Summary of GCD in the middle group “Inhabitants of the water - fish”

Lesson on the topic “Pisces” in the middle group


  • developing in children the idea of ​​fish as living creatures living in water;
  • developing children's knowledge about the characteristic structure of fish: body shape, fins, gills, etc.
  • activation and enrichment of children's vocabulary.
  • to evoke a desire to take care of the riches of nature, to help understand that only then will there be a lot of fish in reservoirs, when the water in them becomes clean, and each fish will have the opportunity to leave offspring;
  • cultivate an interest in nature.

Preliminary work:

1. Consideration of an aquarium - an aquatic ecosystem.

2. Observations of aquarium fish.

3. Acquaintance with the models “Fish”, “Who Lives in the Pond”. 4. Reading fiction: A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Goldfish”, Permyak “The First Fish”, I. Tokmakova “Where the Fish Sleeps”, Russian folk tale “At the Command of the Pike”. 5. Drawing Fish in an Aquarium.” b. Getting to know the names of aquarium and river fish.

7. Watching the video “On rivers and reservoirs.”


Game "Fish swims in water"

Insert a large atlas of the world, pay attention to the fact that there is a lot of blue on the map. Educator: Guys, what does the color blue and blue mean on the atlas?


This is water: oceans, rivers, lakes.


And, do you know who inhabits these expanses of water? (Children's statements.)

- Yes, it's not just water. This is a house where all kinds of creatures live. Name them.

Children's answers.

Physical exercise: “Journey along the bottom of the sea.”


Let's take a look at them.

Examination of illustrations and pictures depicting aquatic animals.


Guess the riddle: “Parents and children have all their clothes made of coins.”


These are fish.


That's right, well done! Select pictures of fish.


Guys, think and tell me how fish differ from other animals?

Children's answers.


All fish are distinguished from other animals by common characteristics.

Invite the children to draw the body shape of a fish on the board (an option is a wind-up fish toy).


Look, the body is elongated, the head smoothly turns into the body, and the body into the tail. Fish have fins, scales, and gills.

—Have you ever picked up a fish? What does it feel like?




The body of the fish is covered with scales and mucus, this makes it slippery, so it glides easily in the water.

- The fish constantly lives in the water, there it finds food, in the water the eggs hatch into fry, from which a new fish then grows.


How does a fish breathe underwater? Has anyone thought about this?

(Children's statements.)


“It’s dark at night, it’s quiet at night, fish, fish, where do you sleep?”

Where does the fish sleep and how? Children's answers.

- Yes, she has a special device for breathing under water - gills.

Consideration of the “Fish” model


Look at this diagram and tell us about the main distinguishing features of the fish.


Guys, tell me, what is needed so that the fish does not die, but lives?

Consideration of another model: “What is needed for fish.”

Discussion with children. Summarize that fish need water, food, air and aquatic plants.

Educator: Tell me, how does a fish appear? Examination of the model.


Yes, indeed, guys, fish emerge from eggs, eggs become fry, and fry grow into big fish.


Who knows the names of the fish? Name it!

Children's answers.


How should people take care of fish so that they are happy and have babies? Will they be able to survive if the water in the seas and rivers is dirty? Can you do anything beneficial for the fish?

Teach children that the water should not be polluted, that the fry of different fish should not be destroyed, and that they should not catch too many fish. Tell us who the poacher is.

Game "We are fish."


What new did you learn? What were they talking about? What or who else do you want to know about?


All schemes are narrated by children with a high level of development, and some – by children with an average and low level of development.

ABSTRACT. OD in the middle group. on the theme "Pisces"


1 Department of Education of the Administration of the Municipal District Sterlitamak District Republic of Bashkortostan CONSPECT OD in the middle group on the topic “Fishes” Developed and conducted by teacher: Salieva.R.Sh. MDAU kindergarten in Oktyabrskoe village 2016

2 Purpose: To clarify children’s knowledge about fish, their appearance, habitats, to help consolidate the acquired knowledge about fish; Integrated tasks: Educational To consolidate children’s ideas about fish, their appearance and way of life. Learn to generalize and classify (marine fish, fish living in freshwater bodies of our region, aquarium fish) Strengthen classification skills: appearance, nutrition, habitat.. Help to remember the rivers and lakes of our region. Strengthen the use of prepositions: (under, on, u.), counting skills, learn to form plural nouns, spatial concepts, the ability to think logically and express thoughts, Educational: Develop the ability to listen, supplement the answers of comrades. To cultivate an interest in studying nature, lakes and rivers of their native land, the Republic of Bashkortostan.. To create a desire to take care of the riches of nature, to understand that only then will there be a lot of fish in the reservoirs, when the water in them becomes clean, and each fish will have the opportunity to leave offspring ; cultivate an interest in nature. Developmental: Develop coherent speech in children through conversations about fish, logical thinking, creative imagination; activate and enrich the child’s vocabulary. Expected result: Knows how to answer questions, participates in conversation, hears and understands questions asked and answers them. Knows and names the rivers and lakes of Bashkortostan. Able to think logically and express his thoughts about caring for nature and all living things. Actively participates in the creation of individual compositions. Means of implementation: Presentation “Fishes”, slides, pictures with images of marine, freshwater, aquarium fish), numbers, drawing of an aquarium, cups of water, straws, plastic mugs, natural material (fir cones) Organizational point Do you guys like to travel? We are setting off on an exciting journey, and you will find out where it is by guessing the riddle: “A city giant goes to work in the ocean.” (ship). That's right, guys, this is the Agorithm ship. Let's set off on this fabulous ship to the land of interesting creatures. Our road is difficult and dangerous, so we must sit quietly and listen very carefully. And you will find out who lives in this country by guessing the riddle: Shines in the river with a clean silver back. Parents and children have all their clothes made of coins. Who lives in this country? (Fish). Meanwhile, our boat is sailing to the first stop. 1 stop “Meeting with a smart crab”. Crab asks us to tell us everything we know about his neighbors, the fish. The fish are so different and so different from each other! Where do fish live? They all live in water. The crab asks where fish can live? In what bodies of water can fish live? Children's answers (in the sea, river, lake, pond) Guys, name which seas do you know? (children's answers) Azov Sea, Black Sea, Baltic Sea. (slide) What lakes do we have in Bashkortostan? Lake Aslykul, Lake Kandrykul, Nugush Reservoir. (Slide) What rivers do you know? Agidel River, Dema River, Sterlya River. (slide) Do you think fish can live in a dirty swamp? Why not? (in the swamp there is dirty water and no air passes through.

