March 8. Calendar-thematic planning for children of the preparatory group

Weekly work plan

If the theme of the week is “Women’s Day,” in the preparatory group it should take place both in the mode of interaction between children and adults, and in conditions of children’s independence.

Sample plan for the week dedicated to Women's Day


  • Morning work-out.
  • Conducting a conversation on the topic of the upcoming holiday. The purpose of this conversation should be to inform children about the history and traditions of celebrating this day, and to generate interest in the upcoming event.
  • Vocabulary lesson (pure sayings, sayings related to family values).
  • Conducting a role-playing game “Family”, the purpose of which is to improve children’s abilities to interact and distribute roles in a team.
  • Lunch time.
  • Quiet hour.
  • Creative time - introducing children to folk art (looking at Easter eggs) and the opportunity to practice on their own.
  • Literacy training.
  • Musical break - you will need to choose the songs that will be performed at the final event and begin the corresponding rehearsals with the children.
  • Walk.
  • Game activities (“Sharing candy with mom” - parallel teaching children to count).
  • Reading a fairy tale out loud (for example, “Thumbelina”).
  • Walk.


  • Morning work-out.
  • Conducting a conversation with children on the topic of helping their mother. The purpose of the conversation is to be able to explain to children how important it is to help their elders, as well as to foster a sense of respect for what their mothers do for them.
  • Game exercises (the game “Look and Remember”, the subjects of which can be those things that are found in family life on an ongoing basis), the purpose of this exercise will be to develop the cognitive abilities of children.
  • Educational time - the theme can be the world around us, special attention should be paid to pets. You can discuss what animals live in families, who takes care of them, and how they should be cared for.
  • Walk.
  • Lunch time.
  • Quiet hour.
  • Physical education class.
  • Rehearsal of skits for the final event.

Charging always comes first


  • Morning work-out;
  • Conversation “How to affectionately call your mother”, the purpose of which is to form a reverent attitude towards mothers and grandmothers.
  • Cultural program - presentation “The Image of Women in Art”, the purpose of such a presentation is to introduce children to beauty.
  • A game exercise - gymnastics “Mom Cuts the Cabbage”, the purpose of which is to develop articulation.
  • Walk.
  • Lunch time.
  • Quiet hour.
  • Preparation for the holiday - rehearsal of reading poems by heart;
  • Reading a fairy tale.

Development of mental abilities and intelligence


  • Morning work-out;
  • A conversation on the topic “Why do girls need to be protected?”, with the goal of strengthening concepts of gender roles and forming basic concepts of morality.
  • Cultural program - study of folklore associated with mother (grandmother), recitation of proverbs and sayings.
  • Cleaning the area for the upcoming holiday, the purpose of which is to develop the ability to aesthetically perceive the environment.
  • Walk.
  • Lunch time.
  • Quiet hour.
  • Game program “Chain of Words” - select words related to family values, this game is aimed at developing logical thinking and enriching children’s vocabulary.
  • Rehearsing skits for an upcoming event.
  • Reading books.


  • Morning work-out.
  • Final rehearsal before the concert.
  • Conversation: “How to please your mother?”
  • Creative work is a gift to mom.
  • Walk.
  • Lunch time.
  • Quiet hour.
  • Hygienic procedures related to preparation for the concert.
  • Concert.
  • Giving gifts to mothers.

Planning in the preparatory group for “International Women’s Day”

In order for the “Mother’s Day” week to be useful for children, this time must be carefully planned and a program of daily activities must be thought through.

The celebration is held in all groups

When organizing any thematic week in kindergarten, it is necessary to determine the goals and objectives of the week, identify the topics that will be covered during it, and plan events, including the final one.

The week dedicated to “Women’s Day” in kindergarten is characterized by the following goals and objectives:

  • To form in children ideas about the value of family in a person’s life.
  • Teach children to respect their mothers and other family members, as well as teachers, doctors, etc.
  • Enable children to understand gender roles and gender expectations.
  • Develop a caring attitude towards others.

