“Plan of individual work with children of the middle group”
Consultation on environmental education “Environmental education of preschool children taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard. Forms and methods of environmental education"
CHILDHOOD-GUIDE Familiarization of preschoolers with the natural world around them is considered within the framework of the educational field “Cognitive Development”
Card index of outdoor games for middle preschool age
Card file of Outdoor games for 2nd junior group card file for physical education (junior group) on the topic
Card index outdoor games for 2nd junior group “Run to me!” (2nd junior group)
Gaming technologies as an effective teaching method in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard
Games are a great way to organize a group of people for joint activities, to motivate a person to certain
Health-saving technologies in the educational process
Health-saving technologies in the educational process Health-saving technologies in the educational process Svetlana Panfilovna Krivobokova, Teacher
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