Recommendations for parents “What to do with a child aged 2–3 years: games for indoors and outdoors”

Do not snooze

Children stand in a circle (there will be a round dance). For a round dance, you need to choose a song in which the same word will be repeated repeatedly, for example, the song “Clouds are white-maned horses.” Before the round dance begins, the leader explains the rule: after hearing a certain word, for example, the word “clouds,” the guys should clap their hands loudly (you can choose another action, for example, stomp, squat, and so on). The song begins, and with it the round dance. Whoever was “gazey” and did not perform the action when the word was sounded is eliminated from the game and receives a consolation prize. And the winners receive applause and gifts.

Simple games

Simple games and competitions are suitable for younger children. They can also be held at the end of the evening, when the guys are already a little tired of active entertainment and want to relax. Simple games include:


  • Children's age: 4+

You need to be the fastest to wrap the participant in toilet paper, making him a real mummy.

"Musical chairs"

  • Children's age: 4+

You need to place chairs in a circle, their number should be one less than the number of participants. While the music is playing, the children dance, and as soon as silence sets in, everyone must take a chair. The participant who does not have enough chair is eliminated.

Accuracy games

  • Children's age: 4+

For example, throw as many lids into a pan, candies into a bucket, etc.

"Fashion show".

  • Children's age: 6+

The birthday boy is given a set of accessories. These can be scarves, glasses, handkerchiefs, hairpins and elastic bands, gloves, sparkles, ribbons and much more. His task is to feel like a designer and “decorate” his guests. At first glance, this is a game for girls, but in fact, boys dress up their comrades with no less delight, showing real miracles of imagination.

"Broken phone".

  • Children's age: 6+

The presenter speaks a word into the participant’s ear, which he passes along the chain to the next one. Usually the word reaches the last player in a modified and funny form.

"Ocean is shaking".

  • Children's age: 5+

The presenter says: “The sea is worried once, the sea is worried twice, the sea is worried three times, ... the figure freezes.” The figure can be nautical, athletic, cartoonish - in general, anything that comes to the presenter’s mind. Next, you need to guess what figure each participant guessed.


  • Children's age: 5+

The task of each participant is to blow the largest soap bubble.


  • Children's age: 6+

Everyone’s favorite game is “showing off”, when the presenter speaks a word into the participant’s ear, and he must show it to the other players.

To come up with simple birthday games for children at home, parents just need to remember their own childhood. Many modern children do not know old games; even the usual “Stream” or “Loaf” can become interesting fun for kids. But for older children it’s worth coming up with more complex competitions.

An excellent ending to the celebration will be a fireworks display. All guests - both children and adults - can go outside and admire the amazing fireworks launched by parents in honor of the birthday boy.

A child's birthday should be bright, fun and unforgettable. Your holiday will be exactly like this, subject to careful preparation and competent organization. At the end of the celebration, the children will have a lot of positive emotions and memories for many years to come. Parents will feel like real superheroes who were able to make the dreams of their little birthday boy come true.

Edible pyramid

At this age, children really love to build things. But I’m already tired of simple pyramids and construction sets. Therefore, we can offer the children a non-standard version of “construction”. Each participant is given the same number of bagels, for example, 10 pieces. At the command of the leader, the children begin to build a pyramid of bagels. Here you will have to try, show persistence and caution. Whoever builds the pyramid first wins the main prize. The rest of the participants will also not be left without gifts, because for diligent efforts and painstaking work (building a pyramid out of bagels is not so easy at this age) there is a prize.

Cones for a bear

Children are divided into teams of approximately 5 participants. At the same distance from each team, cones, nuts and chestnuts are scattered in the same quantity, for example, 10 pieces. Team members stand behind each other in separate rows. The first participants are given a basket. At the “start” command, the first participants run to their pile with “fruits” and take only one (but you need to choose quickly and correctly). And according to the rules of the game, you only need to collect cones. As soon as the first participant took the cone, he puts it in his basket and runs to his team, passing the basket to the second participant. The team that collects all the pine cones for the bear the fastest will win.

Naughty socks

Children are divided into teams of approximately 5 participants. For each team, you need to prepare sets of socks in advance (5 pairs per team, if there are 5 participants in the team). Each participant on each team is given one sock from the team kit. The second socks are placed in a pile at the same distance from each team. At the command “start”, the participants run one by one to their pile, look for their sock, run back and put two socks on their feet. After the first participant has found his sock, the second participant goes in search, followed by the third, and so on. The team whose children will quickly find their socks and put them on their feet will win.

Recommendations for parents “What to do with a child aged 2–3 years: games for indoors and outdoors”

Angela Vasilyeva

Recommendations for parents “What to do with a child aged 2–3 years: games for indoors and outdoors”

What to do with a 2-3 year old child: games for indoors and outdoors

Closer to the age of two, the baby can already do a lot. First of all, he becomes more active, active and mobile, but he still lacks perseverance. That is why many parents are concerned about the question of what to do with a 2-year-old child at home and on the street. However, this is not so simple, since the mother, in parallel with inventing new children's fun, also needs to do everyday activities. How to combine household chores and child development?

