, publications already familiar to children are placed in the corner of the book; in addition to books, there may be individual pictures pasted on thick paper or a thematic album. Books should have a small amount of text, with large colorful illustrations - picture books: fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Turnip”; “Toys” by A. Barto, “Fire Horse” by V. Mayakovsky, “Mustachioed and Striped” by S. Marshak, etc.
A lot of material is not given, this leads to disorganization of children's behavior. The teacher accustoms children to independently communicate with the book, examines the illustrations with them, reads the text, talks about the rules of use (do not draw in the book, do not tear it, take it with clean hands, do not crush it, do not use it for games; after looking at it, always put it down book in place, etc.). Later, in the middle group, the basic skills of independently and carefully looking at books are consolidated and become a habit.
In the middle group, a book corner is organized from the very beginning of the year with the participation of children. There are 4-5 books on the display shelf, the rest are stored in the closet. In addition to books and albums, shadow theater props and repair materials (paper, fabric, scissors, glue, etc.) are gradually introduced. The requirements for books remain the same. Picture books are used less frequently. They keep the children's favorite books from the younger group, add new fairy tales, poetic works, books about nature, and funny books. In the corner of the book you can display children's drawings on the themes of works of art.
The teacher continues to teach children to look at books and illustrations, drawing their attention to the plot and sequence of events. Conversations are held about books, it is found out whether children know their contents, whether they understand the meaning of the illustrations; There is talk about literary works that are read to children at home.
Children develop stable skills in handling books carefully. For this purpose, children are involved in selecting books that need repair and putting things in order. They continue to introduce children to the basic rules (look at books only at the table, do not fold the pages, do not bend the cover, etc.). You should give instructions more often: check the order in the book corner before leaving the group, find a book that the teacher wants to read, etc. Book repairs in the junior and middle groups are carried out by the teacher himself, but in the presence of children and with their help. Five-year-old children can be involved in simple gluing of bindings, in making an album with pictures, and in making character crafts for a shadow theater.
In the senior and preparatory groups for school, the content of the book corner of the senior groups of the kindergarten and the pedagogical work in it are determined by changes in the literary development of children that occur by the age of five: for the older preschooler it becomes an important part of spiritual life, he develops literary passions and expressed individual interests .
The content of the book corner becomes more versatile due to genre and thematic diversity. The number of books on the book display can be increased to 10-12 different books :
2-3 fairy-tale works must be placed in a corner of the book .
— in the corner of the book there should always be poems and stories aimed at developing the civic personality traits of the child , introducing him to the history of our homeland, to its life today.
- there should also be 2-3 books about the life of nature, about animals, plants . Looking at the illustrations of natural history books, the child naturally enters the world of nature and better understands its secrets and patterns.
— on the display corner of the book there should be editions of works that children are currently being introduced to in class . Looking at a book gives the child the opportunity to relive what he has read and deepen his initial ideas.
— children get special pleasure from looking at funny pictures in humorous books . Funny books by S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, N. Nosov, V. Dragunovsky, E. Uspensky and many other writers with illustrations by our best artists should definitely be in the corner of the book. Communication with them not only brings joy to children, but is also useful for them, as it develops the ability necessary for a person - the ability to feel and understand humor, the ability to see the funny in life and literature.
- in addition, you can sometimes place in the corner interesting, well-illustrated books that children bring from home , as well as “thick” books .
The length of time a book stays in a corner is determined by the children’s interest in this book. On average, the period of her stay in it is 2-2.5 weeks. If you have lost interest in a book, you can remove it from the shelf without waiting for the scheduled date.
In addition to books, the book corner may contain a variety of albums for viewing. These can be albums specially created by artists on certain topics (“Different Animals” by N. Charushin, “Our Children” by A. Pakhomov, etc.), albums compiled by the teacher together with the children from individual postcards and drawings about work, nature in different seasons, books of this or that writer, etc.
For children 5-6 years old, you can organize duty in the corners of the book; they give out books, are responsible for them, and receive books.
In addition to reading and storytelling by the teacher, in relation to older children, such forms of work as conversations about books, organizing book exhibitions, conversations about writers and artists, and literary matinees are used.
The content of a conversation about a book can be a conversation about its appearance (cover with the title, name of the author and artist; sheets and pages, their numbering; beginning and end); books are written by writers and poets; they are printed in a printing house; fairy tales, riddles, stories, and poems are printed in them.
A problematic question is appropriate: “Why do they say that a book is a man’s friend?” You need to tell the children that books are designed by different artists, consider several books. At the end of the conversation, you can ask what rules for using the book the children know. The conversation ends emotionally: by reading a funny story or poetry. A continuation of this conversation could be a story about how books are made.
