The place of play in the pedagogical process of kindergarten

Pedagogical possibilities of the game

Note 1
Game is the main activity of a preschool child, reflecting the individual’s attitude towards the world around him, its living and inanimate objects.

It is in the process of play that a child realizes himself. He not only accepts the rules of the game and follows them during the game action, but he lives his real life in the game, realizing his knowledge and skills, developing his independence.

The game contributes to the formation of a child’s personality, ensures the child’s development and socialization.

Gaming activities are free in nature. It introduces the child to performing those actions and performing actions that are determined by the child’s initiative. The child takes part in the game with all his personal properties and characteristics:

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  • Child's feelings;
  • His emotional state;
  • Cognition processes;
  • Aspirations;
  • Needs;
  • Desires and interests;
  • Will;
  • Talents;
  • Abilities and capabilities.

The game is based on a motive that consists not in the result of a game action, but in its direct passage, i.e. the child performs play actions that he likes, gives him pleasure, and saturates his life with positive emotions.

In the game, a child can go beyond the existing world and build his own world, which will help his self-realization and self-expression.

Note 2

The purpose of the game is to demonstrate to the child how this world works and to create conditions for him to understand his place in it, his involvement in the processes and objects in which adults are involved.

The content of the game is represented by activities that are focused on achieving the goal of the game, developing the child’s interest in the game, forcing him to participate in it and develop further gameplay. The actions of the game may have different directions, but the nature of the game remains unchanged - a bright surge of positive emotions with pleasure.

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During the game, the child’s imagination is activated. It promotes the development of imagination and activation of thought processes, in particular, imaginative thinking. This is possible due to the fact that during the game the plot is formed, reflecting the surrounding reality in an embellished form. The child invents objects or situations that do not actually occur in reality, and embodies them in relation to real objects and places in the world around him.

The game develops the child's logic. He performs game actions in a certain sequence and, depending on specific circumstances, the game action takes on a certain direction.

Since the game is implemented according to certain rules, this contributes to the development of discipline in children. They learn to manage their actions, control their desires, take into account the interests of other participants in the game, and perform actions on time.

The pedagogical process of a preschool institution uses the game as a leading pedagogical tool focused on the learning, education and development of the child. Almost all types of children's activities take place in a playful way. Didactic games are used in the learning process of preschoolers. They saturate the learning process and give it a bright emotional coloring.

Figure 1. The significance of the game in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions. Author24 - online exchange of student work

The role of play in education in kindergarten

Olga Shashkova

The role of play in education in kindergarten

Starting the organization of play in kindergarten , teachers rely on the already achieved level of development of the children, their inclinations, habits, abilities, and then systematically rebuild the existing interests of the children into the desired ones, increasing the requirements for them, patiently and persistently working on their spiritual growth.

It is important for kindergarten teachers to rely on the role of play in education . But they should not equate play in a child only with entertainment. Let some games be fun entertainment, and others a favorite pastime during leisure hours. It’s good if no one is bored, everyone is busy with something, an interesting game. But not only this determines the inextricable connection between play and the entire process of education . Much depends on the methodology and technique of their organization, on the style of play , and most importantly on its quality. Only in this way can the role of play in education .

The role of games in education is that it is in games that children reveal their positive and negative qualities and the teacher gets the full opportunity to properly influence everyone together and each individual.

If the games really captivate the children, then the teacher also has at his disposal the necessary punitive measures, up to and including expelling children from the game for violating the rules or for bad behavior.

Despite the great role of play in education, to educate children through games alone .

The role of play in instilling is great . Very often it is possible to combine a game so successfully with the labor process that it will decorate the work, cultivate a constant love for it, and help to successfully master the skill.

The educational role of the game is that games teach children to live and work in a team, to take into account the interests of their comrades, to come to their rescue, to follow established rules, and to fulfill the requirements of discipline.

When planning work for the school year, educators set themselves goals and objectives through which they will develop the creative abilities of students, the physical capabilities of children, help create a friendly children's team , i.e., make the most of the role of play in education . That is why games in all their diversity are widely used in educational work with children .

Most psychologists and teachers consider play in preschool age as an activity that determines the child’s mental development, as a leading activity, during which mental new formations arise.

