Work experience on the topic: “Game methods and techniques in teaching children”

Work experience on the topic: “Game methods and techniques in teaching children”

The game is a mechanism of child development (FSES DO), through which the content of five educational areas is implemented: “Social and communicative development”; "Cognitive development"; “Speech development”; “Artistic and aesthetic development”; "Physical development". Play is the main activity of children, as well as a form of organizing children's activities. The specific content of play activities depends on the age and individual characteristics of children, is determined by the tasks and goals of the Program, this is reflected in the Standard of Preschool Education.

A child needs games through which he can learn. The first skills in drawing, singing, dancing, reading, counting and writing will enter the child's world of knowledge through the gates of children's play and other age-appropriate activities. Through play, cooperation, and dialogue, children get to know the world around them.

A special role in teaching and raising children is given to didactic games. They help to achieve the desired result in children’s education, acting as a unique form of educational activity.

In my work, I use didactic games that contain questions, tasks, and a call to action, for example: “Who is faster?”, “Don’t yawn!”, “Answer immediately,” “Who is more correct?” etc.

In kindergarten, much attention is paid to literacy. It is very difficult for children to master such concepts as “speech”, “sentence”, “word”, “syllable”, “letter”, “sound”. To develop the practical skill of dividing words into syllables, I conduct didactic games with children: “Finish the word”, “Tape recorder”, “Who is bigger?” I pronounce the first syllable, and the children pronounce the second (SHI-NA, MI-NA, SHUT-KA, PE-NA, SUM-KA).

In the game "Echo" children repeat the second half of the word (NEZA-BUDKA, children - BUDKA, BUDKA; BALA-LAIKA, children - LAIKA, LAIKA, etc.) or pronounce the word, cutting off the first sound (LAUGHTER - FUR, SCREEN - CRANE, DEER - LAZY, TICK - BREAM, SPIT - WASP).

When establishing the sound being studied in words, I use games: “Where is the sound hidden?”, “Which sound got lost?”, “Whose voice?”, “Living letters”, “Who is bigger?”, developing phonemic hearing, memory, attention, observation, forming the ability to consciously perform sound analysis of a word.

To help children remember letters better, I invite them to imagine what it looks like, lay it out of counting sticks, sculpt it out of plasticine, draw it, pluck it out of paper, cut it out of a double-folded piece of paper, transforming already known letters (for example, zh (beetle) is made from k , f from p, t - g), find the letter in the box of letters, and then among the others scattered or turned over on the magnetic board.

Thus, the use of games and various tasks in the educational process, the creation of a gaming situation in the classroom leads to the fact that children, unnoticed by themselves and without much stress, acquire certain knowledge, skills, and abilities. Mathematics plays a major role in mental education and the development of intelligence, which contains enormous opportunities for the development of children’s thinking. To make the process of acquiring knowledge easier, I conduct the following didactic games; “Count, don’t be mistaken”; “Who will become an astronaut”, “Mathematical fishing”, “Name the neighbors”, “What number is missing”, “Confusion”. To consolidate the composition of the number, games are played: “Settle the house”, “Fastest postman”, “Number, what is your name?”, “Make up the number”.

Competition games are very popular among children. They are very simple, but they allow you to repeat counting skills in a playful way and introduce an element of competition into classes, which further promotes the activation of mental activity and makes children be clearer, more collected, and faster. For example, I give children independent work in the form of the game “Who will reach the finish line first?” And since this is a game, the children feel free, so they begin to work with confidence and interest.

When introducing children to time, I conduct didactic games: “Alive Week”, “Name It Quickly”, “All Year Round”, “Twelve Months”, “When It Happens”.

However, the game should not be an end in itself, but should serve as a means of developing interest in the subject, therefore, when organizing it, I adhere to the following requirements:

— simplicity and precise formulation of the rules of the game;

— ease of production and use of didactic material;

- participation of all children in the game;

— fair and clear summary of its results.

In early preschool age I actively use finger games.

Physiological scientists have proven that training fingers through certain zones in the cerebral cortex has a positive effect on the mobility of the articulation organs, which makes the child’s pronunciation clearer and more correct.

In addition, finger gymnastics undoubtedly helps the child with drawing, writing, modeling, and any play and household activities.

Consequently, work on training fine movements of the fingers is stimulating for the overall development of the child, and also contributes to the prevention and overcoming of speech disorders.

I work on fine hand movements in all age groups, with gradually increasing complexity of tasks. I carry out the exercises for 1-3 minutes. in frontal classes in the form of physical education minutes, as well as during walks, games, and other routine moments.

I start finger motor skills classes with simple exercises that are accessible to most children in the group. Anyone who finds it difficult to perform the movements on their own performs the movements with their fingers together with me. Later, as a result of training, finger movements improve, and the children no longer need my help.

If there are difficulties, I help you take the necessary position, allowing you to support and guide the position of the other with your free hand. At the same time, I constantly approve and encourage the children’s actions.

In classes and in everyday activities in junior and senior preschool age, I use cooperation games.

Collaboration games are, on the one hand, a fun, methodologically simple, entertaining form of working with children, and on the other, a kaleidoscope of games that outlines a very specific pedagogical position.

In cooperative games, everyone wins and no one loses. Children play with each other rather than compete. These games eliminate the fear of failure and defeat and strengthen the child’s self-confidence.

