Age features of development of children 5–6 years old (older group)

Many parents often wonder at what age to send their child to kindergarten, what groups are there in public kindergartens and what is the fundamental difference between them.

Depending on the age, the child will fall into one group or another. There are 5 age groups in public kindergartens.

  • A short-term stay group is open for children 1-3 years old;
  • children from 3 to 4 years old fall into the younger age group;
  • The middle group includes children 4-5 years old;
  • the senior group is attended by children aged five and six;
  • and boys and girls aged 6 and 7 years old go to the preparatory group.

Short stay group (STG)

As a rule, very young children from 1 to 3 years old are enrolled in the short-stay group. This service can be used by any interested parent who has submitted the necessary documents and joined the queue. Such groups work 3 times a week for 3 hours in total.

Classes there start at 8:30 and last until 11:30. There is also an evening shift from 16:00 to 19:00. It all depends on the schedule of classes at the educational institution, so always check the opening hours at your garden.

Note to parents

Most often, parents worry about at what age to send their child to kindergarten and whether it is worth doing it so early, because children from 1 to 3 years old still need their mother’s presence. It is especially difficult for parents to make a decision if this is the first baby in the family.

Staying in kindergarten is the very first and most important experience for every child. Here he learns to show his personal qualities and communicate with peers.

If we omit the details, the opinion of many experts agree on one thing: from a psychological point of view, meeting and communicating with children in a playful and relaxed manner helps the child adapt and enter society. After all, in this society the child will grow and develop, gain experience and experience different stages of personality development. And the sooner the child begins to adapt, the better it will be for his psychological health.

It should be noted that young mothers and fathers should also be prepared for such a responsible step.

And before you send your child to a short-stay group, make sure that this is exactly the place where your son or daughter will be comfortable.

Today you can quickly find reviews on the Internet about any product or service. Look for reviews and comments about your kindergarten. And you probably know mothers whose children also go to this kindergarten. You can also come to the kindergarten and see everything with your own eyes, and chat with the nannies and teachers.

What activities are conducted with children in short-stay groups?

Typically, such groups have 2 classes a week of physical education and music and once a week classes in drawing, modeling, literature and design.

It’s also not difficult to sign up for GKP groups. They are available in almost all preschool institutions. To be included in the group, you must:

  • contact the head of the kindergarten with a request to enroll the child in the GKP. If there are places in the group, you will definitely be accepted;
  • if there are no free places, contact the so-called “Mini-OSIP” (this is the district information support service).
  • You can also sign up for the group through the city services portal

When you have found a place, you need to worry about documents for the garden. There are not many of them, but you will have to collect them quickly:

  • passport of the parent or legal representative of the child;
  • baby's birth certificate;
  • child registration in the city;
  • if you have benefits, also provide a document for inclusion in the preferential category;

Enrollment in the GKP occurs in the same way as in a regular kindergarten group. You are put on a waiting list and when a place becomes available, they call you and inform you that your child can go to kindergarten.

Procedure for enrollment in a short-stay group.

When there are few free places in a group, the head of the kindergarten must follow certain rules when enrolling a child in the group. For example, your child will be accepted faster if:

  • your family (or child) lives/is registered in this area;
  • preferential categories of children

If all children from this list are enrolled, then in order of priority the following are enrolled:

  • children with temporary registration
  • kids from other areas

A parent does not have to go to the daycare every week or month to find out if a place has become available. Typically, parents are sent an email notification or receive a call on their cell phone.

When enrolling in kindergarten, check the availability of a medical card, and immediately before enrollment you must provide:

  • contacts of the child and his parents;
  • complete blood count and urine test;
  • analysis for enterobiasis and worm eggs

Before enrolling a child in a kindergarten group, the parent will have to sign a service agreement, which will spell out all the rights and responsibilities of both parents and teachers.

As a rule, documents of this kind protect both parties from possible claims. Therefore, every parent should not be lazy and read this agreement carefully.

Features of children staying in a short-term group

The child is not in kindergarten all day, but only for some part of the day, so meals are not provided here. But any baby can freely ask for water. So before you send your son or daughter to kindergarten, don't forget to feed him.

Adaptation in the group is quite smooth. Any parent can go to the group and see how their child feels there. This makes it easier for the baby to survive a long separation from his parents and get comfortable in a new environment. Remember also that the child’s psyche is quite vulnerable at this age, and any innovation can have a bad effect on his emotional state. But if you prepare your baby and send him to a short-term group, you can avoid negative emotions on the part of the baby.

