Homework for preschool children. Card file on the topic

Many parents believe that to prepare their child for school life, the basics of reading, writing and mathematics will be enough. In reality, things are somewhat more complicated. It would be optimal to choose an individual program for the development of your child, including various aspects, which include memory, speech, perception, thinking, imagination. In our article we will talk about what developmental activities for preschoolers should be aimed at and present some of them.

Classes with a preschooler should be regular

Preparation for classes

Before working with your child, you need to prepare a workplace. It can be in any room.

An important circumstance is one condition: everything necessary should be at hand, and nothing should distract the child from the educational process.

Approximate class schedule

It would be nice to bring the form of the lesson as close as possible to the school process. It is necessary to determine the duration of the process, but it should be remembered that a child of 5-6 years old cannot exercise for more than 20 minutes. If in the future he adapts well to the process, then, provided that it is not difficult and interesting for the baby, you can increase it to 30 minutes.

You need to tell the child about the school bell, its functions, what recess is, how to behave during it, why the student is called to the blackboard, about the diary, the teacher. All this is important for his future adaptation to school life.

Preparation for school. Part 2. Lesson 16.

Recommended for preparing for school

Forms with tasks for developing attention.

The section contains more than 70 forms with tasks. All tasks include instructions for the child in the form of a short story and colorful pictures for this story. All tasks are divided into 9 groups... read more

Preparation for school. Part 1.

As a rule, teachers and parents believe that in order to prepare a preschooler for school and develop school skills, it is necessary and sufficient to teach him to read syllables, count, and also develop fine motor skills, thereby... Go to the lessons of the first part

Preparation for school. Part 2

The second part of our online program of classes for preparing for school expands and complements the topics of the first part. The tasks in this section are aimed at developing skills and abilities to solve complex problems of analysis, synthesis and... Go to the lessons of the second part

Preparation for school. Entertaining lessons on the computer

The section contains 75 entertaining computer tasks divided into 25 lessons, all tasks are designed for children of senior preschool age. When developing the tasks in this section, we took into account the methodological recommendations of the State Scientific and Methodological... Go to entertaining lessons


- the first book with which to begin learning to read and write. We bring to your attention the best version of the online Primer in RuNet. When developing the Primer, time-tested developments from the Adaline psychological center were used. The primer contains multimedia interactive... go to the Primer

Letters. Exercises and games.

The exercises and educational games from this section will help you repeat and consolidate the material covered in the Primer. Our educational games will allow a preschooler to remember the image (writing) of printed letters of the Russian alphabet, teach them to identify sounds by ear and... move on to games with letters

Syllables. Lessons on reading syllables

Our lessons on reading syllables include several types of tasks and exercises. The tasks and exercises for the lessons use words well known to the child and consisting of 2-3 syllables.

Syllables consist of two letters, a vowel and a consonant. As a rule, a child does not... go to lessons on reading syllables

Latest publications

Read more games-for-kids.ru

Tasks for the development of auditory memory

In school life, a child’s auditory memory is often involved; in order to make it easier for the child to cope with tasks, it would be a good idea to conduct developmental activities with him. To develop auditory memory, you can do the following exercise. You should name the child 10 unrelated words, for example, cat, chair, forest, hand, brother, berry, car, house, elephant, door. At home, it happens that parents name words according to the principle that what I see is what I say. However, the baby can also see these objects, and he does not need to remember the words.

Developing auditory memory through reading aloud

Therefore, it is better to write down the words on a piece of paper and work with a pre-prepared list. The items on the list should be familiar to the baby. Normally, he should name at least 5 words, in any order.

The words can be repeated several times, then you need to give the baby the opportunity to repeat the words on his own. It happens that after the third repetition he names all the words, and after the fourth he names only one. You should not get angry with him, as this may be an indicator that the child is not psychologically ready for the lesson. He gets tired quickly. This situation can be correlated with the school process, for example, when learning a poem, it should be understood that frequent repetition will only worsen the situation.

Lesson on memorizing words and names

Psychologists recommend building a graph that will immediately show how your child’s auditory memory works. A zigzag graph indicates instability of attention as a sign of hyperactivity.

Assignment on the lexical topic: “Professions”

Learn a poem with your child. Do finger exercises with him.

There are many noble professions,

Both useful and pleasant.

Cook, doctor, painter, teacher,

Seller, miner, builder...

I’m not naming everyone right away,

I suggest you continue.

Enrichment and activation of vocabulary. Ask your child to name at least 10 professions. Read him a few poems on the website page “Lexical topic “Professions” https://logopediy-dly-detey.ru/logopunkt/leksicheskie-temy/professii

Learn 2-3 riddles about professions. Work on the correct pronunciation of the given sounds and intonation expressiveness.

Work on the syllable structure of words and coordination of speech and movements.

Exercise “Show words with your hands” - cook, clown, shoemaker, fireman, traffic controller.

Development of sound and letter analysis skills.

Draw or stick 5-7 professions. Write short words in their entirety, and write the first and last letter of long ones.

For example: doctor – DOCTOR, salesperson – P________C


Visual memory development task

To develop visual memory, you need to prepare 10 pictures for the child, and they should be familiar to him. The objects depicted on them must be recognizable and clear. In addition, there should not be anything superfluous on them, for example, if a bench is depicted with a hare sitting on it, then the child can remember both the bench and the hare. During the lesson, the pictures should be laid out one by one, while naming them out loud, since he may mistake the pictured chair for a sofa. After all the images have been laid out, he needs to be given a minute to memorize.

Visual memory activity - showing pictures and talking about them

If the child is confused or has named few words, then you can work with him in the same way with fewer images. For better memorization, it is recommended to connect words with each other in meaning and come up with a story with them.

Free online training

Home Preschool

Website: home preschool

Some lessons from the paid full course, which are no longer available for purchase, have been published on the YouTube channel. A parent or other adult can teach the child using available videos.

