MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Educational project “A doll on a spoon - theater in the palm” Authors: M.A Maul,
Forms and methods of interaction with parents in preschool educational institutions Modern approaches and forms of interaction with
Fairytale therapy - how does this method work? Fairytale therapy is a method that helps a child (or
"Drawing by Design." Summary of GCD in the middle group Svetlana Panchekhina “Drawing according to plan.” Abstract
You need to teach something when a question arises. Children are sent to kindergarten at the age of three.
Preview: Summary of educational activities for theatrical activities in the senior group “We are actors.” call
Short stories #2 Here's a little phrasebook for you
Rules of behavior in the forest for children (memo) If you are planning to go on a hike, then it’s time
A simple craft for kids You will need: models of circles from multi-colored double-sided sheets or candy wrappers, glue,
Photo source: Preparing a child for school is not the only task that can be solved