The first days in the GKP last only half an hour for a child. Then the stay time becomes longer, but it all depends on the child’s behavior and addiction. Often educators recommend starting with half an hour and adding only 15 minutes every few days so as not to escalate the situation.

Approximate schedule for short-stay groups:

  • Monday - 9:00-9:10 music games; 10:10-10:20 didactic games;
  • Tuesday—10:00-10:10 movement development, 10:30-10:40—artistic creativity (drawing, modeling, appliqué, coloring must alternate here);
  • Wednesday—9:00-9:10 didactic game, 10:00-10:10 speech development;
  • Thursday—9:00-9:10 outdoor game; 10:00-10:10 games with building materials;
  • Friday—9:10-9:20 educational game; 10:00-10:10 music game

The average monthly cost of GKP is about 1,500 rubles. However, if you have benefits, you can write an application for payment compensation (or part of the compensation).

What additional expenses does the parent expect?

Many kindergartens and groups also have additional expenses, which most often depend on the director of the kindergarten. This point should also be discussed in advance, and it is best to do this at the time of signing the contract with the garden. Although, the times when huge gatherings were held in gardens are long gone.

However, some parents face actual extortion. In this case, you should contact the anti-corruption hotline.

Junior groups for children 3-4 years old

Junior groups are open 5 days a week (Monday-Friday) from 7 am to 19:00 pm. Children aged 3 and 4 years old are enrolled in this group.

At this age, every child goes through a period of personality formation, habits and character traits are formed.

In the younger group, children get acquainted with the outside world, make new acquaintances and learn new skills. Sometimes children learn many times more in kindergarten, communicating with peers, than sitting at home with their mother.

Teachers conduct many developmental activities. This has become especially true nowadays. So children, visiting the younger group:

  • recognize the world around them;
  • learn correct speech;
  • read fiction (in particular fairy tales and short stories);
  • learn letters and numbers, get acquainted with counting;
  • engaged in modeling and design;
  • learn the basics of drawing and appliqué

Features of the younger group:

  • at 3-4 years old, the child is already actively developing and this development is radically different from what it was in the nursery. Up to 3 years of age, children need close attention and affection, and after 3 years of age, children develop curiosity about the world around them;
  • At the age of 3, children begin to show interest in group games. The child begins to become more actively acquainted with peers and communicate in society. Teachers can only help and encourage children to communicate. This is how the first independence appears.
  • Many teachers and psychologists are sure that the development of children at 3 and 4 years old is the most crucial period. Let us note that it is at this age that children often suffer from colds and viral diseases when they come into contact with each other. Here you will have to be patient, because the baby’s young body is faced with many types of bacteria and viruses. But it’s a completely different matter when nannies and kindergarten teachers are negligent and the kids get sick.
  • For the first time, children show their intellectual development in society. It should be noted that it is different for each baby. Some people understand faster what teachers are talking about, while others are a little slower. Here everything is in the hands of the teachers, because they must find an individual approach to each child. If you come across just such nannies and teachers, rest assured - you have chosen the right kindergarten.
  • Most often, in the younger group, children acquire self-service skills: they learn to dress and undress themselves, go to the toilet and wash themselves, and even try to eat on their own;

What children learn in the younger group of kindergarten

  • at this age, the child learns to dress and undress, put on and take off his shoes;
  • hold cutlery and eat independently;
  • they understand that they need to finish the soup and then start the second course;
  • ask to use the potty, go to the toilet independently and wash their hands before and after using the toilet and playing.

Basic educational skills in the junior group:

  • The child knows how to navigate around. He understands that left and right are different directions, and clothes have a front side and a back side;
  • the child is oriented in the concepts of space and time. For example, a child will understand if you say: under the bed, in front of him, near the table, and so on.
  • distinguishes geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle and rectangle;
  • distinguishes colors;
  • a child can use a model (looking at an adult) to build a pyramid from cubes of the same color, arrange objects by color;
  • at this age, children strive to help adults: bring plates to the table, water or sprinkle flowers, carry a bag, etc.;

What classes are taught to children of the younger group in kindergartens?

Whatever activity the teacher conducts, it should be done in a playful way. Under no circumstances should you force your child to play or do anything. All this is necessary in order to develop a child’s interest in activities. This is how the baby develops independence and the desire to do everything as best as possible.

