“Project method in working with children of senior preschool age and their parents”
- March 4, 2016
At this time, preschool education is at the stage of active reform, transition to a new quality education.
The family (parent), child, teacher act as interacting subjects of the educational process. One of the requirements for the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is: building interaction with the families of pupils in order to achieve the full development of each child, involving the families of pupils directly in the educational process. The interaction of teachers with parents of students has always been and remains a pressing issue. One of the sides of this issue is the search for rational ways of interaction, where the meaning of the word “interaction” is explained as “mutual support, joint actions with someone, as a result of which all parties receive one benefit or another.”
Having studied the methodological literature on this topic, I suggested that the project method can be presented as a way of organizing the pedagogical process, based on the interaction of the teacher, students and their parents.
In project activities, it is possible to combine the content of education from various fields of knowledge; in addition, great opportunities open up in organizing joint cognitive and search activities of preschoolers, teachers and parents.
Projects help develop preschoolers':
- Creative skills;
- ability to observe, listen;
- generalization and analysis skills;
- thinking;
- seeing the problem from different angles;
- imagination, attention, memory, speech;
- to activate independent cognitive activity of children;
- the ability to master the surrounding reality and study it comprehensively.
What are the features of project activities in a preschool institution?
The project method as a form of organizing the educational process with children of senior preschool age is a set of activities aimed at solving a single problem, solving a specific problem.
The method of educational projects is a pedagogical technology, the core of which is the independent research, cognitive, playful, creative, productive activity of children, in the process of which the child gets to know himself and the world around him, embodies new knowledge into real products.
The educational environment occupies a key place in the organization of project activities. The quality of the educational environment allows us to support the creative activity of children and adults. The effectiveness of education largely depends on its richness, structure, and problematic nature. In such an educational environment, there is a very high probability of an event occurring that will arouse personal interest, provoke a crisis of competence, will contribute to the stabilization of an already restructured system of models, or will strengthen the consciousness of one’s own competence - in a word, depending on the stage of development and degree of maturity of the individual, his education in one or another will improve. in a different way.
The content and principles of organizing project activities in the senior group are largely determined by the age characteristics of children in the sixth year of life, their interests and priority areas of development, and the program objectives of training and education. For children of senior preschool age, the most interesting are traditionally research, creative and practice-oriented projects, which allow them to realize the desire for joint activities with friends and adults, the desire to be significant and useful, to see their role in the overall work, and to obtain tangible results. Of particular interest are projects in which older children act as mentors to children.
In accordance with the developmental characteristics of preschoolers at this age stage, the motives for participation in project activities for them are:
- direct connection of the project with life, interesting events and unusual properties of familiar objects;
- the ability to achieve objectively and subjectively significant results;
- lack of division of activities into educational areas;
- wide range of activities;
- the importance of not only the result, but also the process and methods of achieving it;
- the ability to act at your own pace, choose forms of interaction;
- demonstrate cognitive, creative, business activity and independence;
- apply previously acquired knowledge and skills, experience and competencies.
types of projects can be presented in the senior group of preschool educational institutions :
- ž creative,
- ž gaming,
- ž adventure,
- ž practice-oriented,
- ž research.
The main objectives of the implementation of research projects are:
- expanding children's understanding of the world around them;
- the formation of interest and sympathy for natural objects and natural phenomena;
- maintaining and satisfying children's curiosity;
- developing the ability to find the surprising in the familiar
- familiarization with the simplest techniques for organizing observation, experimentation, and identifying cause-and-effect relationships;
- expanding children’s ideas about themselves, developing basic skills of self-observation, interest in self-development, the desire and ability to take care of their health, the need and ability to establish contact with people around them.
When organizing creative, gaming and adventure projects, the tasks of developing in preschoolers the need and ability to spend leisure time interestingly and usefully are solved; culture and experience of organizing free time; expanding the arsenal of various leisure activities that older preschoolers can organize independently.
The importance of practice-oriented projects is determined by the influence of work activity on the moral development of a child, his personal development, and the development of practical skills in children.
What items should be reflected when designing a project?
1. The name of the project reflects its content, the gaming (problematic, creative) task underlying it.
2. Type of project. Indicated:
- type of project (creative, gaming, adventure, practice-oriented, research);
- duration of work on it (long-term, medium-term or short-term);
- number and composition of participants (group or individual; child-parent);
- the age of children at which the main stages and content of the project are focused;
- expected result: a general description can be given (for example: “a project with a predetermined practical result”) and a specific result can be indicated (making a street model, creating a cartoon, baby books for younger preschoolers, etc.).
3. Project problem. The project problem is formulated on the basis of a certain situation modeled by the teacher or an objectively encountered difficulty. The standard formulation of a problem is associated with the search for an answer to a question, an option for resolving a difficulty, ways to complete a task, etc.
4. The goal of the project is to solve a problem or solve a practical (creative, gaming) problem.
On its basis, specific tasks are formulated, the selection of personally significant content and forms of work within the project is made, ways for children to acquire relevant experience, the logic of organizing the interaction of participants, methods of self-realization for each child and adult, tactics for assisting in “discovering” oneself in certain types of activities .
