Poems for children to memorize 5-6 years old

A collection of children's poems: poems for the holidays, educational and developmental poems, original and thematic poems for children.

For the little ones

  • For babies
  • Nursery rhymes and pesters for kids
  • Cycle Toys of Agnia Barto
  • Good poems by Berestov for the little ones
  • For the little ones
  • Poems for dad
  • Poems for grandfather

Children's classics

  • Agniya Barto
  • Samuel Marshak
  • Boris Zakhoder
  • Sergey Mikhalkov
  • Irina Tokmakova

Educational rhymes

  • Tongue Twisters
  • Counting books
  • Nursery rhymes
  • Mirilki

Animal world

  • Poems about animals
  • Poems about birds
  • Poems about fish
  • Poems about insects

Nature and seasons

  • Poems about space
  • Poems about winter
  • Poems about spring
  • Poems about summer
  • Poems about autumn
  • Poems about flowers
  • Poems about vegetables and fruits
  • Poems about mushrooms
  • Poems about the sea

Other authors

  • Valentin Berestov
  • Genrikh Sapgir
  • Elena Blaginina
  • Ivan Surikov
  • Nadezhda Shemyakina
  • Tatiana Gusarova
  • Eduard Uspensky
  • Alexander Metzger


  • Poems for Valentine's Day
  • Poems about February 23
  • Poems for March 8
  • Poems about Maslenitsa
  • Poems for May 9
  • Poems for Easter
  • Poems for September 1
  • Poems for Teacher's Day
  • Poems for Mother's Day

New Year

  • Poems about the New Year
  • New Year's poems for the little ones
  • Poems about Santa Claus
  • Poems about the Snow Maiden
  • Poems about snowflakes
  • Poems about a snowman
  • Poems about the New Year tree
  • Poems for Christmas

Train your child's memory!

Not every child can patiently listen to the end of a fairy tale or other prosaic story. While children's poems do not bore you with monotony, the rhyme in them jumps like over bumps, easily holding the attention of the little listener. It’s amazing how quickly children memorize rhymes; once you say them a few times, they can already finish the ending with you. Be sure to use this ability by training your memory from childhood, you will greatly simplify your child’s learning at school. Start with the poems of Agnia Barto in the “Toys” section, look for small quatrains, they are perfectly memorable. You still remember most of them by heart. Right?

Developmental children from 0 to 1 year

(Sing it to any tune when you feed the baby) I take the first spoon and chew the second, I swallow the third spoon and start again.
I’ll eat a spoon for mommy, And I’ll eat it for daddy too, For the dog, the bird, the cat, Then I’ll eat it. Yum-yum-yum-yum, very tasty, delicious for us. Yum-yum-yum-yum, delicious for us. I continue to eat, I chew a new spoon, I now swallow for myself, and for my entire family. And for my grandmother, of course, and for my grandfather, and for all my friends in the world, I’ll eat everything! Yum-yum-yum-yum, very tasty, delicious for us. Yum-yum-yum-yum, delicious for us. © *** LEARNING TO EAT BY OURSELVES
We will learn to eat ourselves, A spoon for Ira (or another name), a spoon for mom, We fill it, we put it in our mouth, And now our mouth is chewing.
We lived, we swallow everything, And we start from the beginning. © *** FUN FEEDING
All animals need to eat, Birds, fish and children, Open your mouth wide, We will fill your tummy. A spoon for mom, for dad, for grandfather, A spoon for grandma, a friend, a neighbor, A spoon for a mouse, for a cat, for bunnies, A spoon for girls, a spoon for boys. © More poems - nursery rhymes...


Let's count our fingers One, two, three, four, five.
The first finger is the thumb, the index finger is the second, the third finger is the middle one, and the fourth is the ring finger. The fifth finger, our favorite, The smallest one is the little finger. © ***
One, two, three, four, five Let's go for a walk, make friends, circle and bow to each other!


This finger is small. This finger is weak. This finger is long. This finger is strong. Well, this is a fat guy. And all together a fist.


This is a mouth, This is a nose, These are chubby cheeks, These are eyes, eyebrows, forehead, Ears have finally been found.
These are the arms, These are the legs, This is the belly - the belly, These are the heels - circles, This is the mouth again. © ***
Where are our pens? And here are our hands! Where are our legs? And here are our legs! But this is Mashin’s (another name) nose. It's all overgrown with goats. Well, what is this? Stomach. But this is Mashin (another name) mouth. These are the eyes, and these are the ears. But these cheeks are thick pillows. Show me your tongue. Let's tickle your side.