The quality of recording or editing may not be ideal, but each lesson is filled with the minimum required for the subject, taking into account the characteristics of age. The possibility of using ordinary things as educational material is taken into account.

Masha and company

Website: Masha and company

Preparing for school online with the Masha and Company channel is carried out in many aspects. You can watch fairy tales with your child, make puzzles, play games and study using other educational videos.

For easy memorization and development of children, the author presents all material in a playful way.

Preparing for school is an important stage, which you can cope with together with professional teachers. At the same time, parents should also work with the child so that progress is constant.

Development of semantic memory

To develop semantic memory, you can name paired words, for example, house-window, bear-raspberry, table-chair, forest-tree, winter-snow. Then you should name the words from the first pair, and name the baby from the second. You can start with three semantic pairs, then as the baby understands what they want from him, you can increase the number of pairs. If he cannot understand what is required of him, he needs to explain in more detail, for example, a forest is a tree, a tree grows in a forest. Normally, out of five pairs, the baby should name three.

Development of semantic memory for older preschoolers using pictures

Moreover, different thematic words should be chosen for boys and girls. Typically, 6-year-old children successfully complete this task on the third attempt.

Preparation for school. Part 1. Lesson 21.

Recommended for preparing for school

Forms with tasks for developing attention.

The section contains more than 70 forms with tasks. All tasks include instructions for the child in the form of a short story and colorful pictures for this story. All tasks are divided into 9 groups... read more

Preparation for school. Part 1.

As a rule, teachers and parents believe that in order to prepare a preschooler for school and develop school skills, it is necessary and sufficient to teach him to read syllables, count, and also develop fine motor skills, thereby... Go to the lessons of the first part

Preparation for school. Part 2

The second part of our online program of classes for preparing for school expands and complements the topics of the first part. The tasks in this section are aimed at developing skills and abilities to solve complex problems of analysis, synthesis and... Go to the lessons of the second part

Preparation for school. Entertaining lessons on the computer

The section contains 75 entertaining computer tasks divided into 25 lessons, all tasks are designed for children of senior preschool age. When developing the tasks in this section, we took into account the methodological recommendations of the State Scientific and Methodological... Go to entertaining lessons


- the first book with which to begin learning to read and write. We bring to your attention the best version of the online Primer in RuNet. When developing the Primer, time-tested developments from the Adaline psychological center were used. The primer contains multimedia interactive... go to the Primer

Letters. Exercises and games.

The exercises and educational games from this section will help you repeat and consolidate the material covered in the Primer. Our educational games will allow a preschooler to remember the image (writing) of printed letters of the Russian alphabet, teach them to identify sounds by ear and... move on to games with letters

Syllables. Lessons on reading syllables

Our lessons on reading syllables include several types of tasks and exercises. The tasks and exercises for the lessons use words well known to the child and consisting of 2-3 syllables.

Syllables consist of two letters, a vowel and a consonant. As a rule, a child does not... go to lessons on reading syllables

Latest publications

Read more games-for-kids.ru

Task for the development of logical thinking

Tasks for preschoolers are not possible without the development of logic. Working with the logic of preschoolers is aimed at finding an extra object. In the beginning, it is advisable to use not pictures, but toys and other objects, for example, among the vegetables there is one berry or among the yellow objects there is one blue one. Later it’s worth moving on to the pictures.

Cognitive development in logical problems

Also, at first you can make a more expressive difference, for example, put a car among the images of birds, then it’s worth making it a little more complicated: put one domestic animal among wild animals.

For beginner children, there is no need to carry out multivalued rows, when several objects will be superfluous, but each according to its own characteristics, for example, among circles, one will be large, and one of a different color. This way they can only be confused. Such activities can be done by already prepared children who have good sense of direction and justify the answer, for example, the odd one in shape, color, size.

Logical exercises for children 5-6 years old - preparation for school

Stories based on pictures are good for developing logical thinking. After offering the child several pictures, you need to ask him to make up a story and put the pictures in order. That is, first the baby woke up, then went to brush his teeth, and then went for a walk. If he has a contradictory story, then you shouldn’t criticize him. It would be more correct to offer him your own version of the story, while not forgetting to praise the baby.

Logic blocks Dendeshi - excellent educational material

Before going to school, children should be well versed in geometric shapes and space.

Lesson with geometric shapes - development of spatial thinking and hand motor skills

Developmental tasks ask them to draw a circle under a square, an oval in a square, a triangle in a circle. Draw a ball in the upper right corner, a carrot in the upper left, an apple in the lower left, a Christmas tree in the lower right, and a bear in the center.

Consultation for parents “Doing tasks with children at home”

Tatiana Chugunkina

Consultation for parents “Doing tasks with children at home”

Consultation for parents

“Doing tasks with children at home”

All parents dream of a child being healthy, obedient, smart and beautiful. However, children, as a rule, have their own plans in this regard. They do not yet understand that intelligence and knowledge in the modern world are power. And it’s impossible to explain this to them.

So what remains for parents? There may be two options here. Either resign yourself and let everything take its course, or look for tricks and use cunning in order to still instill in your baby such useful skills and abilities.

What is the importance of homework for children in kindergarten?

It is of great importance:

• Children begin to develop a sense of responsibility;

• Awareness that knowledge can be acquired by oneself (at this age, together with parents)

• children develop independent thinking skills;

Recommendations for parents to help them complete tasks with their children.

1. Do not turn the task into an instrument of torture.

It is important to interest the child in the task, tell him interesting facts, ones that will excite him and make him want to share his new knowledge with friends.

2.Form positive motivation for completing the task, its long-term perspective.

If your child refuses to complete tasks, you

• Gently but persistently get the job done.

• Complete tasks in a playful way, imagine a trip, find different motives for completing tasks each time

• Form cognitive interest in children:

1) Invite your child to play a board game, and he will not refuse.