A conversation about writers and their books can be interesting . The purpose of such conversations is to arouse in children interest in the personality of a particular writer, a desire to become more familiar with his work, and to improve the child’s reading culture.
The teacher’s story must meet the following requirements:
Ø facts from the writer’s life must be accurate and scientific;
Ø the presentation should be imaginative and interesting;
Ø the story should be accessible to a preschooler; dates should not be given (the chronology is not clear to children); You can use paraphrases, for example:
Ø the story should be close to children’s interests, that is, tell about the writer’s childhood. But to dwell only on the writer’s childhood and youth means not to create a complete picture in the child’s mind;
Ø the story must be equipped with rich visual material;
Ø the story must include questions for children that reveal the children’s knowledge about the writer’s works, experience in visiting memorable places, museums, and watching filmstrips;
Ø It is especially important that the story conveys the teacher’s personal attitude to the writer’s work.
During the conversation, it becomes clear what people who write stories and poems are called; what writers and poets children know and what books they wrote, what they tell about. You can review their favorite books with your children. At the end of the conversation, you can agree on organizing an exhibition of books by one writer or several favorite writers.
thematic book exhibitions can be organized in the book corner . Their main goal is to deepen the literary interests of children, to make one or another literary or socially important topic particularly significant and relevant for preschoolers.
Exhibitions of children's books are associated with the writer's anniversary, with "book week", with a literary matinee. O.I. Solovyova recommended organizing an exhibition “Our Favorite Books and Paintings” before children enter school. Children and individual parents take part in its preparation. The selection of books must be strict (art design, different editions of the same book, appearance, etc.). The exhibition can last no more than three days, as children’s interest in it quickly wanes.
Here is one example.
K. Chukovsky Week was held in one of the kindergartens in the Moscow region .
Looking at the Literary Calendar for 2010, kindergarten teachers discovered that this year’s anniversaries are:
“Barmaley” (1925 – 85 years old) by K.I. Chukovsky
“Doctor Aibolit” (1925 – 85 years old) by K.I. Chukovsky
“Limpopo” (1935 – 75 years old) by K.I. Chukovsky
And it was decided to organize a “week” of K.I. Chukovsky. An exhibition of Chukovsky's books was prepared. During the week, the teachers and the children read the works of this wonderful author, introduced the children to the biography of Korney Ivanovich (Kolya Korneychukov), acted out memorable scenes from the works, and then together with their parents they went to the house - the museum of K.I. Chukovsky, which is located in Peredelkino.
Children and parents received unforgettable impressions, which they then shared for another week.
The end of the week was leisure time, during which the children solved riddles, read poems (and tried to choose not very well-known ones), participated in a quiz and helped Aibolit find Limpopo.
Work is carried out with older preschoolers to get acquainted with artists - illustrators of children's books. As a result, children develop artistic taste, broaden their horizons, deepen their perception of a literary work, and develop creative abilities. The teacher, telling a fairy tale or reading a story, connects the text with the illustration and names the artist. During conversations, he introduces children to some interesting and accessible facts of his biography, creativity, and style of performance. Illustrations by different artists for one work are compared. Quizzes and exhibitions are held.
Literary evenings of leisure and matinees in kindergarten. Types and content, methodology.
The literary development of children is facilitated by matinees, leisure evenings dedicated to the work of a writer or poet, evenings of fairy tales, riddles, literary quizzes (on folk tales, on the works of one author, on well-known books by different writers). The combination of different types of arts - music, fiction, visual arts - creates a festive atmosphere.
This is a group of methods and means of using literature outside of class, where works of art are presented both in unadapted form and in the form of adaptations and dramatizations.
Literary evenings of leisure contribute to the deepening of acquired skills, increase interest and love for works of folk art and writers, give novelty to the impression, and create a joyful mood.
Literary holidays consolidate and generalize the diverse artistic impressions, knowledge and skills of children; they include different types of children's activities:
· reading and storytelling;
· singing and dancing;
· listening;
· screenings and performances.
At everyday celebrations (birthdays, evenings of entertainment), children can perform a retelling of prose works , including a retelling in parts. It should be noted that in the practice of kindergartens at holidays, prose sounds clearly insufficient. For some holidays in older groups (fairy tale day, spring and summer holidays, bird day, etc.), it is recommended to select works of various genres: poems, riddles, stories, excerpts from fairy tales, as well as proverbs and sayings that the presenter will use in the appropriate situation.
In preschool groups, unique forms of work with fiction are used: literary matinees and amateur literary concerts not only for children of six or seven years old, but also for younger ones.
