Summary of work activities in the middle group “Little Helpers”.

Summary of collective work in the middle group

Lapina Svetlana

Summary of collective work in the middle group

Summary of collective work in the middle group “Washing toys”

Program content:


Educational: Continue to introduce children to ways of putting things in order in a group (washing toys, wiping shelves, neatly arranging toys)

Developmental: gradually develop children's interest in the work of adults

Educational: Foster a work culture: plan work, prepare the workplace and all necessary equipment, clean the workplace, bring the work started to completion. To instill in children a desire to work, to show friendly relationships in the process of work.

Type of work activity: economic and household

Form of organization: collective common work.

Number of children: 12 people (subgroup)

Equipment: basins with soapy water - 3 pcs., oilcloth - 3 pcs., rags, aprons according to the number of children, a picture with microbes drawn on it.

Vocabulary work: viruses, equipment, let's break, worked hard.

Scope of work: wipe the shelves, toys and put them back beautifully in place.


Introductory stage:

- Guys, come to me. While you were sleeping, I found this picture on the toy shelf. What is this?

— There was a problem with our toys. An evil wizard sent viruses to the toys - Vredilius, dust and dirt. It’s good that Vredilius did not manage to infect all the toys; he only infected cars, shelves and furniture. We noticed him and drove him away. Now you can’t play with cars, and toys, if you don’t play with them, make you sad, think that no one needs them, and start to break down. How can we save our toys from viruses - Vredilius? What needs to be done to keep the play area clean?

— What equipment do we need to wash the toys?

- Why do you think I prepared 2 basins?

- That's right, in one basin we will wash the car with soap, and in the other we will rinse it with soap. Place a tray with a napkin next to the second basin.

- We will wash the cars, they will be clean. But the Evil Wizard also scattered viruses on the shelves - Vredilius. For this I prepared some rags and a separate basin.

- A lot of work. You need to wipe down the shelves, wash the toys, and put them back on the shelves. In order to get everything done, let's break it down into sections. Look, there are circles of different colors on the table. Each of you will take a circle and stand next to other children who have circles of the same color.

— Children who hold white circles will wipe dust from the shelves.

- Children who hold yellow circles will wash the toys.

- Children who hold red circles will put our toys in place.

— Children who hold blue circles will rinse the cars and set them to dry

- Whoever will wash the toys, prepare your work areas. Who will wipe the dust, put toys on this table.

Main stage:

The teacher supervises the preparation of the workplace and equipment by the children. Children wipe the shelves from dust and wash toys (During the work activity, the teacher approaches each unit, gives advice, praises, carries out individual work. At the end of the work, he helps to put the tools in their place and invites carpet.)

The final stage:

- Let's look at our group. Do you think we have brought order to the group?

- Why did you and I wash our cars and wipe off the dust?

— Tell me, how did you work?

— (Children’s names, what did you do?

— Are you satisfied with your work?

— Guys, you all worked very well and quickly. It’s not for nothing that the Russian people say “What one can’t do alone, we’ll do it together!” I was pleased to watch how you worked together, without quarreling, helping each other. The Russian people also have this proverb: “Friendship loves business!” We've worked hard, now we can play.

The role of work detail in the formation of the personality of preschool children

The formation of a person’s personality begins in early childhood. Labor plays a major role in the formation of personality. Labor activity affects the intellectual and psycho-emotional development of the child. It should be noted that modern preschool education devotes a lot of time to this issue. It is in the middle group that the scope of children’s work activities expands significantly. By mastering more and more new work skills, the child becomes independent and more adapted to adult life.

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Labor detail in the middle group, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, must correspond to the implementation of certain tasks:

  • children should be taught to handle their things carefully, to dress, undress, fold and organize things carefully, educators should instill in children the desire to look neat;
  • children should be trained to prepare their workplace, keep it in order, and also clean up after themselves after finishing an activity (for example, putting away paints, plasticine, pouring out water);
  • children should be able to maintain order to the best of their ability in the group territory and in the walking area, and children should also be able to help teachers repair books and some toys;
  • children in the middle group should learn to be on duty before and after meals (lay out and put away cutlery, napkins, bread bins);
  • at this age, children should become familiar with the rules of caring for indoor plants; they can wipe dust on the leaves and water the plants;
  • Pupils in the middle group can already learn basic care for some animals, for example, pouring food into an aquarium for fish, pouring water into a water bowl for birds, pouring seeds into feeders;
  • if possible, children are taught simple work in the garden, garden or flower garden (they can water the plants, help harvest).
  • At this stage, children’s knowledge about adult work activity also expands; the child must know many professions and know what the work activity of each of them is.

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Labor activity in the middle group contributes to the development of thinking, children expand their horizons, learn a lot of new information, and during labor activity children learn to perform concerts and switch their attention. Any work helps children socialize, work in a team, children learn mutual assistance and establish relationships with both peers and adults.

Labor activity also fulfills a number of important educational tasks. Thanks to this process, children become more confident in their abilities, the child becomes more disciplined, and an adequate life position is formed.

Work progress:

1 part :

Children, nursery teachers

asked us to help them wash the toys and doll dishes, wash the linen and clothes for the dolls, and dry the building material. Let's do something nice for the kids?

I invite children to answer the following questions:

What proverbs about work do we know?


How should you wash plastic toys? (Wash first and then dry.)

What needs to be done to get the dolls' laundry cleaned? (First wash with soap, then rinse, dry and iron.)

I distribute the children into groups

, assign responsibility, determine the scope of tasks.
I advise the children to distribute the work within each group

I remind the children that they cannot be distracted, that any task must be completed carefully. I remind you that in order to complete the task, you need to help each other.

Part 2: Practical work.

I invite the children to go to their workplaces, before starting to work, I establish rules with the children, the observance of which improves the quality of work

. I remind the children that to start working they need to put on aprons.

during work

how the children distribute responsibilities, what kind of relationships develop, whether they skillfully use the equipment, and provide individual assistance.

Part 3: Summing up the work.

After work, I make sure that the children put all the equipment back in place and put things in order in their work areas. I invite you to admire the result of the work.

Involves all children in analyzing and evaluating work performance. Asks them the following questions:

Why did you manage to get the job done quickly and well?

Which of you did your comrades help?

I praise all children words:

I'm glad you worked together. I think kids will be happy to have clean toys.

I give all children an assessment, pointing out their shortcomings and shortcomings.

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Fedora: - I didn’t like to work: washing dishes and floors, tidying up all my things. Now the trouble has happened... Educator: -Who are these guys? Children: - Fedora. V. — From what fairy tale did Fedora come to us? Children: - Fedorino's grief. V. - That's right, who wrote this fairy tale? Children: - Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Fedora: - Hello, guys. Educator: - Hello, Fedora, why didn’t you wash the dishes, wash your things or tidy up, that means you were lazy. Guys, is it good to be lazy? Children: - No.

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