Project in a preschool educational institution or project activity in a kindergarten

What is project work in kindergarten?

The project sounds somehow official and scientific, doesn’t it? But in fact, this word hides the name of one of the methods for implementing tasks for the development and training of preschoolers. Project activity consists of the joint work of the teacher, parents and children to study a certain issue.

The purpose and purpose of the projects is to promote the development of independent thinking in children, the ability to make decisions, look for answers, plan, foresee the result and learn to cooperate with other people. The teacher gives some task to the children, feasible for their age, and teaches how to solve it and how to present the result of the solution.

Preschoolers cannot develop a project on their own; in kindergarten we do everything together. Typically, this type of activity is purely educational in nature; we use the project as a tool for learning, gaining knowledge and enriching life experience. This method has only recently begun to be used in preschool education; it is considered progressive and effective for modern children.

Active parents can easily do this simple task at home; I will describe in detail the types, topics, and structure. Development and learning in preschool format is carried out mainly through play activities, so projects have a creative, playful orientation. The most effective is group research activities of children.

The topics of the projects are very diverse.

Well, for example, the popular theme for children's projects is “Family Tree” or “My Family”. This project can be implemented in different ways - in the form of a collective panel with photographs of the family of each child in the group, or a painted large tree, or an exhibition of children's works on the theme of the children's family.

The point is not to give children a finished project, but to give them a topic and help them determine the path for implementing the project: what materials to use, who to ask for help, how to design the project product, how to present it. Moreover, this applies not only to children of the senior and preparatory groups. Kids also do projects that they can handle.

Creative research work of a kindergarten teacher

Creative and research work on the topic: “Man is individual and multifaceted”
The work is aimed at attracting the attention of the general public to the topic “man is individual and multifaceted” Author: T.N. Dvoretskaya - teacher, GBOU School No. 1499, Moscow Description: The work is aimed at attracting the attention of the general public to the topic “man is individual and multifaceted.” Purpose: The material is intended for teachers, preschool teachers and parents. Goal: presentation of philosophical thoughts on the topic “man is individual and multifaceted” Objectives: 1. analysis of various views of famous writers, teachers, philosophers on the topic “man”; 2. present a personal opinion on the topic “person”; 3. create the basis for a person’s personal growth;

A poetic view on the topic: “Man is individual and multifaceted”
Author: T.N. Dvoretskaya Riddle A living, intelligent, earthly creature. The Supreme Creation The Mystery of the Universe. (Answer: Man) Poem: Man Man is the crown of nature!? It takes years to find the answer... How did it appear on the planet? No one will answer your question for sure. There are versions, theories, scientific judgments. Different views of origin. Scientists have been arguing for centuries: What is a person? The power of his movements is dynamic. The inner world is endlessly rich. The history of development and the triumph of progress There is no process on a larger scale on the planet. Poem: The Secret of the Universe Man is individual. Man has many faces. Insignificant in fear. Great in aspirations. Gets ideas if there is inspiration. When you're not sure Doubts plague you. Driven by impulse Has opportunity. Inaction in life Generates anxiety. The human mind is a powerful discharge. The inner world is infinitely rich. Secrets of the Universe Reserve stock. The repository of knowledge is in each of us!

Food for thought

Modern society wants to educate the Ideal of the New Man. This must be an educated person who is fully occupied with work and has no free time. Some kind of robot. Constantly brings profit and benefit to the organization in which he works. Such a person must know a lot, be able to do a lot, master new technologies, apply them in practice, and at the same time he should not get tired or get sick. I believe that such excessive demands have a detrimental effect on a person’s mental health in general. A person is individual and multifaceted. Each of us has our own views, interests, hobbies, etc. First of all, every person has a family, our loved ones, close and dear people. There are no uniquely good and bad people, there are bad and good deeds that people do during their lives. Inside a person, throughout his life, there is daily work on oneself (growth or decay). And here it is important to notice a person’s efforts in overcoming his weaknesses and timely adjustments. Sometimes a small victory over oneself opens up new strengths and opportunities for a person that were previously unattainable.

I present to your attention 11 statements that define a person, which, in my opinion, most reveal the essence of a person.