All the games and options for spending time with two-year-old toddlers have long been known to many parents. All that remains is to refresh your memory and put them into practice.

Features of children at two years old.

The second year of life can be characterized by three main new acquisitions: the child begins to actively move, talk and interact with the outside world. The main means of communication is speech, which is actively developing thanks to the unique ability of children aged one and a half years and older to imitate. Children's play activities are also improving; now they reproduce in play literally everything they see around them.

To understand what to do with a child, you need to understand in more detail the characteristics of this age period. Among the characteristics of babies are:

• formation of plot-displaying play skills (as already noted, the baby displays impressions received in everyday life);

• the appearance of elements of a visually effective thought process;

• lively response to musical and literary works;

• mastering the basic principles of behavior;

• carrying out instructions from parents, contacting them on their own initiative;

• acquisition of some self-care skills;

• ability to hold pencils and markers in hands;

• the emergence of interest in peers, the desire to interact with them.

The child's behavior is characterized by greater perseverance and attentiveness. At two years old, the baby is able to enthusiastically engage in any activity for a quarter of an hour, especially when the mother is also involved in the activity.

During maternity leave, the mother is constantly near the baby, who requires attention and entertainment. Often, a child who is bored and wandering around the apartment can irritate even the most patient mother with constant whining and “momming.” The problem also lies in the fact that entertaining such a child is not very easy. Psychologists suggest keeping a few rules in mind:

If a child of four months needs to be kept constantly close to you, then children older than one year need to be given more freedom. Allow your baby to master his body and explore the surrounding space: first at home, and then outside. If the baby strives to communicate with his mother, you should not immediately give him toys and invite him to have fun on his own. Some children are able to independently occupy themselves even at two years old, while others, even by the age of four, constantly require increased attention from their parents.

The age of 2-3 years is considered fertile for the development of gross and fine motor skills and speech skills. Therefore, you can keep children occupied by playing with various small toys, a ball, reading literary works and general communication. However, it is not always necessary to entertain the little ones with specially invented activities, tormented by the question of what to do with the child. You can simply involve him in everyday household chores - for example, dusting.

Active games for children.

What to do with a child who is “filled” with energy? The most obvious answer is to engage in physically active activities. Such entertainment can take place either under the strict guidance of the mother or alone (provided the environment is safe). What toys will be needed to keep a child occupied? The answer is simple: gaming accessories for active activities:

Balls of various sizes and inflatable play accessories. If you choose such toys made of fabric materials or soft rubber, you can protect your home from damage and your child from injury.

Inflatable pool. It is not necessary to pour water into such a device; you can use soft balls. This will help keep a small child occupied for a few minutes, but then you will have to clean the room.

Rolling cars. A rolling car is a great choice because it can keep them occupied for a long time, because you can not only walk, but also roll toys.

Swedish wall. Such family simulators increasingly come with elements for children over one year old.

Tents. Such structures can be purchased or made independently from pillows and bedspreads. Children love to hide and climb into hiding places, so mom can calmly go about her business while the baby plays in the house. Such activity has a positive effect on the child’s well-being, increases the duration of night sleep, allowing him to splash out excess energy.

Activities for children must, above all, be safe. At this age, children do not yet understand how dangerous the environment is, so parents should be nearby and monitor their child.

What to do with a child?

Active games are just one of the options for sharing with your baby. A mother and child can not only have fun, but also come up with many educational activities aimed at improving attention, thinking, motor skills and speech. What games will a small child like?

Bubble . No kid will remain indifferent, watching how soap foam turns into rainbow bubbles, which can also be burst;

Drawing. You can interest your little one with special finger paints. A two-year-old child will be able to paint with watercolors, gouache paints and markers. The main thing is that all items are non-toxic;

Modeling. Plasticine mass or salt dough is an ideal material for developing fine motor skills. Initially, mom needs to demonstrate how to roll balls and sausages, but leave more complex shapes for later;

Role-playing games. An interested child can happily feed the dolls, swaddle them, and put them in a crib or stroller for a long time. That is, the baby performs actions familiar to him;

Reading. Since kids cannot yet understand the intricacies of big fairy tales, it is best to read them short tales, poems and nursery rhymes.

Educational toys. You definitely can’t do without them, so it’s important to stock up on cubes, pyramids, inserts, and construction sets with large, durable elements;

Balloons. Another favorite activity for little children is to have fun with balloons. They can be inflated and deflated, painted with a felt-tip pen, depicting funny faces.

In addition, children love to play with water. A basin with water and rubber toys, a bath with dolls are a great option for entertainment. A child can splash around, pour water from various containers, wash his favorite dolls, and “wash” doll clothes.

Five minute games.

Distracting a child for a few minutes to go about his business is not an easy task. It is necessary to provide him with something to do so that he does not even think about going on a dangerous “journey” to study the world around him. What can you do to keep your child busy for a while?