5. The purpose of the children’s work within the project. The motivational basis for participation in a project for older children most often becomes the need to solve a problem or task. This is precisely what the purpose of children’s activities is connected with.
6. Implementation deadlines.
7. Form of summing up (product presentation, final event, exhibition, etc.).
8. Implementation of software tasks. The objectives of individual educational areas are indicated.
In practice, we implement the project activity method in working with older preschoolers . This age stage is characterized by more stable attention, observation, the ability to begin analysis, synthesis, self-esteem, as well as the desire for joint activities.
What are the stages of project activities in preschool educational institutions?
The system of our work with children on project activities is built in 5 stages :
1. The initial stage at which the project topic and goal are determined; its relevance is revealed: “What do we know?”, “What do we want to know?”; The duration of the project is determined.
2. Planning stage. At this stage, together with the children, we draw up an action plan to achieve the goal, using symbols, and enter it into a pre-prepared table “Where can we find information?”:
- who we turn to for help;
- what sources can you find information from?
- what we can get as a result of the search.
3. Information collection stage. The purpose of this stage is: the formation of ideas of children of senior preschool age about the world around them using the method of project activities. To achieve this goal, a number of activities are carried out, depending on the topic of the project:
- placement of material on the information field;
- creation of a subject-development environment;
- excursions;
- conversations;
- observations;
- educational games and exercises;
- experiments, experimentation, etc.
4. Information synthesis stage. This stage involves combining the collected information into a single whole, creating the final product, in which we use the following methods of generalization:
- album design;
- creating books on the topic;
- creation of layouts;
- organization of an exhibition of works;
- entertainment;
- presentation of projects based on research conducted with children and parents in kindergarten.
5. Reflective stage: “What new have we learned?”, this is the final stage of the project, at which we evaluate the results of our joint work, identify the completeness of the topic, and determine the topic of the next project.
There are many different topics that children would like to think about and answer their questions. When choosing project topics , we were based on the comprehensive thematic planning of the preschool educational institution, as well as on the interests and needs of children of senior preschool age. In our practice, projects have been implemented on the following topics: “What Autumn gives us”, “On the streets of our city”, “I am an inhabitant of planet Earth!”, “Secrets of our planet”, “Growing up healthy!”, “Animals of our region”, "Wintering birds" and others.
The main criteria for the success of project activities, in addition to achieving the intended result, can be recognized as a change in a person’s attitude towards the possibilities of self-knowledge, transformation of himself and the world around him. The most important result is an increase in the degree of independence of children at each stage of project activity (when recognizing the problem, when formulating goals and drawing up a work plan, during the search for information and practical implementation of the project, when organizing their own actions and the activities of the group, in assessing their efforts and successes). The degree of such independence, identified by the great Italian teacher M. Montessori as the most important indicator of development, increases as children master self-organization techniques, skills of cognitive, creative activity, and experience of an emotional and value-based attitude to reality.
How to work with parents of preschoolers during the project?
We managed to increase the competence of parents of pupils in this matter through the following forms of cooperation with parents :
- An educational seminar-workshop on the topic “Organization of project activities in working with children of senior preschool age,” at which parents became acquainted with the method of project activities, realized the importance of this method in the development of children’s cognitive abilities: observe, describe, compare, make assumptions and suggest ways to checks;
- A round table on the topic “The role of parents in children’s project activities,” where parents independently selected information and proposed a variety of project topics based on the interests and needs of their children.
- Master classes at which parents shared their own experiences, expressed their assumptions, and suggested ways to implement future projects. Also, master classes were held for parents, organized in joint activities with children: “Fun Experiments”, “Skillful Fingers”, “Games and Experiments in the Kitchen”.
The information stand for parents contains information reflecting current events in the group, recommendations, requests, and ways to help their child conduct research on a specific project.
Parents provide children with parental support in collecting information, conduct the necessary experiments, experiments, observations on project topics, the results of which are compiled together with the children in a form convenient for them: presentations, books, albums, messages, models, etc. Many parents are interested in helping their children present the collected information in the group.
These forms allowed:
- establish partnerships with the families of each student, combining the efforts of teachers and parents for the development of children;
- create an atmosphere of community of interests, emotional support and mutual assistance in the relationship “parents – children – teacher”;
- to activate the readiness and desire of parents of pupils to participate in the implementation of the project method;
- support parents’ confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities, understand their role in the educational process.
In conclusion, I would like to say that the project method is one of the most effective methods of working with children, meeting the requirements of a new quality education, which allows you to unobtrusively involve parents of students in the educational process as active participants. Important results of project activities are preschoolers’ knowledge of themselves and the world around them, and the embodiment of acquired knowledge and skills into real products.
- V.N. Zhuravleva “Project activities of senior preschoolers.”
- Derkunskaya V. A. “Project activities of preschoolers.”
- Zakharova M. A. “Project activities in kindergarten: parents and children.”
- L.S. Kiseleva, T.A. Danilina “Project method in the activities of a preschool institution.”
- NOT. Veraksa, A.N. Veraksa "Organization of project activities in kindergarten."