2) You can use the technique with hobbies. Here it is important to understand what the child likes, and then adapt his interest to knowledge. For example, a child loves cars. Great, count them as you walk, combine them by color, etc.

3) Introduce your child to children's literature! Try to read at least a few pages, look at the pictures, ask them to describe them, ask your child questions about the text.

4) Arrange a joint modeling (from plasticine or from salt dough) And start sculpting, you can make a plot-based joint composition on the topic of the task.

5) Can you come up with a story for children in pictures? For example, take a stack of old magazines and cut out pictures from them: people, animals, plants. Then, together with the children, come up with the plot of a fairy tale and stick the pictures on a large sheet of paper. If some characters are missing, you can add them.

6) You can show your child a puppet show or invite him to show you the show himself, or better yet, arrange a joint performance for other family members.

7) Arrange a joint drawing on the topic of the task. Make a book from which the child can then tell others about the knowledge he has acquired.

3. Reward your child for a task well done. It is not acceptable to scold, get angry, or get irritated, otherwise a negative attitude towards completing tasks will be formed.

Educators offer homework not only in order to create and consolidate the child’s emotionally positive attitude towards learning, but also in order to strengthen contact between parents and child, which will help you in the future both at school and simply in life.

Remember that our goal is to teach the child not only to complete tasks,

but also to feel that his parents will always, in any situation, come to his aid, that

His difficulties will be successfully overcome with your help.

4. Don't try to complete the task for your child.

In preschool age, a child most often cannot complete a task on his own; help him cope, but together does not mean instead. Do not exclude the role of the child himself; he must take part in completing the task and, upon positive completion, feel a sense of satisfaction and pride in a well-done task. Praise your child for the slightest success, support him: “I know YOU CAN CANDLE IT,” “YOU WILL DEFINITELY SUCCEED IT.”






Tasks for the development of phonemic hearing

An important step for Russian language classes will be developmental tasks aimed at phonemic hearing. First you need to teach your baby to clap words syllable by syllable. You need to start clapping words with 2 syllables, then 3, 4, and then 1 syllable. When dividing syllables, it is better to immediately introduce the baby to stressed and unstressed letters.

It is good for the development of phonemic hearing to connect a word with its corresponding diagram, the sounds in which are depicted in circles. Several words are written in a row, and opposite is a diagram with syllables. The child must find the necessary graphic image of the word. Moreover, the number of sounds in words should be different and the child should not be given words that have several sounds, such as fir-tree, yula, cabin boy. If the baby is not able to cope with the task, then you can first work out which sound is the first in the word and which is the last.

Phonemic lessons - you need to choose a methodology and use different types

The next step is to work on the vowels and consonants. Developmental tasks should be aimed at ensuring that vowels are sung, and consonants encounter an obstacle during pronunciation.

Paid online training


The school is designed for children from 5 to 7 years old.

Tetrika employs professional teachers who make the learning process interesting and productive.

Children are prepared for school using a virtual board, on which you can write using a mouse or tablet screen. After each lesson, a virtual board with notes and materials is saved.

School advantages:

  1. You can study with a tutor in several subjects at the same time.
  2. A modern platform on which all educational materials are stored and which can conveniently track learning progress.
  3. All tasks take into account the age of the child.

Website : https://tetrika-school.ru


What training options does the school offer?

Soft preparation for school: reading, counting, writing

Tutors will introduce you to basic subjects and tell you how to work with textbooks and how to behave at school. They will teach you to study independently.

  • duration of the program : 1-3 months
  • format: individual
  • for what age : 5-7 years
  • cost : 790-1090 rubles per lesson
  • free trial lesson: yes (sign up)
  • how the training takes place : classes are held on our own platform. All work is done in the browser - no need to download programs to your computer or smartphone.


The school is designed for children from 5 to 8 years old.

As a result of classes at Foxford, the child will receive the full amount of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a future first-grader, and will be ready for systematic learning.

School advantages:

  1. We have our own interactive learning platform.
  2. School preparation classes are held interactively and in a playful way. The child receives points for correctly completed tasks and additional theory if mistakes are repeated.
  3. Works are checked by an automatic testing system. The result, evaluation and errors are immediately visible.

Website : https://foxford.ru/levels/primary

Contacts: 88003020412

What training options does the school offer?

Individual Lesson Packages

At the free webinar, parents and children meet the tutor chosen by the school, determine the level and draw up a training plan. After this, lessons with interactive tasks are held in accordance with the schedule. The teacher leaves feedback after each lesson.

Classes are held on the Foxford platform.

  • duration of the program : 2 weeks-8 months
  • format: individual lesson
  • for what age : 5-8 years
  • cost : 509-790 rubles per lesson
  • free trial lesson: yes (sign up)
  • how learning occurs : in a playful way, the child learns the necessary material together with the teacher and completes interactive tasks


The school is designed for children from 5 to 7 years old.

Preparing preschoolers for school at the Academy is based on the value of knowledge. Teachers believe that if a child loves learning and begins to appreciate it, then this process will become easy and interesting. In this case, he will not only acquire skills, but will also know how and where to find new knowledge.

School advantages:

  1. Professional team of teachers.
  2. In order not to overload the student, lessons are held twice a week.
  3. There is an opportunity to quickly master all the necessary skills.

Website : https://academium.online


What training options does the school offer?

Group classes – Preparing for school

In an online school preparation course, a child takes reading and literacy courses, learns sounds and letters, and expands his vocabulary. Learns to write, develops motor skills and writing skills (in block letters). She also learns to count and write the answer and solve logical problems.

  • Duration of the program : 1-2 years
  • format: group
  • for what age : 5-6 years
  • cost : 3200 rubles per month
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • how learning occurs : learning is accompanied by consultations and diagnostic elements. At each lesson, the tutor talks about a new topic in a friendly, playful manner and completes tasks together with the student.