11 sayings about a person
1. Author of the quote Democritus (460 - 360 BC) “A person should be assessed not only by his deeds, but also by his aspirations” Personal opinion: Something may not work out for a person, things may not go well in affairs, but he does not get upset, does not give up, but strives to redo, correct, bring to perfection. The good aspirations of a person are worthy of respect! 2. Author of the quote Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev (1749 -1802) “Only then will you become a person when you learn to see a person in another” Personal opinion: A person is unique and inimitable, a person draws wisdom from other people. A person learns throughout life, adopting experiences from other people. You need to be able to hear and understand another person. 3. Author of the quote Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821-1881) “The main thing in a person is not the mind, but what controls him: character, heart, good feelings, advanced ideas” Personal opinion: Not every smart person is capable of great things , brave deeds, compassion and mercy. Sometimes an uneducated person is much more humane in his actions. School grades cannot measure the stock of human abilities. 4. Author of the quote Pythagoras of Samos (570 - 500 BC) “A statue is painted by its appearance, but a man by his deeds.” Personal opinion: Man is famous for his deeds. If he brings benefit to society, he finds fame and honor. If it causes harm, it is condemned and reproached. 5. Author of the quote Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860 -1904) “The higher a person is in mental and moral development, the freer he is, the more pleasure life gives him.” Personal opinion: An intelligent person does not notice temporary difficulties, he tries to overcome them. He knows how to enjoy simple little things and appreciate what he has. Education and morality give a person a sense of security and a sense of pleasure in life. 6. Author of the quote Sergei Nikolaevich Bulgakov (1871-1944) “Every person is an artist of his own life, drawing strength and inspiration from himself.” Personal opinion: A person is capable of much, the strength is stored within the person himself. 7. Author of the quote Shalva Aleksandrovich Amonashvili (Born in 1931) “A person becomes a person only with the help of a person. But a person can become a Human only through his own efforts.” Personal opinion: Working on yourself, at any age, is the most difficult work. It consists of self-effort, fighting laziness, overcoming difficulties and failures. The success of such work on oneself depends on a person’s inner position, on strength of character, on will, and on the thirst for change. 8. Author of the quote Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky (1811-1848) “No person in the world is born ready, that is, fully formed, but his every life is nothing more than a continuously moving development, ceaseless formation” Personal opinion: Man strives for perfection , learns new things, gains knowledge, is in search. 9. Author of the quote Antoine de Sept-Exupéry (1900 -1944) “To be human is to feel responsible.” Personal opinion: A person must be responsible for his deeds and actions, think about the consequences. Be willing to correct or change your mistakes. 10. Author of the quote Paul Brulat (1866 -1940) “A moment is enough to become a hero, but a whole life is needed to become a worthy person” Personal opinion: One worthy act is an accident. The second worthy act is a pattern. The third is a series of worthy actions. We have a whole life to do worthy deeds in order to earn the title of a real person. 11. Author of the quote Omar Khayyam (1048 -1131) “We are a source of joy and a source of sorrow; We are receptacles of filth and a pure spring; Man, like the world in a mirror, has many faces; He is insignificant, and he is also immensely great.” Personal opinion: A person who experiences strong positive emotions, joy, love, he becomes a source of fun, radiates light and kindness. A person who has been betrayed, offended, cruelly deceived, fallen out of love, abandoned, experiences strong negative emotions, anger, anger, he becomes a spring of sorrow, radiates darkness and emptiness. Even the kindest person can, in a fit of anger, utter obscene language, which is bad, but the most evil person can also sincerely repent and find the inner strength to change for the better, these are pure thoughts, this is a pure spring. A person is subject to impulses, feelings, mood changes, he has many faces. A person is small and weak in the face of impending difficulties and problems, but he is immensely great in overcoming trials on the path of life, coping with difficulties, fears, and problems.

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For those who want to create a project according to all the rules

The peculiarities of the pedagogical and educational system in Russia are such that every step we take must be strictly in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Therefore, even such a creative task as writing a project requires compliance with the methodological recommendations of the Ministry.

In order not to search for information for a long time, I suggest “registering” in my favorite online store “UchMag”, since there is absolutely any methodological literature, including excellent manuals on our topic:

  • “Projects in preschool educational institutions: practice of teaching children 3-7 years old”;
  • “Innovative pedagogical technologies. Project method in preschool educational institutions";
  • “Projects in preschool educational institutions: theory and practice of child development”;
  • “Projects in preschool educational institutions. Practice of teaching children 3-7 years old. Program for installation via the Internet";
  • “Preschool educational institution development program. CD for computer: innovative educational project";
  • “Environmental projects in preschool educational institutions. Research activities on walks";
  • Offline webinar “Technology for organizing project activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education”.

For teachers of a preschool educational institution, that is, a preschool educational institution, taking into account modern requirements for a preschool teacher, such manuals are simply a treasure. It contains everything that is necessary for competent planning and implementation of teaching activities: how to draw up a project, what to take into account, how to formalize the results, etc.

Types of projects in kindergarten

In the current practice of modern kindergartens, we use the following types of projects:

  • Research with a creative bent: the guys find out some information, for example, why snow melts in the spring, and the results are presented in the form of drawings, wall newspapers, staged skits, etc.;
  • Creative tasks are also educational in nature, but the results of the research are presented in the form of a theatrical performance, a performance, or a children's party;
  • Social and informational: the guys research the subject of the project and draw up the result in the form of a newspaper, folder, poster, installation;
  • Role-playing or gaming: children solve a project task using a fairy tale familiar to them, getting used to the roles of the characters, presenting the result of the research in the form of a role-playing plot.

According to the method of project implementation, they are divided into group, individual, intergroup, and complex.

In terms of implementation time, projects can be short-term (one lesson), medium-duration (1-2 lessons) and long-term (the entire academic year or half-year).

It may seem, especially to parents, that these projects are too difficult for preschoolers. But, I repeat, preschoolers are just getting acquainted with this type of activity, preparing for independent research that they will conduct at school.

Have you probably seen foreign films where children are preparing some projects, often making volcanoes, various devices, bringing a pet to school and talking about it? Such types of activities are extremely useful for children, as they broaden their horizons, activate cognitive activity, and reveal creative and scientific abilities.

The name - projects - sounds very serious and pompous to our post-Soviet ears. In fact, for children this is just one type of work that requires research and presentation of the result. Both short-term and long-term projects are designed to increase the child’s self-esteem, since initially the adult is determined to recognize the value of any result of the child’s research.

The point is not to get an ideal research result from a child, say, on the topic of a favorite toy. The point is to instill in him an interest in research and analysis of the processes that occur around us. Arousing curiosity and healthy curiosity in children is the task of children's projects.

What exactly is the work on the project?

The stages of work on a children's project in kindergarten come down to preparation on the part of the teacher and implementation through the joint efforts of adults and children:

  • Determining the goals and objectives of the project is the work of the educator, who must choose the topic of the project in such a way as to solve a problem with its help. For example, to give kids deeper knowledge about natural phenomena (rain, wind) or to reinforce the names of the days of the week, seasons, colors, etc.