Features of classes in junior groups:

  • At this age, the child does not yet know how to maintain concentration for a long time, therefore, classes should last no more than 15 minutes. Otherwise, you will lose the child’s attention and the baby will simply lose interest;
  • At 3 years of age, the focus is on fine motor skills and motor coordination. It will be great if you allow your baby to tie his own shoelaces and fasten the buttons on his clothes;
  • Children's oral speech is actively developing. Teachers read fairy tales and stories that set the child up to learn and memorize new words and phrases. It is also important to show pictures to the baby and give him the opportunity to repeat all the recently learned words;
  • the child also develops his aesthetic skills through modeling and drawing;
  • at the same age, physical exercises are introduced to develop flexibility, agility, endurance and speed in children;
  • There is also music education, where children learn to distinguish sounds by pitch and intensity, and also become familiar with musical rhythm;
  • At this time, costume performances begin to take place in the garden.

Features of the pedagogical process in a group of children 2–3 years old

Svetlana Frolova

Features of the pedagogical process in a group of children 2–3 years old

Features of the pedagogical process in a group of children 2-3 years old

Pedagogical work in a group of children 2-3 years old is determined by the age characteristics of their physical and psycho-emotional development. The third year of a baby’s life is the stage of early childhood. And early childhood is a special period in a child’s life. In terms of the intensity of mastery of skills and abilities, in terms of the pace of development, early age has no parallel in subsequent periods.

Firstly, at this age the intensive pace of physical development continues. And this is not only rapid growth (up to 91-99cm.)

and an increase in body weight (from 13.1 to 16.9 kg, but also the formation of its independence, improved coordination of movements. A characteristic
feature of this age is the need for a variety of movements, for which they spend a lot of strength and energy, their irrepressible desire to run, jump, climb, creep, twirl, pull something.
Secondly, at this age children develop “sensorimotor intelligence”

, it
promotes the development of subject actions of varying complexity, speech activity, and thinking. Motor activity is also valuable because it forms the sensory basis of cognition, acquired new experience and new impressions: it arouses the child’s interest in everything unusual. And the absence and deficiency of movement threatens to disrupt all systems of the developing body. Such children are lethargic and emotionally depressed. Therefore, children need more support for their activity from adults. The motor activity of children requires adults (
teachers and parents ) to know
the peculiarities of movement development and the ability to provide comprehensive preparation of the child for the process . It is important to properly organize both the conditions for stimulating movement and the movement itself. A variety of motor experiences helps shape balance, coordination, posture, and gait. In the process of motor activity, it is important to purposefully act on physical qualities: strength, agility, speed.
The development of the necessary skills and abilities depends on how developed these qualities are in a child. For the full physical development of children, a subject-development environment in a group room , in a gym, on the site and at home is important. In our group , certain conditions have been created where you can move a lot and in many ways: climb a hill, slide down a hill, ride a car, retire to a house, crawl through the “Snail”

, practice games with balls, hoops, skittles, cubes, crawl under an arc, fantasize with soft toys.
Children with great desire practice regular walking, walking with stepping over an obstacle, jumping on two legs. They love to play outdoor games: “Sparrows and a Car”
“Shaggy Dog”
“At the Bear in the Forest”
. Games with a ball:
“ Roll it through the gate”
“Throw it up and catch it”
“Slide it down the hill”
and so on.
In these play exercises, children develop coordination of movements, the eye becomes more accurate, which is necessary for orientation in space. The accumulation of motor skills and skills occurs gradually in free activity, in the morning, on a walk, after a nap, etc. It is known that children quickly get tired and often switch from one activity to another, losing interest in what they were doing. So that the child does not lose interest in equipment and objects: we organize games near or around this object, examine it, explain its purpose, discuss its properties, color, size, material from which it is made, and so on. We are glad that children are interested in a variety of physical exercises, activities with physical education aids , and respond quickly to signals.
When performing physical exercises and outdoor games, they show initiative, with great desire enter into communication with the teacher and other children, and transfer the new movements they have mastered into independent motor activity. a significant place in the pedagogical process in the group of children of the third year of life: morning exercises, physical education classes, awakening exercises, outdoor games, physical education entertainment.

Daily morning exercises are an element of the daily routine that helps strengthen and maintain the health of children, raise their emotional tone and set them up for further activities. Like all physical education activities, morning gymnastics in the first junior group of preschool educational institutions has its own organizational features : it is carried out before the first meal, lasting up to 5 minutes, without coercion in a playful way and with musical accompaniment. Often exercises are united by a common theme or plot. The temperature in the pre-ventilated room should not exceed 17 degrees, ordinary and comfortable clothing, comfortable shoes or socks.

The purpose of organizing physical education classes in the first junior group is :

• replenishment of the first movements (running, walking, jumping)


• development of indicators of such physical qualities as speed, strength, endurance, flexibility and the ability to coordinate their movements;

• training of correct posture and stable body position;

• fostering a conscious need for physical activity.

