Card index of role-playing games on fire safety card index on life safety (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic

Summary of the role-playing game “Fire in the Forest”

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 141 of general developmental type" in Magnitogorsk

Summary of a role-playing game on the cognitive development of middle group children on the topic “Fire in the forest”

Performed by Tatyana Anatolyevna Kazakova,

teacher of the highest qualification




Goal: to consolidate game actions in accordance with a given role when creating a new plot on the theme of the game, the ability to navigate emergency situations and prevent natural disasters.

Training tasks:

consolidate knowledge about the causes of fire and rules of conduct in case of fire;

expand children's knowledge about fire safety;

promote the use of knowledge gained from the perception of the surrounding world and from literary works to develop the plot of the game;

consolidate the ability to divide into subgroups in accordance with the game plot and, at the end of a given game action, unite into a single team.

consolidate the ability to select toys and substitute objects in accordance with the role and, in the accepted role, convey the system of actions and character of the game character.

Developmental tasks:

expand children's vocabulary on the topic of fire safety;

develop children's dialogical speech, general motor skills, imagination, memory, thinking;

develop friendly attitude towards each other, communication skills.

Educational tasks:

cultivate a humane attitude towards living nature;

cultivate the need to take care of one’s own safety and the safety of others.

cultivate team spirit.

Preliminary work:

excursion to the fire station;

reading fiction: S.Ya. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero”, “Fire Dogs”, L.N. Tolstoy "Cat's House";

conversations about the professions of firefighters and rescuers;

looking at illustrations.

Equipment: scenery (trees, wild animals, fire department), costumes for firefighters and rescuers.

Progress of the game:

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:

I can protect

I can illuminate

I can feed

And I can warm you up

I am your helper, your friend, your unfailing servant, but don’t make me angry unnecessarily.

After all, then I turn into an evil enemy with merciless and terrible power.

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, it's fire. Fire brings great benefits to humans, but only if it is handled correctly. As soon as the fire gets out of control, expect trouble. Did you notice on TV in the “news” program how the forests were burning? This is grief for all the inhabitants of the forest - animals, birds, insects, plants, mushrooms. And for people it is the same great misfortune. Let's remember what causes a forest fire?

Children's answers.

Educator: Absolutely right. Most often, the cause of a fire is the careless, careless behavior of people in the forest: either they throw a cigarette butt, or light a fire, or even leave a fragment from a bottle. If a ray of sun hits such a fragment, spontaneous combustion can occur, but the result is the same - the forest burns, because any tree burns easily. And strong winds only intensify the fire.

Guys, answer the questions: What profession do people put out fires? (firefighters). Who else helps fight fires? (rescuers). What qualities should people in these professions have? Do any of you want to become firefighters or rescuers in the future?

Children's answers.

A talking bird appears in the group and reports that there is a fire in the forest. The tourists lit a fire in the forest, but suddenly the fire quickly spread across the dry grass. The tourists got scared and ran away. The flame continues to burn. The inhabitants of the forest are in danger.

Educator: Children, are you ready to help? Let's split into two teams. Boys are firefighters, and girls are rescuers. And I will be a fire department dispatcher.

Educator: Attention! Fire alarm! Firefighters and rescuers get ready to go on missions!

The boys put on firefighter costumes, pick up fire trucks and makeshift fire hoses. The girls put on their caps, take the necessary items (shovels, buckets), build a car out of chairs and go to put out the fire. The talking bird shows the way. Having arrived at the scene of the fire, firefighters begin to move around the area and put out the fire, the girls douse the fire with improvised water from a reservoir and cover the flames with “sand,” and take the animals to a safe place from the fire.

The fire has been extinguished. The inhabitants of the forest are saved.

Educator: Guys, you are so great! It was not in vain that the talking bird turned to you for help. You were able to cope with the fire, saved the animals, and prevented the fire from approaching the anthill. All the inhabitants of the forest thank you for your help and tell you that you are brave, kind and sympathetic guys.

Educator: Guys, look, what is this? (shows a sign that prohibits making a fire in the forest, leaving garbage and glass bottles on the ground).

Children look at the sign and answer.

Educator: Let's install this sign in the forest so that people coming to the forest know and follow fire safety rules.

Children “dig” a hole and “install a sign.” A team of rescuers and firefighters returns to the kindergarten.

Role-playing game "Fire Station"

Parfenova Arevalus Aramovna ,
MADOU kindergarten No. 133 of the city of Tyumen

Role-playing game "Fire Station"

Goal: to develop in children a holistic understanding of fire safety.


This game is intended for children aged 4-7 years


- a fire shield (each element of which can be used separately, the elements are attached with an elastic band), laptop, overalls, radiotelephone, emblems, fire truck, made with your own hands from waste material.

Preliminary work:

Talking with children about the work of a firefighter, watching firefighter-themed cartoons with children.

It is also recommended to conduct introductory conversations with children in advance about primary fire extinguishing means, how to call the fire department, and reinforce with children the knowledge of their home address, telephone number of the fire service, etc.

Then the teacher organizes various games, quizzes, and riddles to reinforce the topic of the activities of firefighters.

Game description:

After the preliminary work described above, you can start the game.

The teacher asks questions:

-Children, who are firefighters?

-Why does a fire occur?

-What services are called in case of fire?

-How do we learn about the exploits of firefighters?

-I invite you to the game firefighters. To play it we need to assign roles. Let's distribute the roles. (Children assign roles: fire brigade (firemen, fire department dispatcher), residents of a burning house, neighbors)

When assigning roles, children receive instructions, responsibilities and costumes.