Having determined the goal, the teacher voices it in front of the children. Together we choose the final product of the project - a poster, an album, a holiday, a performance. The type of product depends on the type of project and goals, of course. At this stage, children are faced with the following tasks: to understand and enter into a problem, to enter into a game situation (since the main type of learning in kindergarten is play).

The main thing that the teacher must achieve is to awaken activity in children and direct them to find ways to solve the problem. For example, we want to learn more flower names. At the first stage of working on the project, children, with the help of the teacher, must get involved in the implementation of the project and present the final product, it can be a panel, a bouquet of paper flowers, an applique, or a drawing.

  • Work on the implementation of the project: we need to jointly draw up a work plan, that is, motivate the children to independently determine how to implement their plans. Who should I turn to for help (my parents, of course), what materials to use, where to look for answers to questions?

The children are divided into groups and distribute tasks among themselves, with the help of the teacher, of course.

The tasks to be accomplished at this stage are to create a favorable environment for creative exploration, involve children in joint activities, and encourage independent thinking. In the planning process, children train logical thinking and develop ingenuity.

  • Actually, work on the practical implementation of the project’s objectives: depending on the goal, according to the plan, we carry out project tasks step by step and design the final product, for example, an exhibition. We make a presentation in front of parents or conditional experts.
  • Let's summarize: what worked, did not work. This is for the teacher. He notes the effectiveness of the project for himself and outlines topics for further projects.

Creative project in the senior group

Creative project in the senior group on the topic “Friendship begins with a smile”


This project is about friendship, designed for children 6 years old, parents, and teachers.
Every person has a friend who is always there and will help in difficult times, who is ready to share both your joy and your grief, and if necessary, give you everything he has. Project type:
short-term (1 week)
Project participants:
teacher, children, parents.
Relevance of the topic:
Friendship is a personal, selfless relationship between people based on love, trust, sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies.
Mandatory signs of friendship are reciprocity, trust and patience. Today, the problem of cruelty and indifference among young people is becoming more and more obvious. The basis of a humane attitude towards people - the ability to empathize, to sympathize - is manifested in a variety of life situations. Therefore, children need to develop not only ideas about proper behavior, but, above all, moral feelings. Project goal:
To form in children an understanding of what it means to be friends and to establish friendly relations between peers.
Objectives: Educational:
- to form children’s ideas about friendship between people;
— teach children friendly forms of interaction; - learn to take into account the desires of peers, limiting your desires; — expand and systematize knowledge about the culture of behavior and relationships between people. Developmental:
- develop social and communicative qualities;
- develop the emotional side of the child’s personality; — develop children’s creative and speech abilities. Educational:
- cultivate the need to show kindness, care, attention, sympathy, and provide mutual assistance;
— foster a healthy spirit of competition and promote team unity. Participation of parents in the implementation of the project:
Create an atmosphere of emotional comfort, mutual understanding and support.
Learning poems about friendship and conversations together with children. Project implementation plan:
1. Conversation: “Know how to value friendship.”
2. Summary of GCD in the middle group “Where friendship begins.” 3. Reading fiction: M. Plyatskovsky “A Lesson of Friendship”, E. Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and His Friends”, V. Kataev “Flower - Seven Flowers”, L. Voronkova “What Would Mom Say?”, Russian folk tale “Fox” and the crane”, E. Uspensky “Uncle Fyodor, the dog and the cat” (chapters from the book). 4. Re-enactment of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut.” 5. Didactic games: “Kind and polite words”, “Convey your mood”, “Guess the mood”, “Tell me who your friend is?” (recognize a friend by description), “Yes - no”, “Complete the picture.” 6. Proverbs and sayings about friendship. 7. Memorizing poems about friendship. 8. Finger games: “Visiting the big finger”, “Orange”, “Centipedes”, “Friendly fingers”, “Friends in our group”. 9. Outdoor games: “Kittens and puppies”, “Find yourself a mate”, “Lavata”, “Push the ball”, “Teremok”. 10. Plot-role-playing games: “Family”, “In a cafe”, “Kindergarten”. 11. Creation of a photo exhibition “We are friendly guys.” 12. Mirilki - which help children make peace. 13. Consultations for parents: “Strong friendship”, “Friendly relations between adults and children in the family are the basis for nurturing positive character traits in a child.” Expected result:
Team unity, display of kindness, care, attention, sympathy, provision of mutual assistance.
Strategy for implementing project activities:
This project is carried out within the senior group, in the joint activities of the teacher, music director and children.
Product of project activities:
Joint creativity, games, recommendations for parents. Joint creativity of parents and children “Craft for a friend with your own hands”

Conversation “Know how to value friendship.” Target:

find out children's ideas about friendship, with whom they are friends and why.
Progress of the conversation:
Educator: (reads a poem) Friendship is a warm wind, Friendship is a bright world. Friendship is the sun at dawn, A cheerful feast for the soul. Friendship is only happiness. People have only one friendship. With friendship, bad weather is not terrible, With Life in spring is full of friendship. Educator: Children, what is this poem about?
(children's answers) Yes, this is a poem about friendship. To be friends means not to offend, to share your toys and to help. In turn, a friend is someone who is always there and will help in difficult times. For example, getting dressed or putting on shoes, teaching how to tie shoelaces and a scarf. The one who always shares lunch. Finding a friend is not so difficult, but maintaining a good relationship is more difficult. Every person has (should have) a friend, right? I'm sure you have friends too. Tell us about them (3-5 or more statements). Who is a friend? Think carefully and tell me who you can call your friend? (The teacher listens to the children’s opinions). Their essence most often comes down to the fact that a friend is someone with whom it is interesting, who does not offend, obeys in everything, and willingly shares toys and sweets. A friend can be called someone who is ready to share both your joy and your grief, and if necessary, give you everything he has,” the teacher clarifies and asks: “How should you treat your friend?” Educator: Now I invite you to approach your friend and share your joy, good mood and warmth (children are looking for a mate). Repeat these words with me: I am a human being! (pointing to himself). You are a little man! (pointing hand at friend). I have a heart (pointing hand at heart). You have a heart (pointing your hand at your friend’s heart). My cheeks are smooth (we rub my cheeks). Your cheeks are smooth (we rub our friend’s cheeks). My lips are sweet (pointing to lips). Your lips are sweet (pointing to friend’s lips). I'm friends with you (hold hands). I value our friendship (they hug a friend). The song “Strong Friendship” is played.
Educator: Friendship is the greatest value, a treasure and a gift of fate. Friendship always helps us in school, in work, and in life in general. Thanks to her, a person becomes better, kinder and stronger in spirit. Therefore, having a good friend is a huge blessing, without which a person cannot live!