Physical education classes for children of the first junior group are held weekly, 2 lessons (10-15 minutes each)

immediately after nap, before afternoon snack, in
subgroups (7-8 people)
in the hall, which increases
children’s and increases physical activity.
during morning exercises and physical education classes. (cubes, balls, ribbons, sandbags) with great interest.

Here the small muscles of the hands (fingers, hands, palms)
Developed fine motor skills contribute to the perception and development of cultural and hygienic skills.
He can wash himself, eat, and dress himself with the help of an adult. Yes, not everything works out the first or even the tenth time, but the child will persistently achieve his goal if adults help him, support him and praise him for his independence and skills! To no less extent, the organization of pedagogical work with children 2-3 years old depends on the characteristics of the psycho-emotional development of children . A child at this age is very emotional, but his emotions are very unstable (a smile can instantly give way to tears, emotions arise spontaneously, and, accordingly, the child behaves impulsively. The baby emotionally lives in the present, immediately reacting to current events. The child’s emotions are tied to situations. He is very worried about his mother leaving, although later he can easily become interested in a new toy.

In addition, the age from two to three years is considered to be transitional in the psychological aspect. From what and to what does the baby move? From infancy to early preschool age (from 3 years old)

This is a very important period in the development of a child precisely because what we adults (
teachers and parents ) give to the child during this period will be the foundation for his entire future life.
At this age, the baby is no longer a baby, but not yet a junior preschooler. He is rapidly developing active speech. He already has quite a large vocabulary, can make simple sentences, inflect words, invent “his own” games, manipulate adults in his own way, and show his interests and character. His auditory perception improves. The main form of thinking becomes visual and effective. Random behavior begins to take shape. “I”
is formed . But... at the same time, the child is helpless in many ways, for example, in self-care or in the same games, many things may not work out, and those around him do not always understand him.

The pedagogical process in the group fully ensures the emotional well-being of each child through direct communication with each child, respectful attitude towards him, his feelings and needs. We pay a lot of attention to supporting the individuality and initiative of children through creating conditions for children to freely choose activities, participants in joint activities, for children to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts. Of great importance in the pedagogical process is the establishment of rules of interaction in different situations:

• creating conditions for positive, friendly relationships between children, including those belonging to different national, cultural, religious communities and social strata, as well as those who have different (including disabilities)

health opportunities;

• development of children's communication abilities , allowing them to resolve conflict situations with peers;

• developing children's ability to work in a peer group ;

A significant part of the pedagogical process in the group is directly organized educational activities aimed at satisfying children’s to understand the world around them and themselves in it. After all, the period from 2 to 3 years is a real boom in the development of cognitive activity. Therefore, we always strive to satisfy children’s endless questions with complete answers, structured in such a way that it is easy for the child to understand them. At this age, a child strives to understand the essence of things, but does not yet know the difference between living and nonliving things - by understanding how things work, he can “disassemble”

not only a car or a construction set, but also a beetle or a butterfly.
It is important to explain to him that they are alive, that they are in pain and it is impossible to treat them this way. A child comprehends the world around him through his own perception; it is important for him not only to see, but also to touch, smell, taste and taste everything that surrounds him. Educational activities for children are organized both planned in the form of educational situations (we will build a house for a nesting doll, etc., and on the initiative of children when they interact with objects in the environment.
The pedagogical process is organized not only preschool teachers , parents are, along with teachers, equal participants in the educational process educational work with children.Parents need to know about the psychophysiological characteristics of their child at each age stage of development and take them into account in the process of interaction with children in kindergarten and at home.

Particular attention should be paid to the following points:

It is now important for the child to prove to adults, especially in the family, that his word or desire has weight, his opinion must be taken into account by elders, and his skills can be proud of. He begins to realize himself as a person, relates himself to “I”

Using this feature , you should “instill”
in the baby a sense of responsibility and
the ability to self-help . Therefore, this period is one of the most stressful. And now parents planning to take any action together with their baby (for example, dressing him to go for a walk)
will have to take into account his desire to test his strength in this
process (and your time)
Remember that it is still too difficult for a baby to perform ALL actions independently, but even partial execution (for example, putting on a shoe)
deserves praise. Try not to confuse your child's expression of independence with disobedience. This period should end with the establishment of equality in communication between adults and children.

The third year of life is the period of formation of orderliness

At this age, children still do not cope well with sudden changes. They are too engrossed in their own affairs! The world of 2-3 year old children “holds on”

on a certain order of actions
(waking up in the morning, exercise, walk, lunch, etc.)
The basis of such orderliness is the work of the child’s brain, which accumulates a whole “collection”
of associative models from the moment of birth.
They are the ones who help him navigate the world around him. If the situation does not fit the usual model, then the child may “rebel
,” demanding a return to his usual course.