This game allows you to develop knowledge on the Basics of Child Safety; coordinate your actions with the actions of your partners, observe role interactions and relationships in the game, analyze and predict role actions and behavior in accordance with the plot of the game. The attributes for the game are safe, accessible, and allow children to become familiar with the profession of a firefighter in a playful way.

video of the game organization


Role-playing game “We are firefighters”

Role-playing game “We are firefighters”


Introduce children to fire safety rules; promote the development of prudence and caution; develop communication skills in the game, form concrete ideas about construction; cultivate a desire to help others.


: firefighters, dispatcher, doctors, nurses, doctors, fire victims.

Game actions:

The fire department receives a call about a fire, there are victims, and doctors need help. The dispatcher reports the call to firefighters, calls the ambulance station and reports victims in the fire.

Firefighters put on special clothing (helmets, badges, etc.), go to the fire, take out the victims, take out a hose and put out the fire.

An ambulance arrives at the scene of the fire. Doctors and nurses are examining the victims, some are being taken to the hospital.

Didactic game “What is useful in case of fire.”


teach children to find an object that can be useful to a firefighter when putting out a fire. Explain your choice. Develop logical thinking.


It is necessary to prepare pictures depicting items that may be useful in a fire and items that are not needed in a fire, or print out the suggested ones. Prepare playing fields on which players will place cards.

1 game option:

"Lotto". The leader and 2 players play.

Game option 2:

played by 2 players. The cards are divided equally between the players, each player chooses suitable ones from their cards (for example, those that will be useful in case of fire). Cards that do not suit the player must be exchanged with the second player. You can exchange them in the following way: explain why this or that item is needed (or why it is not needed) in case of a fire.

Didactic games.

Didactic game “Flammable objects”.


teach children to find among dangerous objects those that very often cause a fire. Develop logical thinking. Explain why you chose these particular items. Correctly arrange the cards into two groups.


It is necessary to select pictures depicting flammable and ordinary objects, or print the proposed ones.

1 game option:

cards are divided between players, cards must be divided into two groups: flammable items and items that do not pose a threat to a fire.

Game option 2:

The teacher lays out several cards in front of the players, among which the bulk of flammable (or, conversely, non-hazardous) items. The players' task is to find the extra item.

Summary of a role-playing game during a walk “Forest Rescue Service” Senior group

Summary of a role-playing game during a walk

" Emergency "

Senior group

Goal: To expand and consolidate children’s skills and knowledge about the work of the rescue service in the game; formation of motor skills of the child in various forms of motor activity


• continue to orient children in the areas of human activity (rescue services), their significance for life in general;

• expand the understanding of the professions of rescuers, firefighters, medical workers (veterinarian, nurse), and drivers.

• develop children's creative activity, coherent speech, and logical thinking

• cultivate a sense of empathy, mutual assistance, collectivism, friendly relationships between children, and the habit of playing together;


model of fire, uniforms of firefighters, doctors, rescuers, bags - first aid kits, stretchers, sand buckets, shovels, fire hose, fire extinguishers, substitute items: cubes (or stumps), rubber mats (bumps), 2 - 3 arches, bench , audio equipment (speaker) with recordings of phonograms of sirens, fire in the forest, voice recordings, fire and ambulance signs, steering wheels, forest animal toys, cribs, podium, flags, “Young Rescuer” medals, fire models.

Integration of educational areas

: social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical development.

Preliminary work

: conversations, reading works by S. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero”, “Cat’s House”, E. Khorinsky “The Little Match”, watching presentations, television programs about the action of the rescue service in extreme conditions (
fire, earthquake, flood, explosion, etc. . P.)
. Examination of illustrations on topics of extreme situations and composing stories based on them. Demonstration by a nurse of the correct first aid. Creating and solving problem situations with children:

“What would you do?”

"What to do, if?."
Introducing children to the rules of behavior and evacuation in case of fire, about fire prevention measures
(do not play with matches, gas and electrical appliances, etc.)
. Familiarization with the fire truck, the fire shield and the fire extinguishing equipment placed on it. Didactic games “It burns - it doesn’t burn”, “Objects are sources of fire”, “What’s for what”. Making attributes for the game. Consultation for parents “Fire safety for children.” Learning a speech.

On the site, with the help of tree models, the edge of the forest is decorated, on which there are animals - toys, fire models.

Vocabulary work

: rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, rescue service, ambulance, fire service, nurse, firefighter; rescue service equipment - ambulance, fire truck, special clothing, safety rules, emergency situations.

Role-playing game "Fire Brigade"

Burkova Anna Vyacheslavovna

Role-playing game "Fire Brigade"

Goal: Formation of a holistic understanding of fire safety and the work of firefighters .

— To consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules of behavior during a fire , to consolidate the algorithm of actions in an emergency in a playful way.

— Enrich children’s knowledge about the work of people of different professions, take on the role of a fireman , doctor, salesman, bus driver.

- Learn to use professional tools presented in the form of toys, as well as be able to find replacements for them with substitute items.

-Develop children's imagination, interactive speech, strengthen the ability to call the rescue service and give their home address.

- contribute to the establishment of a friendly atmosphere.

Equipment: fire truck made of fabric, fire equipment (fire extinguishers, helmets, suits, walkie-talkie, fire model, telephone, magazine for the dispatcher; organize play corners “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Home”, assemble an ambulance from chairs and a bus.

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