Notes on the development of speech “Where friendship begins.” Target:

To form children’s knowledge about such concepts as “friend”, “friendship”.
- Reinforce the rules of friendly relations.
— Ensure that children acquire the ability to evaluate the feelings and actions of others in various situations. — Reinforce the correct pronunciation of children, monitor complete answers, and activate adjectives in speech. - Cultivate a friendly attitude towards others. Preliminary work:
conversation about friendship, friends;
discussing conflict situations in the group and finding ways to resolve them; looking at illustrations, reading fiction, learning proverbs about friendship; listening and singing songs about friendship. Progress of GCD:
Educator: Dear children!
I am glad to see you all healthy and in a good mood. I really want you to remain in a good mood throughout the day. So let's give friendly smiles to each other. All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend, and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other. Educator: Guys, where does friendship begin? (children's answers). That's right, friendship begins with a smile, because a smiling person is friendly. A benevolent person is one who wishes the best for you. Do you think we are all the same? (children's answers). Of course not! Although we all communicate together and live nearby, we differ from each other in character, appearance, desires and much more. We also have common points that unite us. Game “Listen carefully!”
We will see this now. Let's play a game. I will tell you a task, and you will respond to it with movements. Raise your hands up those who love exercise. Clap your hands for those who love ice cream. Those who like to walk outside, put your hands on your belt. Those who like to visit, stamp your right foot. Jump for those who love cartoons.

Educator: You see how much we have in common, how many favorite activities we all have in common! Guys, this morning the postman brought a letter to kindergarten. Let's see from whom? The letter has a return address from Leopold the Cat. Do you know who this is, from what fairy tale? (children's answers) Yes, that's right, "The Adventure of Leopold the Cat." Let's read the letter. “Hello, dear guys! Leopold the Cat is writing to you. I was tormented by the prankish little mice. No matter how much I call on the mischievous people for friendship and calm, every time the mice come up with new tricks. And the funny thing is that little mice usually fall into their traps themselves. Then I rush to their aid, and the repentant little mice try not to play pranks. But everything starts all over again and I am again a “vile coward,” as the mice call me, refusing to believe in my sincerity and kindness. Please help me make friends with the little mice.” Educator: Guys, let’s help Leopold the Cat? (Yes) But first, let's rest. Physical school. Hold hands together, Turn to the right - to the left! (turns right - left) Let's have fun, (claps) Jump (jump) And spin. (spin) A lot of joyful people, (we walk in a circle) Good friends who are faithful to us. Let's not quarrel, (approach the center) Let's forget about sadness! (we move back) Educator: Guys, look at the four pictures in front of you, which one do you think is the odd one out? Children choose the “extra” picture. During the discussion, we come to the conclusion: three pictures show kind, cheerful children, and the fourth one shows brawlers, so it is “superfluous.” We will put these pictures in a box. Let the little mice see what a true friend should be like. (kind, considerate, brave, courageous, caring, etc.). Educator: Now let's play. Game "Compliments".

Let's say nice words to each other. Children stand in a circle, turn around, shake hands with each other and say: “Sveta, kind.” "Alina, caring." “Polina, you are beautiful and smart.” “Maxim, you are brave, hardworking,” etc. Educator: It’s time to remember what proverbs we taught about friendship. Children: If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him. A kind word is a kind answer. Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. Friendship is like glass, if you break it, it won’t be put back together. One for all and all for one. A man without friends is like a tree without roots. Friendship is the most precious treasure. Friendship is more valuable than money. A kind word is more valuable than wealth. Friendship is a great power. Friendship is strong not through flattery, but through truth and honor. You will not get to know your friend without trouble. Friendship is paid for with friendship. Educator: Well done! You know a lot of proverbs about friendship. I wrote everything down, we will put them in a box too. You should value friendship and not offend your friends, but in order to have good friends you need to learn to be a good friend yourself. Let's make an unusual poster about friendship. (children approach the table with a large Whatman paper on it). Guys, the palm is a symbol of trust, sincerity and friendship. If adults and children are friends on our planet, then we can call our planet the Planet of Peace and Friendship. Let's leave our handprints on our poster (children dip their palms in multi-colored paints and make a circle.) Play the music “Song of Friendship” (cartoon “Masha and the Bear”) Educator: This is the circle of friendship we have. Let's take a photo of it and put it in a box too. Guys, what's your mood now? (children's answers). In honor of the joyful mood, in honor of the friendship of the children in our group, I propose to launch fireworks from soap bubbles. Blowing soap bubbles. Educator: We will also put soap bubbles in a box. We will pack everything and send the parcel to the mice. I think they will stop being dirty and mischievous. And they will live together and then life will certainly turn its sunny side towards them. Guys, look at each other, smile at each other. Each of you is a joy to everyone. Each of you is a small miracle! If you have a friend, take care of your friendship with him, value it.

