My family. Celebration for older preschoolers dedicated to Family Day

Family Day in kindergarten


"Family day".
fostering a responsible and welcoming attitude towards the family.
To form a highly moral approach to the issue of maintaining family well-being;
Develop communication skills;
Develop creative, musical and rhythmic abilities;
Develop positive emotions and feelings;


Chamomile with problematic situations on the petals, camera.


Good evening, dear parents, we are pleased to welcome you to the 2nd round of the “Family of the Year 2016” competition

Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. Family is close and dear people, those to whom we wish goodness and happiness, whom we love, whom we take as an example, whom we care about. This statement will never become hackneyed. It is in the family that we learn love, care and respect, responsibility. Presenter

Family is something that we share among everyone, A little bit of everything: tears and laughter, Rise and fall, joy, sadness, Friendship and quarrels, a seal of silence.

The floor is presented to the Popov family.
The Leading
Family is what is always with you. Let seconds, weeks, years rush by, But your dear walls, your father’s house - Your heart will forever remain there!

The floor is presented to the Kadochnikov family.
What could be more valuable than family? Your father's house greets you with warmth, They always wait for you here with love, And see you off on your journey with kindness!

The floor is introduced to the Semyonov family.


Love it! And appreciate happiness! It is born in a family, What could be more precious than it On this fabulous land!

The floor is introduced to the family.


In the family circle You and I are growing, The beginning is the parental home. All your roots are in the family circle, And you come into life from the family. In the family circle we create life, the basis of the foundation is the parental home.

The floor is introduced to the family.


But a family is not only husband and wife. These are children, grandchildren, and numerous relatives on both sides. When a man and a woman unite their destinies, all their relatives also become related to each other, but sometimes people don’t even know what to call each other. Let us, dear parents and relatives, now try to determine who is who’s brother and who’s matchmaker!


Father's (mother's) brother - UNCLE Father's (mother's) sister - AUNT Wife's father - SON-IN-IN-LAW Wife's mother - MOTHER-IN-LAW Wife's brother - BROTHER-IN-LAW Husband's brother - BROTHER-IN-LAW Husband's sister - SISTER-IN-LAW Wife's sister - SWITCH-IN-LAW Husband's father - FATHER-IN-FATHER-in-law Husband's mother - MOTHER-IN-LAW Daughter (son) brother, sister - NIECE, NEPHEW The mother of the wife and husband to each other - MATCHES.

Presenter: Presenter 1:

The symbol of the day of love and fidelity was chamomile, a flower of Russian fields and meadows.
Why do you think? Answers...
Chamomile is a flower of Russia.
And besides this, chamomile most directly relates to love. Who knows how? Answers…
Right! They used to guess on a daisy - “loves - doesn’t love” Presenter:
They call it a yellow-eyed flower, If they pick a flower, they guess with its petals, But in order to truly become happy, believe me, you shouldn’t pick daisies.


And we offer a kind of fortune telling with chamomile - a solution to problematic situations. The answer is given instantly.

(Solving problem situations) Presenter:

Well done, you were all very attentive and did a good job! And we hope that each of you will always have a friendly, strong, loving and beloved family. After all, such a family is the main wealth in every person’s life.

Family means happiness, love and luck, Family means trips to the country in the summer. Family is a holiday, family dates, gifts, shopping, pleasant spending. The birth of children, the first step, the first babble, Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation. Family is work, taking care of each other, Family is a lot of homework. Family is important! Family is difficult! But it is impossible to live happily alone! Always be together, take care of love, drive away grievances and quarrels, I want our friends to say about us: How good your family is!

Situation 1.

Dima's mother came to kindergarten to pick him up. He happily told her: “Mom, we glued a bird today!”

Mom Why are all your clothes wet?

Dima The teacher said that he tried very hard.

Mom How many times do I tell you - put your pants and mittens on the radiator!

Dima I’ll try to make a bird like this at home

Mom Now you'll go out in the wet.

The boy fell silent and began to reluctantly get dressed.

? Where does mom make a mistake? What would you do in her place?


interest wanes, the desire to share one’s experiences, does not complete the work started; verbal stimulus. It is necessary to make clear the significance of his work for others; correspondence encouragement: I know you can do it; be close to the child, not over him, explain to him on equal terms)

Situation 2.

Lena (4 years old) Grandma, I’ll help you wash the dishes, okay? Grandmother, seeing this: Oh-oh. What you! Dishes are very expensive now, and you can break them. You still have time to wash mountains of dishes in your life.

? How do you evaluate your grandmother’s statement, and what might be its consequences? What else can you offer your grandmother in such a case? Solution.

Lena's grandmother is wrong.
With this approach, Lena’s desire to work may gradually disappear. The girl must be included in joint activities, guiding her actions. To form a stable motive for work, it is necessary to teach Lena specific work skills and evaluate the results of her work. The joint work of parents and children has a great influence on the mental development of the latter. Children see how adults work, how they relate to work, what their relationships are like in joint work activities. In a friendly atmosphere created by adults, children begin to understand the importance of work and find effective ways to do it. You can pour water into a basin and give the girl dishes made of unbreakable material! It is not enough for parents to show their children their hard work, they need to teach them labor operations. !
Try to have your child do something around the house with you. Situation 3.

Misha's (5 years old) parents strive to develop their son intellectually. And at the same time he was so loaded that he had no time left for games.

?Make a forecast for Misha's development when parents neglect the child's play activities.


Play in preschool age is the main activity. And this is no coincidence, because in play with peers, the child’s physical development occurs, coordination of movements, speed of movement, dexterity, mobility, coordination of the child’s actions with peers is improved, his orientation towards their achievements is revealed, etc. Mental functions are improved in the game: sensation , perception, thinking, memory. In particular, the development of the sign function of consciousness occurs. In games, the child takes a certain position that can be changed. It is important to use this for educational purposes. The development of all these functions of the human body is absolutely necessary for the future life of the child, for the formation of his personality.

While devoting all their strength (theirs and their child’s) to intellectual development, Misha’s parents should not forget about his overall full development as a person.

Situation 4.

Kolya is an active boy. His hands are always busy with something. He grabs everything in sight. The boy is constantly drawing something with a pencil; he is constantly visited by many ideas, which he strives to immediately express. Kolya is a restless person: he wants to take part in everything, try everything, but he very quickly gives up what he has started and grabs onto something new. Mom doesn't like it. She restrains him all the time, calms him down. ?
Explain why it is impossible to make a restless child calm? Solution
This can be explained by the predominance of the process of excitation over inhibition in the boy. But this may also be due to the fact that Misha has not yet been taught to concentrate on one thing for quite a long time. The mother needs to act together with the child, while explaining the properties of individual objects. It will not be possible to turn a fidget into a quiet one, but you can and should help the child master his behavior, his body, his energy. It is necessary to teach the child to give vent to his energy where it is needed, and to restrain himself in situations that require it. Do not restrain increased activity, but direct it in the right, reasonable direction.
Situation 5.

Two mothers were having a conversation. One proudly reported that she and her husband gave their daughter a computer. And the second one remarked: “Well, in vain! Now he will sit for hours in front of the monitor, spoil his eyesight and posture, and grow up uncommunicative and unadapted to life...” ? Express and justify your position: what is more harmful or beneficial for a child from a computer? Solution.

A computer is not only games, but also, above all, unlimited access to any information, the ability to communicate with peers by e-mail. Computer lovers say that with the help of a computer, a child can make such an intellectual leap that he will overtake all his peers. Experts believe that parents can give their children the best education through the Internet. But it is also possible that the computer can have a negative impact on the child: selection of information content, in particular games, failure to maintain hygiene when using the computer.

Situation 6.

Petya goes to a preparatory school group. The teacher sometimes praises him, but Petya’s mother is constantly unhappy with him. The boy always does things slowly, hesitantly. Mom thinks he is being lazy. She started teaching him to read and write (he writes in a notebook), forcing him to redo it if it doesn’t work out well. Petya says every now and then: “I don’t know how, I can’t do it.” “I’d rather play.” Mom is perplexed: “But how long can you play? Or maybe he should be praised more? But for what?

? Name the reasons that make Petya unwilling to study.

? What mistakes do adults often make?


A 6-year-old child must be confident in his abilities. It doesn’t even matter in what business he will succeed. At this age, children generalize successes and failures. Adults need to be calm about their children's failures, otherwise their anxiety will be passed on to the children. A child’s reluctance to read and write can be explained by the fact that he has not yet “finished the game.” And if, at the insistence of adults, he stops playing, but still needs it, he will definitely play in secret. Trust, goodwill, timely encouragement - this should be the attitude of adults towards children preparing to enter school.

Situation 7

Anya (Zg) began to call herself Daria. That the mother, too, playing along with her daughter, also began to call her Daria. However, my mother never asked why the girl suddenly wanted to change her name, and thereby not want to be herself.

The parents, having accepted their daughter’s game, strengthened her in the idea of ​​becoming someone else and allowing her to behave as if she had different parents.

? What could be the reasons for this situation?


Firstly, Anya really liked the actively businesslike Daria and her relationships with other girls. And she wanted to be just like Daria. Children usually like “other people’s” games, relationships that meet their emotional needs.

Another reason may be an unsatisfactory situation in the parent-child relationship.

To correct parent-child relationships, eliminate the girl’s desire for fantasy, providing the opportunity for self-acceptance, activating the desire to be herself.

When communicating with a girl, repeat: If you like being Daria, then you can behave like Daria, but you’re just playing, it’s all for fun, because you’re actually our daughter, and your name is Anya.

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