Games without competition are intended both for working with children who do not have problems, and for those children who, due to their personal characteristics, have difficulty communicating with peers and adults.

With the help of cooperation games, I teach children to participate and help others, to care about the feelings of others.

I always remember that children play for fun. In the absence of a feeling of cheerfulness, the child will face a joyless game. Cooperative games introduce an element of fun, but eliminate the elements of defeat and rejection.

In my work I use cooperation games for children from 3 to 7 years old:

musical hugs, musical cooperation hoops, balance with inflatable balls.

In older preschool age I use games with squares.

I prepare a set of square nets for each child. I start working with children by completing tasks in a square grid of four cells. We practice the concepts: top-bottom, left-right, up-down, left-right.

Gradually, the tasks become more complicated and square grids with a large number of cells are used.

In the pre-school group, we fill in the cells with letters and form words vertically and horizontally. Children complete tasks in the “square” with great interest.

According to my observations, by the end of training, preschoolers are well oriented on a piece of paper and master spatial concepts. In addition, the children's visual memory and attention have expanded, visual analysis and synthesis have developed, which in the future will undoubtedly help them in mastering school reading and writing skills.

Role-playing game in the mathematical development of preschool children:

  • A means of deepening interest and need for mathematical knowledge.
  • Child's zone of proximal development tool.
  • Performing actions in an imaginary situation.
  • A way to encourage creativity and independence.
  • Comparison of objects according to various characteristics; comparison of groups of objects; counting skills, comparison of adjacent numbers.
  • A means of forming the simplest geometric ideas about geometric figures; the relative arrangement of objects in space, the meaning of ordinal numbers.

Game activity “Build a house”

Game activity “Butterflies”

Game activity “Clapping”

Game activity “Compare and remember”

Conclusion: For children of preschool and primary school age; the game is of the utmost importance: for them it is study, work, a serious form of education. By playing, children better assimilate program material and correctly complete complex tasks, which increases the efficiency of the pedagogical process. The teacher’s task is to make a smooth, adequate transition for children from play activities to learning activities, so that the joy of play turns into the joy of learning.

Game as a method of teaching and education in kindergarten.

Child Game

- a means of active enrichment of the individual, since it represents a free choice of various socially significant roles and positions, provides the child with activities that develop his unlimited capabilities and talents in the most appropriate use.

A game

- a type of unproductive activity, the motive of which lies in the process itself, and the goal is to obtain satisfaction for the player.

The game can be understood in different ways:

— game is a special type of human activity;

- the game is a means of influencing the players (since it is specially organized and has a specific goal);

-game - a special set of rules that require their execution;

-game is a special way of conditionally appropriating the world;

-game- as a form of pedagogical activity.

Any game can implement the entire range of the following functions:

1. emotionally developing function


2. diagnostic function

- hidden talents are revealed;

3. relaxation function

— excessive tension is reduced;

4. compensatory function

- gives a person what he lacks;

5. communicative function

- is an excellent means of communication;

6. self-realization function

- serves as a means to achieve desires and realize opportunities;

7. sociocultural function

— during the game a person masters sociocultural norms and rules of behavior;

8. therapeutic function

- Can serve as a treatment for human mental disorders.

Organizing a high-quality, useful game is a complex and painstaking process. The teacher must master this art (precisely formulate the rules, organize the space, choose the appropriate time, determine the plot of the game, select the game props and competently organize the beginning and ending) When organizing the game, he must choose one or two functions as the main goal that will be him the most important.

The role of play in education in kindergarten

When starting to organize play in kindergarten, educators rely on the already achieved level of development of the children, their inclinations, habits, abilities, and then systematically rebuild the existing interests of the children into the desired ones, increasing the requirements for them, patiently and persistently working on their spiritual growth.

It is important for kindergarten teachers to rely on the role of play in education

. But they should not equate play in a child only with entertainment. Let some games be fun entertainment, and others a favorite pastime during leisure hours. It’s good if no one is bored, everyone is busy with something, an interesting game. But not only this determines the inextricable connection between play and the entire process of education. Much depends on the methodology and technique of their organization, on the style of play, and most importantly on its quality. Only in this way can the role of play in education be realized.

The role of play in education

is that it is in games that children reveal their positive and negative qualities and the teacher gets the full opportunity to properly influence everyone together and each individual.

If the games really captivate the children, then the teacher also has at his disposal the necessary punitive measures, up to and including expelling children from the game for violating the rules or for bad behavior.

Despite the great role of play in education

it cannot be isolated, considered a mono-means, or expected to educate children through games alone.

The role of play in instilling the right attitude towards work is great. Very often it is possible to combine a game so successfully with the labor process that it will decorate the work, cultivate a constant love for it, and help to successfully master the skill.

The educational role of the game is that games teach children to live and work in a team, to take into account the interests of their comrades, to come to their rescue, to follow established rules, and to fulfill the requirements of discipline.

When planning work for the school year, educators set themselves goals and objectives through which they will develop the creative abilities of students, the physical capabilities of children, and help create a friendly children's team, i.e. make the most of the role of play in education. That is why games in all their diversity are widely used in educational work with children.

Most psychologists and teachers consider play in preschool age as an activity that determines the child’s mental development, as a leading activity, during which mental new formations arise.