Dramatization of the fairy tale: “Zayushkina’s hut” Purpose:

develop children’s ability to develop certain character traits of a character, convey them independently, finding expressive means.
Develop dialogical speech. Cultivate a sustainable interest in theatrical and gaming activities. Progress of the action
(there are 2 huts: an ice hut and a bast hut, there is snow all around) Author: Once upon a time there was a fox and a hare, the fox had an ice hut, and the hare had a bast hut. Spring has come, the fox's hut has melted, but the hare's hut is still there. (spring music sounds, children imitate the sun, trees, birds, butterflies). So the fox asked the bunny to warm up, and she kicked him out. A bunny walks (sad music plays, the bunny imitates sadness) and cries, and dogs meet him. Dogs: What are you crying about, bunny? Bunny: How can I not cry, I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut, she asked me to warm up, and she kicked me out. Dogs: Don't cry bunny, we'll kick her out. Author: They went to the hut. Dogs: Woof, woof, get out, fox. Fox: As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will go down the back streets! Author: The dogs got scared and ran away. And the bunny walks and cries again, and a bear meets him. Bear: What are you crying about, bunny? Bunny: How can I not cry, Mishenka, I had a bast hut, and the foxes were icy, spring came, the fox’s hut melted, she asked me to warm up with her, and she kicked me out. Bear: Don't cry bunny, let's go, I'll kick her out. Bunny: No, you won’t kick him out, the dogs chased him and didn’t kick him out, and you won’t kick him out. Bear: No, I'll kick you out. Author: They went to the hut, the bear growled.” Bear: Get out, fox. Fox: As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will go down the back streets. Author: The bear got scared and ran away. A bunny walks and cries, and a wolf meets him. Wolf: U-U-U-U, what are you crying about, bunny? Bunny: How can I not cry, I had a bast hut, and the fox, icy, asked me to warm up, and kicked me out. Wolf: Don't cry bunny, let's go, I'll kick her out. Bunny: No, you won’t kick him out, the dogs chased, chased, and didn’t kick you out, the bear chased, chased, and didn’t kick you out, and you won’t kick him out... Wolf: No, I’ll kick you out. Author: They approached the hut, and the wolf howled. Wolf: U-U-U, get out, fox. Fox: As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will go down the back streets. Author: The wolf got scared and ran away, but the bunny walks and cries more than ever. And a rooster meets him. (cheerful music sounds) Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku, what are you crying about, little bunny? Bunny: How can I not cry Petya, I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut, spring came, the fox’s hut melted, she asked me to warm up, and she kicked me out. Rooster: Let's go, I'll kick her out. Bunny: No, you can’t kick him out, the dogs chased, chased and didn’t kick him out, the bear chased, chased him and didn’t kick him out, the wolf chased him, chased him and didn’t kick him out, and you won’t kick him out. Rooster: No, I'll kick you out. Author: they went to the hut, the rooster crowed. Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku, I’m carrying the scythe on my shoulders, I want to whip the fox, get the fox out of the oven! Fox: I’m putting on boots. Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku, I’m carrying the scythe on my shoulders, I want to whip the fox, get the fox out of the oven! Fox: I’m putting on a fur coat. Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku, I carry the scythe on my shoulders, I want to whip the fox, get the fox out of the oven! Author: The fox ran out of the hut and ran without looking back, and the rooster and the bunny lived together cheerfully and happily. Cheerful music sounds (“Oh, you canopy”), all the heroes and participants in the fairy tale are dancing, the hare and the rooster are in the middle of the circle.

Description of didactic games used in the work on the project. "Kind and polite words."

Children stand in a circle.
The adult picks up the ball and starts the game. He says any kind or polite word and throws the ball to one of the children. The person who catches the ball comes up with a new word, names it and throws the ball to another child. The ball is not caught if an “unkind” word was uttered, and the child can explain why he did not like or find this word unpleasant. “Guess the mood”
The teacher tells the children that every person has different moods.
He names situations and asks the children to answer what feelings they will experience in certain cases: mom doesn’t let you go for a walk; dad gave you a beautiful toy; your younger brother teases you, etc. “What’s your mood?”
Option No. 1: The children have envelopes with cards with people on them.
In the center of the table we place a pictogram card with one or another emotion (joy, sadness, surprise, anger, fear, fear). Task: find cards that depict people with the emotional state indicated on the pictogram card. Option No. 2: Cards with pictograms of emotional states are laid out on the table, face down. One child chooses any card. Task: portray this emotion. The task for the other children is to guess what emotion it is. “Complete the drawing.”
The child is given a drawing and asked to complete the drawing of people with an emotional state.
This promotes the development of creative imagination and fine motor skills. “Find out by description.”
The child must describe his friend: what color his hair is, what he likes to play with, what he’s wearing, and so on.
"Yes Yes Yes.
No, no, no." Teacher: asks questions, and the children answer in unison. 1. Strong hands will rush into a fight (no, no, no) 2. Kind hands will pet the dog (yes, yes, yes) 3. Smart hands know how to play ( yes-yes-yes)4.Kind hands will offend (no-no-no)5.Tender hands know how to heal (yes-yes-yes)6.Strong hands will tease (no-no-no)7.We will be strong to be friends (yes - yes - yes) Educator: You are all guys. You are all preschool children. We will not leave anyone in trouble, We will not take it away, but we will ask. We will all feel good. It’s joyful and easy together.

Proverbs and sayings used in working on the project.