Group classes – Express preparation for school

In an online school preparation course, a child takes reading and literacy courses, learns sounds and letters, and expands his vocabulary. Learns to write, develops motor skills and writing skills (in block letters). She also learns to count and write the answer and solve logical problems.

  • duration of the program : 2 months
  • format: group
  • for what age : 6-7 years
  • cost : 3200 rubles per month
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • how learning occurs : learning is accompanied by consultations and diagnostic elements. At each lesson, the tutor talks about a new topic in a friendly, playful manner and completes tasks together with the student.

Individual lessons with a teacher

In an online school preparation course, a child takes reading and literacy courses, learns sounds and letters, and expands his vocabulary. Learns to write, develops motor skills and writing skills (in block letters). She also learns to count and write the answer and solve logical problems.

  • duration of the program : from 1 month to 2 years
  • format: individual lessons
  • for what age : 5-7 years
  • cost : 700 rubles per lesson
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • how learning occurs : learning is accompanied by consultations and diagnostic elements. At each lesson, the tutor talks about a new topic in a friendly, playful manner and completes tasks together with the student.

Makarun Family School

The school is designed for children from 6 to 7 years old.

"Makarun Family School" is an official educational institution with a large number of classes of different formats.

Teachers will help everyone develop their personality and communication skills with others. At the webinars they learn to read, count, write, speak, learn English, dance and warm up.

School advantages:

  1. There is a license from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
  2. The program structure is a balanced curriculum. Logical, mathematical and structural thinking develops.
  3. Strong teaching staff. Professional teachers with the necessary work experience.
  4. Children interact with peers in a respectful and safe environment.

Website : https://macarunschool.ru

Contacts: +78003027174

What training options does the school offer?

Group classes – Program for mathematics, reading, literacy, emotional intelligence, speech development

Preparing for school at Makarun is the full and balanced development of the child.

In the preschool program, students receive help at every step. Full technical support, the presence of a second teacher to help and support children.

  • duration of the program : 1 month or more
  • format: group
  • for what age : 6-7 years
  • cost : 11,900 rubles per month
  • free trial lesson: no
  • how the training occurs : short classes of 30 minutes, a long break, physical minutes, eye gymnastics in each lesson, neurogymnastics. The child does not get tired and perceives information well.

Seven kids

The school is designed for children from 4 to 7 years old.

The Seven Kids Center for the Development of Intelligence is a network of children's centers aimed at child development. The teachers of this educational institution help develop your potential, creativity and speed of thought through innovative teaching.

School advantages:

  1. Qualified trainers.
  2. There are English courses for preschoolers.
  3. Children are prepared for school using only modern and proven materials.

Website : www.sevenkids.ru


What training options does the school offer?

Introducing the Basics of Literacy

In these courses, a child will learn to count, learn letters and become familiar with the English language.

These are not English lessons, these are the development of English in early childhood. This means that 70% of the time the teacher will speak to the child only in a foreign language.

  • duration of the program : 1 month or more
  • format: individual
  • for what age : 4-5 years
  • cost : set after free lesson
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • how the training takes place : it is carried out on licensed educational materials that are used in different countries of the world in accordance with state educational standards.

Preparation for school

In these courses, the child will learn to count, write, read and learn English.

Will develop 15 basic skills, including logical thinking, self-organization, basic concepts of the world and spatial forms.

  • duration of the program : 1 month or more
  • format: individual
  • for what age : 5-7 years
  • cost : set after free lesson
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • how the training takes place : it is carried out on licensed educational materials that are used in different countries of the world in accordance with state educational standards.

I'll speak

The school is designed for children from 5 to 8 years old.

All training courses offered are flexible. If the teacher or parents want to shift the focus from one subject to another, or if the teacher sees that the child needs more time to master certain skills, they adapt the lesson plan.

All tutors are equipped with teaching tablets with the latest and most effective training programs. This helps to conduct lessons in a playful way in a pleasant atmosphere.

School advantages:

  1. Diagnostics at the beginning of the course
  2. Consultations for parents with the teacher and discussion of progress once a month or every 15 lessons
  3. Final diagnosis and consultation of teachers with discussion of the results.

Website : https://budugovorit.ru

Contacts: +74999554114

What training options does the school offer?

General preparation for school

The online school preparation course consists of the development of language literacy and basic mathematical concepts. All blocks develop the thought process and handwriting and writing skills.

  • duration of the program : 3-9 months
  • format: individual
  • for what age: 5-8
  • cost : 600-1050 rubles per lesson
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • how learning occurs : group classes are less flexible than individual ones, but the teacher takes into account the successes of each child, and in accordance with them changes the program and gives additional tasks

Psychological readiness for school

Webinars consist of three main areas: personality, activity and communication. The technique used to train the mental development of preschool children is aimed at developing cognitive processes: attention, memory, thinking;

  • duration of the program : 3-9 months
  • format: individual
  • for what age: 5-8
  • cost : 600-1050 rubles per lesson
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • how learning occurs : group classes are less flexible than individual ones, but the teacher takes into account the successes of each child, and in accordance with them changes the program and gives additional tasks

Speech therapy classes

The program differs from the standard one by adding articulatory gymnastics at the beginning of the lesson, more hours are allocated to reinforce the concept of sounds and letters, and tasks for analysis and phonemic synthesis have been expanded.

  • duration of the program : 3-9 months
  • format: individual
  • for what age: 5-8
  • cost : 600-1050 rubles per lesson
  • free trial lesson: yes


The school is designed for children from 6 to 7 years old.

During school preparation classes, 4 subjects will be studied in a playful way:

  • diploma;
  • mathematics;
  • creation;
  • the world.

The classes also strengthen interpersonal communication skills and awareness. Tutors answer all the “why” questions.

School advantages:

  1. Convenient training schedule.
  2. Teachers find an approach to every student.
  3. There are classes in psychology.
  4. Interactive classes.
  5. The school cooperates with the ministries of education and science of large regions of Russia.