Play is the most accessible type of activity for children; it is a way of processing impressions and knowledge received from the surrounding world. Already in early childhood , a child has the greatest opportunity in play, and not in any other activity, to be independent, to communicate with peers at his own discretion, to choose toys and use different objects, to overcome certain difficulties logically related to the plot of the game . its rules.

The goal of play therapy is not to change the child or remake him, not to teach him any special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity to “live” situations that excite him in the game with the full attention and empathy of an adult.

Using gaming technologies in the educational process, an adult needs to have empathy, goodwill, be able to provide emotional support, create a joyful environment, encourage any invention and fantasy of the child. Only in this case will the game be useful for the development of the child and the creation of a positive atmosphere of cooperation with adults.

At first they are used as separate game moments. Game moments are very important in the pedagogical process, especially during the period of adaptation of children in a child care institution . Starting from two to three years old, their main task is the formation of emotional contact, children’s trust in the teacher , the ability to see in the teacher a kind person, always ready to help (like a mother, an interesting partner in the game. The first game situations should be frontal, so that no One child did not feel deprived of attention.These were games like “Round Dance” , “Catch-Up” and “Blowing Soap Bubbles”.

In the future, an important feature of the gaming technologies that educators use in their work is that gaming moments penetrate into all types of children’s activities: work and play, educational activities and play, everyday household activities related to the implementation of the regime and play.

In activities with the help of gaming technologies, children develop mental processes.

Gaming technologies aimed at developing perception .

For 3-year-old children, it is possible to organize a game situation like “What’s rolling?” - the pupils are organized into a fun game-competition: “Who can roll their figurine to the toy gate the fastest?” Such figures can be a ball and a cube, a square and a circle. The teacher and the child conclude that sharp corners prevent the cube and square from rolling: “The ball rolls, but the cube does not.” Then the teacher teaches the child to draw a square and a circle (knowledge is consolidated)


Gaming technologies can also be aimed at developing attention.

In preschool age, there is a gradual transition from involuntary attention to voluntary attention. Voluntary attention presupposes the ability to concentrate on a task, even if it is not very interesting, but this must be taught to children, again using play techniques.

For example, a game situation for attention: “Find the same one” - the teacher can invite the child to choose from 4-6 balls, cubes, figures (in color, size, toys “the same” as his. Or the game “Find the mistake” , where an adult deliberately makes a mistake in his actions (for example, he draws leaves on a snowy tree, and the child must notice it.

Gaming technologies help in the development of memory, which, like attention, gradually becomes voluntary. Games like “Shop” , “Remember the pattern” and “Draw as it was” and others will help children with this

Gaming technologies contribute to the development of a child's thinking. As we know, the development of a child’s thinking occurs when he masters three main forms of thinking: visual-effective, visual-figurative and logical.

Visual-effective is thinking in action. It develops in the process of using gaming techniques and teaching methods during the implementation of actions, games with objects and toys.

Figurative thinking - when a child has learned to compare, highlight the most essential in objects and can carry out his actions, focusing not on the situation, but on figurative ideas.

games are aimed at developing imaginative and logical thinking . Logical thinking is formed in the process of teaching a child the ability to reason, find cause-and-effect relationships, and make inferences.

With the help of gaming technologies, a child’s creative abilities also develop. In particular, we are talking about the development of creative thinking and imagination. Using game techniques and methods in non-standard, problem situations that require choosing a solution from a number of alternatives, children develop flexible, original thinking. For example, in classes to familiarize children with fiction (joint retelling of works of art or composing new fairy tales, stories), students gain experience that will allow them to then play make-believe games and fantasy games .

The integrated use of gaming technologies for different purposes helps prepare a child for school. From the point of view of the formation of motivational and emotional-volitional readiness for school, each play situation of communication between a preschooler and adults, with other children is for the child a “school of cooperation”, in which he learns to both rejoice in the success of a peer and calmly endure his own failures; regulate their behavior in accordance with social requirements, and equally successfully organize subgroup and group forms of cooperation. The problems of developing intellectual readiness for school are solved by games aimed at developing mental processes, as well as special games that develop elementary mathematical concepts in a child, introduce him to the sound analysis of words, and prepare his hand for mastering writing.