Using this knowledge as a basis, you can quite easily teach your baby to put things in order (for example, to clean up scattered toys)

. The only condition is that this rule must apply to all family members!

The age of 2-3 years is the time for active development of creative abilities . The child becomes extremely interested in expressing himself in a variety of areas, such as designing, drawing, sculpting, composing incredible stories, assembling mosaics, etc. During this period, it is important to provide the child with room for creativity. You can draw with pencils, paints, crayons, sculpt using plasticine, clay, dough. Working with sand plays an important role in tactile development. You can collect and build construction sets, mosaics, puzzles, pyramids, and cubes. At the same time, the most incredible designs should be accepted with delight by adults, this will give the child confidence.

Yes, it’s not easy with a baby during this period: it’s as if he’s been replaced. But adults should understand the main thing: it’s not easier for the child either. His behavior is not simple whims, but an important segment on the path of development, which his parents should help him get through first. The baby needs to emerge from this stage with new valuable baggage: acceptance of adults who have equal rights in communication, socialization skills, and many new skills. And most importantly - with the feeling that he is loved not for his actions, but because he exists, with the feeling that he has reliable protection, stability and independence. Whatever concepts he calls it for himself...

In order to grow normally, a child needs love, confidence in his abilities, in his significance and value for us, adults!

Middle groups in kindergarten

The middle groups accept children 4-5 years old. Parents can bring their children daily from Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.

By the age of 4-5, a child is already developing as a personality. Kids know how to evaluate themselves and other children. The guys try to keep up with their peers. In addition, children can already notice individual character traits.

You can easily notice how your child tries to copy your actions. And if he has any difficulties, he tries to solve the problem on his own. The child still actively communicates with other children in the group (or even in kindergarten), actively shares his skills and gains new knowledge from his peers. All this helps the comprehensive development of the child and expands the baby’s horizons.

By the age of 4-5, the child is already practically formed. At the same time, you may notice that each child is individual: each has his own character, interests, tastes and preferences. Children at this age are quite active and mobile, they regularly make new acquaintances. Sometimes parents begin to worry when they see their son or daughter being excessively active. There is no need to worry, much less limit the child’s activity. In this case, the parent can only help the baby develop correctly, creating comfortable conditions for growing up. For example, a child must be enrolled in a kindergarten, where he fulfills all his needs by communicating with peers and teachers. And at home the child will behave calmer and more relaxed.

What main classes should be included in the middle group of kindergarten?

  • getting to know the world around us (what objects surround us, what is happening around us, what “friendship” and “family” are)
  • elementary mathematical processes (children learn to count from one to 10, and also learn addition and subtraction);
  • speech development (children learn to retell short tales and stories, enrich their vocabulary, learn to speak correctly);
  • get acquainted with literary works and authors of favorite fairy tales and stories;
  • attend lessons in modeling, drawing, and design (thanks to this, the baby develops imaginative and spatial thinking);
  • music lessons (children continue to become familiar with pieces of music, rhythm and tempo);
  • engage in physical exercise (just 10-20 minutes of exercise will help the child develop endurance and speed). In general, at this age, sports are extremely useful for children. You can enroll your son or daughter in gymnastics or dance classes. Typically, children are happy to engage in their chosen activities and communicate with a new team. It is not so important here whether your child is the best. Here the process of training itself is beneficial. Your child will grow up healthy and confident, he will be able to achieve any goal and learn to solve any problems on his own;

What is the psychological atmosphere in the middle group?

Every parent should understand that all of the above activities should be carried out in a friendly manner. The child himself must want to do what the kindergarten program offers. Teachers should pay special attention to relationships in the children's team. It is extremely important here that children feel psychologically comfortable and cozy - this is the main condition for staying in kindergarten.

If you notice any problems in the team or any psychological pressure on the child from teachers or peers, you should think about changing kindergarten.

Today many gardens are open, both private and public. And if you are worried at any point, do not waste time, because the psychological health of your son or daughter should come first.

Why does a child need an early development group?

I always tried to study with my daughter at home - draw, sculpt, glue appliques from pieces of paper and fabric, read poems, sing songs. But at some point, when Masha was about 3 years old, it seemed to me that the child was bored. Then the mothers in the yard advised me to enroll in a development group for children.

What it is

Groups for children, early development schools, children's clubs, temporary stay groups - all this is an opportunity for the baby to develop and communicate with peers.