Website : https://doshkolnik.eduregion.ru


What training options does the school offer?

Group – Up to 5 people together

The program includes peer experience, all subject areas and 16 lessons per month. There is also a meeting with a psychologist and a parent meeting once a month.

  • duration of the program : from 1 month
  • format: group
  • for what age : 6-7 years
  • cost : 3990 rubles per month
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • How learning works : webinars are available, as well as access to electronic workbooks and meeting recordings.

Individual training

The program includes 16 lessons per month, all subject areas. There is also a meeting with a psychologist and a parent meeting once a month.

Features a flexible plan and the ability to change the program with the teacher

  • duration of the program : from 1 month
  • format: individual
  • for what age : 6-7 years
  • cost : 7990 per month
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • How learning works : webinars are available, as well as access to electronic workbooks and meeting recordings.


The school is designed for children from 4 to 7 years old.

Classes at Linkids are taught by professional teachers and are based on an individual approach. The group consists of up to 5 people. Groups are formed taking into account the age and abilities of the children.

Lessons are held online using software. A video conference link will be sent to your email address prior to the start of the course.

School advantages:

  1. Each lesson consists of several blocks aimed at developing knowledge and skills in six main aspects of development.
  2. All teachers have higher specialized education and extensive work experience.

Website : https://www.linkids.ru

Contacts : +79613208908 [email protected]

What training options does the school offer?


Along with language development, children learn to control their emotions and resolve conflicts. Preparing preschoolers for school is designed to help develop new skills and abilities necessary to achieve new heights.

  • duration of the program : 1 month or more
  • format: individual
  • for what age : 4-7 years
  • cost : from 3400 rubles per month
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • how learning occurs : the student learns new information in a playful way and consolidates it with the help of homework


The course helps to unlock your potential, improve skills and develop cognitive interest.

  • duration of the program : 1 month or more
  • format: group
  • for what age : 4-7 years
  • cost : from 2500 rubles per month
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • how learning occurs : the student learns new information in a playful way and consolidates it with the help of homework


The school is designed for children from 4 to 7 years old.

Preparation for school is carried out according to the method of the author Lilia Upraviteleva. Each course is a comprehensive lesson: “smart” fairy tales for children in video format.

At the end of the program, the student will learn to read and work with text, master memorization techniques, learn to compose a picture from parts, and work according to a model and rule. He will also begin to navigate the sheet, easily find patterns, learn to maintain attention and work with series of numbers.

School advantages:

  1. Author's technique.
  2. Independent assignments for each lesson.
  3. Employees send a certificate and a gift to everyone who successfully completes their studies.

Website : https://bukovkaonline.ru


What training options does the school offer?

Rabbit Ike and his friends

Aimed at creating the basis for the development of educational skills in counting, reading, writing and unlocking the child’s creative potential.

  • duration of the program : 1 year
  • format: individual
  • for what age : 4-5 years
  • cost : set after watching a trial lesson
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • how learning occurs : lessons consist of 7 blocks: reading, mathematics, development of motor skills, perception, attention, memory, thinking

Naughty letters

Aimed at developing the will to systematic learning, developing intelligence and cognitive abilities in a child.

  • duration of the program : 1 year
  • format: individual
  • for what age :5-6 years
  • cost : set after watching a trial lesson
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • how learning occurs : lessons consist of 7 blocks: reading, mathematics, development of motor skills, perception, attention, memory, thinking

I know the world around

Transfers the entire volume of knowledge, skills and abilities in the main areas of preschool education, develops pedagogical motivation - the desire to learn.

  • duration of the program : 1 year
  • format: individual
  • for what age :6-7 years
  • cost : set after watching a trial lesson
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • how learning occurs : lessons consist of 7 blocks: reading, mathematics, development of motor skills, perception, attention, memory, thinking

learning to read

Focuses on developing phonemic awareness, reading and language skills.

  • duration of the program : 6 months
  • format: individual
  • for what age :6-7 years
  • cost : set after watching a trial lesson
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • how learning occurs : lessons consist of 7 blocks: reading, mathematics, development of motor skills, perception, attention, memory, thinking


Develops the ability to distinguish between vowels and consonants, distinguish between hard and soft consonants and visualize all sounds in a word.

  • duration of the program : 6 months
  • format: individual
  • for what age :5-7 years
  • cost : set after watching a trial lesson
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • how learning occurs : lessons consist of 7 blocks: reading, mathematics, development of motor skills, perception, attention, memory, thinking


The school is designed for children from 5 to 6 years old.

When preparing preschoolers for school, teachers take into account age and individuality and know how to maintain attention.

Specialists teach everything you need and help you develop important life skills. Children gain knowledge in a playful way, write letters to each other and send gifts.

School advantages:

  1. Teachers help to collect a portfolio of results.
  2. During lessons there is an active warm-up.
  3. Lessons in groups of up to 4 children.
  4. Complete child development
  5. Flexible schedule. You can postpone the lesson or get your money back.
  1. Free online textbooks.

Website : https://unqm.ru

Contacts: +7 (495) 00 146 39

What training options does the school offer?

Study with a group

The course consists of 7 sections that develop important life skills: reading and basic literacy, mathematics and logic, working with emotions, fine motor skills, mathematical problems, logical thinking and financial competence.

  • duration of the program : 1 month or more
  • format: group
  • for what age : 5-6 years
  • cost : set after drawing up a lesson plan
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • how learning occurs : complete development of the child in 7 areas, lessons 30-40 minutes twice a week, you can train with friends

Individual lessons

The course consists of 7 sections that develop important life skills: reading and basic literacy, mathematics and logic, working with emotions, fine motor skills, mathematical problems, logical thinking and financial competence.

  • duration of the program : 1 month or more
  • format: individual
  • for what age : 5-6 years
  • cost : set after drawing up a lesson plan
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • how learning works : adapted to the child, a manual available for younger students, intensive preparation for school online with a busy schedule, lessons 30-45 minutes


The school is designed for children from 5 to 7 years old.

