Self-analysis of an open lesson with a psychologist (senior group) Self-analysis of an open lesson with children of the senior group
Health-saving technologies In preschool educational institutions, three groups of health-saving technologies are most often used: Preservation technologies and
Summary of OD in the first junior group. Spring walk. Summary of OD in the first junior group.
Card index of physical education minutes in the senior group of kindergarten at the age of 5-6 years with goals for
Design project for a subject-development environment in the group “Center for Literary Reading” Dear friends, we are pleased to present to you
Quiz in kindergarten Quiz in kindergarten is a special type of game that
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF Non-traditional forms of work with children in the organization of educational activities aimed at the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
Communication games 5-7 years old Communication games 5 to 7 years old Siamese twins Purpose:
Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old Summary of classes on FCCM in preparatory