Play is the most accessible type of activity for children; it is a way of processing impressions and knowledge received from the surrounding world. Already in early childhood, a child has the greatest opportunity in play, and not in any other activity, to be independent, to communicate with peers at his own discretion, to choose toys and use different objects, to overcome certain difficulties logically related to the plot of the game, its rules.

The goal of play therapy is not to change the child or remake him, not to teach him any special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity to “live” situations that excite him in the game with the full attention and empathy of an adult.

Using gaming technologies in the educational process, an adult needs to have empathy, goodwill, be able to provide emotional support, create a joyful environment, encourage any invention and fantasy of the child. Only in this case will the game be useful for the development of the child and the creation of a positive atmosphere of cooperation with adults.

At first they are used as separate game moments. Game moments are very important in the pedagogical process, especially during the period of adaptation of children in a child care institution. Starting from two to three years old, their main task is the formation of emotional contact, children’s trust in the teacher, the ability to see in the teacher a kind person, always ready to help (like a mother), an interesting partner in the game. The first play situations should be frontal, so that no child feels deprived of attention. These are games like “Round Dance”, “Catch-Up” and “Blowing Soap Bubbles”.

In the future, an important feature of gaming technologies that educators use in their work is that gaming moments penetrate into all types of children’s activities: work and play, educational activities and play, everyday household activities related to the implementation of the regime and play.

Role-playing game

- one of the creative games. In role-playing games, children take on certain functions of adults and, in playful, imaginary conditions specially created by them, reproduce (or model) the activities of adults and the relationships between them. In such a game, all the mental qualities and personality traits of the child are most intensively formed.

Children's independence in role-playing games is one of its characteristic features. Children themselves determine the theme of the game, determine the lines of its development, decide how they will reveal the roles, where the game will unfold. Uniting in a role-playing game, children choose partners of their own free will, set the game rules themselves, monitor implementation, and regulate relationships. But the most important thing in the game is the child embodying his view, his ideas, his attitude towards the event that he is acting out.

The main component of a role-playing game is the plot, which is the child’s reflection of certain actions, events, relationships from the life and activities of others. At the same time, his game actions (cooking dinner, turning the steering wheel of a car, etc.) are one of the main means of realizing the plot.

The plots of the games are varied. They are conventionally divided into:

1. Household (family games, kindergarten)

2. Production, reflecting the professional work of people (hospital, store, hairdresser)

3. Public (Birthday, library, school, flight to the moon)

The content of the role-playing game is embodied by the child through the role he takes on. A role is a means of realizing the plot and the main component of a role-playing game.

Directing play is a type of creative play. It is close to the role-playing game, but differs from it in that the characters in it are not other people (adults or peers, but toys depicting various characters. The child himself gives roles to these toys, as if animating them, he himself speaks for them different voices and he himself acts for them. Dolls, teddy bears, bunnies or soldiers become the protagonists of the child’s game, and he himself acts as a director, managing and directing the actions of his “actors”, which is why such a game is called directorial.

The integrated use of gaming technologies for different purposes helps prepare a child for school. From the point of view of the formation of motivational and emotional-volitional readiness for school, each play situation of communication between a preschooler and adults, with other children is for the child a “school of cooperation”, in which he learns to both rejoice in the success of a peer and calmly endure his own failures; regulate their behavior in accordance with social requirements, and equally successfully organize subgroup and group forms of cooperation. The problems of developing intellectual readiness for school are solved by games aimed at developing mental processes, as well as special games that develop elementary mathematical concepts in a child, introduce him to the sound analysis of words, and prepare his hand for mastering writing.

Thus, gaming technologies are closely related to all aspects of the educational work of a kindergarten and the solution of its main tasks. However, there is an aspect of their use that is aimed at improving the quality of the pedagogical process by solving situational problems that arise during its implementation. Thanks to this, gaming technologies turn out to be one of the mechanisms for regulating the quality of education in kindergarten: they can be used to level out negative factors that influence the decrease in its effectiveness. If children are systematically engaged in play therapy, they acquire the ability to manage their behavior, tolerate prohibitions more easily, become more flexible in communication and less shy, cooperate more easily, express anger more “decently,” and get rid of fear. Their play activities begin to be dominated by role-playing games depicting people’s relationships. Folk games with dolls, nursery rhymes, round dances, and joke games are used as one of the effective types of game therapy. Using folk games in the pedagogical process, educators not only implement the educational and developmental functions of gaming technologies, but also various educational functions: they simultaneously introduce students to folk culture. This is an important area of ​​the regional component of the kindergarten educational program, which is still insufficiently developed.

In theatrical games

(dramatization games) the actors are the children themselves, who take on the roles of literary or fairy-tale characters. Children do not invent the script and plot of such a game themselves, but borrow it from fairy tales, stories, films or plays. The task of such a game is to, without deviating from the well-known plot, reproduce the role of the character assumed as accurately as possible. The heroes of literary works become characters, and their adventures, life events, and changes by children’s imagination become the plot of the game.