A lesson in a development group goes something like this (everyone has their own way, but the meaning is the same):

- said hello - stood in a circle and, throwing the ball to each other, each said his name,

- sang songs,

- dancing or fun exercises in a playful way accompanied by music (hedgehogs ran across the clearing, frogs jumped, geese walked, the cat arched its back, the dog wagged its tail, etc.),

- drawing. Children work with paints, study colors, express their own emotions through drawings,

- educational games - children are taught to play together, in teams, for example, one team shows something without words, and the other team guesses what the children are depicting,

- games for attention (for example, children are shown several objects, then one object is removed - what disappeared from the magic chest?), games for touch (identify what is in the bag by touch),

- outdoor games - a cat runs after mice, taking away their tails, laces, a wolf catches geese, etc.

- again an activity at the table - modeling from plasticine, clay, crafts from small beads, cereals, applique,

— in some groups there are theater classes, when children tell fairy tales with the help of toys or organize a shadow theater.

Why does a child need classes?

To some extent, this is an alternative to kindergarten. It is very important that the development group is your little one’s first adult and independent activity. He does not follow you, but himself. These are his first teachers, his first friends. He learns to communicate, play together, sort things out, and “resolve” conflicts. This is a very important and necessary communication with peers.

From the point of view of development in such groups, everything is calculated and balanced:

- children sculpt, make appliqués, sort through cereals - develop fine motor skills,

- teach rhymes, nursery rhymes and sayings - develop speech,

- sing songs - develop musical ear and memory,

- run - jump - develop coordination,

- take away the “tails” of the “mice” - develop dexterity,

- draw - develop imagination, fantasy, express emotions.

Parents also need classes to help them realize that their child is already independent and can do a lot on his own. And moms and dads in the group will see how other children talk, sing and move, what is better in the development of your precious child than others, and what “falls short.”

Important points

— Activities at the table should be “diluted” with outdoor games, because it is difficult for children to sit in one place for a long time. For everything to be a joy, you need a constant change of activity.

“There shouldn’t be excessive demands on the part of teachers - don’t spill it, don’t get it dirty, do it like I did... this will only scare the child away and discourage him from studying.”

— While drawing, sculpting, etc. Teachers should not do everything themselves for the child, “so that it turns out beautifully.” Let it be uneven and smeared, but let the baby do everything himself!

“It is important that the group is not turned into a school and that children are not tormented by learning to read, count, and write.

— Children should be taught to talk about themselves in the first person: “I,” and not in the third: “Masha.”

— A very important person is a teacher. The baby should like it, then he will be happy to run to class. If the relationship between the child and the teacher does not work out, if the child is afraid of the teacher, it is worth looking for another group.

— Inquire about the education of those teaching the lessons. It is important that the teacher has a psychological or preschool pedagogical education, and that the group is not led by “just a good lady.” It’s great if the school also has a music worker - children really like live sound and songs with a piano.

When to start

Development groups for the little ones accept children from one year old, from 1.5 years. At two years old, and some children at three years old are not yet ready for independent classes in groups, they may be afraid of being left without their parents. For such kids there are classes with mothers. But after 4 years, it is important that the child remains alone in class, that is, with other children and teachers, but is sure that his mother is waiting for him and will not get lost - she will meet him near the door after class. For older children - five or six years old there are classes to prepare for school.


My daughter has become more sociable

My daughter Masha has been going to a development group since she was 3 years old. At first she behaved quietly in class, watching with her eyes to make sure I was nearby. And now, six months later, classes are the most important thing in a child’s life. She learned all the days of the week so that she would know when Thursday would finally come and we would go to the group. She dresses up in the morning, waiting to meet her girlfriends and friends. And two teachers - Varya and Nina - are now the main comrades and authorities. We were lucky with the group. The teachers - a psychologist and an artist-musician - are truly amazing women, and in my opinion, it is on their professionalism, ability to hold the attention and interest the children that the whole lesson rests. They never force children to do anything, skillfully resolve conflicts and calm upset ones. When kids draw, they don’t stop them: if they paint, let them paint! Masha has become more sociable and independent. When we come home after class, my daughter puts on my high-heeled shoes and with the words: “Come on, now I’ll be Varya’s teacher,” she begins to teach us, parents, everything she learned in class. And when we meet friends from classes on the playground, girlfriends and friends hug and play their favorite games. This must be the beginning of a real friendship!

Senior group in kindergartens

State kindergartens and senior groups are open every day from Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. Children 5-6 years old attend the older group.