3 What kind of fish do you know (in the sea - sea, in the river - river, in the aquarium - aquarium) What fish live in the sea? Marine. (slide) What kind of fish live in rivers? River (slide) Name them What fish live in the aquarium? Aquarium (slide) Name them. Guys, let's rest and Crab will rest with us Fiz minute "To the fast river" We went down to the fast river, (We walk in place) We bent down and washed ourselves. (Bend forward, hands on the belt) One, two, three, four, (Clap our hands) That's how nicely refreshed we were. (Shake your hands) You need to do this with your hands: Together once, this is breaststroke. (Circles with both hands forward) One, the other is a crawl. (Circles with arms forward one by one) All, as one, we swim like a dolphin. (Jumping in place) We went to the steep shore (We walk in place) Thank you guys, here we are on the shore. Look, we are waiting for a meeting, guess with whom. Stop 2: “Meeting with a goldfish.” The fish also prepared tasks for us. We will help and tell you. Working with the diagram. “Body parts of a fish” - Name the body parts of a fish. (head, eyes, mouth, gills, body, scales, fins, tail) Eyes, so that the fish can see where to swim Gills, so that the fish can breathe Scales protect the fish’s body from damage, fins, and tail serve as a rudder; the fish controls the body. The eggs and embryos appear in them, the fish live in the sea, river, lake, in an aquarium, the algae give them oxygen and the fish eat the algae and hide behind them to rest. Guys, what else do fish eat? Fish feed on algae, small fish, worms, insects, and bread. Guys, I’ve always been interested in where and how fish come from. Guys, please tell me, I’m very interested. Let's tell you guys. (Mnemonic diagram) First, the mother fish lays eggs, an embryo grows in each egg, a tadpole appears, a fry appears from the tadpole, and a fish emerges from the fry. Over time, it grows and turns into a big fish. Guys, the fish asks, what are the benefits of fish and what? (Children's answers) Fish are an important part of our diet, because... contain a lot of protein and minerals; fish oil, rich in vitamins, is obtained from fish. Fertilizers are made from waste from the fishing industry. Guys, do you think the fish in our reservoirs are in some kind of danger? What rules must be followed Didactic game “Rules of behavior on reservoirs” (cards) Guys, the fish asks, if you take a fish out of the water, what can happen to it? That's right, the gills will dry out, the scales will not be able to live without water, they will die. Therefore, it is imperative to take care of the fish and not pollute the water bodies, so that I and my friends can have a good time. I have always seen unusual fish in pictures that live in an unusually shaped house. Guys, where else do you think fish can live? Listen to the riddle. There is a pond on the window, fish live in it,

4 Along glass shores, There are no fishermen (aquarium) What shape can aquariums be? (Rectangular, square, round.) slide...rule of behavior around the aquarium 1. You cannot throw anything, talk loudly, make noise, or put your hands in the water. All this can frighten the fish and lead to illness. What is allowed? You can admire the fish, watch them, feed them, but for now only with the permission of the teacher. Didactic game “Where the fish hid” Guys, we are breathing and exhaling carbon dioxide, and there is less oxygen, let’s turn on the compressors to make it easier for the fish to breathe. Breathing exercises “Compressor” Guys, what did you see when you blew into the tube. That's right, bubbles are air, it is visible in the form of bubbles. Now it will be easier for the fish in the aquarium to breathe. Didactic game “The fourth odd one” Didactic game “What can fish do?” Fish can swim Fish can look for food Fish can bury themselves in the sand Didactic game “One is many” Pike - many pikes One catfish - many catfish Perch - many perches Didactic game “Find a house for the fish” Green circle - river, blue circle - sea, white circle - aquarium Pure saying Xia-Xia-Xia, Xia-Xia-Xia didn’t catch the crucian carp. Se-se-se, se-se-se, everyone caught crucian carp. Si-si-si, si-si-si in the pond crucian carp. Xia-Xia-Xia, Xia-Xia-Xia, I wish I could catch a carp! Proverbs about fish You can’t pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. (A person who wants to have everything and do nothing will not achieve anything in his life; to have something you need to work) Like a fish in water Completely free, completely natural, simple and at ease (to feel anywhere). Guys, I really like the house I live in, but I wish I had more friends. Help me make friends. Guys, can we help? Finger gymnastics Perch, pike, catfish, pike perch. You count for a reason. Brush, carp, roach, bleak. Just count! Don't be shy! And also a big crucian carp. Call everyone again. Children's work: making fish from natural materials. (background music plays)

5 Reflection with a goldfish. She asks you to make your wishes for her. What would you ask a fish? Think! So I would ask the fish that our teachers never get sick, and that my whole family goes on a long, interesting journey. What are your desires? Children tell their wishes. I think guys that the fish will definitely fulfill your wishes. Now let's play the game "Fish and Pike" We can swim fast, We love to jump and dive One, two, three, four, five - You'll never catch us. The fish thanks the children for their work and promises to make their wishes come true. Says goodbye and leaves.

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