The peculiarity of theatrical games is that they have a ready-made plot, which means the child’s activity is largely predetermined by the text of the work. Theatrical play is a rich field for children's creativity. Creative role-playing in a theatrical play is significantly different from creativity in a role-playing game. In role-playing games, the child is free to convey the image of role-playing behavior. In a theatrical play, the image of the hero, his main features, actions, and experiences are determined by the content of the work. The child's creativity is manifested in the truthful portrayal of the character. To implement it, the child must understand what the character is like, why he acts this way, and imagine his state and feelings. To play the role, the child must master a variety of visual means (facial expressions, body movements, gestures, expressive and intonation speech). Theatrical and play activities enrich children in general with new impressions, knowledge, skills, develop interest in literature and theater, form dialogical, emotionally rich speech, activate the vocabulary, and contribute to the moral and aesthetic education of each child.

Thus, the phenomenon of play should be treated as a unique phenomenon of childhood. Play is not only an imitation of life, it is a very serious activity that allows a child to assert himself and realize himself. By participating in various games, the child chooses characters that are closest to him and correspond to his moral values ​​and social attitudes. The game becomes a factor in the social development of the individual


So, play occupies an important place in the organization of children’s lives. Games are repeated daily, and on “their shoulders”, in favorable conditions, the children’s team grows and strengthens, with its inherent diversity of interests, the joy of communication, and social life skills. The games clearly show the level of social education, moral qualities, social behavior skills of children, and the level of their interests.

The process of play in preschoolers requires the involvement of the teacher, but with different goals, at different levels of development of relations between children. When a teacher enters the center of a child’s life - the circle of relationships that develop between children, then it is easy for him to navigate the organization of the game. From this follows the conclusion that it is necessary to master the skill of managing the game to such an extent that you are ready at any moment to show the children the game, play it with them, evaluate their achievements in mastering the rules and the still small but still existing technique of the game. For a child, mastering a new game means gaining new experiences. When the children master the game, then we will say: “Now you already know how to play yourself.” The more contact he has with children, the more often an adult acts as a connoisseur and advisor. The assessment should be made in a friendly manner, avoiding the tone of instruction or order.

We take the game as the life of children with all the contradictions, feelings, experiences, actions it contains, in general, with manifestations of an integral human personality. If for a child play is true life, then by organizing this life well and wisely we get great opportunities in raising children.


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Interactive gaming methods used in teaching activities

 This article discusses various integrative gaming methods that are used in preschool educational institutions. The most suitable game methods for working with preschoolers are analyzed and highlighted, and examples are given. It has been shown that through the introduction of gaming technologies, it is possible to increase the level of assimilation of knowledge and skills of students, as well as stimulate the development of creativity.

Key words : interactive technologies, gaming methods.

The modern education system is focused on developing children's curiosity, imagination, cognitive activity, and independent thinking. The period of active development of cognitive activity is preschool age. At this time, the formation of the first forms of abstraction, simple inferences and generalization occurs, and the child also moves from practical to logical thinking, the development of arbitrariness of perception, memory, imagination, and attention.

The possibility of using interactive methods in the pedagogical process makes it possible to reconstruct educational activities: this is a transition from habitual activities with preschoolers to cognitive play activities organized by adults, and at later stages - independent ones.

There are a large number of interactive methods and technologies. What is interactive learning technology? Self-determination is associated with the concept of “interactive”. Interactivity means the ability to interact or be in a conversation mode, dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or someone (a person).

The following interactive methods are most often used in the educational activities of kindergartens: “Cluster”, “Work in pairs”, “Microphone”, “Round Dance”, “Foresight”, “Sinkwine”, “Carousel”, “Discussions”, “Tree of Knowledge” and many others.

Method "Work in pairs". When using this method, children learn to interact with each other, pairing up at will and completing the proposed task. Working in pairs, children improve their ability to negotiate, consistently, and perform work together. Examples of pair work:

- children take turns describing the picture,

- collect puzzles or cut-out pictures,

— Game “Show the color - name the object” - children select nouns for the adjective denoting color. For example:

Red – tomato, ball, nose

Green – grasshopper, grass, leaf

Blue - cube, sea, umbrella

Yellow - lemon, sun, banana

“Microphone” is a method where the teacher and children form a circle, then pass a toy microphone to each other and express their thoughts on a given topic.

For example, a child takes the microphone, makes up a few sentences about his favorite toy (pet, dream, hobby), then passes the microphone to another child. All children's answers are not discussed, but accepted and approved.

“Foresight” is a method of working with children, during which it is proposed to “predict” possible solutions to a problem.

For example:

— Your parents got on the bus, and you stayed at the stop. Your actions? Explain why you will do this and not otherwise?

— Fire in the apartment. What will you do? Why?

- You see someone drowning. What will you do?

“Sinquain (Sinquain, translated means “poem of five lines”). This is not a simple poem, but a poem written according to the following rules:

Line 1 - one noun expressing the main theme of the cinquain.

Line 2 - two adjectives expressing the main idea.

Line 3 - three verbs describing actions within the topic.

Line 4 is a phrase that carries a certain meaning, with the help of which you need to express your attitude to the topic.

Line 5 - conclusion in the form of a noun (association with the first word)

An example of the use of this method in preschool educational institutions is presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Sinkwine “About the Hare”

Line 1: name, in one word, an object or phenomenon.

Line 2: describe what this item is.

Line 3: name three actions of this item.

4th line: did you like this item?

Line 5: how can you call this item differently?


Gray, long-eared

Jumping, gnawing, trembling

I like the fluffy bunny.


“Discussion” is a method where the whole team discusses some complex issue. All children take an active part in the discussion.

At the end of the discussion, the team comes to a consensus on solving the problem. The question should be asked in such a way that there is an opportunity to express different views regarding the problem being raised.