Thus, gaming technologies are closely related to all aspects of the educational work of a kindergarten and the solution of its main tasks. However, there is an aspect of their use that is aimed at improving the quality of the pedagogical process by solving situational problems that arise during its implementation. Thanks to this, gaming technologies turn out to be one of the mechanisms for regulating the quality of education in kindergarten : they can be used to level out negative factors that affect the decrease in its effectiveness. If children are systematically engaged in play therapy, they acquire the ability to manage their behavior, tolerate prohibitions more easily, become more flexible in communication and less shy, cooperate more easily, express anger more “decently,” and get rid of fear. Their play activities begin to be dominated by role-playing games depicting people’s relationships. games with dolls , nursery rhymes, round dances, and joke games are used as one of the effective types of game therapy

games in the pedagogical process , educators not only implement the educational and developmental functions of gaming technologies, but also various educational functions : they simultaneously introduce students to folk culture . This is an important area of ​​the regional component of the kindergarten , which is still insufficiently developed.

Some modern educational programs propose using folk games as a means of pedagogical correction of children's behavior. For example, they are used in the work of speech therapists in children's educational institutions (theatrical games in the correction of stuttering, etc.)


Theatrical and play activities enrich children in general with new impressions, knowledge, skills, develop interest in literature and theater, form dialogical, emotionally rich speech, activate the vocabulary, and contribute to the moral and aesthetic education of each child .

Play is the leading activity of a child. In the game he develops as a personality, he develops those aspects of his psyche on which the success of his social practice will subsequently depend. The game is a testing ground for children’s social tests, that is, those tests that children choose for self-test and during which they master ways to solve problems of interpersonal relationships that arise during the game . The game creates the basis for a new leading activity - educational. Therefore, the most important task of pedagogical practice is to optimize and organize a special space in a preschool educational institution to activate, expand and enrich the play activity of a preschooler.

The game has the following features:

• Everything related to the game is located in a single play space, serves as a means of transmitting social experience and encourages the child to be actively creative.

• Adults are participants in the game , whose rights are determined by the rules of the game that govern their relationships.

Methodology for organizing didactic games.

The organization of didactic games by the teacher is carried out in three main directions: preparation for conducting the didactic game. games , its implementation and analysis.

Preparation for conducting a didactic game includes :

• selection of games in accordance with the objectives of education and training : deepening and generalization of knowledge, development of sensory abilities, activation of mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, speech)

and etc. ;

• establishing compliance of the selected game with the program requirements for the education and training of children of a certain age group;

• determination of the most convenient time for carrying out the project. games ;

• choosing a place to play ;

• determination of the number of players (the whole group, small subgroups, individually)


• preparation of the necessary did. material for the selected game (toys, various objects, pictures, etc.)


•preparation for the game by the teacher himself: he must study and comprehend the entire course of the game , his place in the game, methods of managing the game;

•preparing children for play: enriching them with knowledge, ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding life necessary to solve a game problem.

Conducting didactic games includes:

• familiarizing children with the content of the game , with the did. material that will be used in the game (showing objects, pictures, a short conversation, during which the children’s knowledge and ideas about them are clarified);

• explanation of the course and rules of the game . At the same time, the teacher pays attention to the children’s behavior in accordance with the rules of the game , to the strict implementation of the rules;

• demonstration of game actions, during which the teacher teaches children to perform the action correctly, proving that otherwise the game will not lead to the desired result (for example, if one of the children is spying when you need to close your eyes)


• determining the role of the teacher in the game, his participation as a player, fan or referee. The degree of direct participation of the teacher in the game is determined by the age of the children, their level of training, and the complexity of the task. tasks, game rules. While participating in the game, the teacher directs the actions of the players (with advice, questions, reminders)


• summing up the results of the game is a crucial moment in its management, because based on the results that children achieve in the game, one can judge its effectiveness and whether it will be used with interest in the children’s independent play activities. When summing up the results, the teacher emphasizes that the path to victory is possible only through overcoming difficulties, attention and discipline.