These are the eyes to see. This is a nose for breathing. These are ears to hear. These are legs for running. These are arms to hug your mother very tightly.


Spider, spider, (Name) grab the barrel.
Frog, frog, grab (Name) by the ear. Deer, deer, (Name) grab by the knees. Doggie, doggie, (Name) grab his nose. Hippopotamus, hippopotamus, (Name) grab his stomach. Wasp, wasp, (Name) grab by the hair. Grasshoppers, grasshoppers, grab (Name) by the shoulders. WASH
Warm water Washes Anya’s (another name) face, Keeps her forehead, nose, chin, cheeks, mouth clean.
After washing well, it became clean and fresh. © WASHING YOUR HANDS
After a walk and before lunch, we wash our hands thoroughly with soap. So that any microbes, bacteria, would not eat food with us at lunch. ©


Teeth are waiting for a toothbrush to relieve their itching: “We chewed, we worked, We were not the least bit lazy. Now we need a reward, we need to be cleaned with paste.” ©


My Masha (or another name) slowly, How good the water is!

We wash the washcloth with soap so that the washcloth can wash away the dirt.

Wash your hands, wash your legs, quickly wash your heels, wash your shoulders, tummy, wash your neck, cheeks, mouth, then your back, below your butt, and now with some warm water, wash off the soap and Hurray! The mud floated away with the water. ©


Water, water, Wash my face, So that my eyes shine, So that my cheeks blush, So that my mouth laughs, So that my teeth bite.


Okay, okay, wash your little ones with soap! Clean palms, Here's bread and spoons for you!

More poems - nursery rhymes washing, bathing...


This is who yawns and rubs his eyes.
This is our sleepy baby, you are already almost asleep. Time to collect toys and rush to your pillow, to sleep sweetly on it, and grow faster in your sleep. © ***
Sweet dreams, good night, The night wants to tell a fairy tale, About wonderful lands, about magical seas, About palaces and ships that sail around the earth, About forests on the shore, mountains, a rainbow - an arc. Sleep quickly, fall asleep, start watching your dreams. ©


Our arms are tired, our legs are tired, Let them rest a little on a soft bed. Our eyes are tired, our nose, mouth, ears, let them also rest until tomorrow on the pillow. ©

More bedtime poems to help you fall asleep...


After a delicious lunch, the fidgety kitten is sleeping. He sleeps with his head on his side. He fell asleep and we were silent...


Here lie in the crib Pink heels Whose heels are these Soft and sweet? The goslings will come running and pinch your heels. Hide quickly, don’t yawn, cover with a blanket!


One two three four five! Mom and (Masha, Kolya...) will sleep. One two three four! It suddenly became quiet in the apartment. One two Three! Do not say anything. One, two! There is a head on the pillow... Close your eyes and One! Dreams are already greeting us...


The fairy tale goes from house to house, through the high chambers, wait for it, close your eyes. Sleep, little peephole, Sleep, another one. A good fairy tale will come, A good heart will find it, Wait for it, close your eyes. Sleep, little peephole, Sleep, another one.


Putting the child to sleep is necessary for dad - the rooster. The cockerel sings to the chicken: - Bye-bye, crow! A chicken runs and cackles: “You’ll wake him up like that!” Who sings like that at night? Roosters are of no use! - Bayu-bayushki-chicken, Bayu-bayu, co-co-co, May you dream of a fairy tale, It’s time to sleep a long time ago. ©


Eyes open, Eyes wake up, Leg stretches, Heels stretches, Arms and palms, Sweet kids!
Give me a kiss on my elbow! Wake up, daughter! How I love you! (Option for boys) Give me a kiss on my elbow! My dear son! How I love you! ***
Little hands, yes, the baby has. Stretchers are like twigs, We pull stretchers towards mommy, And little palms, and little pillows.


Stretch and stretch From your toes to the top of your head! We will stretch and stretch, We will not remain small!


We are on chubby little hands, Putting on a shirt. Repeat after me the words: Handle - one, handle - two!
Let's fasten the fasteners on your clothes: Buttons and buttons, Various rivets. We'll put panties on my baby: Repeat after me: Leg - one, leg - two! And now on your feet - Socks and boots! ***
We'll go for a walk now, But we won't freeze. To make us warmer, Let's wrap ourselves in a blanket! The hat is bright! The blanket is hot! Just eyes and nose! For a walk! Out in the cold!


Now let's put on our boots. We'll put shoes on our feet. Two boots and two legs - Each leg has a boot.