Children learn to express their own opinions: “I think...”, “I believe...”, “In my opinion...”, “I agree, but...”, “I disagree because...”.

For example, children are asked to discuss the following topics:

“How to cheer up a friend?”

“Is it possible to do without a phone?”

“Is a book necessary in our time?” etc.

When using the “Round Dance” method, the teacher, with the help of an object, teaches children to complete a task one by one, thereby developing in them such qualities as the ability to listen to answers and not interrupt each other. The Round Dance method promotes the formation of initial skills of voluntary behavior in preschool children.

For example, “Name the properties of an object,” children are asked to take turns touching an object and tell what it is.

- Let's say a ball - the children take turns talking about it (round, red, rubber, big, etc.).

- “Name the parts of the object”

- “Name the action of the object”

To carry out the “Decision Tree” method, a tree is drawn on whatman paper - this is a posed problem that has an ambiguous solution, and the leaves on the trees are solutions. This method consists of dividing children into teams with the same number of children. Each team discusses the question posed and makes notes, sketches, or posts pictures on their decision tree. After completing the tasks, all solutions are discussed, each team proves its idea. For example, children are asked the question: “What does a tree need to find friends for it?” Children draw flowers on the leaves to make it attractive to bees and butterflies, another team sticks pictures of fruits so that people will come to it, the next team depicts nests to lure birds, the fourth team creates an impromptu hollow for a squirrel, etc.

“Cluster” translated from English means a bunch, a brush. A cluster is a method that helps you think freely and openly about a topic. The main concept is located in the center; large semantic units are designated on the sides, connected to the central concept by straight lines. (Picture 1.)

Fig.1. Cluster "Animals"

These can be words, phrases, pictures related to this topic. First, a picture depicting a key subject is hung on the board, children express their thoughts, all their knowledge on a given topic. Then, throughout the entire educational process, children structure the educational material and systematize the knowledge gained, selecting words or pictures related to the key subject. This method can be used in almost all classes when studying a variety of topics.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the use of interactive methods is a universal didactic approach to organizing the learning process. The advantage is that almost all children are involved in the process of cognition, they have the opportunity to understand and apply previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities and speak out about what they think and consider important.

The use of interactive methods can effectively replenish children's knowledge about the world around them, instill skills in relationships with adults and peers, instill in children a sense of self-esteem, and feel a sense of creative freedom. The main thing is that the teacher clearly sets the learning goal and the corresponding pedagogical results, which characterize the cognitive orientation.


1. Vinogradova N. A., Miklyaeva N. V. Interactive subject-developmental and gaming environment of kindergarten” Textbook M., 2011.- 208 pp.; ISBN: 978–5-98594–307–8

2. Innovative activities in preschool educational institutions: software and methodological support / I. Urmina, T. Danilina. - Moscow: Linka-Press, 2009. - 306 p.; ISBN 978–5-8252–0070–5

3. Interactive pedagogy in kindergarten. Methodical manual / Ed. N.V. Miklyaeva. - M.: TC Sfera, 2012. - 128 p. (Library of the journal "Preschool Education Management".) ISBN: 9785994906545

4. Kasatkina E.I. Game technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions. // Management of preschool educational institutions. — 2012. — No. 5

5. Khabarova T.V. Pedagogical technologies in preschool education. - St. Petersburg: “Childhood-press”, 2012.- 80 p.; ISBN: 978–5-8981–4553–8

Methods and techniques of pedagogical support for play activities of preschool children

Report on the topic: Methods and techniques of pedagogical support for the play activities of preschool children.

The work was completed by: Educator - Tarkhova Irina Alekseevna, MBDOU kindergarten No. 64 “Golden Key”.

Methods and techniques of pedagogical support for the play activities of preschool children.

Play is a free activity, and its developmental effect becomes maximum when it is an independent child activity. It turns out that the nature of children's play conflicts with the established approach of “leading the game.” The transition from the strategy of pedagogical guidance of the game to the strategy of pedagogical support helps to resolve this contradiction.

Pedagogical support for children’s play activities is carried out in the following areas:

•​ Creation of an object-game environment.

•​ Organization of situations of playful interaction between the teacher and children, in which the teacher conveys playful methods of action to the children.

•​ Creating problem-game situations (posing a new game task for children, the solution of which is based on existing experience). Problem-game situations are created through an object-game environment and through playful communication between the teacher and the child.

•​ The teacher’s participation in children’s games, based on the partnership between the teacher and the child.

The leading idea of ​​pedagogical support for children’s games is to help the child master the conventions of play actions. This determines the tasks of the work aimed at children mastering the game as a special type of activity that requires the following skills:

- include in the game actions with toys and other objects and actions without objects - “figurative” (for example, “eat” a non-existent candy);

- replace well-known objective actions in the game with actions with substitute objects, and then with words;

- convey actions characteristic of the character (“mother”, “doctor”, etc.), and the relationships of the characters (“mother” speaks affectionately to her “daughter”);

- “animate” the toy, attribute desires and emotional states to it;

- verbally explain game actions, substitute objects and imaginary objects (“I feed”, “This is my spoon”);

- in the first half of the year, accept from the teacher the verbally indicated idea of ​​​​the game (“We will now go to the dacha”); by the end of the year, designate the simplest idea yourself;

- in the first half of the year, with the help of the teacher, by the end of the year independently enter into a short dialogue with the toy;

- independently develop semantic chains of 2-3 game actions, continue the meaningful action started by an adult partner;

— interact with a peer based on the exchange of objective actions.