Events are going according to plan

Lexical work

Children are preparing for the transition to a new stage of education, in which they will have to cope with a significantly larger amount of information that will need to be perceived and remembered. Children will need a developed vocabulary, good memory and the ability to perceive information in both written and oral form. Therefore, an integral part of each thematic week spent in the preparatory group is lexical work.

The most successful format for lexical work in the preparatory group during the thematic week dedicated to “Women’s Day” is expressive reading and learning of poems that foster a reverent attitude towards mother and other female family members.

For your information. Excellent examples of poems that are suitable in this case are “A Mother Lived in the World” by Kayum Tangrykuliev, “Let’s Sit in Silence” by Elena Blaginina, “A Simple Word” by Igor Maznin, “Damp, Gloomy Outside the Window” by Ovsey Driz, “Mother” by Vladimir Borisov and many others.

Final event

As a final event of the week dedicated to Women's Day, there should be a concert to which family members of the children will be invited. It is very important for the children to have the opportunity to demonstrate the results of their work, share love and warmth with their mothers, and congratulate them.

For your information. At the concert, you can perform performances, which will include an expressive reading of poems dedicated to mothers, the performance of musical compositions, and at the end, children will present their mothers with gifts that they made with their own hands.

Analysis of educational activities in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard

It can be:

  • applications;
  • origami;
  • flower crafts;
  • postcards;
  • drawings and so on.

At the end of the working calendar week, it will be possible to prepare an information stand that will contain photographs from this time.

Reading poetry is required

Week "International Women's Day"

Goal: Organize all types of children's activities around the theme of family, love for mother, grandmother. To cultivate respect for educators, expand gender perceptions, and involve children in making gifts for mother and grandmother. Continue to cultivate a caring attitude towards those closest to you.

Final event : Matinee for March 8th, presentation of gifts to mothers and grandmothers, exhibition of children's works on the topic.