The matinee can be dedicated to an anniversary or the work of a writer beloved by children . The theme of the matinee could be: “Russian folk tales”, “Poems of poets for children”, “Foreign fairy tales”, etc.
The structure of the matinee has much in common with the structure of any holiday : a grand opening, an opening speech by the presenter (in this case it can be more detailed), inspection of the festive decorations, exhibitions, concert numbers, interconnected by explanations and stories of the presenter, which should be interesting and accessible children.
You can invite the children of the older group to the second half of the matinee (after the intermission), in conclusion, present memorable gifts to everyone present, look at the exhibition in more detail (give the children the opportunity to approach the stand, take a book, etc.).
Children aged six or seven can organize their own concerts for kids . It is advisable for seniors to be entrusted with the role of organizers and presenters. They draw up the program themselves, assign roles, conduct rehearsals, and prepare the premises. This concert lasts 10-15 minutes. Its program can be very diverse: reading nursery rhymes and poems known to younger children (preferably using visual material - toys, objects, pictures), retelling a fairy tale familiar to the “guests”, reading new poems or nursery rhymes for children, a table theater of fairy tales, a dramatization game or puppet theater. Children leading the concert can invite small spectators to perform (optional) reading poetry, uttering onomatopoeia in chorus, etc.
Spectacular types of entertainment include performances, theatrical performances, concerts , which are carried out by adults, schoolchildren (or older kindergarten students).
It is advisable to introduce older preschoolers to professional performing arts: the teacher should recommend that parents attend children's performances in drama and puppet theaters with their children.
In kindergarten, you can organize viewing of dramatizations of works, methodically correctly preparing children for it. Many works of art have been staged for preschoolers through cinema (cartoons, films). For example, “The Tale of the Military Secret...” by A. Gaidar was repeatedly filmed, cartoons were created based on the works “Moidodyr” by K. Chukovsky, “Mustachioed and Striped” by S. Marshak, etc.
In the method of showing cartoons (it is most often found in kindergartens), preliminary preparation of children for viewing is important: reading a filmed fairy tale or another work similar in theme, looking at pictures that are similar in content to the film, talking with children. This work is carried out several days before the show. Before showing the cartoon, it is advisable to have an introductory speech from the teacher.
The effectiveness of the spectacle will be higher if the teacher consolidates the impressions received in the process of drawing, modeling, playing, talking, etc.
Each teacher must master the technique and methodology of showing films and theater performances to children, have a firm grasp of the hygienic standards of their performance (duration, seating of children), and follow safety rules.
Theatrical performances and films can be shown in the hall, in group rooms, in the summer on the site, sometimes bringing together groups of the same age. Depending on the latter, the display time is also set. In different groups, it is better to conduct it within one or two days in order to save time on setting up the screen, screen, and preparing props.
Children become familiar with dramatizations by also listening to recordings. Perceiving a dramatization by ear is more difficult. It requires preparatory work (introduction, reminder, etc.).
Currently, preschoolers are widely exposed to literary art through television.
Modern requirements for planning work on speech development in preschool educational institutions.
The success of work on children's speech development largely depends on the quality of its planning .
At the present stage, in connection with the creation of new types of preschool institutions, different options for speech development programs, and changed conditions, planning issues are resolved in different ways .
The planning approach presented in the lesson system of V.V. Gerbova has become widespread in preschool institutions.
The lessons developed by a team of scientists under the leadership of A. Sokhin and O. S. Ushakova are based on the principle of comprehensiveness in solving various problems of speech development. The structure of the lesson is determined by the principle of interconnection between various sections of speech work, with the main task being the development of coherent monologue speech.
At the same time, the methodology developed principles for planning work on speech development, reflecting objectively existing patterns and logic of children’s speech development and, because of this, underlying the organization of the pedagogical process in preschool institutions of any type.
In accordance with these principles, certain requirements .
The teacher is obliged, taking into account the patterns of speech development at different age stages and the individual characteristics of children, to choose the most effective ways to influence speech .
Planning work on speech development is, in essence, designing the formation and development of speech for each child, predicting the dynamics of pedagogical influence on speech and its effectiveness. When starting planning , the educator must not only think through his tactics , but also deeply comprehend the strategy of education and training . Well-planned and creatively executed work is a guarantee of not only the intellectual and speech development of the child, but also the overall development of the child .
In accordance with the principle of systematic planning, during each week in class it is necessary to work on the main aspects of speech development . To fulfill this requirement, many classes are combined , i.e. are composed of separate independent parts devoted to different tasks of speech development.