They stomped their feet: Top-top-top!
They clapped their hands: Clap-clap-clap! Sit down! Get up! Se-li again! And then they ate all the porridge! ***
Stomp with one foot, stomp with another, I’m already so big, And the Legs themselves walk straight to mom.


What kind of legs? What kind of legs? You, our baby! We will not give your legs to either a dog or a cat. These legs, these legs will run along the path.


Early in the morning in the clearing This is how the monkeys frolic: With their right leg, stomp, stomp! Left foot stomp, stomp! Hands up, hands up! Who will rise the highest?



Three-ta-tush-ki! (name) rides on a pillow! Riding on a pillow! Bang! Off the pillow head over heels! ***

Along a smooth path, Along a smooth path, Over bumps, over bumps, Over small bushes, Over bumps - woo-hoo! In the hole - WHAM!


As soon as he sees the cat, the dog says - woof. The cat saw the mouse, And the cat said, meow. The mouse, running away, follows, Pee-pee-pee, squeaks in response. A beetle is flying nearby, buzzing, J-z-z, talking in flight. The bird jumped up to the house and chirped. There are ducklings under the window in the garden, quack-quack-quack, the guys are screaming. Then the chicken runs Ko-ko-ko and tells them. And the rooster walks alone, KukarEku hums. There is a cow in the meadow, Mooing loudly - moo. And the frog from the pond answered everyone, qua-qua. ©


Far, far away In the meadow, goats are grazing... Goats? No, not goats. Far, far away, horses are grazing in the meadow? No, not horses. Far, far away In the meadow, cows are grazing? That's right, cows! Children, drink milk - you will be healthy. Drink milk, children, you will be healthy!


A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest.
He collects cones and sings a song. Suddenly a cone fell - right on the bear’s forehead! The bear got angry and stomped with his foot. ***

Okay, okay!
- Where were you? - By Grandma. - What did you eat? - Porridge. - What did you drink? - Brew. - What's for a snack? - Sour cabbage. - We drank... We ate... We flew off. They sat on the head. ***Okay, okay. We baked pancakes. It turned out exactly five: One must be given to the Bug, Two - to the cat with a mustache, We will eat two ourselves. ***

The little gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears.
It's cold for the bunny to sit, I need to warm my little paws. It's cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump. Someone scared the bunny - Bunny - jumped - and ran away! ***

A horned goat is coming, A butted goat is coming: Legs: top!
Top! With your eyes: clap! Clap! He who does not eat porridge, who does not drink milk, will be gored, gored! ***

Rain, rain, drip and drip! Don't keep dripping like that for too long! It’s raining, it’s pouring rain, it’s not easy to get your hands on!


Cubes, cubes - Blue and red, Yellow, green - Let's build - build houses!
Our hands are swinging! The house immediately - bang-bang! The destroyer is having fun - the builder is smiling! The game continues - The house has been built, hurra! Continuation from my older brother...
With difficulty, I built a house out of cubes for my sister, But she didn’t appreciate it, And she destroyed my house. Even if you’re not even a year old, it’s still a shame. ©

How to learn a poem for the holiday?

In kindergarten and school, your child will more than once be faced with the need to recite poetry in front of an audience. This could be a New Year's party or an ordinary lesson, in any case, it is important that he is not afraid of it. But all you need to do is pay a little attention to it.

The poem must be learned in advance and repeated at home casually, without focusing on the importance of the event. For example, you can say: “remember, you and I learned a great poem? Well, tell it to me.” Children's poems are usually simple and the child will quickly remember them. You can rehearse by telling a poem to your dad or mom, grandfather or grandmother. You need to ask to speak loudly and with expression, but in no case should you lecture or interrupt during the speech. How your peers and you react to a little artist’s first performance is of great importance, so it’s best to start with relatives. By telling a few rhymes to people you know and receiving a friendly reaction, you will give your child confidence. Poems for children at matinees are an excellent way to train public speaking skills.



Samuil Marshak - Baggage

The lady checked in a sofa, a suitcase, a suitcase, a painting, a basket, a cardboard box and a small dog as luggage.

They gave the lady at the station four green receipts indicating that the luggage had been received: Sofa, Suitcase, Travel Bag, Painting, Basket, Cardboard And a small dog.

Things are being transported to the platform. They are thrown into an open carriage. Ready. The luggage is packed: Sofa, Suitcase, Travel Bag, Painting, Basket, Cardboard And a small dog.

