Types of etiquette

Conventionally, etiquette for every day can be divided into two large groups. The first is generally accepted rules for all situations. The second is the rules of behavior in certain areas, for example, mourning, military, religious etiquette, and so on. There are also rules of dance etiquette, behavior in case of fire, and so on. Parents must clearly understand that teaching their child the rules of behavior should begin from an early age.

This process should occur gradually and in the form of a game. To begin with, the child is explained how to behave at the table, how to address an adult, and how to behave in a store. Later, you can learn other types of etiquette, for example, rules of conduct in a hospital, kindergarten, school, and so on.

Etiquette for children. Politeness Lessons

When teaching children rules of behavior, you can use a conditional algorithm:

  1. State a rule, a norm of behavior
  2. Show in practice or in a game
  3. Support your child in performing
  4. Give positive reinforcement: praise, approve (words, looks, gestures, facial expressions)
  5. Monitor that the rule is observed under the specified conditions by all participants in the process

Note: A friendly tone and a friendly face are wiser teachers than a shout, an order, or a reprimand.

At what age should a child be taught rules of conduct?

Psychologists believe that introducing good manners to a child should begin from the first years of life, despite the fact that the conscious age begins at approximately 5 years. From the age of 2-3 years, it is important to tell a child how to behave at the table. At this stage of development, many toddlers are already eating on their own, which means that it’s time to learn the rules of good manners at the table.

Preschool children receive the necessary knowledge primarily from their parents. Later, etiquette is studied in kindergarten. This is how primary socialization takes place. By this age, the child should already clearly understand that there are situations in life in which he should show respect and politeness to his peers and older people.


It is difficult to name the exact age when you need to start teaching your child good manners. It is necessary to instill in a child norms of behavior with family members and society from birth, even when the child does not understand the whole essence. He understands the intonations, the mood of his family and sees the picture of what is happening.

The table below clearly illustrates the approximate age range when you can introduce your child to the rules of behavior.

Table “When and how to teach a child etiquette”

AgeWhat to pay attention to
Up to 1 yearWe use polite words in our speech (“thank you”, “please”, “good morning”, “good night”)
We wash our hands before eating, saying out loud why we need to do this
1-3 yearsWe instill neatness - use a bib or napkin, change soiled clothes after eating, wash your face and hands
We instill norms of behavior and communication in the family, showing by example respect and politeness
We teach to eat with a spoon and fork, we replace the sippy cup with a mug
3-5 yearsWe improve the skill of using cutlery, teach how to eat carefully - do not move away from the table, lean towards the plate so as not to spill the soup, and not to spread “dirt” around you
We actively teach independent personal hygiene - brushing teeth, washing hands, using a handkerchief or napkin.
We teach you to cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing; don’t forget about polite wishes addressed to another person (“Be healthy”)
We introduce the child to the rules of behavior in public places, transport, at a party, at cultural events, in kindergarten
5-6 yearsWe continue to introduce the child to table etiquette, adding the use of a knife to everyday life
We improve our knowledge of guest etiquette, apply the rules if we go on a visit; we correct mistakes, explain to the child why some actions are unacceptable
By our example we constantly show how to communicate in the family and in society outside it, we monitor our behavior
School ageLet’s not forget everything we instilled in the child before; we remind you how to behave at the table (in the school canteen), in lessons (speech etiquette, respect for the teacher, peers), in transport (independent trips) and public places

What should parents understand?

Children first learn rules of behavior from their parents. It is mom and dad who show their son or daughter an example of how to behave in a given situation. Parents must remember that the child follows their example in everything, so the behavior of adults must be thoughtful and balanced.

Mom and dad must remember that it is impossible to force their child to learn certain rules. This can only cause a protest from a son or daughter. Learning is best done while playing. For example, you can learn table etiquette by playing with dolls.

If parents behave competently, the child will certainly copy their manners. Good manners will also manifest themselves in society, which will help avoid awkward situations.

How to instill rules of good manners?

The younger the child, the more difficult it is to convey anything to him verbally. But there is a language that he always understands. I'm talking about the game. In addition to enjoying the process, it serves to ensure that children experience situations that they saw from the outside and try on new images.

Therefore, to instill in him the rules of good manners at the table, play interesting games. Have comic tea parties and play out situations that may occur at this time.

These role-playing games on table etiquette for children will be very useful. And your child’s favorite “little animals” and dolls can take part in them.

However, instead of a thousand words, a child is best taught to behave by the example of an adult. Since the desire to imitate is inherent in him by nature.