At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children if they liked the game and promises that next time they can play a new game, it will be also interesting. Children usually wait for this day.

The analysis of the conducted game is aimed at identifying methods of its preparation and implementation: which methods were effective in achieving the goal, what did not work and why. This will help improve both the preparation and the process of playing the game , and avoid mistakes later. In addition, the analysis will allow us to identify individual characteristics in the behavior and character of children and, therefore, correctly organize individual work with them. Self-critical analysis of the use of the game in accordance with the goal helps to vary the game and enrich it with new material in subsequent work.

Guide to didactic games.

Successful management of didactic games primarily involves selecting and thinking through their program content, clearly defining tasks, determining their place and role in the holistic educational process , and interaction with other games and forms of education. It should be aimed at developing and encouraging children’s cognitive activity, independence and initiative, their use of different ways to solve game problems, and should ensure friendly relations between participants and a willingness to help their comrades.

In the process of playing with toys, objects, materials, small children should be able to knock, rearrange, move them, take them apart into their component parts (collapsible toys, put them back together, etc. But since they can repeat the same actions many times, the teacher needs gradually translate the game

Development of interest in didactic games, formation of play activities in older children (4-6 years old)

This is achieved by the fact that
the teacher sets increasingly more complex tasks for them and is in no hurry to suggest game actions.
The play activity of preschoolers becomes more conscious; it is more aimed at achieving a result, and not at the process itself. But even for older preschoolers, the management of the game should be such that the children maintain an appropriate emotional mood, ease, so that they experience the joy of participating in it and a sense of satisfaction from solving the assigned tasks. The teacher outlines a sequence of games that become more complex in content, tasks, game actions and rules. Individual isolated games can be very interesting, but using them outside the system cannot achieve an overall educational and developmental result. Therefore, the interaction of learning in the classroom and in the didactic game should be clearly defined.

For young children did. play is the most suitable form of learning. However, already in the second, and especially in the third year of life, children are attracted to many objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, and intensive assimilation of their native language occurs. Satisfying the cognitive interests of children of the third year of life and the development of their speech require a combination of did. games with targeted training in the classroom, carried out in accordance with a specific program of knowledge, skills, abilities. In the classroom, learning methods are also formed more successfully than in the game: voluntary attention, the ability to observe, look and see, listen and hear the teacher’s instructions and carry them out.

It should be taken into account that in did. the game requires the right combination of clarity, the words of the teacher and the actions of the children themselves with toys, game aids, objects, etc.

Visibility includes:

1) objects with which children play and which form the material center of the game ;

2) pictures depicting objects and actions with them, clearly highlighting the purpose, main characteristics of objects, properties of materials;

3) visual demonstration, explanation of game actions in words and implementation of game rules.

With the help of verbal explanations and instructions, the teacher directs the children’s attention, organizes, clarifies their ideas, and expands their experience. His speech helps to enrich the vocabulary of preschool children, master various forms of learning, and contribute to the improvement of play actions.

When directing games, the teacher uses a variety of means of influence on preschoolers. For example, acting as a participant in the game , he directs the game unnoticed by them, supports their initiative, and empathizes with them the joy of the game . Sometimes the teacher talks about an event, creates the appropriate gaming mood and maintains it during the game . He may not be involved in the game, but as a skillful and sensitive director, preserving and preserving its amateur character, he guides the development of game actions, the implementation of the rules and, unnoticed by the children, leads them to a certain result. When supporting and awakening children's activity , the teacher most often does this not directly, but indirectly: he expresses surprise, jokes, uses various kinds of playful surprises, etc.

We must remember, on the one hand, the danger of over-strengthening the teaching moments, weakening the beginning of the game, and imparting a did. game is the nature of the activity, and, on the other hand, being carried away by the fun, escape from the task of learning.