But as soon as the bell rang, the puppy ran away from the carriage. We stopped at the Dno station: One place was lost. In fright, they count the luggage: Sofa, Suitcase, Travel Bag, Picture, Basket, Cardboard... - Comrades! Where's the little dog?

Suddenly they see a huge disheveled dog standing by the wheels. They caught him - and into the luggage, There, where the bag lay, the Picture, the Basket, the Cardboard, Where the little dog had been before.

We arrived in the city of Zhitomir. Porter number fifteen Carries luggage on a trolley: Sofa, Suitcase, Sacvoyage, Picture, Basket, Cardboard, And behind them they lead a little dog.

The dog will growl, and the lady will scream: “Robbers!” The thieves! Freaks! The dog is the wrong breed! She threw the suitcase, pushed away the sofa with her foot, the Painting, the Basket, the Cardboard... - Give me back my dog!

- Excuse me, mother! At the station, According to the luggage receipt, they received luggage from you: Sofa, Suitcase, Travel Bag, Picture, Basket, Cardboard And a small dog. However, during the journey the Dog could grow up!


Daniil Kharms - 44 cheerful siskin

They lived in the apartment Forty-four Forty-four Merry Siskins: Siskin the dishwasher, Siskin the scrubber, Siskin the gardener, Siskin the water carrier, Siskin the cook, Siskin the housewife, Siskin the messenger, Siskin the chimney sweep.

The stove was heated, Porridge was cooked, Forty-four Merry Siskins: Siskin with a ladle, Siskin with a stump, Siskin with a rocker, Siskin with a sieve, Siskin covers, Siskin convenes, Siskin pours, Siskin distributes.

Having finished their work, Forty-four Merry Siskins went hunting: Siskin for a bear, Siskin for a fox, Siskin for a grouse, Siskin for a hedgehog, Siskin for a turkey, Siskin for a cuckoo, Siskin for a frog, Siskin for a grass snake.

After the hunt, they took up the notes of Forty-four Merry Siskins: They played together: Siskin on the piano, Siskin on the dulcimer, Siskin on the trumpet, Siskin on the trombone, Siskin on the accordion, Siskin on the comb, Siskin on the lip!

The whole house went to see the finches we knew. Forty-four cheerful siskins: Siskin on a tram, Siskin on a motor, Siskin on a cart, Siskin on a cart, Siskin in a rattle, Siskin on the heels, Siskin on a shaft, Siskin on an arc!

They wanted to sleep, they were making their beds, forty-four cheerful siskins: a siskin on the bed, a siskin on the sofa, a siskin on a basket, a siskin on a bench, a siskin on a box, a siskin on a reel, a siskin on a piece of paper, a siskin on the floor.

Lying in bed, Forty-four cheerful siskins whistled together: Siskin - triti-titi, Siskin - tiri-tirli, Siskin - dili-dili, Siskin - ti-ti-ti, Siskin - tiki-tiki, Siskin - tiki-riki, Siskin - bye-bye, Chizh - bye-bye-bye!


Samuil Marshak - That's how absent-minded he is from Basseynaya Street

There lived an absent-minded man on Basseynaya Street.

In the morning he sat down on the bed, began to put on his shirt, put his hands into the sleeves - It turned out that these were trousers.

That's how absent-minded he is from Basseynaya Street!

He began to put on his coat - They told him: “That’s not it!” He began to pull on his gaiters - They told him: “Not yours!”

That's how absent-minded he is from Basseynaya Street!

Instead of a hat, He put on a frying pan as he walked. Instead of felt boots, I pulled gloves onto my heels.

That's how absent-minded he is from Basseynaya Street!

One day he was on the tram going to the station and, opening the doors, he said to the leader:

“Dear Carriage! Dear Carriage Dear Deeply Respected! No matter what, I need to go out. Is it possible to stop Vokzai at the tram?”

The counselor was surprised - the tram stopped.

That's how absent-minded he is from Basseynaya Street!

He went to the buffet to buy himself a ticket. And then he rushed to the cash register to buy a bottle of kvass.

That's how absent-minded he is from Basseynaya Street!

He ran to the platform, climbed into the uncoupled carriage, carried in the bundles and suitcases, stuffed them under the sofas, sat down in the corner in front of the window and fell into a peaceful sleep...

“What kind of stop is this?” - He shouted early in the morning. And from the platform they say: “This is the city of Leningrad.”

He slept a little again and again looked out the window, saw a large train station, scratched himself and said:

“What kind of stop is this - Bologoe or Popovka?” And from the platform they say: “This is the city of Leningrad.”

