Organization of motor activity of a preschooler in a daily routine

Nechaeva Oksana

Organization of motor activity of a preschooler in a daily routine

Municipal budgetary educational institution

“Combined kindergarten No. 42 “Ogonyok”

Organization of motor activity of a preschooler in a daily routine

Author-compiler: O. V. Nechaeva, teacher


Organization of motor activity of a preschooler in a daily routine

"Movement is life"

- these words are known
to almost every person . The fact that physical activity is beneficial for the human body is indisputable. But not everyone understands how important it is for the formation of a person’s physical and mental health and how necessary it is to teach children to lead an active lifestyle preschool .
Currently, the number of children with poor health has increased significantly; more and more children are appearing with frequent colds, excess weight, and poor posture. This list could be continued for a very long time. There are many reasons for this situation, but one of the main ones is the child’s sedentary lifestyle.

Physical inactivity - what is it? Is she a threat to small children?

Physiologists consider movement to be an innate, vital human need. Its complete satisfaction is especially important in early and preschool age , when all the basic systems and functions of the body .

Doctors say that without movement, a child cannot grow up healthy. Movement, by their definition, can act as a preventive measure . In addition, movement is widely used as an effective therapeutic and corrective tool.

According to psychologists: a small child is a doer! And his activity is expressed primarily in movements. The more varied the movements, the more information enters the brain, the more intense the intellectual development.

Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic educational program define the qualitative characteristics of a kindergarten graduate as physically developed, “. The child must have developed basic physical qualities and the need for physical activity .”

preschool teachers is to create all the necessary conditions for preschoolers to grow up physically healthy and strong.

Employees of preschool institutions are entrusted with the most valuable thing - our children: gentle, fragile, each individually and all together. One of the most important areas of physical education, as it has already turned out, is children’s motor activity . Preschool teachers and physical education instructors face a number of important questions:

• How to help preschoolers improve their health , become stronger, more agile, and more resilient?

• How to teach them to control their body in order to resist various ailments?

• What new forms of work should be used in your teaching activities?

• How to interest children, teachers and parents?

• How to make work efficient?

To organize the physical activity of children during the day, it is necessary to create all possible conditions for the development and health of children,

Our kindergarten has a gym equipped with the necessary equipment and facilities, physical education corners in group rooms, and health paths. The kindergarten site also did not go unnoticed. Group areas have verandas, benches, slides, vines, turnstiles, climbing ladders, and treadmills.

A physical training ground is equipped on the territory of the kindergarten. There is everything necessary for children's activities and physical activity : volleyball and basketball courts, a running track, a sand pit for long jumps, Swedish ladders of different heights, gymnastic beams, benches, swings, climbing frames, stepping brackets, posts of different heights, equipment for the development of coordination of movements. Each group has a sufficient amount of outdoor material (balls of different sizes, jump ropes, clubs, sports games)


Creating a healthy lifestyle for a child in a preschool educational institution is the fundamental basis for his full upbringing and development. A healthy lifestyle involves introducing children to a motor culture through targeted physical education.

It is very important to rationally organize the regime in kindergarten so that children are in motion as much as possible. Physical education and health activities in kindergarten are carried out daily in accordance with the physical activity (Table 1)

. Their implementation is monitored according to the plan. The forms of physical education and health work have become more diverse.

Table 1

Form of organization of physical activity in the daily routine Junior groups

Exercises, morning exercises 6-8 minutes

Exercises after naps, gymnastics after sleep 5-10 minutes

Outdoor games 6-10 minutes 2-4 times a day

Sports games Targeted training by a teacher at least once a week

Sports exercises Targeted training by a teacher at least once a week

Exercise while walking for 10-12 minutes

Sports entertainment 20 minutes per month


Sports festivals 30 minutes 2 times a year

Independent motor activity Daily

In our preschool , in addition to morning exercises, exercises are carried out after sleep - “awakening exercises”

The exercises begin from a lying position, then sitting and gradually the children get up, doing the exercises near the bed. In addition, the preschool institution hosts sports and recreational activities and physical education events.
For hardening the body , regular physical training in order to improve the muscular system and respiratory system, morning exercises are very important. It is carried out in various forms: traditional, game, gymnastics using various objects.

A positive healing effect is possible with regular organized physical activity , which takes into account compliance with the principles of gradual, repeatable and systematic physical activity. Exercises to improve posture and develop spinal flexibility are mandatory.

To prevent fatigue and decreased performance, dynamic breaks are used. They help relieve tension in children during prolonged static stress. We also conduct physical education, finger and body games.

During the day, the walk is organized twice : in the morning and in the evening. A walk is a favorable time for carrying out individual work with children and organizing their independent physical activity . Games for the walk are selected taking into account the age of the children. Games should include different types of movements (running, throwing, jumping, etc.)

and contain interesting
motor game tasks .
Dosed running and walking for a walk is one of the ways to train and improve endurance, the most valuable health quality.

Before your nap you should

carry out relaxation exercises. They are used to relieve tension in muscles involved in various activities .

In the second half of the day, more time is devoted to children's independent motor activity . Here we are helped by physical education corners, which are available in all groups.

So, there is no task more important and at the same time more difficult than raising a healthy person. Raising a healthy child has been and remains a pressing problem in education and medicine. This problem in our kindergarten is solved through the interaction of teachers and parents. After all, a child’s health largely depends on the environment that surrounds him at home.

Let's hope that the developed model of the motor regime of a preschooler , which includes the highest priority forms of physical education, will allow us to form the necessary volume and control the motor activity of children in a preschool institution .

Organization of independent motor activity of children in preschool educational institutions.

Author: Gorbacheva Lyudmila Viktorovna

teacher at the Lukomorye Medical Educational Institution, Noyabrsk

Organization of independent motor activity of children in preschool educational institutions.