The development of the game is largely determined by the pace of children’s mental activity, the greater or lesser success of performing game actions, the level of assimilation of the rules, their emotional experiences, and the degree of enthusiasm. During the period of assimilation of new content, new game actions, rules and the beginning of the game , its pace is naturally slower. Later, when the game unfolds and the children get carried away, its pace quickens. By the end of the game , the emotional upsurge seems to subside and the pace slows down again. of the game should not be allowed : an accelerated pace sometimes causes confusion in children, uncertainty, untimely execution of game actions, and violation of the rules. Preschoolers do not have time to get involved in the game and become overexcited. The slow pace of the game occurs when overly detailed explanations are given and many small comments are made. This leads to the fact that game actions seem to move away, the rules are introduced untimely, and children cannot be guided by them, commit violations, and make mistakes. They get tired faster, monotony reduces emotional uplift.

In did. The game always has the opportunity to unexpectedly expand and enrich its concept in connection with the initiative, questions, and suggestions shown by the children. The ability to keep the game within a set time is a great art. Clarity and brevity of descriptions, stories, and remarks are a condition for the successful development of the game and the completion of the tasks being solved.

Pedagogical value of didactic games.

In didactic games, children are given certain tasks, the solution of which requires concentration, attention, mental effort, the ability to comprehend the rules, sequence of actions, and overcome difficulties.

They promote the development of sensations and perceptions , the formation of ideas, and the acquisition of knowledge

These games make it possible to teach children a variety of economical and rational ways to solve certain mental and practical problems. It is necessary to ensure that didactic play is not only a form of assimilation of individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the overall development of the child and serves to shape his abilities.

The didactic game helps to solve problems of moral education and develop sociability in children. The teacher places children in conditions that require them to be able to play together, regulate their behavior, be fair and honest, compliant and demanding.

Didactic games with objects are very diverse in terms of game materials, content, and organization. The following are used as didactic material:

• toys,

• real objects (household items, tools, works of decorative and applied art, etc.,

• natural objects (vegetables, fruits, pine cones, leaves, seeds)

Games with objects make it possible to solve various educational problems :

• Expand and clarify children’s knowledge

• Develop mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, discrimination, generalization, classification)

• Improve speech

• Develop all mental processes

Among games with objects, a special place is occupied by plot-didactic games and dramatization games , in which children play certain roles, for example, a seller, a buyer in games like “Shop”

In such games, patience , perseverance, intelligence are cultivated, and the ability to navigate in space is developed.
Printed board games are varied in content, educational tasks, and design. They help clarify and expand children’s ideas about the world around them, systematize knowledge, and develop thought processes.

Types of board and printed games:

— Lotto

— Domino

— Labyrinth

— Cut-out pictures, puzzles

— Cubes

Verbal games are distinguished by the fact that the process of solving a learning task is carried out mentally, based on ideas and without relying on visualization. Therefore, word games are carried out mainly with children of middle and senior preschool age.

Among these games there are many folk ones associated with nursery rhymes, jokes, riddles, shapeshifters, riddle games ( “What time of year is this?”

guessing games ( “What would happen if.?”

The didactic game has its own structure, which includes several components.

Didactic (educational)

the task is the main component.

Play actions are ways of demonstrating a child’s activity for play purposes.

Rules – ensure the implementation of game content. in the game obey them .

There is a close connection between the learning task, game actions and rules. The learning task determines the game actions, and the rules help to carry out the game actions and solve the problem.

Didactic games are used in classes and in children’s independent activities. Being an effective teaching tool, they can be an integral part of the lesson, and in early age groups - the main form of organizing the educational process.

Functions of the game in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions

Since play contributes to the development of the child and is a complex process focused on achieving socially significant goals, its functional role in preschool education and upbringing is enormous.

The game performs the following functions:

  1. Educational function. Through play, children develop speech, memory, sensation and perception, and their mental processes are activated;
  2. Entertainment function. The game allows children to relax and not feel stress during learning and other activities. it carries positive emotions, captivates the child, thereby developing his cognitive interest;
  3. Communication function. It is in play activities that contacts are established between children, between a child and an adult. The game teaches the formation of social connections, building communication and interaction between people;
  4. Psychotechnical function. The game acts as a stage in preparing the child for other activities, helping to rebuild mental processes and prepare them for more intense activities;
  5. Function of self-realization. The game helps the child to reveal himself, his natural inclinations, to express himself;
  6. Compensatory function. The game creates an environment that makes it easy to satisfy the child’s needs and interests, his desires, which in reality may not be feasible or very difficult to fulfill.
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