Usually the senior group includes those children who have already graduated from the junior and middle groups. It turns out that they can already do and know a lot, but continue to develop their skills in the older group.

As a rule, classes last no more than 25 minutes and end with “physical education minutes” so that children can switch their attention, relax and get distracted.

What classes are held in the senior group?

  • acquaintance with the outside world continues (children already know a lot at this age and are able to communicate on any topic: about family, about nature, share impressions about a cartoon they watched or a story they read)
  • speech development (at this age, children absolutely understand what adults want from them, they can independently express their thoughts, draw conclusions and even argue)
  • acquaintance with literature (here children learn to analyze and discuss not only children's works, but also discuss fairy tales with subtext, epics and recognize the main idea of ​​the work);
  • math classes (at this age, children learn the principles of addition and subtraction, and also try to come up with problems on their own and look for solutions);
  • appliqué and modeling (besides the fact that children adore such activities, they also develop a sense of beauty, learn to complete any task, express themselves, develop perseverance and accuracy);
  • drawing (of course, this type of activity develops a sense of beauty, painting and graphics especially help);
  • musical classes help the child develop musical and creative abilities and learn to emotionally perceive any piece of music;
  • manual labor and making crafts from improvised means and natural materials. Here all available items are used: cotton wool, sticks, tubes, cones and acorns, fallen leaves, paper and cardboard.
  • physical education helps to further develop your baby’s physical abilities.

Note to parents

At the age of 5-6 years, each child already develops basic qualities and character traits:

  • intelligence develops. Many parents notice that their child’s views and judgments change. They are now more balanced and logical, and the child wants to regularly explain his words and actions;
  • strong-willed qualities appear (the child begins to understand the difference and meaning of words and phrases, such as “I want”, “I can” and “necessary”;
  • the child learns to take responsibility for the words spoken and his actions;
  • social relationships are formed with friends and the team. The child shows interest in his peers; the child wants to be friends, the first sympathy appears;
  • the child forms his own opinion regarding any topic and the child actively seeks to express his personal opinion;
  • the child learns to analyze and his memory properties change. At this age, the child can concentrate his attention longer, especially on those subjects that seem interesting and useful to him.

Preparatory group in kindergartens

At 6-7 years old, children attend a preparatory group. The working hours of this group are the same as the previous ones: Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. This is the final year in kindergarten, and the next year the child already goes to school.

In the preparatory group, children prepare for school, therefore, they study literature, mathematics, reading and drawing. In addition, children become familiar with the rules of the road. Complex classes will be especially useful here.

A distinctive feature of such classes is that different types of activities are combined in one lesson. This helps the child maintain concentration longer, despite the fact that even at 6-7 years old children are quite mobile and active;

Costume theatrical performances with songs and dances are also held here. And the prom symbolizes farewell to kindergarten and the entry into a new stage of growing up.

What do children do in the preparatory group?

At this age, the child already has a daily routine in the kindergarten and children try to stick to it even when they are at home with their parents.

Approximate daily routine in the preparatory group:

  • the child comes to kindergarten and changes clothes;
  • while the group is gathering, the child is engaged in independent activities;
  • morning exercises;
  • breakfast;
  • games at your own request;
  • classes according to the methodological plan;
  • outdoor games;
  • dinner;
  • dream;
  • getting up, going to the toilet;
  • afternoon snack;
  • games at your own request;
  • games and walks outside;
  • dinner;
  • packing home

Such a daily routine helps organize and prepare children for school preparation. At the same time, children socialize and play outside a lot, but also study literature, mathematics and writing. Children are taught what a traffic light is, how to navigate and behave correctly on the street.

Note to parents

Parents often ask the question: at what age should they send their child to school? Some people want to send their child away at 6 years old, while others think that the child should spend another 1 year in kindergarten.

Psychologists say that a child must be physically and mentally prepared to go to first grade.

If you see that your baby is still uncomfortable and unusual in leaving the kindergarten and he is only 6, then it is better to leave him in the preparatory group. If a child goes to school at age 7, he will lose absolutely nothing. In addition, this will help the child avoid psychological stress.

Age characteristics of children in the preparatory group

At 6-7 years old, every child dreams of learning something important and useful. The child rather perceives activities in the kindergarten as a game, where the child tries in every possible way to demonstrate himself and his best qualities and abilities. He especially wants to distinguish himself from others and earn praise.

You should not be silent at this time. Praise your son or daughter even if they are not doing well yet. You show him that you appreciate his efforts and successes. This is how the child develops self-esteem and healthy self-esteem.

The child's intelligence becomes noticeably higher. Ideas about the world also change and become broader.