Therefore, if you want him to follow the rules of table etiquette, then first follow them yourself.

To this end, begin to gradually seat your baby at the common table. At the same time, give him the opportunity to see everything you do. He will watch how you hold cutlery, drink from a cup, eat, carry yourself.

He will adopt your habits - not immediately, but little by little, because any child rejoices at the opportunity to be “like an adult.”

If he sees how thoroughly you wash your hands, he will wash them. If he sees that while eating you sit quietly and follow a certain order of actions, he will also follow it.

But if your behavior at the table is different from the one you are trying to instill in him, then no amount of prodding will help, and there will be no one to blame for this but you. This is one of the basic rules of education.

Rules of speech etiquette

Good manners in children and adults are the key to their recognition in society. Let's list the main points regarding speech etiquette:

  • In the morning you should say: “Good morning,” and before going to bed, say “Good night.”
  • You need to say hello to your neighbors even when you don’t know them personally.
  • When meeting with family and friends, you need to say hello, and say goodbye: “Goodbye.”
  • It is important to know the words “Thank you”, “Please”, “be kind” and apply them in the appropriate situation.
  • Address adult strangers and teachers as “you.”
  • If some kind of trouble happened, for example, the child accidentally hit someone or broke something, you should apologize.
  • If during a conversation a child wants to address an adult, you need to use the following words: “Can I ask” or “Sorry, but can I interrupt you.”

These simple rules help to show respect for other people, which is extremely important in society.

Table manners

Table etiquette should be taught to your child from an early age, as soon as the baby learns to eat on his own. In addition to teaching their son or daughter, parents should also observe good manners themselves.

Personal example is the most effective way to instill correct behavior in the younger generation. Let's name the main rules:

  • Eating should only be done in areas designated for this purpose, such as the kitchen or living room.
  • You cannot take food with your hands, which is usually eaten with a fork or spoon.
  • It is important to use only your own cutlery.
  • You need to eat food only from your own plate, you don’t need to take food from someone else’s plate.
  • Do not throw food on the floor or smear it on the plate with your fingers.
  • It is not nice to attack food; it is important to consider that the dish should be tried by all family members.
  • Don't talk with your mouth full. It's not pretty, and you can choke.
  • It’s not nice to drink juice through a straw too loudly, and the same goes for soup.
  • You need to chew with your mouth closed and slowly.
  • It is unacceptable to pick your mouth at the table.
  • If necessary, use a towel or napkin. Under no circumstances should you wipe your face with your sleeve.
  • Don't take a piece from a shared plate, take a bite, and then put it back.

After eating, you should clear your plate and thank the cook if it is a home-cooked meal. In a cafe, dishes are left on the table.


The best example for a child is family members, primarily parents. By imitating them, the baby learns good and bad, so parents must control their behavior in front of the child. You should not forcefully teach your child politeness if, due to his age, he still cannot understand why he needs to say hello to strangers. Or with those about whom his parents do not speak very well. In addition, imposing rules can lead to a backlash – protest.

Around age 5, just when adult imitation is in full swing, is the time to start paying your child's attention to how you interact with other people, especially outside the family. Here are the rules that a preschooler needs to know so as not to get into an awkward situation and not make their parents blush.


It is necessary to follow the rules of speech etiquette not only with members of your family, but in general with all children and adults, not necessarily only with acquaintances. Adults should set an example for children and also follow the rules of communication:

  • greet your family in the morning, wish them good night before going to bed;
  • greet acquaintances on the street and at a party, and then say goodbye to them;
  • say hello to your neighbors, even if you don’t know each other personally;
  • use the words “thank you”, “please”, “be kind”, “sorry”;
  • address strangers using “you”;
  • do not insult, do not tease other children, do not snitch, do not provoke;
  • apologize if you did something wrong;
  • say “let me interrupt you” if you need to address one of the speakers.


A child should be taught table manners from an early age, and as they grow older, the requirements for the child will increase. The way a child behaves at the table creates the main idea of ​​his upbringing, cleanliness and respect for such a family ritual as eating.

