Summary of a drawing lesson on the topic: Motherland. Preparatory group

Summary of a drawing lesson on the topic: Motherland. Preparatory group

Summary of plot drawing on the theme of the quest - travel “Native Country” in the preparatory group
Goal : to educate children with moral and patriotic feelings for the region where they live, for their small Motherland. Objectives: Educational:
- to consolidate students’ ideas about their native land, about the big and small homeland, that for every person the small homeland is the place where he was born, where he lives;
- develop the ability to construct sentences correctly, pay attention to the use of pronouns: mine, mine, ours; — teach children to convey the characteristic features of nature in drawings, reflect their impressions, and consolidate compositional skills. Developmental:
- develop a sense of responsibility and pride for the achievements of the country, native land;
- develop aesthetic and emotional feelings when perceiving artistic words, phonetic perception, logical thinking, imagination, memory, speech with movement; - develop speech as a means of communication, the ability to maintain a casual conversation, answering the teacher’s questions; activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic, introduce the words “small Motherland”, “big Motherland”, names of cities into the passive dictionary; -to develop students’ attention, imagination, and horizons. Educational:
- to cultivate patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland, for the region, for nature;
a feeling of kindness, belonging and empathy for everything living and beautiful that surrounds us through a friendly attitude towards peers, a willingness to communicate. Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, socio-communicative development, speech development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development. Types of activities : gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, motor, artistic and aesthetic; use of the game situation throughout the entire joint activity. Vocabulary work: Donbass, Donetsk People's Republic, symbols, minerals Individual work: Helping students who have difficulty choosing and describing the sign of a mineral, clarifying and formulating an answer to the question posed. Methods and techniques: visual, verbal, game, reflection, encouragement, logical reasoning, vocabulary activation, question-answer, conversation. Venue: group room. Preliminary work: - conversations: “Our Motherland Donetsk Region”, “Symbols of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the city of Donetsk”; - reading fiction (A. A. Mytarev, L. M. Savelyeva “Our Native Land”, poems about Donbass, Donetsk); - examining illustrations, maps, learning poems about their native land, didactic games, puzzles, excursions; - creation of educational activities in the group - a game situation, group work, conversation, story, reading poems. - dynamic exercises - speech with movement. -listening to music. Technical means: Music center.
Progress of the lesson
Educator : Guys, look what a wonderful day it is today, the sun is smiling at us, let’s share our good mood with everyone and say hello to our native land and guests. Hello golden sun! Hello blue sky! Hello free breeze! Hello little oak tree! We live in our native land! We welcome you all! Show me your palms, and now rub them together. What do you feel? Now let's put our palms together and transfer warmth to each other. You are very friendly and affectionate guys, and only such people live in our city. Educator: What do we call Motherland? The house where you and I live And the birches along the road along which we walk What do we call Motherland? The sun in the blue sky and fragrant, golden Bread at the festive table. What do we call Motherland? The land where you and I live. Educator: Guys, what are we going to talk about today? That's right, we will talk about the Motherland. — Guys, what is “small Motherland”? (city, house where we live) Educator: That's right, well done, our small Motherland is our city, where we were born, live and grow, where our relatives live: mom, dad, brothers and sisters, our kindergarten. Educator : Guys, what is the “big Motherland”? Children : The Big Motherland is our Donetsk region. To the music (“The dark mounds are sleeping”) the Dwarf Shakhtarik enters. Gnome : Hello, dear guys! You recognized me? I am a dwarf Shakhtarik. Where do you think I live? (answers). It’s true that I live underground, but sometimes I go to the surface to see how people live. I want to know more about your region and the city in which you live. I have prepared a gift for you - this is a chest. But I don’t give anything to anyone just like that; I suggest you go on a quest trip. You need to pass several tests and then you will receive the key, open the chest and find my gift. (The Shakhtarik Gnome gives the box and leaves). Low mobility game “Catch the ball, don’t yawn, answer the questions” Blitz poll: - What is the name of our young republic? - Name the head of the republic? (Pushilin Denis Vladimirovich) - Name the city in which you live? — What was the name of your city before? — What are state symbols? (coat of arms, flag, anthem) - What is depicted on the coat of arms of the DPR? (a white double-headed eagle, on whose chest a white figure of St. Archangel Michael is depicted in a red shield.) - What are the colors on the DPR flag and what do they mean? (The black color symbolizes the fertile land of New Russia and the coal of Donbass. The blue color symbolizes the spirit of the people and the waters of the Azov Sea. The red color symbolizes the blood shed for the freedom of the people.) - Which river flows? — Where does the Kalmius River flow? Educator: Well done guys, get the first clue (gives a rose). What does this mean guys? What does rose mean? (rose symbol of Donetsk). I suggest you collect a “Bouquet of Beautiful Words” from roses. Each of you says one beautiful word about our city and puts a rose in a vase (modern, hardworking, charismatic, fragrant, dear, beloved, hospitable, warm, kind, green, etc.) Educator: This is what a beautiful bouquet we are collected. Well done, you passed the test and for this you get a second hint. Look what I found in the box - a treasure. (shows a piece of coal). Our region contains many real treasures. Tell me, what are these treasures and what are they for? (Children's answers). Didactic game “Minerals” Educator: What a great fellow you are, guys. How much do you know about our region? Before starting the next test, I suggest you take a little rest. Physical exercise “Motherland” In the morning we get up early, (raise your arms up and lower them to the sides) We see the city outside the window. (point with hands to the window) He woke up, he is alive, (hands on his belt, springs in both directions) He is calling us to the street. (walking in place) Houses are different: High and low, (raise your arms up and lower them) Distant and close, (extend your arms and bring them closer to you) Wooden, panel, brick, (move with one hand, as if counting) It seems ordinary. (spread hands) We live, we grow in our native city. (gradually rise on your toes with your arms raised and take the position.) For someone - small - (show a small object with your hands) But for us - huge. (raise your arms up and lower them to your sides). Educator: Have a rest! Here's the next hint. (Shows a model of a waste heap). What is this? Children: waste heaps. Educator : Probably, the Gnome wants us to talk about the sights of our city. Children : (Circus, water park, Shcherbakov Park, theaters, museums, railway station, Krupskaya library) Educator : Well done, we completed the task. Oh, look - I found the key to the chest (they open the chest and find paints and a brush). Probably, the Gnome wants us to draw our city, because he doesn’t have a camera to take a picture. Educator : Before completing this task, what should you visit to see how modern artists depict our city? Children: we must visit the art museum. Educator : Let's go there as soon as possible. (children approach the paintings and look at them). You can depict some of your favorite places in the city, where you like to go with your parents. Educator: Artists use different materials and drawing techniques to paint pictures. Today we will also use unconventional techniques - painting on glass, poking and painting with lush colors. Take your seats and get to work. (Children sit at the tables and begin to draw) Educator: Guys, you need to rest a little. Where is the best place to relax? Children: outdoors, in the botanical garden. Educator: Let's go with you to the botanical garden. (children sit in a clearing) Relaxation “In a forest clearing” Educator: Now, imagine that you are in a forest clearing. You are sitting on soft fragrant grass. Beautiful, fragrant flowers grow around you, and bees buzz above them and beautiful butterflies fly. Let's breathe in the scent of flowers. (The students, together with the teacher, perform a breathing exercise: they take a calm breath through the nose, hold their breath and exhale for a long time, saying “Ah - ah!”) Educator : We rested a little and now we return to our work. (At the end of the lesson, the children tell what they drew.) Educator : You turned out to be very beautiful works. The gnome will be very pleased with such a gift. Educator : I would like to finish our lesson with beautiful words: Children read poems 1. Donetsk land, beloved land, Beautiful, boundless land, The expanse of your fields has been dear to me since childhood, There is no such other land anywhere in the world! 2. Donetsk residents can cope with any task. Our Donetsk coal is famous everywhere. You give me strength and inspiration. So may your blossoms be more magnificent!

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