Organization of independent motor activity of children in preschool educational institutions.

The intensity of children's physical development and their health directly depends on physical activity. So J. Tissot said: “Movement is the main source of health.”

In order to increase motor activity, the system of physical education of preschool children in a children's educational institution must include various forms of physical exercise: morning exercises, physical education classes, outdoor games and exercises in the fresh air, elements of sports games, gymnastics after a nap, invigorating gymnastics, physical education leisure, holidays, health days, visiting children's sports sections, swimming, exercise therapy and massage, because We all know that a preschooler’s daily physical activity should be at least 1 hour, per week: 5-6 hours.

These types of motor activities complement and enrich each other and thereby provide the necessary motor activity for each child during the entire time of his stay in the preschool educational institution.

Motor warm-up during a long break between classes allows you to actively relax after mental stress and forced posture. It consists of 3-4 exercises, as well as voluntary movements of children using a variety of physical education aids. At the end of the warm-up, it is rational to do a relaxation exercise for 1–2 minutes. Long warm-up no more than 10 minutes.

After a nap, it is important to improve the mood and muscle tone of each child, as well as take care of the prevention of posture and foot problems. This can be facilitated by a complex of gymnastics after a nap.

But the independent motor activity of children, about the benefits of which much has been written, is an excellent means of physical and emotional development of the individual. This is an activity that occurs on the initiative of the child. Its advantage is that the child himself chooses the type of movement, pace, pauses, and alternates them.

Independent motor activity of children is organized at different times of the day: in the morning before breakfast, between classes, during play hours after naps and during walks (morning and evening).

Active actions of children should alternate with calmer activities. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of each child and his well-being. In exercises and games with children, the personal example of the teacher is very important. Therefore, he must be able to ski, skate, play tennis, etc. Individual characteristics are clearly visible in the independent activities of older preschoolers.

Management of independent motor activity provides for the following mandatory points:

-organization of a physical education and play environment: sufficient space for movement; optimal quantity, variety, rotation of benefits;

- fixing time in the daily routine for independent motor activity of children without fail during the morning reception, before and between classes, during a walk, after sleep, in the evening;

- teachers’ knowledge of special (indirect) methods for activating children’s movements.

All management is based only on an individual approach.
It is necessary to:
-observe children, be able to see everyone and, if necessary, provide assistance;

-involve children in placing physical education aids in the group, on the site, thereby stimulating the desire to perform certain movements;

-relieve tension and constraint of individual children with a smile and encouragement; if the child finds it difficult, help him choose a movement aid with a question, riddle, or advice;

- try, without imposition, to unite children of different mobility in joint pair play, providing them with one object for two (ball, hoop, jump rope, etc.) and showing options for action, if necessary;

- do not force an active child to sit down; on the contrary, with the help of a plot, bring purposefulness into his aimless actions;

- sometimes engage in joint play with one of the children in order to show new movements or actions, to arouse interest in them;

- play with new aids, showing how differently you can act with them.

- periodically, together with children, build “obstacle courses” from available aids and encourage them to overcome them “in different ways”;

-enrich children’s role-playing games with a variety of types and methods of all basic movements.

Independent activity, developing in children the ability to choose and perform (without the help of adults) physical exercises, at the same time fosters initiative, activity, organizational skills, and creative activity. For example, younger preschoolers already in the middle of the school year (due to systematic work in this direction) are able to independently come up with new movements and exercises with known manuals; older preschoolers - enrich familiar outdoor games with a large number of options, as well as create new ones.

All kindergarten students, regardless of age, can engage in physical exercise independently, individually and in small groups. The material is those exercises that, without requiring complex organization and insurance, most effectively affect the child’s body: crawling, exercises with a ball, jumping over a long and short rope, throwing at a target, running; cycling and scooter riding, badminton, tennis, ring throwing, outdoor and other games. Proper organization of independent motor activity will help improve health, expand motor experience, develop a strong interest in physical exercise, skills of self-organization and communication with peers, and develop creativity.

In addition, you can conduct daily 15-minute classes, conventionally called independent motor training.

To conduct them in a gym or group, a sufficiently large area for movement is freed up, and physical education equipment is prepared. Children enter the hall in lightweight clothing and comfortable shoes.

It is advisable to use simple, familiar aids to children (for example, a ball, a hoop, a jump rope), in small quantities (2-3 for each child). They should be placed in such a way that the space for movement is not limited, each child has the opportunity to freely access them (for example, hoops are laid out in a row along one wall, balls on another, jump ropes on a third).

Each training begins with motivation of motor activity. Children are given a specific task that stimulates the child’s physical activity.

Example tasks that stimulate motor activity:

  • Guys, try to show as many movements as possible with any object that you like
  • Take one object and create different movements with it
  • Create a movement with any two objects
  • Today you will perform the movements in pairs. Take any one object and perform as many different movements as possible
  • Each person choose the tutorial that they like the most, and then pair up in pairs if desired and try to perform different movements together with two objects
  • Try to team up with three people. Choose any manuals, build a path, and then everyone will come up with their own movements on it (as many as possible). Let's see who can come up with the most moves
  • The task of today's lesson is to come up with as many movements as possible and count their number
  • Today, everyone must demonstrate for all the children the movement that they love most.

Let me remind you once again that physical education and health work with preschool children is planned in accordance with the principles of consistency, systematicity, and comprehensive use of the natural forces of nature and hygienic factors, as well as health-improving methods and taking into account the individual characteristics of preschoolers.

By instilling in children the need to move daily and do physical exercise from an early age, you can lay a solid foundation for good health and harmonious development.

Prepared by the teacher of the Lukomorye Medical Educational Institution:

Gorbacheva L.V.

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