Without trouble, you won’t recognize a friend. Without a friend, life is hard. If you had a friend, there will be leisure. A true friend has no price. A friend’s water is better than an enemy’s - honey. A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by friends. Friendship is a great power. Friends are known in trouble. If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him. An old friend is better than two new ones. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. Friendship is like glass, if you break it, it won’t be put back together. One for all and all for one. A man without friends is like a tree without roots. Friendship is the most precious treasure. Friendship is more valuable than money. A kind word is more valuable than wealth. For the sake of a friend, endure the blizzard and snow. The tablecloth is removed from the table and the friendship disappears.

Poems to memorize, used in working on the project. About friendship.

The breeze is friends with the sun, And the dew is with the grass. The flower is friends with the butterfly, You and I are friends. Everything with friends in half, We are happy to share! Just quarrel with friends, Never need it! (Entin Yuri)


We quarreled with a friend, and sat in the corners. It’s very boring without each other! We need to make peace. I didn’t offend her - I just held the teddy bear, I just ran away with the teddy bear, and said: “I won’t give it up!” I’ll go and make peace, I’ll give her a teddy bear, I’ll apologize, I’ll give her a ball, I’ll give her a tram, And I’ll say: “Let’s play!” (A. Kuznetsova)


A friend came to me, And we played with her. And here’s one toy, Suddenly she liked it: A groovy frog, Cheerful, funny. I’m bored without a toy - It was my favorite! But still, I gave the toy to my friend. (Elena Blaginina)

Finger games used in the project.

On a visit to the big finger. On a visit to the big finger, Came straight to the house Index and middle, Ring and last. The little little finger himself knocked on the threshold. Together the fingers are friends, They can’t live without each other.


We shared an orange. There are many of us, but he is one! (The left hand is in a fist, the right one clasps it) This slice is for the hedgehog (With the right hand we open the fingers of the left hand one by one, starting with the little finger). This slice is for the siskin. This slice is for kittens. This slice is for ducklings. This slice is for the beaver. And for the wolf - peel! (Shake both brushes)


Two centipedes were running along the path. (The middle and index fingers of both hands move towards each other) They met, (Palms look at each other) They hugged, (shake one hand with the other several times) (Palms unclenched) Forcibly separated - (Unclench palms) And - said goodbye! (Both hands wave to each other)

Friendly fingers.

These fingers pinch, (With the thumb and index finger we pinch the palm of the other hand) These fingers walk, (The index and middle fingers “walk” along the other hand.) These fingers like to chat, (The middle and ring fingers rub against each other) These fingers take a quiet nap, ( We press the ring and little fingers to the palm.) And the big and little fingers are like brothers. They can wash themselves cleanly. (Twist your thumb around your little finger.)

They are friends in our group.

We are friends in our group (fingers joined) Girls and boys. (to the castle several times) You and I will make friends Little fingers. One, two, three, four, five (fingers from the little finger alternately) We begin to count. (connect with each other) One, two, three, four, five We finished counting. (hands down, shake hands)

Outdoor games used in working on the project. "Kittens and puppies."

Objectives: develop dexterity in spatial orientation.
Practice climbing and running. Description of the game: the players are divided into two groups: some are “kittens”, others are “puppies”, they are located at different ends of the site. At the signal, the kittens begin to run, lightly, as if playing. To the words “kittens!” they say “meow!” In response to this, the puppies bark “woof-woof-woof!” and run on all fours after the kittens, who quickly climb onto the gymnastic wall. The puppies return to their places. After 2-3 repetitions, the children change roles. You can end the game in the following way: invite everyone to walk quietly and slowly “like a cat” and hug each other. "Find yourself a mate."
Goal: learn to run fast without interfering with each other;
fix the names of the colors. Progress of the game: The teacher distributes multi-colored flags to the players. At the teacher’s signal, the children run, at the sound of a tambourine, they find a mate based on the color of the flag and join hands. An odd number of children must take part in the game so that one is left without a pair. He leaves the game. "Lavata".
Number of players: 3-8 or more people A leader is selected. Children stand in a circle, hold hands and sing: “We dance, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, We dance, this is lavata.” Are my hands good? - asks the presenter. “Good!” - everyone answers in unison. Everyone joins hands and walks in a circle, repeating the first two lines. “Is my nose good?” - asks the presenter. “Good!” - everyone answers in unison. Everyone puts the tip of their index finger to the nose of the neighbor in front and walks in a circle again, repeating the first lines. “Are my knees good?” “Good!” Everyone puts their palms on the knees of the children standing next to them and sings the song, walking in a circle. .“Are my ears good?” “Good!” Everyone puts their palms on the ears of the children standing next to them in a circle, and again walk in a circle with a song. You can use other parts of the body in the game: cheeks, forehead, stomach.

“Push the ball.”

Number of players: 3 or more people. Equipment: balloons. Inflate the ball. Players, holding hands, stand in a circle. Try to prevent the ball from touching the ground by pushing it with any part of the body, including with your hands, which should remain connected. If the ball touches the ground, the group loses the right to push it with their hands. Each time the ball touches the ground, the prohibition extends to another part of the body.


Objective: to develop imitation, imagination, and motor skills of children. Equipment: animal caps and masks. Description. At least six players play the following roles: mouse, frog, hare, fox, wolf and bear. There can be several animals, but there will only be one bear. All the heroes walk in a circle, holding hands, and say the first words of the fairy tale: There is a little mansion in the field, It is not low, not high, not high. Here is a mouse running across the field, stopping at the door and knocking. All the “mice” children run into the circle and ask: “Who lives in the little house? Does anyone live in a low place? “No one answers them, and they remain in a circle. The rest of the children again walk in a circle and say words, alternately naming a frog, a bunny, a fox, and a wolf. Everyone standing in the circle answers them: “I am a mouse-norushka”, “I am a frog-frog”, etc. And who are you? Having heard the answer, they say: “Come live with us!” When addressing the bear, he replies: “And I am Mishka, everyone’s trap!” After these words, the child heroes run away, and the “bear” tries to catch them. The bear himself assigns roles to the caught children, the rest choose roles at will (including the bear). The game repeats itself again.

