Formation of financial literacy of preschoolers Nadezhda Borovinskaya Formation of financial literacy of preschoolers Federal state educational standard
Many parents know that from an early age it is very important to develop fine motor skills in a child.
How did crosswords come about? The first crosswords were published back in 1913 in the American press.
Quiz game “Experts of safety rules” for children of the preparatory group Quiz game “Experts of safety rules” for children
Conversation about the forest in the preparatory group Synopsis of a conversation about the forest for children 5-7 years old
We started drawing at about 1 year old. At first Antoshka did it with finger paints in
Lesson notes - entertainment in mathematics in the second junior group Lesson notes - entertainment
What teaching aids can you make with your own hands for kindergarten? Speech development is not
Tangram is an ancient oriental puzzle made from figures obtained by cutting a square into 7 parts
Lapbook “Wild Animals” Zeinib Chenib Lapbook “Wild Animals” Teaching aid Lapbook “Wild Animals” Author: