Requirements for the art corner in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for pre-school education consultation REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ART CORNER
If you decide to take up drawing with your baby, remember that in the first years of life
Conversation as a method of communication in dialogical speech CONTENTS 1. Conduct 3 2. Educational meanings
Distinguish between “left” and “right” For study in general and so as not to confuse the concepts of “by
Parents' meeting in the secondary group "Ecology and us" Elena Syusyura Parents' meeting in the secondary
The benefits of step-by-step drawing Parents should understand that it is much easier to teach a child to depict people with
Application for the younger group on the theme of autumn Applications made from natural materials in kindergarten
“Musical interactive games in educational and musical-game activities of preschool children” Musical interactive games in educational
Large plate with different fruits Having learned to draw individual fruits, you can begin to draw them
Work plan for the week Topic “I love my mother very much!” Transcript 1 Work plan for