Paper. Soft toilet paper is suitable for rustling, tearing and crinkling. But you should stay away from glossy magazines, as you can cut yourself on the sharp edges;

Busyboard. A board with firmly attached buttons, locks, bells, zippers, a circle from a rotary telephone, an abacus, Velcro - these are just a small part of the useful items that will keep a curious child occupied for a long time;

Dishes. The child can and should be taken into the kitchen, of course, making sure that he cannot harm himself. Various saucepans, spoons, lids will definitely interest the baby;

Games with cereals. A small container is filled with semolina, in which small toys are hidden. “Treasure Search” will appeal to the little one, and besides, such an activity will additionally develop children’s fingers;

Domestic work. What to do with children at home if their imagination has already run out? Give your child a cloth soaked in water and demonstrate how to wipe dusty furniture. Also, at 2 years old, a child is already able to wash plastic dishes in a basin;

Cartoons. Of course, watching cartoons is not as beneficial as educational games, but in some situations you cannot do without them. If you need to concentrate for a quarter of an hour, just turn on your baby’s favorite cartoon.

The activities presented above must be “diluted” with minutes of idleness. There is no need to try to fill all your baby’s free time with games or cartoons. Let him sit idle for a while and invent his own entertainment. Otherwise, there is a risk of reducing his natural curiosity.

A great idea is to purchase a children's playhouse for small children. To keep your baby occupied for a short while and at the same time provide him with room for development, make a busy board with your own hands from scrap materials.

What to do with your baby outside?

Such entertainment can be done at home, but street games are no less useful. It's no secret that walks in the yard strengthen children's health and activate the child's development. Perhaps the first object for studying the world around us is the familiar sandbox. To play in it you need to stock up on molds, a bucket and a scoop. In winter, you can sculpt snowmen, draw with paints or sticks in the snow. In spring and autumn, the same stick will be useful for measuring the depth of puddles. Paper or wooden boats also float well in spring streams.

Any walk for a child is an adventure and discovery of something new. He is interested in everything: a flying bird, a passing cat, a passing car. That's why you need to change locations to vary your experience.

You should understand that you shouldn’t take up every free minute of your child’s time. Sometimes apparent inactivity is even useful, and a bored child is more likely to find something useful to do.

Thus, entertaining a child always goes hand in hand with his development. Active and didactic games will help you release energy and develop perseverance and mental processes. Parents will only have to put their happy and calm child into bed.

For compote and salad

The guys are divided into teams with the same number of participants, for example, 5. For each team, piles of fruits are located at the same distance (the sets for all teams are the same, for example, tomato, cucumber, radish, onion, pepper, plum, apricot, strawberry, raspberry , pear. Of course, you can take fake fruits and vegetables, but toy or special fruits for decoration. Near each pile there are 2 baskets with inscriptions and pictures: on one basket there is a picture with a jar of compote, and on the second basket there is a picture with a bowl of salad. At the command “start”, the first team members run to their pile of fruits and choose one fruit for one and the other basket, that is, one fruit for compote and one fruit for salad. As soon as the choice is made, the participants run back to their team and pass the baton to the second participants.The team in which the guys correctly distribute the vegetables and fruits into the appropriate baskets will win.

Birthday games at home

If you wish and carefully prepare your home, you can organize a party that will be no worse than an event in the game room. Moreover, the birthday boy will feel more comfortable in his own home; a familiar environment is the best remedy for shyness.

To prepare fun home games for a child’s birthday, parents need to have only a little enthusiasm, a minimum of time and organizational skills, but a great desire to please their child on his long-awaited holiday.


  • Number of players: unlimited.
  • Props: hat, vase, box or other container, notes with tasks, forfeits (personal items of all participants).
  • Children's age: 5+

A game familiar to absolutely everyone. One leader is selected, who turns his back to all players. The second presenter chooses a forfeit and asks: “What should this forfeit do?” The first presenter takes a note from the hat with the task and reads it out loud. If the first presenter is an adult with imagination, then you can do without notes and come up with tasks on the go. The tasks should be simple (crow a rooster, jump on one leg, etc.).

Another option for this entertainment could be the chamomile game. The essence is approximately the same, but the tasks are written on the petals of a large daisy. Each participant tears off a petal at random and completes the task assigned to him.

"Painted Figure"

  • Number of participants: not limited, but must be even so that participants can divide into pairs.
  • Props: none.
  • Children's age: 5+

Participants are divided into pairs, each pair speaking in turn. One player from the pair “draws” some kind of figure/animal/plant on the other’s back with his finger. The second participant with the “drawn” figure must depict it. The pair that guessed right shows next. The pair whose pieces are guessed the most wins.


  • Number of participants: unlimited.
  • Props: Whatman paper with slots for hands, paints, brushes, water.
  • Children's age: 4+

The participant inserts his hands into the slits of the Whatman paper. Next, he needs to blindly draw a self-portrait. The winner is the one whose drawing is as close as possible to the original. This is a very funny competition that will greatly amuse the participants watching the artist.

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