Plot - role-playing games used in working on the project. Family.

Goal: to form an idea of ​​collective housekeeping, the family budget, family relationships, joint leisure activities, to cultivate love, a friendly, caring attitude towards family members, and interest in their activities. Equipment: all the toys necessary for playing family: dolls, furniture, dishes, things, etc. Progress of the game: the teacher invites the children to “play family.” Roles are assigned as desired. The family is very large, my grandmother has a birthday coming up. Everyone is busy about organizing a holiday. Some family members buy food, others prepare a festive dinner, set the table, and others prepare an entertainment program. During the game, you need to observe the relationships between family members and help them in a timely manner.

In the cafe.

Goal: to teach a culture of behavior in public places, to be able to perform the duties of a cook and waiter. Equipment: necessary equipment for the cafe, toys-dolls, money. Progress of the game: Pinocchio comes to visit the children. He met all the children and made friends with other toys. Pinocchio decides to invite his new friends to a cafe to treat them to ice cream. Everyone goes to the cafe. There they are served by waiters. Children learn to place an order correctly and thank you for the service.


Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the purpose of kindergarten, about the professions of those people who work here - teacher, nanny, cook, music worker, to instill in children a desire to imitate the actions of adults, to treat their pupils with care. Equipment: all the toys necessary for games in kindergarten. Progress of the game: the teacher invites the children to play in kindergarten. If desired, we assign children to the roles of teacher, nanny, or music director. Dolls and animals act as pupils. During the game, they monitor relationships with children and help them find a way out of difficult situations.

Mirilki used in the work on the project.

...Make peace, make peace, make peace And don't fight anymore. And if you fight, Then I will bite. But we can't bite, Because we are friends!... We've had enough of being angry, Let's quickly make peace: - You are my friend! !We will forget all the grievances, And be friends as before!... So that the sun smiles, Tries to warm you and me, We just need to become kinder, And put up with us soon!

...This is you, and this is me. You are good to me. My dear gift, And I don’t need another one... Rather than quarreling and teasing, It’s better for us to put up with you! It’s very boring to live in a quarrel, So let’s be friends!... Finger Let's take you firmly by the finger. We used to fight, but now we have nothing to do with it.

Consultations for parents used in the work on the project.

"Friendship is strong."

Relationships between people can be built “on equal terms,” or one of the friends chooses the role of leader, and the other becomes a follower. If you see that your child is an equal partner or leader, there is no need to limit such communication. At the same time, the child gains social experience of a positive influence on others, his self-esteem and sense of self-worth further increase. The child can refuse this friendship at any time. But a ban will cause the opposite reaction - we remember: what is not allowed acquires special attractiveness. It often happens that a boy or girl, when moving from one kindergarten to another, at first makes friends with the least successful children from the new team - their attention easier to attract. A newcomer is seen as a chance to start a new life, establish new relationships, and change. Talk to your child and try to answer the question: why is he friends with this particular boy and girl? The reasons may be different, therefore, your response will be different. The most typical cases: 1. Your child may have low self-esteem. It seems to him that he is not worthy of friendship with the best children, and let this Petka be better than no one. In this case, the communication situation may change only with an increase in self-esteem. Less criticism, no comparison with others. Celebrate the smallest achievements and create situations of success for the child. It would be good to discuss together and choose an interesting activity for him, and at the same time a new children’s group, where he could establish new friendly contacts.2. Your child does not know how to evaluate people. He justifies the bad actions of his friends, looks at the world through their eyes and simply does not understand that further communication with such a friend can lead to sad consequences. It is necessary to help the child understand who is who in his environment. Try not to paint the world in black tones. Remember that every person has shortcomings, but there are also advantages. Teach your child to analyze the actions of other people and draw the right conclusions from it. 3. The child does not know how to build relationships with peers. The child is influenced due to insufficient social experience. Friendship, like everything else, needs to be taught to a child. How to organize a game correctly, how to express your disagreement, how to rejoice at a friend’s success and not be too upset by a loss, how to rejoice at a friend’s success and not be too upset by a loss, how to tactfully reprimand a friend. Invite children with whom your child communicates to visit. Discuss cartoons and TV series with your child. Express your own thoughts about the relationship between the characters, give them an assessment.4. Your child reveals similar personality traits to an unsuitable friend. This case is akin to a latent form of the disease, when it is already occurring in the body, destroying it, but does not reveal itself outwardly. The child, while outwardly remaining the same, obedient and well-mannered, has already changed his internal attitudes, accepted such undesirable behavior as possible for himself and subconsciously establishes friendly contacts with a like-minded person. After some time, the “disease” will come out in various forms: from negativism, aggressiveness and disobedience of the child to pronounced forms of fear and uncertainty, timidity. This case is the most difficult. It will require more prolonged external control and assistance from parents. It is necessary to discuss with your child what worries you about him. Limit unwanted communication, but not with prohibitions, but by reviewing the child’s leisure time. Choose additional clubs, studios and try to spend more time communicating with your child: organize trips, walks. If you have tried various methods, but the situation does not change for the better, but rather the opposite, it makes sense to seek help from a specialist. Parents should also be wary of any sudden change in the child’s behavior, when, for example, a cheerful and spontaneous child becomes withdrawn and whiny, and a calm child, on the contrary, becomes overly excitable.

What does the project look like on paper?