At LogicLike, kids from all over the world develop their logical thinking and have a great time. The main task is to develop logical thinking and teach not to be afraid of complex tasks.

The platform employs teachers, psychologists, methodologists, programmers and designers.

School advantages:

  1. The platform has 3,500 developmental preparation activities for first-graders and younger students.
  2. Interesting questions, useful explanations, voice output and video tutorials.

Website : https://logiclike.com

Contacts : +7(495)5043759 [email protected]

What training options does the school offer?

Interesting logic from “A” to “Z”!

By solving problems and puzzles, children not only prepare for school, but also develop their intelligence.

The characters teach how to work with information correctly and how to develop logical and mathematical intelligence.

  • duration of the program : 1 month or more
  • format: interactive exercises
  • for what age : 5-7 years
  • cost : 210-390 rubles per month
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • how learning happens : fun tasks Professors teach you to think outside the box, a robot helps you learn new topics, and Yogrek creates obstacles with his clever puzzles


The school is designed for children from 3 to 10 years old.

The Razumeyka website helps caring parents teach their children three things:

  • development of thought, memory, attention;
  • mathematics, Russian language, reading;
  • learning science in a playful way.

This is a unique project for preparing for school, which will also help improve the performance of younger students.

School advantages:

  1. The lesson consists of an exciting computer game
  2. Actions are grouped from simple to complex.
  3. Free preliminary tests will help determine the level of difficulty your child is ready for.
  4. The child receives a reward for completing tasks.

Website : https://www.razumeykin.ru

Contacts: +74955326987

What training options does the school offer?

Intellectual development

Preparing children for school is based on the development of attention, memory and thinking.

Knowledge of the basics of various sciences makes it possible to learn how to handle information and gain a wide range of knowledge.

  • duration of the program : 1 month or more
  • format: individual
  • for what age : 3-10 years
  • cost : from 450 rubles
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • how training occurs : training at any time and at a convenient pace. An adult sees activity statistics and helps make a plan

It's clear

The school is designed for children from 5 to 7 years old.

Educational helps your child prepare for a safe and successful start to school. The preschool program includes fun, playful activities in reading, writing and math.

Employees offer an individual system that includes 5 areas:

  • mathematics;
  • reading;
  • language development;
  • the world;
  • development of logic and attention.

School advantages:

  1. The lessons are based on the federal educational standard and preschool education programs.
  2. Individual schedule developed together with the teacher.

Website : https://ponyatno.ru

Contacts: 79268933416

What training options does the school offer?

Preparation and general development

The initial level is necessary for a successful transition from kindergarten to primary school, differentiated in all areas.

If the child already has sufficiently developed skills, he moves on to more advanced ones. The school curriculum is not duplicated, but the child is introduced to new concepts in an accessible language.

  • duration of the program : 9 months
  • format: individual lessons
  • for what age : 5-7 years
  • cost : 425-500 rubles
  • free trial lesson: no
  • how learning occurs : the material of the preschool curriculum is processed first. This will help you build a strong foundation and ensure that you develop basic concepts that will form the basis for your future studies.


The school is designed for children from 5 to 7 years old.

Preparing preschoolers for school makes it possible to feel safe, adapt quickly to first grade and learn school materials.

The course is designed for the academic season and contains all the blocks necessary to prepare a child for 1st grade.

School advantages:

  1. Teachers devote attention to all schoolchildren, as classes are held in mini-groups of up to 5 people.
  2. All the excitement lies in the process of actions, which are staged in a playful manner.
  3. It is convenient for parents to monitor their child’s academic performance and progress through the platform.
  4. It is convenient for parents to monitor their child’s progress and communicate with the teacher.

Website : https://skorodum.com/

Contacts: 88002018669

What training options does the school offer?

Group classes

The main objective of the course is to systematize and increase the knowledge and skills of a preschooler. This gives them confidence and helps them adapt to a new important stage in life.

  • duration of the program : 6 months
  • format: group
  • for what age : 5-7 years
  • cost : set after free lesson
  • free trial lesson: yes
  • how learning happens : on the gaming platform on the Internet, children can develop logic, attention and practice counting

Tasks for the development of mathematical abilities

Developmental tasks for young preschoolers are not possible without mastering the basics of mathematics. Children should be given play activities to compare objects, for example, a Christmas tree is taller than a house, a rope is longer than a ribbon. In terms of quantity, you can offer your child a drawn train and ask him to paint the second carriage red, and the fifth one green. You can put wild animals in the red trailer, and a baby cow in the blue one, which is the third one. This way, the classes will be more interesting and will cover more than just mathematics.

You can start learning numbers from the age of 4

Logical problems like: “Sveta is taller than Seryozha, and Seryozha is taller than Lena” develop mathematical abilities well. Who's the tallest?

Developmental activities conducted with parents should take the form of a game, be interesting and fun. Then it will become a pleasant pastime not only for the kids, but also for their parents.

Preparation for school. Part 1. Lesson 23.

Recommended for preparing for school

Forms with tasks for developing attention.

The section contains more than 70 forms with tasks. All tasks include instructions for the child in the form of a short story and colorful pictures for this story. All tasks are divided into 9 groups... read more

Preparation for school. Part 1.

As a rule, teachers and parents believe that in order to prepare a preschooler for school and develop school skills, it is necessary and sufficient to teach him to read syllables, count, and also develop fine motor skills, thereby... Go to the lessons of the first part

Preparation for school. Part 2

The second part of our online program of classes for preparing for school expands and complements the topics of the first part. The tasks in this section are aimed at developing skills and abilities to solve complex problems of analysis, synthesis and... Go to the lessons of the second part

Preparation for school. Entertaining lessons on the computer

The section contains 75 entertaining computer tasks divided into 25 lessons, all tasks are designed for children of senior preschool age. When developing the tasks in this section, we took into account the methodological recommendations of the State Scientific and Methodological... Go to entertaining lessons


- the first book with which to begin learning to read and write. We bring to your attention the best version of the online Primer in RuNet. When developing the Primer, time-tested developments from the Adaline psychological center were used. The primer contains multimedia interactive... go to the Primer

Letters. Exercises and games.

