Thematic week on the topic “Let's help birds survive the winter” in the preparatory group.
Conversation about wintering birds in the preparatory group Educational activities in the preparatory group “Conversation about
Carpet on the floor of the play area in kindergarten
How to decorate the interior of a kindergarten so that the children like it?
Children spend more time in kindergarten than at home. It is important to give them maximum comfort,
Project in the preparatory group “Theater through the eyes of children”
GCD for children of the preparatory group “The Magic World of Theater”
Theater. Projects - Short-term project “We are fantasy actors! Noise Theater" for children 6–7 years old Publication
Games and tasks for psychological preparation of 6–7 year old children for school
Assignments for first-graders in mathematics: Mathematical assignments can be not only educational, but also
Find the odd one out
Verbal and didactic games on the topic “Space” for older preschoolers
The goal of the didactic game “What’s extra” The goal is to develop the skill of classifying objects according to key characteristics,
organizing children's meals in kindergarten
Guidelines for organizing catering in preschool educational institutions
Rational nutrition is the basis of a healthy and fulfilling human life. Balanced, varied menu and routine
Project for children of the younger group of preschool educational institutions “We are little wizards”
Project for children of the younger group of preschool educational institutions “We are little wizards” October 28, 2015 Competition
Do-it-yourself poster and wall newspaper for May 9, 2022: draw step by step, templates for printing
Children's drawings for May 9: what to draw for Victory Day How to draw a picture on
Methodology for promoting a healthy lifestyle in educational institutions. Promoting a healthy lifestyle among pupils and their parents in preschool conditions
“Propaganda of a healthy lifestyle among pupils and their parents in preschool educational institutions” “Propaganda of a healthy
Maria Kucherenko, assistant teacher of kindergarten No. 197 in Voronezh, became the winner of the “My Fair Nanny” competition
Scenario for holding a big concert Holiday “My Fair Nanny!” Dear Colleagues! I want to tell you
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