It is clear that the teacher must know how to write a project, since everything that we do in the group must be documented, so to speak.

As I have said more than once, to make your life easier, it is logical to make a blank, a template and simply enter the necessary information.

What must be written in the content of the project:

  • Title, topic, tasks, type of project. It’s not difficult here: the name is in tune with the topic, and the tasks go beyond the topic. But there may be universal goals for all projects: social, cognitive, physical, aesthetic development of children according to age. You already know the types of projects;
  • Statement of the problem: also depends on the topic of the project. If this concerns the topic of the Motherland, then the problem can be formulated as follows: find out from the children what the Motherland is, what it means for each person. It can be noted that there is insufficient awareness of children on this issue and low interest of parents in the formation of patriotism in children;
  • Activities within the project: if it’s a short-term project, then we write down what we plan to do in one lesson. Long-term ones involve many different activities: classes, conversations, consultations with parents, excursions, reading literature, applied activities;
  • Resources for the implementation of the project: we list methodological literature, materials from the method room;
  • Form of the final product: exhibition, presentation, celebration, open lesson. Perhaps you will find innovative forms of the product that no one has done before;
  • Analytical note: write an analysis of the problem, briefly, why the implementation of this project is important for each participant, for children, parents, and teachers. For example, that now there is a decrease in patriotism, a loss of interest in the history of the homeland, the history of one’s family, etc. And the project will make children and adults aware of their involvement in their homeland;
  • Stages of project implementation: I already wrote about this above, it’s not worth repeating, I think;
  • The result of the project is based on goals and objectives.

How to properly formalize a project in a preschool educational institution

Documentation of the project.

Author: Shatokhina Rita Vyacheslavovna, teacher of additional education, MBU DO “House of Children's Creativity in Kalininsk, Saratov Region” In modern pedagogy, the project method is considered as one of the personally oriented teaching technologies. The project method is a pedagogical technology focused not on the integration of factual knowledge, but on its application and acquisition of new ones, sometimes through self-education.

Approximate design of the project.

Introduction. There is a problem. Work on a project is always aimed at solving a specific problem. No problem - no activity. What is the innovation of this project? Brief content of the project, a list of questions that the project participants pose to themselves. 1.1.Section. "The main part of the project." Setting goals and objectives, relevance. Determining the time to work on a project (short-term, long-term), determining the type of project: Projects are: a) research; b) creative; c) gaming; d) information projects; d) practice-oriented. 1.2. Action planning. During the analysis and discussion of the project, a plan of joint action between the student and the teacher is developed. A bank of ideas and proposals is being created. Throughout the entire work, the teacher helps in setting goals, corrects the work, but in no case imposes his vision of solving the problem. Project participants are divided into groups of 2 to 5 people, depending on the number of students in the group. Roles are assigned in each group: for example, idea generator, presenter, designer, critic, encyclopedist, secretary, etc. The tasks assigned to each group and the deadlines for their completion are clearly stated. The stages of work on the project can be reflected in an example table: Tasks or task. Deadlines. Solutions. Responsible for implementation. Or a group. Control. 1.3. Drawing up an estimate: what pedagogical, student, and material resources will be used to implement this project. It could just be a list. 1.4. Definition of the customer of this project: for whom? 1.5. Search for information. Provide sources. 1.6. Planned result. What will students gain? What will the teacher gain? 2. Section. 2.1. The result of the work is a product. Description of the work result: script, report, presentation, etc. Students, having chosen feasible technologies to create their work, clarify, analyze the collected information, and formulate conclusions. The teacher acts as a scientific consultant. The results of completed projects must be, as they say, “tangible”. If this is a theoretical problem, then a specific solution, if practical, a specific result, ready for use (in class, at school, in real life). 2.2. Presentation of results - presentation of the finished product. In other words, the implementation of the project requires, at the final stage, the presentation of the product and the defense of the project itself, which can be carried out in the form of a competition, exhibition, presentation, or speech. During the defense, students demonstrate and comment on the depth of development of the problem posed, its relevance, explain the result obtained, while developing their oratorical abilities. Each project is assessed by all class participants. Students watch the work of others with interest and, with the help of the teacher, learn to evaluate them. The result of the presentation can be reviews or comments from listeners, a link on the Internet, guests or parents, articles in the media, diplomas, certificates. 3. The final part of the project. Conduct reflection. Diagnostics. Suggested questions: Have you acquired new knowledge or skills while working on the project? What was the most interesting thing about working on the project? What were the main challenges and how did you overcome them? What comments and suggestions can you make for the future? Students can be encouraged by expressing gratitude in words or by presenting a diploma for a project developer, scientific researcher, best designer, etc.

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What's left behind the scenes?

More than one Talmud could be written on this topic, about projects. But another time. I will only add that I would like parents to understand: today there is a serious problem with our children. This is low communication skills, lack of curiosity, lack of independence, passivity. Our main task is to teach children to communicate, interact with other people, independently look for a way out of any situation, and be able to act appropriately to the situation.

In kindergarten, we are trying with all our might to prepare children for the difficult period of school life. You yourself understand how difficult it is for children in a modern school, given the increased number of children with psychological problems, as well as the enormous burden of the educational system, which is far from ideal.

So, projects are one of the most effective forms of preparing children for learning in primary school. In this way, we form a sufficient level of development of mental processes, this also applies to voluntary behavior, emotional and motivational readiness for school, and the presence of a high level of communication skills.

It is psychological preparation for school that is the most valuable acquisition, so to speak, that a child receives in kindergarten.

So, stop me, too much information is not good for the reader. It's time to say goodbye for today. As always, I ask you to share links and subscribe to news!

Sincerely, Tatyana Sukhikh! Till tomorrow!

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