The exercises and educational games from this section will help you repeat and consolidate the material covered in the Primer. Our educational games will allow a preschooler to remember the image (writing) of printed letters of the Russian alphabet, teach them to identify sounds by ear and... move on to games with letters

Syllables. Lessons on reading syllables

Our lessons on reading syllables include several types of tasks and exercises. The tasks and exercises for the lessons use words well known to the child and consisting of 2-3 syllables.

Syllables consist of two letters, a vowel and a consonant. As a rule, a child does not... go to lessons on reading syllables

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Preparation for school. Part 2. Lesson 14.

Recommended for preparing for school

Forms with tasks for developing attention.

The section contains more than 70 forms with tasks. All tasks include instructions for the child in the form of a short story and colorful pictures for this story. All tasks are divided into 9 groups... read more

Preparation for school. Part 1.

As a rule, teachers and parents believe that in order to prepare a preschooler for school and develop school skills, it is necessary and sufficient to teach him to read syllables, count, and also develop fine motor skills, thereby... Go to the lessons of the first part

Preparation for school. Part 2

The second part of our online program of classes for preparing for school expands and complements the topics of the first part. The tasks in this section are aimed at developing skills and abilities to solve complex problems of analysis, synthesis and... Go to the lessons of the second part

Preparation for school. Entertaining lessons on the computer

The section contains 75 entertaining computer tasks divided into 25 lessons, all tasks are designed for children of senior preschool age. When developing the tasks in this section, we took into account the methodological recommendations of the State Scientific and Methodological... Go to entertaining lessons


- the first book with which to begin learning to read and write. We bring to your attention the best version of the online Primer in RuNet. When developing the Primer, time-tested developments from the Adaline psychological center were used. The primer contains multimedia interactive... go to the Primer

Letters. Exercises and games.

The exercises and educational games from this section will help you repeat and consolidate the material covered in the Primer. Our educational games will allow a preschooler to remember the image (writing) of printed letters of the Russian alphabet, teach them to identify sounds by ear and... move on to games with letters

Syllables. Lessons on reading syllables

Our lessons on reading syllables include several types of tasks and exercises. The tasks and exercises for the lessons use words well known to the child and consisting of 2-3 syllables.

Syllables consist of two letters, a vowel and a consonant. As a rule, a child does not... go to lessons on reading syllables

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Preparation for school. Part 1. Lesson 5.

Recommended for preparing for school

Forms with tasks for developing attention.

The section contains more than 70 forms with tasks. All tasks include instructions for the child in the form of a short story and colorful pictures for this story. All tasks are divided into 9 groups... read more

Preparation for school. Part 1.

As a rule, teachers and parents believe that in order to prepare a preschooler for school and develop school skills, it is necessary and sufficient to teach him to read syllables, count, and also develop fine motor skills, thereby... Go to the lessons of the first part

Preparation for school. Part 2

The second part of our online program of classes for preparing for school expands and complements the topics of the first part. The tasks in this section are aimed at developing skills and abilities to solve complex problems of analysis, synthesis and... Go to the lessons of the second part

Preparation for school. Entertaining lessons on the computer

The section contains 75 entertaining computer tasks divided into 25 lessons, all tasks are designed for children of senior preschool age. When developing the tasks in this section, we took into account the methodological recommendations of the State Scientific and Methodological... Go to entertaining lessons


- the first book with which to begin learning to read and write. We bring to your attention the best version of the online Primer in RuNet. When developing the Primer, time-tested developments from the Adaline psychological center were used. The primer contains multimedia interactive... go to the Primer

Letters. Exercises and games.

The exercises and educational games from this section will help you repeat and consolidate the material covered in the Primer. Our educational games will allow a preschooler to remember the image (writing) of printed letters of the Russian alphabet, teach them to identify sounds by ear and... move on to games with letters

Syllables. Lessons on reading syllables

Our lessons on reading syllables include several types of tasks and exercises. The tasks and exercises for the lessons use words well known to the child and consisting of 2-3 syllables.

Syllables consist of two letters, a vowel and a consonant. As a rule, a child does not... go to lessons on reading syllables

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Material games-for-kids.ru

Preparation for school. Part 2. Lesson 8.

Recommended for preparing for school

Forms with tasks for developing attention.

The section contains more than 70 forms with tasks. All tasks include instructions for the child in the form of a short story and colorful pictures for this story. All tasks are divided into 9 groups... read more

Preparation for school. Part 1.

As a rule, teachers and parents believe that in order to prepare a preschooler for school and develop school skills, it is necessary and sufficient to teach him to read syllables, count, and also develop fine motor skills, thereby... Go to the lessons of the first part

Preparation for school. Part 2

The second part of our online program of classes for preparing for school expands and complements the topics of the first part. The tasks in this section are aimed at developing skills and abilities to solve complex problems of analysis, synthesis and... Go to the lessons of the second part

Preparation for school. Entertaining lessons on the computer

The section contains 75 entertaining computer tasks divided into 25 lessons, all tasks are designed for children of senior preschool age. When developing the tasks in this section, we took into account the methodological recommendations of the State Scientific and Methodological... Go to entertaining lessons


- the first book with which to begin learning to read and write. We bring to your attention the best version of the online Primer in RuNet. When developing the Primer, time-tested developments from the Adaline psychological center were used. The primer contains multimedia interactive... go to the Primer

Letters. Exercises and games.