Educational areaGCDTopic of classesTasksContents (form of work)Corrective work
Cognitive DevelopmentFEMPLesson No. 1, 2 1-pages 125-128.-Continue to teach how to independently compose and solve arithmetic problems within 10. -Continue to develop the ability to determine time using a clock with an accuracy of 1 hour. -Continue to develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper. -Continue to cultivate independence and attention. -d/i -Dialogue. - Guessing riddles - Physical exercise. -Discussion. -Solution. -Development of general and fine motor skills, spatial orientation. -Coordination of speech and movement. Articulation and breathing exercises. -Gymnastics after sleep.
Cognitive - research activities"Plastic"Introduce children to the artificial material plastic. -Continue to teach how to use various methods of examining objects -Continue to teach how to highlight several qualities of objects in the process of perception -Continue to develop cognitive and research interest -Continue to develop vision, touch, and sensorimotor abilities. -Continue to develop curiosity, attention, thinking. -Continue to cultivate a caring attitude towards things. -Guessing riddles -Solving a problem situation -Experimenting -Conversation -D/I -Experiments.
The world"Mom's work"Instill in children a kind, attentive attitude towards the closest dear person - their mother. -Continue to develop children's awareness of areas of human activity. -Continue to develop ideas about the work of adults, about the significance of their work for society. -Continue to develop the dialogical form of speech and children’s vocabulary. -Continue psychophysical qualities (dexterity, speed), ability to navigate in space. -Continue to cultivate respect for mother’s work both at work and at home. -Guessing riddles -Conversation -Looking at illustrations -Reading fiction. -D/I “What is needed for work”, “Find an extra object” -Musical game -Situational conversation.
Natural world“How March and February quarreled”Teach children to notice spring changes in nature - Teach to generalize and systematize children’s ideas about the seasons, create an album about the seasons. -Develop ideas about spring changes in nature. -Continue to develop children’s ideas that everything in nature is interconnected. -Continue to develop the dialogical form of children’s speech and children’s vocabulary. -Continue to cultivate interest and love for nature. -Conversation -Reading poems, proverbs about spring -Observation -Guessing riddles -Listening to music.
Speech developmentSpeech developmentCoherent speech. “Shaggy and Winged” 9-page 70. -Continue the development of dialogic and monologue forms of speech. -Continue to develop the ability to conduct a dialogue between the teacher and the child. -Continue to teach how to be a friendly and correct interlocutor. -Continue to develop the ability to write stories about animals. -Continue to develop the ability to draw up a story plan and stick to it. -Continue to cultivate a culture of verbal communication. -Conversation -Situational conversation -Dialogue -Composition of a story.
Preparation for literacyThe sound [zh] and the letter Zhzh.- Continue to learn how to form words from syllables - Continue to learn how to isolate the sequence of sounds in simple words - Continue to develop the ability to compose sentences. -Continue the development of phonemic hearing: determine the place of sound in words -Continue the development of the dialogical form of speech of children -Continue the development of fine motor skills of the fingers -Continue to cultivate a culture of verbal communication -Situational conversation -D/games -D/exercise. -Game situations -Conversation -Phys. minutes.
Social and communicative developmentSocializationSafe behavior in nature. Conversation: “A frozen river is not an ice rink at all.”-Continue to teach the rules of behavior in nature -Introduce children to the rules of behavior on ice -Continue to develop ideas about the properties of ice -Continue to develop the dialogic form of speech-Conversation -Guessing riddles -Looking at illustrations -Experimenting -Solving a problem situation -Modeling -Physical exercises.
Artistic and aesthetic developmentDrawing“Portrait of Mom” (object drawing)-Continue to develop the ability to depict an object from memory -Continue to develop the ability to notice the characteristic features of the depicted object. -Continue to develop image technique, freedom and at the same time accuracy of hand movements under visual control, their smoothness, rhythm. -Continue to develop the ability to combine different materials in one drawing to create an expressive image. -Continue to develop fine motor skills of the fingers. -Continue to cultivate a sense of love and respect for the mother through communication with works of art. -Conversation -Looking at portraits of artists and poets -Reading artistic literature. -D/I “Name it affectionately”, “Name the parts of the head” -Experiments with paints
Application"Vase with Flowers"-Continue to learn how to create object images based on idea -Continue to develop a sense of composition (learn to beautifully arrange figures on a sheet of paper of a format corresponding to the proportions of the depicted objects. -Continue to develop techniques for cutting out symmetrical objects from paper folded in half. -Continue to develop the ability to use different techniques for gluing images -Continue to develop a sense of color, flavor, composition. -Continue to develop fine motor skills of the fingers. -Continue to develop the ability to prepare materials and aids for class independently and in a timely manner, to clean your workplace without being reminded. -Continue to cultivate independence, the ability to complete the work started to end.-Conversation -Looking at illustrations -D/I -Reading fiction -Guessing riddles -Making riddles -Demonstration
Construction“Basket for Mom” (online resource)-Continue to teach children to select colors and their shades when making souvenirs -Continue to teach children to use paper of different textures, make markings using a template -Develop an understanding of Russian public holidays - “March 8th is International Women’s Day” -Continue to develop the dialogical form of children’s speech -Continue to develop fine motor skills of the fingers -Continue to cultivate neatness, a feeling of love and respect for the closest and dearest person - mother-Conversation -Reading a poem -Reading a story -Workshop for making a children's activity product.
Physical developmentFISOLesson 33, 6-page Lesson 34, 6-page 65Practice walking in a column one at a time while performing an attention task, crawling on all fours between objects; repeat balance and jumping exercises. Crawling on all fours between objects without touching them. Walking around the gym. bench with clapping in front of you and behind you for every step. Jumping from hoop to hoop, without pausing, using arm swings. P/game "Blind Man's Bluff".
FISO (STREET)Lesson 36, 6-page 66Practice walking and running while completing the “Find your color” task; repeat the game task with throwing snowballs and jumping. Game exercises: “Don’t get caught.” Game "Polar Bears".


Week Theme “Maslenitsa”

Goal: Introducing children to the origins of Russian culture, introducing children to folk traditions and customs, expanding their understanding of the art, traditions, and customs of the peoples of Russia. Continue to introduce children to folk songs and dances.