In the process of personality formation, the game will be able to stimulate:

  • awareness of one’s own growth, advancement in knowledge of the world;
  • the joy of mastering more advanced methods of activity;
  • pleasure from the process of cognitive activity;
  • self-esteem;
  • pride in a comrade's success.

Teachers begin to turn to gaming pedagogical technologies during the period of education and training of preschoolers. The program of play activities for a preschooler is built from a set of educational games, which, with all their diversity, are based on the general idea of ​​​​connecting construction, labor and technical games with the child’s intelligence and have characteristic features.

1. psychophysiological justification: the child masters role-playing play, gets acquainted with human relationships, begins to distinguish between the internal and external aspects of phenomena, the child actively develops imagination and the symbolic function of consciousness, which allow him to transfer the properties of some things to others, orientation in his own feelings and skills of their cultural expression are formed - all this allows the child to be involved in collective activities and communication.

2.​ pedagogical principle: it was possible to combine one of the basic principles of learning “from simple to complex” with the very important principle of creative activity “independently according to ability.”

3.​ solving pedagogical problems: in educational games the following pedagogical tasks are achieved:

4.​ development of a child’s creative abilities from a very early age;

5.​ gaming tasks-steps influence the advanced development of the child’s abilities (according to L.S. Vygotsky, the zone of proximal development is involved);

6. The child’s activities are accompanied by an atmosphere of free, joyful creativity;

7. The child’s activities are accompanied by a situation of success.

The gameplay should flow naturally, children should not have the feeling that they are being “taught”

Features of pedagogical support for children’s play activities:

  • is that, interacting with children, the teacher flexibly changes his position depending on the degree of manifestation of independence and creativity, and actively cooperates with them.
  • Accompanying interaction helps the child actualize the gaming experience as a result of playing together with the teacher, and apply it in various situations that arise outside the boundaries of the gaming activity specially organized by the teacher.

Pedagogical support for gaming activities involves

  • Regular diagnostics of play activity and recording of its results when interacting with children in play.
  • The presence of a playing position that combines direct and indirect methods of interaction.
  • Selection of game content based on the interests of modern preschoolers.
  • The teacher’s orientation towards the individual creative manifestations of children in play and their further development.
  • Creation of a modern subject-game environment.
  • The teacher needs to develop the ability to be a player, i.e. have your own playing position.

The teacher’s playing position includes:

​ The teacher’s pronounced interest in children’s games;

​ Ability:

​ see the real situation from the outside and identify gaming opportunities in it;

 establish trusting relationships with others;

 feel the game states of other people;

​ Creativity as the ability to find non-standard ways to achieve a goal.

A modern approach to organizing creative games for preschoolers

​ Requires flexible leadership tactics, where the teacher’s position is constantly changing:

​ The teacher is a partner, a bearer of gaming skills and skills of organized communication in the game.

​ The teacher is the coordinator of children’s play plans and communication.

​ A teacher is an observer of children’s games and a consultant in case of difficulties.

Planning a game with your children

​ Supports spontaneous play, enriches and provides play time and space

​ Preparation together with the teacher of the attributes of the game

​ Having taken on the role, the adult indirectly controls the game, leading children out of conflict situations and warning them, unobtrusively using their knowledge to maintain a positive attitude towards the game and partners

Methods and techniques for developing communication among preschool children in play activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education

 The article discusses games in the pedagogical process. The work presents techniques and methods for managing communicative games. The purpose of the games is to develop communication skills in children, create an opportunity for self-expression, teach them to regulate their behavior in a group, and for shy and introverted children to overcome barriers to communication, in a word, to create easy communication.

Key words: child, game, play activity, adult, friend, toy.

Play is the main activity of preschool age. It is not for nothing that they call her “the leader” - it is thanks to the game that the child comprehends the surrounding world of objects and people, and “grows” into the community of adults. The child must master this activity and get enough of it, so that by school age he no longer confuses educational motivation with gaming motivation, distinguishes when it is necessary to fulfill requirements, and when only to imitate their understanding.

After mastering an objective action, the child learns to play. A preschooler's play goes through several stages.

The first is a role-playing game, when a child simply likens himself to someone, calling him mom, dad, bear, hare, Baba Yaga, etc.

The second is a plot game, in which he plays out stories that have a beginning, development and end, stories that may not end one day and continue the next.

And finally, the third stage is playing with rules, when the child not only acts according to the logic of the plot, but is able to develop and accept a system of restrictions (norms and rules) that apply to everyone.

The first two stages help to reveal the child’s creative potential, his artistry, and spontaneity. The latter serves productive and easy communication for the child and his socialization.

The tendency to play activities is not inherent in all people and depends on the characteristics of temperament. Children who are shy and overly inhibited sometimes prefer intellectual activities, sports or computer games. But this is an inadequate replacement. How to accustom them to traditional games?

First, start playing with the child yourself. Remember and tell how you, your parents played, and what games exist.

Secondly, come up with or invite an intermediary - a doll, a neighbor's child, or the child's brother or sister who willingly takes part in the game. Just make sure that this intermediary does not turn out to be overly active and does not “kill” your baby.