The exercises and educational games from this section will help you repeat and consolidate the material covered in the Primer. Our educational games will allow a preschooler to remember the image (writing) of printed letters of the Russian alphabet, teach them to identify sounds by ear and... move on to games with letters

Syllables. Lessons on reading syllables

Our lessons on reading syllables include several types of tasks and exercises. The tasks and exercises for the lessons use words well known to the child and consisting of 2-3 syllables.

Syllables consist of two letters, a vowel and a consonant. As a rule, a child does not... go to lessons on reading syllables

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More details games-for-kids.ru

Preparation for school. Part 2. Lesson 20.

Recommended for preparing for school

Forms with tasks for developing attention.

The section contains more than 70 forms with tasks. All tasks include instructions for the child in the form of a short story and colorful pictures for this story. All tasks are divided into 9 groups... read more

Preparation for school. Part 1.

As a rule, teachers and parents believe that in order to prepare a preschooler for school and develop school skills, it is necessary and sufficient to teach him to read syllables, count, and also develop fine motor skills, thereby... Go to the lessons of the first part

Preparation for school. Part 2

The second part of our online program of classes for preparing for school expands and complements the topics of the first part. The tasks in this section are aimed at developing skills and abilities to solve complex problems of analysis, synthesis and... Go to the lessons of the second part

Preparation for school. Entertaining lessons on the computer

The section contains 75 entertaining computer tasks divided into 25 lessons, all tasks are designed for children of senior preschool age. When developing the tasks in this section, we took into account the methodological recommendations of the State Scientific and Methodological... Go to entertaining lessons


- the first book with which to begin learning to read and write. We bring to your attention the best version of the online Primer in RuNet. When developing the Primer, time-tested developments from the Adaline psychological center were used. The primer contains multimedia interactive... go to the Primer

Letters. Exercises and games.

The exercises and educational games from this section will help you repeat and consolidate the material covered in the Primer. Our educational games will allow a preschooler to remember the image (writing) of printed letters of the Russian alphabet, teach them to identify sounds by ear and... move on to games with letters

Syllables. Lessons on reading syllables

Our lessons on reading syllables include several types of tasks and exercises. The tasks and exercises for the lessons use words well known to the child and consisting of 2-3 syllables.

Syllables consist of two letters, a vowel and a consonant. As a rule, a child does not... go to lessons on reading syllables

Latest publications

More details on the website games-for-kids.ru

Preparation for school. Part 2. Lesson 9.

Recommended for preparing for school

Forms with tasks for developing attention.

The section contains more than 70 forms with tasks. All tasks include instructions for the child in the form of a short story and colorful pictures for this story. All tasks are divided into 9 groups... read more

Preparation for school. Part 1.

As a rule, teachers and parents believe that in order to prepare a preschooler for school and develop school skills, it is necessary and sufficient to teach him to read syllables, count, and also develop fine motor skills, thereby... Go to the lessons of the first part

Preparation for school. Part 2

The second part of our online program of classes for preparing for school expands and complements the topics of the first part. The tasks in this section are aimed at developing skills and abilities to solve complex problems of analysis, synthesis and... Go to the lessons of the second part

Preparation for school. Entertaining lessons on the computer

The section contains 75 entertaining computer tasks divided into 25 lessons, all tasks are designed for children of senior preschool age. When developing the tasks in this section, we took into account the methodological recommendations of the State Scientific and Methodological... Go to entertaining lessons


- the first book with which to begin learning to read and write. We bring to your attention the best version of the online Primer in RuNet. When developing the Primer, time-tested developments from the Adaline psychological center were used. The primer contains multimedia interactive... go to the Primer

Letters. Exercises and games.

The exercises and educational games from this section will help you repeat and consolidate the material covered in the Primer. Our educational games will allow a preschooler to remember the image (writing) of printed letters of the Russian alphabet, teach them to identify sounds by ear and... move on to games with letters

Syllables. Lessons on reading syllables

Our lessons on reading syllables include several types of tasks and exercises. The tasks and exercises for the lessons use words well known to the child and consisting of 2-3 syllables.

Syllables consist of two letters, a vowel and a consonant. As a rule, a child does not... go to lessons on reading syllables

Latest publications

More details on the website games-for-kids.ru

Preparation for school. Part 1. Lesson 1.

Recommended for preparing for school

Forms with tasks for developing attention.

The section contains more than 70 forms with tasks. All tasks include instructions for the child in the form of a short story and colorful pictures for this story. All tasks are divided into 9 groups... read more

Preparation for school. Part 1.

As a rule, teachers and parents believe that in order to prepare a preschooler for school and develop school skills, it is necessary and sufficient to teach him to read syllables, count, and also develop fine motor skills, thereby... Go to the lessons of the first part

Preparation for school. Part 2

The second part of our online program of classes for preparing for school expands and complements the topics of the first part. The tasks in this section are aimed at developing skills and abilities to solve complex problems of analysis, synthesis and... Go to the lessons of the second part

Preparation for school. Entertaining lessons on the computer

The section contains 75 entertaining computer tasks divided into 25 lessons, all tasks are designed for children of senior preschool age. When developing the tasks in this section, we took into account the methodological recommendations of the State Scientific and Methodological... Go to entertaining lessons


- the first book with which to begin learning to read and write. We bring to your attention the best version of the online Primer in RuNet. When developing the Primer, time-tested developments from the Adaline psychological center were used. The primer contains multimedia interactive... go to the Primer

Letters. Exercises and games.

The exercises and educational games from this section will help you repeat and consolidate the material covered in the Primer. Our educational games will allow a preschooler to remember the image (writing) of printed letters of the Russian alphabet, teach them to identify sounds by ear and... move on to games with letters

Syllables. Lessons on reading syllables

Our lessons on reading syllables include several types of tasks and exercises. The tasks and exercises for the lessons use words well known to the child and consisting of 2-3 syllables.

Syllables consist of two letters, a vowel and a consonant. As a rule, a child does not... go to lessons on reading syllables

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