- Timofeeva L.L. / Korneicheva E.E. / Gracheva N.I. Planning educational activities in preschool educational institutions. Senior group. Methodological manual, 2014
Author: Tatyana Aleksandrovna Krivolapova, teacher at MBDOU No. 37, Angarsk.
Organization of joint thematic projects in preschool educational institutions (teachers - children - parents)
Organizing full interaction between teachers, children and parents is one of the important tasks facing the staff of preschool institutions. In order for parents to become active assistants to teachers, it is necessary to involve them in the life of the kindergarten. One aspect of this issue is the search for rational ways of interaction. What is the interaction between teacher and parents? To accurately answer this question, we turned to S. Ozhegov’s Russian language dictionary, where the meaning of the word “interaction” is explained as the mutual connection of two phenomena, mutual support.
Both the family and the preschool institution convey social experience to the child in their own way. But only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a little person to enter the big world. The path to dialogue between these two social institutions is complicated by the fact that there is an imbalance in the processes of education in the family and preschool educational institutions. Today, the potential capabilities of the family are undergoing a serious transformation. Teachers note a decrease in her educational potential and a change in her role in the process of primary socialization of the child. Modern parents have a hard time due to lack of time, employment, and lack of competence in matters of preschool pedagogy and psychology. Social instability, social tension, and economic pressure have moved the educational functions of the family to second and third places, and in preschool educational institutions, education always comes first. This situation can be leveled out by including the family in the educational space of the preschool educational institution.
One of these forms of cooperation and the inclusion of parents in the educational space of preschool educational institutions is the organization of joint thematic projects in kindergarten
“Project” (Latin) “thrown forward”, “protruding”, “conspicuous”.
A project is a specially organized set of actions that has a socially significant result.
The peculiarity of joint projects in kindergarten is that the child cannot yet independently formulate a problem or determine a plan, therefore, in the educational process of a preschool educational institution, project activities are in the nature of cooperation, in which children, teachers, and parents take part.
Working in joint projects gives:
- a child can learn to pose a problem, find solutions, plan, work independently with information, be a responsible partner, and respect the opinion of the interlocutor;
- a favorable atmosphere for learning is created in the group;
- a community of children, educators and parents is created;
- children have an incentive to work and learn with pleasure and desire;
- projects allow you to quickly obtain a clear result of your activities;
The organization of joint thematic projects can be considered as a special mechanism for interaction between families and preschool educational institutions.
A preschooler cannot be the author or leader of project activities. He needs the help of adults who can understand his interests. The main organizer of joint projects with parents is the teacher. He is a source of information, a consultant, an expert.
He is the main leader of the project and subsequent research, gaming, artistic, practice-oriented activities, coordinator and partner of children and parents in solving the problem.
Stages of work on the project:
1. Goal setting: the teacher helps the child choose the most relevant and feasible task for him for a certain period of time.
2. Project development - action plan to achieve the goal:
- who to turn to for help (an adult, a teacher);
- what sources can you find information in?
— what items to use (accessories, equipment);
— what objects to learn to work with to achieve the goal.
— GCD, games and other types of children’s activities
3. Project implementation – practical part (collecting and accumulating material, completing homework, project result)
4. Summing up – presentation and definition of tasks for new projects.
The project is the 5 Ps:
- problem;
- design or planning;
- search for information;
- product;
- presentation.
As the stages of the joint project are implemented, teachers and parents help the child find means and ways to achieve the goal.
Relying on the help of adults, children seek a solution to the problem through questions to their parents, joint trips to the library, reading educational literature, and observations. Together with their parents, they are engaged in productive activities: drawing, crafting, composing.
Thus, joint collection of materials, production of attributes, games, competitions, presentations reveal the creative abilities of children, involve parents in the educational process, which naturally affects the results. Parents, participating in the implementation of the project, are not only sources of information, real help and support for the child and teacher in the process of working on the project, but also become direct participants in the educational process, enrich their teaching experience, experience a sense of ownership and satisfaction from their successes and the achievements of their child. Parents can be not only a source of information, but also a source of real help and support for the child in the process of working on a project; they can enrich their teaching experience, experience a sense of ownership and satisfaction from their successes and the successes of the child.
By implementing the project method, we cultivate an independent and responsible personality, and develop the child’s mental and creative abilities. Joint projects broaden the horizons of children and adults, fill them with creative energy, and help build relationships and cooperation between family and kindergarten. It is project activities that will help unite teachers, children and parents, teach them to work in a team, collaborate, and plan their work. And most importantly, every child will be able to express themselves, feel needed, which means that self-confidence will appear and the child’s self-esteem will increase. By participating in the project, the child feels significant in a group of peers and sees his contribution to the common cause. One of the advantages of design technology is that each child is recognized as important and necessary in the team. He sees the results of efforts at the beginning of the group, and then the entire team. The child understands that other participants in the process notice his contribution to the common cause, and therefore strives to keep up with his peers.
Thus, the introduction of joint thematic projects into the educational process contributes to the development of a free creative personality, which corresponds to the social order at the present stage and makes the educational process of a preschool organization open to the active participation of parents and other family members.