During meals, you must observe table etiquette:

  • you need to eat only in a designated place (kitchen or dining room);
  • use cutlery during family meals, this also applies to small children (prevent smearing food with your fingers on the plate);
  • you need to eat from your own plate, do not comment on the contents of someone else’s;
  • do not pounce on food if not all family members have gathered;
  • do not chat with your mouth full, remember the rule “when I eat, I am deaf and dumb”;
  • chew with your mouth closed;
  • do not play with food, do not indulge in drinks (do not spill tea, water, do not drink juice loudly through a straw);
  • it is indecent to express your negative opinion about food (“ugh, that’s disgusting”, “I won’t eat this”);
  • it is indecent to put your elbows on the table, to push;
  • It’s not nice to stretch across the entire table; you need to ask the person sitting next to you to pass something;
  • You can’t pick your mouth at the table;
  • you need to use a napkin or towel, and be able to ask for a clean napkin;
  • take from the plate that piece of bread (piece of pie, sandwich, fruit) that is closest, and not choose the one that is larger or more beautiful;
  • Moreover, it is indecent to take a piece from a common plate, hold it and put it back;
  • before leaving the table, you need to wait until all family members have finished the meal, or ask adults for permission to leave;
  • You can’t take a plate of food and go to the TV or to another room.


When visiting, you need to behave calmly, show respect to the owners of the house and follow the rules:

  • do not come empty-handed (bring some kind of treat, even symbolic);
  • do not ask for tea without an invitation;
  • always say hello to the owners of the house;
  • you cannot walk around rooms without permission and touch other people’s things on shelves or inside cabinets;
  • It is strictly forbidden to jump on beds, sofas, chairs, even if the owner’s child does this;
  • do not throw tantrums, do not demand anything from the owners of the apartment;
  • keep clean, throw away trash after yourself (candy wrappers, juice boxes), collect toys after yourself;
  • calmly pack up and leave when the time comes, do not demand to play more;
  • Be sure to say “thank you” for the hospitality and food, and say goodbye to the owners of the house.


The rules of behavior in each family are established individually, but there are common ones for all - respect and mutual understanding.

When communicating with family members, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • older relatives must be treated with respect, without being rude, not insolent, or undermining the authority of the head of the family;
  • You cannot swear or shout at family members;
  • if you need to get into the room of your parents (or other relatives), you should definitely knock;
  • it is at least ugly to tell or “report” on a brother or sister;
  • It is important to respect the work of family members, be it cooking, cleaning the house or playing together.


If at home only family members can judge a child’s upbringing, then on the street all the flaws in upbringing are striking. So that you don’t have to blush awkwardly and embarrassly take your baby away, teach him the following rules:

  • there is a trash can for garbage;
  • It is forbidden to walk on lawns or pick flowers from flower beds;
  • it is indecent to point a finger at people and discuss their appearance out loud;
  • you cannot cross the road whenever and wherever you want if cars are driving along it;
  • You should not intrusively tell any personal information to strangers;
  • it is forbidden to leave the place where the parent left the child waiting for him, or where they agreed to meet;
  • When walking, you should not run far ahead of your parents or hide in busy places;
  • when moving along the sidewalk, you need to walk on the right side (analogy with lanes for cars);
  • Don’t stop in the middle of the sidewalk to tie a shoelace or chat with a friend—you need to step aside.


Sooner or later, you and your child will have to go somewhere by public transport, so instruct your little passenger in advance on how to behave on a bus, train, train, or plane:

  • on the bus, give up your seat to older people (if the child is still small, then explain that now he needs to sit for his own safety, and another person will give up his seat to the grandmother);
  • offer a place to pregnant women (when the child already knows this concept);
  • on a long-distance train you cannot run around the carriage or knock on other people’s compartments;
  • do not shout, do not knock on the wall of the train compartment;
  • on an airplane you cannot stand up from your seat if this is temporarily prohibited, shout loudly, or push the seat in front with your feet;
  • in any type of transport, it is indecent to dirty the person sitting in front with your feet or push the back of the chair with dirty shoes;
  • It is forbidden to shout, laugh loudly, or sing songs.


Parents have the opportunity to introduce children to cultural life from an early age - theaters, museums and other institutions are now available almost from birth. Therefore, before visiting such places, you need to explain to your child how to behave:

  • do not be late for the performance, but arrive with plenty of time to return your outerwear and visit the restroom, if necessary;
  • come to the hall before the program starts in order to take your seat and not disturb your neighbors;
  • if you are still late, you need to move forward to your seat along the row facing forward, and apologize for the inconvenience caused;
  • do not crunch on food or make noise with your drink during a performance or movie show;
  • do not talk during the session, do not answer phone calls, put the device on silent mode.


