Gymnastics complex for waking up after a nap in the senior group

The benefits of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics

  • helps you wake up
  • improves joint mobility,
  • relieves constipation,
  • removes toxins from the body,
  • normalizes digestion,
  • relieves runny nose and sinusitis,
  • improves hearing,
  • relieves chronic ear inflammation,
  • improves vision,
  • normalizes blood circulation,
  • cleanses energy channels,
  • normalizes blood pressure,
  • tightens the skin,
  • improves lymphatic drainage,
  • energizes,
  • improves mood,
  • produces hormones of happiness,
  • stimulates mental activity,
  • has a rejuvenating effect.

For Tibetan hormonal gymnastics to have a positive effect, it is necessary to observe the regularity of its exercises. That is, it is not advisable to take breaks. When you do gymnastics every day, positive and healing results begin to accumulate in your body. And breaks disrupt this process.

They say that you can “rest” from exercise for a maximum of 2 days, otherwise you will have to start all over again. We recommend trying not to take breaks for 1-2 months. (provided that chronic diseases have not worsened), and only then you can “stop” to monitor your body. Listen to yourself: how you feel, how your health has changed during this time, how you feel without gymnastics, etc.

Let us repeat that more noticeable results will begin to appear after about 6 months.

Contraindications for Tibetan gymnastics

  • acute heart disease,
  • hypertensive crisis,
  • Parkinson's disease,
  • stomach ulcer,
  • acute arthritis,
  • spine pathologies,
  • postoperative condition.

You only need to spend 5 MINUTES a day on gymnastics; you should do it immediately after waking up (it’s best to wake up before 6 am). The exercises are very simple and can be done without getting out of bed. But it should be taken into account that Tibetan hormonal gymnastics must be done with pleasure, or not done at all. It is also important to note that it is not a replacement for fitness or yoga.

So let's get started

Exercise 1. Rub your hands

While lying in bed, rub your hands for 5-7 seconds, your palms should become hot. This exercise will also help you diagnose the state of your own biofield. If your palms are dry and hot, then everything is in order with the energy of your body. If the palms are warm after rubbing, the biofield is slightly reduced. If your palms do not warm up at all and become damp, this is a sure sign that your body has failed and has serious problems. Such people often suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Whatever the shape of your palms, start doing the following exercises of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, as it will save you from all problems and diseases.

Rubbing our hands

Exercise 2. Palming

After rubbing our palms, place them on the eye area. Apply light pressure on them, maintaining a tempo of 1 sec - 1 movement. You need to make 30 such movements in 30 seconds. After performing this exercise, do not rush to remove your palms from your eyes, leave them in this position for another 30 seconds, and if you suffer from poor vision, then for 2 minutes. In this simple way, you can improve your vision, as the eyeball and all the receptors around it are nourished. Interestingly, in addition to vision, the natural hair color is also restored.


Exercise 3. Pumping up the ears

Now press your hands on your ears in the same way - fingers on the back of the head, press your palms to your ears. Tempo: 1 s - 1 movement. A total of 30 movements. By performing this Tibetan gymnastics exercise, after some time (for some, after a few days, for others, after a few weeks or months), symptoms of chronic diseases associated with the ears from which you suffer may “wake up.” Don’t be scared and don’t under any circumstances stop doing the exercises, just do them “softer” if you experience pain. Believe me! After some time, your chronic ear inflammation will completely disappear and your hearing will improve.

Pumping up the ears

Exercise 4. Facelift

Clench your hands into a fist, place your thumb behind your ear and begin to lift your face - from the chin to the ears. This action should also be repeated 30 times. After performing this exercise, you will feel a rush of blood to your face, and you may even sweat a little. Thanks to this technique, the oval of the face is tightened and lymphatic drainage is improved.


Exercise 5. Forehead massage

Now place your right palm on your forehead, your left on top and start massaging your forehead: move your palms from temple to temple. It is not necessary to touch the skin, but if you want to get rid of wrinkles, you should still touch your forehead. 30 movements - 30 s. Due to this exercise of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, the nasal sinuses are cleared (a runny nose, sinusitis goes away), and the work of the pituitary gland is also activated.

Forehead massage

Exercise 6. Massage of the crown

Before you begin this exercise, place a bolster or roll up a pillow under your neck. We intertwine our hands into a ring. The right palm, as always, is below, the left is on top of it. We perform the movement with our hands 2-4 cm from the head from the forehead to the back of the head - 30 repetitions. For 30 times, “hover” over the crown of the head for a few seconds, and then move your hands from one ear to the other. Also 30 times. This exercise will help normalize blood pressure. In addition, due to the activation of the arm muscles, the mobility of the shoulder joints improves.

Crown massage

Exercise 7. Thyroid massage

We place the right palm on the thyroid gland, the left hand on top. Then with your left hand move from the thyroid gland to the navel at a distance of a few centimeters from the body. Repeat this movement 30 times. At the end of the execution, return the left palm to the right and linger in this position for 5-7 seconds.

Thyroid massage

Exercise 8. Abdominal massage

Without taking our hands away from each other and from the body, we slowly slide them onto our stomach. Make 30 clockwise circular movements in the abdominal area. Thanks to this massage, chronic constipation disappears and intestinal function improves.

Abdominal massage

Exercise 9. Shaking

If your bed is not hard enough, then to perform this exercise you should move to the floor. Raise your arms and legs up, palms and feet parallel to the floor. “Warm up”: rotate your wrists and legs at the ankle joints. Now shake them thoroughly for 30 seconds. This exercise improves blood circulation in the capillaries and cleanses small energy channels. Do it in the evenings before bed. Thanks to it, the aging process slows down and the activity of all systems in the body is normalized.

This exercise is also found in Nisha’s Golden Rules of Health.


Exercise 10. Rubbing the feet

Sit down. Massage your feet one by one. If you find pain points, then you should thoroughly “massage” them. There are biologically active points on the feet, so acupressure will be very useful for eliminating certain health ailments. At the end of the massage, rub your feet from bottom to top.

That's the whole complex! As you can see, Tibetan gymnastics for health improvement and longevity are very simple in technique.

After performing the exercises, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm water.

After just six months, provided you do it regularly, you can significantly improve your health and get rid of many ailments. It has also been noticed that the appearance is changing for the better. You will be filled with energy and good spirits. You will be more charming.

You will love Tibetan hormonal gymnastics and will not be able to do without it.

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