At the same time, they adhere to the rules of thematic unity of the content of the lesson (for example, on the topic of nature, everyday life, social issues).
When planning a lesson , you need to put new or difficult activities first , and then easier ones based on repeated material (with plenty of visuals). In subsequent classes, the main tasks are retained, but, if possible, the methods of their implementation are changed . The teacher takes into account the previously used method, the degree to which the children have mastered the material and, guided by these data, gives preference to the next method (training exercise, explanation of something new, didactic game, conversation, etc.).
When drawing up a plan for middle, high school and preparatory school groups, it must be taken into account that the lesson on speech development should come first , as the most difficult. An exception may be an excursion, since it is organizationally more convenient to conduct a walk immediately after it.
The teacher must be able to plan material not only for 1-2 weeks, but also for the entire school year.
At the beginning of the year, children are offered the easiest material (everyday objects for observation, descriptive stories for the development of monologue speech).
When planning, it is very important to provide for repetition of material . Repetition in speech development classes can be literal . For example, to develop correct articulation and good diction in older groups, the didactic game “Orchestra” is repeatedly used, when children hum a melody without words using the same sound combinations (ri-ri-ri, li-li-li, ti-ti-ti ).
Exercises and games on the same difficult grammatical forms should be carried out many times if children do not have a strong skill in using them (stockings - socks, apples - oranges, etc.). In this case, knowledge and skills are consolidated by simply repeating the material covered in previous classes.
The most valuable way of organizing revision classes is when the material covered is not transferred unchanged from one lesson to another, but is rationally complicated by the introduction of new auxiliary tasks.
It is recommended to re-plan the same material for different types of classes : according to the initial presentation of the material, for consolidating knowledge and skills, for independent application of knowledge and skills.
The problems of speech development are solved by using various means and methods in their unity. The calendar plan provides not only classes, but also the main forms of speech development outside of them . These forms also require prior preparation .
In all groups, work on speech development outside of class can cover a different number of children. There are frontal forms that simultaneously cover the entire group: observation on a walk, an outdoor game or round dance, watching a spectacle or children's amateur performance. Some types of work are more appropriate to carry out with subgroups . It is also necessary to provide for individual work : repeat the poem with a child who remembers slowly, involve a silent child in a conversation, etc.
The special nature and limited scope of such work should be remembered. “It is unacceptable to schedule additional classes to teach “lagging behind”, i.e. those who have not mastered the material with the whole group; Individual work should be provided for in classes.”
In addition to speech work, the general calendar plan should include space for work on other sections of the program.
Throughout the year, the teacher needs to have a generalized idea of how each child in the group has mastered the program. In this regard, it is important for the teacher to analyze the work done and its results, that is, the degree to which children have mastered the program material. It is necessary to note on the calendar daily how what was planned has been accomplished.
Careful recording of daily work and its results is a necessary condition for drawing up a plan for the future . Thanks to accounting, the teacher sees what and how children perceive, how each child’s speech develops, how he acquires the necessary ability to express his thoughts and knowledge about the life around him, which requires repetition or deepening
For some sections of work (speech sound culture, morphology, monologue speech), the methodologist, together with the teacher, sums up the digital results of the work (for the previous year, at the beginning of the current year, for half a year and the entire academic year), identifies which of the children needs special attention to improve their speeches. And in accordance with this, changes should be made to work plans for speech development.
Characteristics of the principles of planning work on speech development.
The methodology established principles for planning work on speech development, reflecting objectively existing patterns and logic of children’s speech development and, therefore, underlying the organization of the pedagogical process in preschool institutions.
Among them, the following principles are of paramount importance.
1. Solving the problems of the comprehensive development of the child, the relationship of speech work with all other sections of the educational process.
2 . Implementation of all speech development tasks in their interrelation.
The plan should reflect all sections of the speech development program :
- education of sound culture of speech,
- formation of dictionaries and grammatical structure of speech,
- development of coherent speech,
- formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech,
- familiarization with fiction.
The work should be planned in such a way that the results of language acquisition as a system are ultimately used by children in the form of coherent statements.
3. Activity approach to work planning . The work should be planned taking into account the peculiarities of the formation and development of communicative activities and carried out in the process of communication between the teacher and children in all types of activities. Organized teaching of native speech should be based on the independence and activity of children and be associated with their everyday life, play, and work.
4. Selection of content and methods of work based on taking into account the age characteristics of children , taking into account the already achieved level of children's speech.
5 . Consistent increase in requirements for children's speech , complication of content, methods and techniques of speech work as they progress in mastering the material.
6.Individual approach to children.