There are things that are unacceptable in any place, in any team:

  • scratching, picking teeth, ears, nose in public;
  • get ahead of others when passing through a door, for example, in a store;
  • scream, run, slam doors;
  • be rude, answer questions unkindly;
  • cough without covering your mouth and burp without apologizing;
  • shouting on public transport;
  • run and step on feet;
  • shuffle your feet when walking;
  • chew gum without covering your mouth, chew loudly in public.

How to behave properly when visiting?

If parents and their baby go to visit, it is important to explain to the baby that in someone else’s house you should behave calmly and politely, and you cannot take toys and other things without permission.

Guest etiquette rules:

  • It’s not nice to come to visit empty-handed. It is better to take some symbolic treat with you, for example, a box of chocolates.
  • There is no need to ask for treats or tea without the invitation of the owners of the house. It is also rude to sit down at the table without an invitation, even if it is already set.
  • When meeting the owners of the house, you should definitely say hello, and say goodbye: “Goodbye” or “See you soon.”
  • It is rude to walk from room to room without an invitation.
  • Under no circumstances should you demand anything from the owners.
  • Don't throw candy wrappers and other trash.
  • When leaving, you should definitely thank the owners of the house for the warm welcome and wish you all the best.

Many children get so played out that if they have to say goodbye, they throw a tantrum. It is important to explain to the baby that he will be able to finish the game next time, but now it’s time to leave.

Where should I start?

Where do the rules of good behavior and etiquette for children begin? At the initial stages, a child should be taught discipline by gradually introducing a daily routine into his life. He must go to bed and wake up on time, and also learn simple sequences of actions: washing, brushing teeth, dressing, etc. And in the future - do homework, rest at the strictly allotted time. All this will help the child feel confident and secure; he will acquire the skills to organize his activities as rationally and efficiently as possible. And also focus your attention on what is important at a given moment in time.

Every child should follow a daily routine

A significant advantage of the daily routine for children is also the most accurate “tuning” of the child’s biological clock. Which, in turn, allows him to adjust his sleep and rest patterns, protecting the nervous system from overload.

In the early stages, children's guidance should be the parent's direction. A younger student can be asked to work together to develop a daily routine that he will adhere to. In middle school, parental control comes down to simple tips that guide the child’s activities. The next step will be for the child to acquire the skill of organizing their day independently.

Table etiquette training

By learning to clean his room and put his toys in their place, a child not only helps his parents keep the room tidy, but also develops skills that will be valuable to him in the future. This is, first of all, the ability to organize activities, systematize, the ability to filter information and separate the essential from the insignificant.

Family behavior

From an early age, it is important to tell your son or daughter that it is worth behaving correctly not only in front of strangers, but also within the family circle. It is important to adhere to the following manners:

  • Address older people politely and using “you”.
  • You cannot speak rudely and impudently.
  • It is not nice to yell at siblings or other family members.
  • There is no need to sneak and deceive.
  • If you need to enter the room of your parents, older brother or sister, you should definitely knock and ask permission to enter.
  • It is necessary to treat family members with respect. If someone is resting, do not make noise.
  • Do not interfere with parents' work or household chores.
  • In the morning you need to wish good morning, and at night you need to wish good night.

A respectful attitude will prevent conflicts and form trusting relationships between family members.

If a quarrel occurs, it is important to try to make amends for the conflict and ask for forgiveness if it was your fault.

Ethics for kids

in stories, poems, pictures, tasks
Quantity Leave your comment


1. Lesson of kindness Day of surprises: a fairy tale about a bear cub, tasks on the topic of the lesson

2. Lesson of kindness Little bunnies, a fairy tale about little bunnies, tasks on the topic of the lesson

3. Lesson of politeness Hello! a tale about a pig, tasks on the lesson topic

4. Lesson of politeness How Mishka learned to be friends, a fairy tale about a bear, tasks on the topic of the lesson

To be continued…

See also:

  • Etiquette for kids, lessons of good manners

Comments on the publication Ethics for kids 06.20.2014, 16:12 Tatyana
Thank you!:) there was plenty to entertain the little ones today! We listened to the fairy tale with pleasure, and at first my daughter was terribly indignant at Mishka’s greed. The performance was shown with zoobles - her favorite toys at the moment. We completed all the tasks - our daughter and son did the drawing together (although he only drew scribbles - they became "mean") We are waiting for the continuation of the lessons. Thank you

09/13/2014, 21:06
Marina S.
really wonderful ethics lessons!

02/25/2015, 06:19
Zadorogo! Looking forward to the continuation! Cool site!!!!