Thirdly, at the same time encourage all possible manifestations of initiative and imagination in the child - let him come up with new words, images, associations, new games and new roles. If he is shy and does not have the proper artistry, let him be a director or critic.

Theatrical performances that combine elements of puppet theater or mask shows are very useful - for shy children, the fact that no one sees their faces or recognizes them is of particular importance. You can first give the child one of the minor roles or be in the crowd so that he feels merged with the social background and does not stand out among other people. Carnival performances are also useful. However, keep in mind that none of these events can be arranged against the child’s wishes and it is very important to ensure that he is comfortable - if he becomes overwhelmed by more active participants, a possible holiday can easily turn into psychological trauma. In general, the ability to play is not just an age-related skill: it is an element of a life philosophy that makes a person’s life easier and more joyful.

Does your child lack communication skills? Play one of these games from child psychologists with him and they will succeed.

Most of these games require multiple players. If the child is withdrawn, then he needs to be one of many, follow the instructions of the leader. This removes the fear of communication.

The purpose of such games is to develop communication skills in children, create an opportunity for self-expression, teach them to regulate their behavior in a group, and for shy and reserved children to overcome barriers to communication, in a word, to create easy communication.

Let's get acquainted!

Children with a teacher (leader) stand in a circle, the teacher holds the ball, then he says his name and the name of the person to whom he throws the ball. The named child must catch the ball, say his name and the name of the person to whom he will throw the ball, etc.

This game helps children get to know each other and also engage shy children in communication.


One child stands with his back to everyone else, he is lost in the forest. One of the children shouts to him: “Ay!” - and the “lost” person must guess who called him.

This game is good to use in the process of introducing children to each other. It is easier for a child with his back to everyone else to overcome communication barriers and overcome anxiety when meeting others.

If “Yes” - clap, if “No” - stomp.

The adult names the proposals, and the children must evaluate them and show their attitude by clapping their hands if they agree, or stomping their feet if the statement is incorrect.

“Roma visited his grandmother and was so happy that he was offended by her.”

“Sasha took Petya’s toy and beat him, Petya quarreled with him.”

“Lena really likes Seryozha, that’s why she beat him.”

“Maxim gave Dasha candy, and she was very happy.”

“Seryozha saw that Maxim gave Dasha candy, he was offended that he himself did not do this and therefore quarreled with Maxim.”

Situations can be selected from the immediate lives of children. There will probably be a lot of them.

This game helps develop children's communication skills, as well as the development of auditory attention.


Children choose a leader, and then, imagining that they are adults, take turns standing on a chair and answering the questions that the leader will ask them. The presenter asks the child to introduce himself by name and patronymic, talk about where and who he works for, whether he has children, what hobbies he has, etc.

At the first stages of the game, children often find it difficult to select questions. In this case, the adult takes on the role of leader, offering the children a sample dialogue. Questions can concern anything, but you must remember that the conversation must be “adult”.

Let's talk

An adult and a child (or children) play. The adult begins the game with the words: “Let's talk. I would like to become... (fireman, wolf, little). How do you think why?". The child makes a proposal and a conversation ensues. In the end, you can ask what the child would like to become, but you cannot judge his desire and you cannot insist on an answer if he does not want to admit for some reason.

Important! In the game, the adult should be on the same level as the child, and in case of difficulties, below him.

Tiger Hunt

Children stand in a circle, the driver turns to the wall and loudly counts to 10. While the driver is counting, the children pass each other a toy (a small tiger). When the leader finishes counting, the child who has the toy covers the tiger with his palms and stretches his arms forward. The rest of the children do exactly the same. The driver must find the tiger. If he guessed right, then the one who had the toy becomes the driver.


Children stand in a circle and place toys in the center. The presenter says: “touch... (eye, wheel, right leg, tail, etc.).” Those who haven’t found the required item drive.

There should be fewer toys than children.

This game promotes the development of communication skills, the ability to ask, as well as the removal of bodily tensions.


An unfolded newspaper is placed on the floor, on which four children stand. Then the newspaper is folded in half, all children must stand on it again. The newspaper is folded until one of the participants can stand on the newspaper.

During the game, children must understand that to win they need to hug - then the distance between them will be reduced as much as possible.

Wish come true

Children are divided into pairs, one of them leads. Touching his partner, he asks him: “How can I help you? What can I do for you?". He answers: “Sing (dance, tell something funny, jump rope,” or suggests doing something good later (the time and place are agreed upon)).

This game teaches preschoolers empathy, the ability to understand the feelings of another, to sympathize with him.

Finish the sentence

The child must complete each of the phrases you suggest: “I can…”, “I want...”, “I can...”, “I will achieve...”.

The game is aimed at increasing self-confidence and self-confidence.


Everyone stands in a circle - this is a saucepan. Now we will prepare soup (compote, salad). Everyone comes up with what it will be (cabbage, potatoes, salt, etc.). The presenter shouts out in turn what he wants to put in the pan. The one who recognizes himself jumps into the middle of the circle, the next one, after jumping, takes the hands of the previous one. The game continues until all the “components” are in the middle of the circle. The result is a beautiful dish.


Sitting in a circle, everyone joins hands. Looking into your neighbor's eyes, you need to say a few kind words to him, praise him for something. The receiver nods and says “Thank you.” Then he gives a compliment to his neighbor (the game goes in a circle). If the child finds it difficult to answer, he can say some “sweet” or “flowery” word. Help the children.

