Card index of theatrical games in a preparatory school group

Methodology for organizing and conducting theatrical games

Each kindergarten teacher has a plan of work with one or another preparatory group, which is built in accordance with the educational program of preschool education.
The organization of theatrical games must comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), which establish guidelines for the development of certain qualities in a child for various age groups. The teacher can direct the game directly, but it is possible to transfer part of the work to the child’s shoulders (for example, the child can independently decorate the costume, choose the colors he likes for the scenery of the play).

The game can be divided into 3 stages:

  • The child’s perception of the work and its meaning.
  • Studying and mastering the skills and abilities that will be necessary to use. These will differ for the role of actor, set designer and costume designer.
  • Direct rehearsals and final performance.

Note! Depending on the age of the children and their initial theatrical and gaming skills, preparatory classes should be included in the program. The process of organizing and conducting theatrical games should be considered using examples:

The process of organizing and conducting theatrical games should be considered using examples:

Didactic games

Since didactics, as a branch of pedagogy, studies the problematic aspects of teaching, an individual approach to each child is important in this type of theatrical activity. This means that the teacher must first conduct exercises to identify the socio-cultural, speech, cognitive and other interests and capabilities of the group, identify the characteristics and inclinations of each member of the preparatory group for a particular direction of education, identify problematic issues, and then distribute roles in productions in such a way that every child has the opportunity to develop the missing qualities.

Puppet show

When organizing such a game, it is important to take into account the opinions of each group member and distribute roles in accordance with the desires and inclinations of the children for a particular activity. For older students who wish, classes can be provided on making costumes, puppet elements, and stage design in order to realize their creative potential.

Puppet theater "Buratino"

Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old

Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox” for children of senior preschool age Storyteller. There is a house in a clearing; it is neither low nor high. And in that house live a cat and a friend, his Cockerel. So the cat goes into the forest to get firewood, and gives Cockerel another lesson. Cat. Yesterday you, Petya, turned 10 years old. I gave you a new bike. You, Petya, ride around the yard on it.

Fairy tale-dramatization “Spikelet” for children with special needs in the pre-school group Fairy tale “Spikelet”

Storyteller. Like two mice lived on the same side. Songs were sung and danced. Twirl and Twirl The mice's names were. The third friend lived with them, the Loud Cockerel. Cockerel. Ku-ka-re-ku! Stop sleeping, Spin and Twist, Time to get up! Get to work. Cool. No, we want to sleep.

Publication “Dramatization of the Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess” c. » PRESIDENTIAL GARDEN No. 15 “LADUSHKI”, Kozelsk city, Kaluga region THEATER FESTIVAL 2022 - 2022 PREPARATORY GROUP No. 10 Scriptwriter and director: teacher Potselueva E.M. Musical arrangement: Lebzak T.N. NOVEMBER, 2022 Roles performed by: Tsar - Queen - Sons: 1.

Photo report “Dramatization of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut” (preparatory group)

Equipment for a fairy tale. Masks: dog, wolf, fox, bear, rooster, bull, hare. Costumes for Storytellers. Models of trees, bushes, hare and fox huts. Characters and performers. Adults: Storyteller2. Children: storyteller 1, fox, hare, dogs, wolf, bear, bull, rooster. (It sounds.

Scenario for the dramatization of the Russian folk tale “Teremok” in the preparatory group Goal: To develop the creative abilities of children through the means of musical and dramatic art Objectives: To form clear intonation diction, coordination and plasticity of movements in conjunction with expressive speech. Develop creative imagination and musicality.

Scenario for dramatization of the fairy tale “Cat, Rooster and Fox” (senior preschool age) Dramatization of the fairy tale “Cat, Rooster and Fox” for children of the senior group Author: teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 226” Kozlova N.S. Objectives: • to arouse interest in the fairy tale; • develop the ability to experience and empathize with the characters; • cultivate expressiveness of speech and the ability to change the timbre of the voice, p.

Article “Safety Lessons from Dasha.” Dramatization for senior preschoolers. "Dramatization for senior preschool age on the topic: "Safety rules for children" "Safety lessons from Dasha" Educator: Kazakova I.Yu. February 2022 Dramatization for senior preschool age “Safety Lessons from Dasha” Purpose: To form in preschoolers.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Bear and the Fox” in the preparatory group

(or How the Bear Wooed the Fox) Summary of the open educational activity in preparatory group No. 3 for speech development with the presentation of the dramatization “The Bear and the Fox” arranged by Olesya Emelyanova. Educator: Guys, guests came to our group today. Let's greet the guests and smile at them.

Pedagogical technology for the development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age in the process of play-dramatization. Pedagogical technology for the development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age in the process of play-dramatization. Kirillova A.O, teacher; GBDOU kindergarten No. 98, Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg. The versatile influence of theatrical activities on personality.

Dramatization of K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Fedorino’s grief” for children of senior preschool age

Goal: To teach emotionally, to perceive a work of art, to dramatize it, to form the correct pronunciation of the text by children. Objectives: 1. To introduce preschoolers to the life and work of K.I. Chukovsky, to identify reader interest. 2. Develop thinking and speech.


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