03/15/2015, 09:47
I liked it, it’s simple and accessible, I’ll try to make a dramatization. Thank you

04/10/2015, 10:51
. I'm sorry if you're busy and I'm intruding on your business. I would like to express my opinion. the tales are very good, thanks to the manufacturer, I am very grateful to him for such a site. Goodbye

04/24/2015, 15:22
Maxim Lafon
Thank you for teaching your children politeness! Toddlers and schoolchildren really need affection!!! Good luck to you!!!!!!!

04/24/2015, 17:52
Maxim Lafon
Thank you! I want to tell you that your site is very cool!! You can do whatever you want with it, everything!!! I'll try to visit you more. Wonderful evening! Goodbye!!

04/24/2015, 19:24
Maxim Lafon
Let's consider the main ideas of V. Sukhomlinsky about where to start learning, what the educational process should be, and how to teach children correctly. A child, Sukhomlinsky believed, cannot be happy if he is bored and miserable at school, if he does not feel capable enough to master school science. Making a child happy means, first of all, helping him learn. Learning does not give the desired results if the teacher puts the student’s first goal: “Learn, remember!” The harm of cramming is obvious - it, wittingly or unwittingly, abolishes the main ideas of the academic subject. The teacher must clearly distinguish between what needs to be remembered for life, and what needs to be understood and learned without cramming by doing exercises.

12/01/2015, 15:48
the site is simply cool

12/04/2015, 12:42
Valentina Chernyaeva
Thank you all, my dear readers! Sincerely

05/17/2016, 14:47
the site is simply cool

05/23/2016, 17:17
Valentina Chernyaeva
Thank you, our Muse!

06/10/2016, 02:52

06/10/2016, 10:02
Valentina Chernyaeva
Thank you, Dilya!

Street etiquette rules

It is important to teach your child to behave correctly not only at home, but also on the street. If a child does not know good manners, he will most likely receive condemnation from society. Let's consider the main principles of behavior:

  • Garbage should only be thrown into a trash bin or trash can.
  • You cannot pick flowers from flower beds, walk on lawns, climb into fountains or other places not intended for these purposes.
  • It is not nice to point a finger at a person and talk about him out loud.
  • The road should only be crossed at a pedestrian crossing.
  • You must keep a line in the store.
  • You should not pester strangers with questions or force your stories on them.
  • It is forbidden to run far from your parents or hide during a walk.
  • If you need to stop while walking along the sidewalk, for example to tie your shoelaces, you should step aside.

In addition, it is important to teach your child not to offend other boys and girls on playgrounds and in the park.

You cannot take away toys, say hurtful words, push on slides and fight.

The importance of etiquette

Many modern parents are imbued with the idea that a child cannot be limited in anything or forced to do something that he does not want. Some go so far as to allow their children everything, including violating norms of behavior, neglecting politeness towards strangers, etc.

But etiquette is a phenomenon as old as human civilization itself. The main purpose of all rules and conventions is not an attempt to limit, but simply to allow people to comfortably coexist in the same space.

And at one table too. Think for yourself: no matter how much you love your own child, and no matter what progressive views you hold, you yourself are very annoyed by the ugly behavior of other children!

You don't have to wait until your child grows up to teach him how to eat properly in the company of other people.

The older he gets, the more difficult it will be to instill in him the idea of ​​accepting any rules, especially if before that he was allowed everything.

Principles of behavior in public transport

There are also certain standards of behavior in public transport. All children and parents have to travel on a tram or bus at some point. What you need to know:

  • It is necessary to give way to an elderly person or people with disabilities.
  • Pregnant women should also give up their seat.
  • You should not have a telephone conversation that is too loud. If you need to talk on the phone, this should be done in halftone.
  • As for communicating with each other, the conversation should be conducted quietly, without shouting.
  • When traveling by train, there is no need to run around the carriage, talk loudly and pester passengers with questions.
  • You are not allowed to leave your seat on the plane. If you need to go to the toilet, this should only be done accompanied by your parents.
  • Under no circumstances should you dirty other passengers if your shoes are dirty.
  • Laughing loudly and singing songs is prohibited.

No matter what kind of transport the child is in, it is forbidden to move far from the parents.

Telephone etiquette

Mom and dad must teach their son or daughter to talk on the phone correctly.