Working with parents: Mobile folder for parents “The History of Maslenitsa”, creation of a “Book of Pancake Recipes”

Educational areaGCDTopic of classesTasksContents (form of work)Corrective work
Cognitive DevelopmentFEMPHoliday (March 7)-Development of general and fine motor skills, spatial orientation. -Coordination of speech and movement. Articulation and breathing exercises. -Gymnastics after sleep.
Cognitive - research activities"Mirror Experience"-Continue to develop cognitive and research interest. -Continue to teach children to participate in simple experiments. -Continue to develop vision and sensorimotor abilities. -Continue to develop hand-eye coordination. -Conversation -Experimentation -Observation -D/I
The worldHoliday (March 8)
Natural world"Reptiles"-Develop children's knowledge about reptiles. -Develop ideas about some forms of protection of reptiles from enemies. -Continue to develop children's ideas about the peculiarities of adaptation of animals to the environment -Continue to teach how to establish cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena. -Continue to introduce the Red Book, with individual representatives of the class of reptiles listed in it -Continue to cultivate a caring attitude towards the animal world. -Conversation -Reading fiction -Guessing riddles -D/I -Solving a problem situation -Physical exercise.
Speech developmentSpeech developmentLearning the chants “Like Mardi Gras...”-Continue to develop dialogic and monologue forms of speech -Continue to develop the ability to conduct dialogue between the teacher and the child, between children -Continue to teach how to practice intonation expressiveness of speech. -Continue to teach children to be interested in the meaning of words -Continue to develop interest in fiction. -Continue to cultivate a love for oral folk art. -Conversation -Looking at illustrations -Reading -Discussion -Learning.
Preparation for literacySounds [je] and the letter E.- Continue to learn how to form words from syllables - Continue to learn how to isolate the sequence of sounds in simple words - Continue to develop the ability to compose sentences. -Continue the development of phonemic hearing: determine the place of sound in words -Continue the development of the dialogical form of speech of children -Continue the development of fine motor skills of the fingers -Continue to cultivate a culture of verbal communication
Social and communicative developmentSocializationTraffic rules “Signs in a triangle”-Continue to develop knowledge about road traffic -Continue to develop knowledge about road signs -Continue to teach children to understand the need to follow traffic rules -Continue to develop attention, logical thinking -Continue to cultivate a culture of behavior on the street.-Conversation -Situational conversation -Looking at illustrations of traffic signs -Guessing riddles.
Artistic and aesthetic developmentDrawing"Maslenitsa festivities"Teach to reflect holiday impressions in a drawing - Continue to teach children to place images on the sheet in accordance with their real location. -Continue to teach how to convey differences in the size of depicted objects -Continue to develop the ability to build the composition of a drawing. -Continue to cultivate respect for folk traditions. -Conversation -Reading fiction -Looking at illustrations -
Modeling“Horses are riding to Maslenitsa” (decorative modeling)-Continue to develop decorative sculpting skills -Continue to teach how to use different sculpting methods -Teach to convey the characteristic features of Dymkovo animals, their poses, sculpt legs and torso from one piece, head and neck from another -Continue to develop children's creativity. -Continue to develop independence, the ability to prepare materials for class independently and in a timely manner, without being reminded to clean your workplace. -Conversation -Looking at the album “Dymkovo Toys” -Guessing riddles -Demonstration -Doing work.
Construction“Oil Can Doll” (working with fabric)-Teach children practical skills to work with material -Develop interest in folk culture and folk traditions. -Continue to develop fine motor skills of the hands -Continue to develop interest in folk toys, accuracy, and hard work. -Conversation “Toys from the Past” -Looking at the album “In the Toy Museum” -Reading proverbs and sayings about work -Listening to Russian folk songs.
Physical developmentFISOLesson 1, 6-page Lesson 2, 6-page 72Exercise children in walking and running between objects; in maintaining balance when walking on increased support with an additional task; repeat the task in jumping, relay race with the ball. Equilibrium. Jumping. Relay race with the ball “Passing the ball in a line.” P/game "Keys".
FISO (STREET)Lesson 3,6-page 73Repeat speed running exercises, game tasks with jumping and ballGame exercises: “Frogs in the swamp”, “Ball against the wall”. Game "Owl".


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