Experience as a senior kindergarten teacher. Integration of FEMP in different educational areas Integration of formation
Profession - junior assistant teacher Project on the topic: "Profession - junior assistant teacher" Prepared by 9th grade students: Savrukhina
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF V.G. Belinsky wrote: “Education is a great thing: it decides the fate of a person.” Responsibility that
Knowledge of English gives a great advantage, opening up a lot of opportunities for a person. Therefore it is not surprising that
Tasks of education and training in the preparatory group TASKS OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN THE PREPARATORY GROUP
Calendar and thematic planning “We are researchers” senior group. 1st half of the day Morning of joyful meetings” Purpose:
Consultation for educators “Patriotic education of preschool children” On the importance of introducing a child to the culture of his people
Safety corner in kindergarten. Margarita Golovneva 03/13/2018 1 8.8k Child safety is
What is adaptation The term adaptation (lat. adaptatio) means “adaptation”. When they talk about a child's adaptation
What is social development What does the term “social development” (or “socialization”) mean? It's a process