The use of quest games in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

Quest game in a preschool educational institution: preparation plan for the event

A very interesting quest can be developed for Health Day. World Health Day is celebrated on April 7th. It was on this day in 1948 that the World Health Organization was created.

You can start the event by watching a short cartoon in a group. Then divide the children into 3-4 teams and send them to get the keys. It is best to divide into teams using multi-colored circles. They can be cut out of cardboard and turned over on a tray, colored side down. Four colors - four teams.

Next, you should consider the number of stations depending on the age of the children. I offer a general option for the middle group, and you can already modify the number and complexity of stations depending on what age you are preparing the holiday for.

So we will have four stations. You prepare route sheets for children in such a way that the order of their stations does not coincide. For example, the first team goes to station 1 first, then 2, and so on. And the next command - first on 2, then on 3, then on 4, then on 1. And by analogy for other teams. The pupils do not yet know how to read, so there should not be the name of the station, but a bright picture and an arrow to another station. It is clear that the teacher will help the teams move from station to station.

It is also necessary to prepare 4 maps with the place where the treasure will be marked in the room. You can do this in the room where the children sleep, placing it in a chest under the middle bed. You print out 4 of these room drawing cards, put a cross and cut them into 4 parts. Those in charge of the station will give these pieces of cards to the children to put in an envelope.

Then, when the children go to all four stations, they will have 4 pieces of map in their envelope. They will need to put together the puzzle, find the place where the treasure is hidden, and take it. You can put bananas, apples in the treasure chest, or negotiate with your parents so that they donate money for something tasty and healthy. By the way, at the station you can appoint a methodologist, a cook, a music teacher, and a physical education teacher as the main ones.

Quest script for Victory Day

A very interesting quest can be carried out for a significant holiday - Victory Day. You can choose a patriotic orientation - and you will immediately introduce children to the pages of history, but also perform an educational function - children will want to grow up as patriots of their country.

You can set up a headquarters on the street, gather children there, divide them into groups, and then send them to stations. Here you can do it as a linear quest, when teams are sent to stations, or you can do an assault one, when children are divided into several teams: anti-aircraft gunners, sappers, pilots, special forces, etc.

In this case, each team will perform tasks at only one station. At the stations they will receive pieces of the map, use the map to find a key, and use the key to open the chest in which the Victory Banner will be stored. But you can also add sweets for children's joy. This game will take less time and the children will not get so tired.

As for the stations, everything depends only on the flight of your imagination. You can make tanks out of cardboard and knock them down with a ball. Or bury balls (mines) in the sandbox and give the children shovels to search for. You can set up a nurse's tent where children can go if they are injured (for fun). The nurse will bandage the wound.

In general, there are a lot of ideas. This game is suitable for a preparatory group, and you will find even more ideas for celebrating the holiday in this manual “Scenarios for the Great Victory Holiday: matinees, projects, thematic tasks, sports events, quests, educational and historical games .

The City Day quest will also be an interesting highlight for your students. For example, in the UchMag store there is already such a ready-made quest for residents of Volgograd “Unravel the secrets of the city. Hero City Volgograd. Quest game: 4 route maps + a guide to the game with virtual excursions . What prevents you from developing the same quest for your city? If necessary, you can always turn to the library for help.

Quest script for Health Day

Now let’s look at the project of the quest itself. We need to determine what stations these will be, what they will be called and how long they will last. It is optimal that the duration of the event in the middle group is no more than 45 minutes.

  • A maximum of 10 minutes is a cartoon. You can choose it yourself, for example, about vitamins, about fruits, about the dangers of fast food.
  • The organizational stage, when children are divided into teams and listen to the rules - 5 minutes.
  • Stations are 4-5 minutes long.
  • Treasure, summing up and reflection - 10 minutes.

Now let's look at the stations in more detail.

  1. The first station is “Sportivnaya”. It can be held in the gym and instruct the physical training teacher to select interesting sports games, perhaps make an obstacle course. Do not forget to warn about the time that the entire task will take 3-4 minutes. We leave one minute to move from one station to another.
  2. The second station is “Healthy Eating”. Here you can tell children about the dangers of carbonated drinks and tell them that you can make delicious milkshakes with different fruits. And immediately beat the milk with a banana in a blender - it turns out very tasty and inexpensive. Do not hesitate to voice such a proposal to parents at the parent meeting. I'm sure they won't mind acting as sponsors. Alternatively, if suddenly there is no blender in the kindergarten and no one can bring it, then this situation can be played up. Give the children plastic glasses, and place fruits, berries, milk, yogurt, and oatmeal cut out of paper on the table. They will make their own cocktail and name what they choose for it. We have already done this, the kids really liked it too.
  3. The third station is “Hygiene”. It is important to remind children about the rules of daily hygiene. You can all go wash your hands together. You can prepare riddles on this topic.
  4. The fourth station is “Musical”. Sing interesting songs with your students. You can try to find a musical game song.
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