Technological maps for familiarization with the subject and social environment senior group card file on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic
Subject environment in the senior group For the full development of the child as an individual in the senior group
Summary of the final lesson on FEMP in the preparatory group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard “Unusual Guest”
Summary of the final lesson in mathematics in the preparatory group Final lesson in the preparatory group in
Funny circus competitions for children
Physical entertainment “Circus! Circus! Circus!” Methodological development (middle group) on the topic
When we hear the term “circus competitions for children,” we are surprised and do not believe in
Walks in the preparatory group, a file cabinet with goals according to the Federal State Educational Standard
Card index of walks in the preparatory group according to the seasons Card index of walks associated with the change of seasons
Open lesson on rhythmics in the preparatory group
Rhythm and choreography classes in kindergarten lesson plan (middle group) on the topic
Open rhythmic lesson in the preparatory group Elena Zubrova Open rhythmic lesson in
Summary of GCD in the preparatory group. In a forest clearing
Summary of GCD in the preparatory group. In a forest clearing Summary of GCD in the preparatory group at
Magic wand
Intellectual game for middle group children in kindergarten “Friendship”
Goals of didactic games according to the Federal State Educational Standard Didactic game is an effective element of the system of comprehensive personal development
Children at school
Children's rights in kindergarten. Consultation for parents
When a child goes to kindergarten, parents experience real stress. They don't know how
Senior preschooler
Speech development at 5-6 years old: norms, symptoms of impairment, correction
Speech development in preschoolers Normally, by the age of 5-6 years of life, children's speech is similar to that of adults.
DIY plasticine helicopters for children
We make a helicopter from plasticine: military, cute for children and fireman
Children and especially boys really like flying machines. In these lessons children will learn easily
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