Its necessity is determined by the fact that each child is unique. The process of mastering their native language is faster for some children, and slower for others. The child’s verbal communication with the people around him also develops differently. The teacher must pay attention not only to children who are lagging behind in speech development, but also to gifted children who show special interest in the phenomena of language and speech. Therefore, when planning work, one should take into account not only age indicators, but also individual speech development, diagnostic data on the speech development of children.
7. Taking into account specific conditions . Specific conditions include the characteristics of children’s speech environment (the nature of communication in the family, the abundance of contacts with peers and children of other ages, local dialect, etc.), the conditions of a preschool institution, and the national traditions of the region.
8 Systematic pedagogical influence on speech , expressed in weekly coverage of all the main tasks of speech development, in the orderly distribution of content and forms of work with children during the week, month; in the absence of long intervals in the formation of speech skills.
These principles, together with general didactic principles, determine the nature of planning.
Characteristics of work plans for speech development in preschool educational institutions
A plan is a condition for the purposefulness and organization of a teacher’s work, protection against one-sidedness in work and the omission of some essential aspects of the development of children’s speech.
The plan helps to carry out the program evenly, rhythmically to use office time wisely In addition, this is a reporting document that helps the supervisory person become familiar with the state of the pedagogical process. It reflects the basic scheme of a teacher’s activity , but does not exhaust all its practical diversity and richness.
In modern preschool institutions, three main types of planning : long-term, calendar-perspective, calendar.
1. The long-term plan determines the main directions of the teacher’s work for a month or more. It takes into account the relationship between various sections and the unity in the work of group educators. There are no established norms and rules for drawing up long-term plans . It is important that they are not cumbersome and overly detailed.
Depending on what the teacher focuses - on selecting content or determining forms of organizing work - the form of planning .
These could be lists of events, tables ,
diagrams, card indexes, text programs for individual development or some programs for working in a group for a certain period of time (month, quarter, six months, year).
Work on speech development is included in long-term plans for various areas of the pedagogical process of a preschool institution.
— It is advisable for teachers of older groups to outline a long-term plan for teaching children monologue speech ,
since this part of the program requires special training. The plan can provide for the topic of coherent statements; alternating types of coherent statements; sequence of teaching techniques.
— It is advisable to plan classes for the future as an organized form of speech training
, as well as
work on speech development outside of class . Based on the recommendations of the program, you can determine the number of classes per week, month, quarter, and their sequence. Currently, speech development classes have been developed for different age groups. Published collections of lesson notes are a kind of standard long-term work plan.
— It is convenient to draw up long-term plans for individual work with children . Such plans are individual development programs.
— Work with children based on their interests is also planned for a long period of time:
— For six months or a year, it is advisable to plan work with the family to create an environment favorable for the child’s speech development (educational work with parents, methodological assistance to the family, involving parents in organizing collective forms of work with children on speech development, etc.).
Drawing up long-term plans protects the teacher from requires a deep understanding of the patterns
2. Long-term planning combines elements of long-term and calendar plans and is carried out taking into account the time of year.
According to many teachers, with such planning it is convenient to use a card index of activities, observations, games, didactic speech exercises, entertainment, folklore texts, etc.
In addition to the content of the work, the cards indicate educational tasks that are solved using this material.
When planning work for a month , the teacher selects from various card files the necessary developments (notes, plans, scripts), as well as texts of works of art, exercises, games and arranges them in a certain sequence, while noting on the selected cards the dates and times of events, the use of didactic and art material.
It is advisable to use conventions, for example: first half of the day;
- afternoon; - class; - walk; - morning; - evening.
When planning individual work, children’s names are entered after classes, games, and observations in accordance with the specified type and forms of individual work.
When planning ahead, at the end of the month, educators look to see whether all tasks have been completed. If the tasks are not fully implemented, the cards are rearranged for the next month, and the card index is supplemented with new games, exercises, and teaching materials.
3. Determining in advance the order and sequence of work with children during the day, indicating the necessary conditions, means, forms and methods is the essence of calendar planning.
The documentation required for the teacher is a calendar plan of educational work and a diary (accounting). They indicate the content and organization of children’s speech activity during the day.
For the morning hours they plan:
- collective and individual conversations between the teacher and children, with the goal of developing speaking skills, cultural skills of verbal communication, and broadening the horizons of children;
- work on familiarization with fiction (reading and storytelling, repetition of poems, looking at illustrations, activities in the book corner (at the request of the children);
- various didactic games and lexical eliminations; individual work.
In practice, there are certain requirements for the design of a lesson plan .
It is recommended to indicate:
a) name of the lesson;
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