As you can see, kindergarten plays an important role in raising a child and developing him as a person. But we should not forget that both boys and girls need regular attention and care from both the father and the mother. Both at 2 and 7 years old, tell your child how much you love him, that you are always on his side and what a great guy he is for trying.

Senior group of kindergarten - classes, program and design

Having gone through all the preparatory stages, collected an incredible pile of crafts, if you have the patience and imagination to carefully store it all, I can congratulate you - now you are waiting for your child to enter school! The senior group of kindergarten is the final stage of carefree childhood* with tired quiet hours and eagerness to enter the school walls - to children they seem like something so big and impregnable, close to that distant adult life when *you can do what you want* - especially going to bed later than everyone else - what a blessing it is...

  • Age of children in the senior group of kindergarten
  • Senior kindergarten program
  • Do-it-yourself didactic manual for senior kindergarten
  • Skits for children for the autumn holiday in kindergarten
  • Autumn crafts for kindergarten
  • Design and interior of the senior group

Age of children in the senior group of kindergarten

The age of children in the senior group of kindergarten is already quite serious - from 6-7 years old, with their own opinions and an established character - these children are just standing at the opening of the doors of a huge world! And it’s good if these children have absorbed all the bright things that teachers and parents tried to instill in them at home in previous groups

Senior kindergarten program

The program in the senior group is increasingly aimed at the education of children, here the study of English begins, and by the end of kindergarten children should be able to write letters and numbers; in the first grade, be that as it may, they accept those who already know how to read and write, so to speak , knowledge is being tested, not acquired, as was the case in previous years.

Training is no longer the same...

Children should be able not only to write and read, but also to have the basic knowledge of subtraction and addition, moreover, to memorize short poems, retell the material presented by the teacher, clearly express their thoughts and even navigate society. These are the strict requirements for children of the modern century.

And this is not to mention independence and resourcefulness - a child at school will be unexpectedly surprised if he is suddenly left without adult care - so it is not superfluous to prepare the child. My son, for example, went to first grade this year, and if everything is more or less successful according to the training program, then in terms of composure, he is a complete collapse(. My son can lose absolutely everything - from the office (and God bless her, I almost resigned myself), down to school pants, coming home in a sports uniform. Let's see what happens next and what he comes without in the second grade))). As long as my head is in place, I can only hope.

A very rare photo with my son from the Sameya archive). Already 7 years...

Do-it-yourself didactic manual for senior kindergarten

Study aids are an indispensable material in the process of preparing for school. By making teaching aids with his own hands, the teacher not only puts his soul into it, but also creates an original educational game that cannot be repeated! Interesting manuals, invented by adults, will help not only consolidate knowledge, but also naturally develop an interest in creativity and love for the work of others.

Do you remember what a rather boring training program we had? (Now, having space and materials for imagination, when you can vary between the established sample of benefits, educators manage to turn a completely boring task into an exciting game that can keep children occupied for an hour).

Skits for children for the autumn holiday in kindergarten

How boring it would be in kindergarten without various celebrations!) Just give a reason to learn a poem and give the girls elegant dresses - like a cheerful round dance of happy children is again ready for inspection by their parents.

Traditionally, in the fall, autumn balls or an autumn festival are held - whichever you prefer. Someone organizes a concert for parents, and someone goes out in a group into the courtyard of the kindergarten and enjoys the autumn there. Scenes for the autumn festival usually contain thematic poems and theatrical performances characterizing the habits of forest animals, harvesting and preparation for winter. Often, children’s imagination independently helps the teacher finalize the scenes for the holiday - in the older group this is quite acceptable.

Autumn crafts for kindergarten

As usual, in the fall there is a whole festival of crafts on an autumn theme - parents and children do not hesitate in choosing materials and create masterpieces from the “who can do what” category. As in any creativity, once you sit down to create a masterpiece, your thoughts will find their way out and successfully translate into an original idea.

My daughter and I came up with one of the autumn crafts in a matter of minutes.

Design and interior of the senior group

Even though the group is the oldest in the kindergarten, we must not forget that there are still children in the kindergarten!) And the design of the group should correspond to the children’s imagination. In the bedroom or its area, if the group is inseparable, you can place images of sleeping animals or fairy-tale characters, in the dining area - decorative panels with dining utensils, and the play area simply needs all kinds of organizers for toys in order to foster composure and orderliness.

In the interior design of the senior group, a variety of textured materials are welcomed, including natural, seasonal visual details. It would be great if the interior of the group would change, at least a little). This concern lies not only on the shoulders of the teacher, but also rests on the initiative of the parents!

This is what kindergartens are like)

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