Here are the rules:

  • It is better not to make friendly calls before 8:00 am and after 21:00 pm. You should also not make several calls in a row if no one picks up the phone. Perhaps the person is busy.
  • Any conversation should begin with greeting words: “Hello”, “Good morning”, “Good evening” and so on.
  • If during the previous conversation you promised to call back, do not forget to do so.
  • If the person you need answers the phone, greet him, introduce yourself, and only then ask someone you know to answer the phone.
  • If the number was dialed incorrectly, it is important to apologize and only then hang up.
  • You cannot use your phone for pampering.

After the conversation ends, you should say goodbye. The person making the call hangs up first.

If you get a call at an inopportune time, apologize and ask to call back a little later.

Rules of etiquette at cultural events

Children 6-7 years old often go with their parents to cinemas, the circus, various concerts or exhibitions. It is important to know how to behave in such a situation.

Let's name the main rules:

  • You must not be late for the start of the show.
  • Before entering the hall, you need to take off your outerwear if it is a cold season.
  • You must enter the hall before the start of the event so that after it starts you do not disturb other people by taking your place.
  • If for some reason you were delayed or went to the restroom, you need to return to your seat facing the people sitting.
  • Avoid talking during the session or eating popcorn or other food too loudly.

After finishing the program, you should not run to the exit, pushing other people. You should calmly go out with other visitors.

Rules of behavior during a school lesson

Children of early school age, as well as children 10-12 years old and older, should know the norms of behavior in a school lesson.

Let's call them:

  • You need to sit quietly.
  • It is important to listen carefully to the teacher.
  • When the teacher enters the classroom, the children stand up.
  • If you need to go to the toilet, you need to raise your hand and ask permission.
  • You can't talk to classmates.
  • If you are asked, it is important to stand up and go to the board.

Each class's rules of conduct may be slightly different. The teacher tells the children about the norms of behavior and monitors their implementation.

Basic standards of safe behavior in the summer on water and in nature

When relaxing at sea or in the forest, there are separate etiquette standards for children and older children. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • It is forbidden to go far from the resting place.
  • It is forbidden to climb into a fire if an adult has lit a fire.
  • When eating, it is important to follow the same rules that are used at the table.
  • You cannot throw garbage or break tree branches.
  • It is forbidden to enter the water without parents and to swim far from the shore.
  • It is important to maintain good hygiene and not put your hands in your mouth.

In the pictures below you can see illustrated rules of behavior on the water.

In the following illustration you can familiarize yourself with the basic rules of behavior in the forest. They apply to children and adults.

How do methods change as the child grows?

With age, as a child gets older and smarter, his ability to learn increases. By about the age of five, he has already developed a certain model of behavior. A child of this age already knows the basic rules very well, but over time others are added to them.

Firstly, you should not accustom your child to the fact that eating involves watching cartoons on TV. This has an adverse effect on digestion and distracts you from the process of eating.

Secondly, teach him that he can eat not just anywhere in the house, but in a specially designated place - in the kitchen.

In addition, you need to behave decently while eating so as not to spoil the appetite of other family members. You cannot slurp, chat, shout, reach into the plate with your hands (if the dish is supposed to be eaten with cutlery), pull your fork towards a common dish, play with food, grab the last piece, etc.

At the age of five, a child is receptive to other types of learning. He is able to learn not only from positive, but also from negative examples.

Books with bright, funny pictures and all sorts of “bad advice” will be a good help for him. They are often written in verse so that the rhythmic text is easier to remember.

Thus, the child learns from the example of others what not to do.

Such methods are used by teachers in kindergartens during classes to teach etiquette in a playful way. Along with normal conversation, this is an effective way to instill good manners.

Cartoons telling children what table etiquette is will also be useful for learning.

How to behave if your child is alone at home

Situations often arise that parents are forced to leave their son or daughter at home for a while. At the same time, it is extremely important to explain to the child how to behave in this case. The main rules include:

  • You cannot open windows or a balcony if it is a multi-story building.
  • It is prohibited to open the gas or use matches or lighters.
  • Do not open the water and play with it.
  • It is better to spend time quietly, reading books or watching cartoons.
  • It is forbidden to invite guests without permission.
  • In any emergency, you should call your parents.
  • It is forbidden to go outside without leaving the apartment.
  • If there is a fire, you need to call “01”, if strangers are breaking into the apartment, you need to call “02”.

Under no circumstances should you open doors to strangers. If a stranger asks if you are alone at home, say: “Dad is sleeping, you can come later.”

General rules of child behavior

We invite you to consider presentations on the topic of children's behavior in various places in verse. You can show them to your child too.

On the street

At the table

On road


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