This game teaches children to see the good in people and treat each other kindly.


Ask the children to pretend they are in a mirror store. One half of the children are mirrors, the other are different animals. The little animals walk between the mirrors, jump, make faces, and the mirrors must accurately reflect their movements and facial expressions.


To play you need mittens cut out of paper. The number of pairs must correspond to the number of pairs of children. Place mittens with the same (but not painted) patterns in different places in the room. Children must find their pair, and using three pencils of different colors, color the same mittens as quickly as possible. Observe how couples organize their work together, how they share pencils, and how they negotiate with each other. The winners are congratulated.

The dragon bites its tail

Children stand in a line, holding each other's shoulders. The first participant is the “head”, the last one is the “tail” of the dragon. The “head” should reach out to the “tail” and touch it. The dragon’s “body” should not be torn apart.


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Game methods of teaching preschoolers

Valentina Savkina

Game methods of teaching preschoolers

Game methods of teaching preschoolers.

Play is a natural way for young children to learn .

Considering the problem of the relationship between play and learning , A.V. Zaporozhets noted that play cannot be opposed to learning , but it is necessary to find out how learning and how it affects the development of children’s abilities. He pointed out that learning at different age stages has its own characteristics, this can be manipulation with objects, play and special educational activities. In his opinion, play continues learning in a broad sense .

Currently, in preschool institutions, two problems can be identified due to the use of games in the classroom:

the first problem is a significant reduction in the use of games and game techniques even in teaching children 3-5 years old ,

the second problem is the inability of some teachers to generally use the game method in teaching .

An analysis of the practice of preschool institutions allows us to highlight the following contradiction: between the possibility of more effectively presenting knowledge to preschoolers using gaming technologies and the inability of teachers to use the maximum possibilities of the game for teaching and educating modern preschoolers .

The game acts as an active learning method .

The concept of game pedagogical technologies”

includes a fairly extensive group
of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games. Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined learning and a corresponding pedagogical result. The results of the game appear in a dual sense - as a game and as an educational and cognitive result.
The relationship between play and learning is carried out by creating an imaginary (conditional)

situations. Different types of games are set by different imaginary situations: director's game - by semantically combining
objects ; a role-playing game requires at least two associated roles; game with rules - occurs when rules are followed. All types of games are important
in learning Most games have four main features:

1. The game brings the child pleasure primarily from its process, and not just from the result.

2. The creative and improvisational nature of this activity.

3. Emotional intensity of gaming activity , rivalry, competition, competitiveness.

4. The presence of direct and indirect rules that reflect the content of the game, the logical and temporal sequence of its development.

In teaching children, play is organized by adults. The game method of teaching preschoolers requires the teacher to be able to specifically develop educational and game dialogues .

All elements of game-based learning situations : plot, role-playing behavior and game actions of the teacher and children have a didactic beginning and are aimed at fulfilling the objectives of the lesson. As part of the game, children gain new knowledge and perform research activities.

Game characters (Little Red Riding Hood, etc.)

are included by the teacher in
educational and game communication not for entertainment, but as a condition that ensures the fulfillment of didactic tasks, creates positive cognitive motivation and maintains it throughout the entire lesson. Game characters do not just come to visit children, but turn to them with their problems; they need the help and knowledge of children. The problem situation posed by the character changes the child’s position from a learner to a teacher .
Changing positions activates children's intellectual activity and enhances cognitive motivation. Play as a form of organization and method of teaching preschool children forms an interested attitude of children to the lesson material, creates a positive emotional background and the opportunity for each child to demonstrate their abilities. Helps him feel his own capabilities and gain self-confidence. on the game as a teaching method : creation of a game plot that motivates children for gaming goals ; the involvement of each participant in the game; providing game participants with the opportunity for independent active action;

game tasks should be complex, but accessible to children;

the ways and means of achieving goals must be varied.

When using the game method of teaching preschoolers, the following difficulties may arise: children can get carried away by the game and easily move from goal to motive, in this case the game loses its educational content and turns only into entertainment.

In teaching preschoolers, a rational combination of play and non-play methods .

The place and role of gaming technology in the educational process largely depend on the teacher’s understanding of the functions of the game. The most important function is educational . It ensures the assimilation of knowledge and skills and the development of intellectual functions (memory, thinking, attention, imagination)


The motivational function helps create a favorable atmosphere in the classroom and turns the lesson into an exciting adventure.

The communicative function unites children, promotes the establishment of emotional contacts, and develops communication skills.

The diagnostic function identifies problems in the development of children, allows the teacher to study the characteristics of the child’s personality in a relaxed manner

The relaxation function relieves tension during intensive training .

The correctional function makes positive changes in the child’s personality structure.

preschool children is play. Children live and express themselves through games. Therefore, the main form of classes should be a game in which children learn new skills and relationships with other children. for a preschooler to learn through play. D. B. Elkonin identified four lines of influence of play on a child’s mental development: the motivational-need sphere develops; cognitive and emotional egocentrism is overcome; arbitrariness of behavior develops; mental actions develop.

Game-based learning technology supports and strengthens the physical and mental health of children. Therefore, an important professional task is for preschool teachers to master gaming technologies for teaching children .

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