He slept a little again and again looked out the window, saw a large station, stretched and said:

“What kind of station is this - Dibuny or Yamskaya?” And from the platform they say: “This is the city of Leningrad.”

He shouted: “What a joke! I’ve been traveling for the second day, And I came back, And I came to Leningrad!”

That's how absent-minded he is from Basseynaya Street!


Daniil Kharms - Away

The mouse invited me to a new house for a cup of tea. For a long time I could not enter the house, but I got into it with difficulty. And now you tell me: Why and why There is no home and no tea, There is literally nothing!


Daniil Kharms - Tiger on the street

I thought for a long time where the tiger came from on the street. Thought and thought, thought and thought, thought and thought, thought and thought. At that time the wind blew, And I forgot what I was thinking about. So I don’t know where the tiger came from on the street.


Samuel Marshak - Visiting the Queen

-Where were you today, pussy? - The Queen of England.

- What did you see at court?! - I saw a mouse on the carpet!


Nikolay Rubtsov - Found out

An old water carrier came through the door from the snowstorm in the morning, and Alenka said: “Mom, you see, Santa Claus has come, I recognized him right away!”


Samuel Marshak - About the hippopotamus

Mom and I agreed to wait for the day off and watch gi-gi-topama... No, gi-popo-toto-popama... No, gi-toto-popo-potama... Let mom speak for me!

We entered the open gate and the two of us ran to look at the hippopotamus. We call him that more often.

He doesn't know his own names. No matter what you call, He still doesn’t get out of the water, He lies like a wet log.

We were unlucky today with mom. We waited for him for a whole hour, but from the bottom of the deep hole he probably didn’t notice us.

He lay there, smooth and thick-skinned, with his head buried in the sand, looking like the skin of a ham in a huge bowl of soup.

For whole days He does not leave the reservoir - it is fresh there. — Does he have office hours? — We asked the guards.

— Yes, there are meal times. We feed him by the hour! - And suddenly, shining like a boot, the Hippopotamus himself stood up.

His brains must have gotten wet from the constant baths. The eyes are set in binoculars, and the mouth is open like a suitcase.

He looked around at his uninvited guests standing nearby, turned his back to the bars, bent down slightly - and plopped down!

I think the name of the hippopotamus is so difficult so that the watchman from the deep pit calls him less often...


Daniil Kharms - Tuesdays on the pavement

On Tuesdays, an empty balloon flew over the pavement. He floated silently in the air; Someone was smoking a pipe in it, He looked at the squares and gardens, He looked calmly until Wednesday, And on Wednesday, after putting out the lamp, He said: Well, the city is alive.


Sasha Cherny - Setting

Son roars. Beaten for a deuce plus, The wife took the last ruble for her curls, The husband, killed by a bench and gumboil, Calculates the monthly decline. The pitiful pennies are grunting on the accounts: The purchase of an umbrella and firewood has made a hole, And the pink hood made of paper jacket Throws the bent bald spot into the sweat. A little siskin whistles just above your head (Even though God's bird hasn't eaten since the morning), A lonely saffron milk cap is sour on a saucer, But the vodka was drunk to the last drop yesterday. The little girl under the bed gives the cat an enema, In a rush of happiness, her mouth half-opened, And the cat, indulging in gloomy pessimism, screams excitedly in a tragic voice. An eyebrowless sister in a shabby jacket rapes a cold piano, and behind the wall a seamstress dweller sings a romance: “Understand my sadness.” How can you not understand? In the dining room, the cockroaches, having left the stale bread, began to think a little, In the buffet, the glasses rattle sympathetically, And the dampness drips like tears from the ceiling.


Yuri Vladimirov - Ninochka's purchases

Mom told Nina: - Nina, buy from the store: A pound of meat, a bottle of kvass, granulated sugar, a matchbox, butter and compote. The money is here.

Nina said: “I’m rushing!” He runs and repeats by heart: - A pound of meat, a bottle of kvass, granulated sugar, a matchbox, butter and compote. Money in your pocket - here it is.

There are a lot of people in the shop. There is a long line at the cash register, there are six people in front of Nina, and Nina needs a receipt for a pound of meat, a bottle of kvass, granulated sugar, a matchbox, butter and compote. The money is here.

Finally, it’s Ninka’s turn. Nina repeats without hesitation: “Give me a pound of kvass, a bottle of meat, match sand, a box of sugar, butter and compote.” The money is here.

The cashier says in response: - Sorry, no such thing! How can you hang the kvass? The meat won’t fit in the bottle... For butter and compote Check - here! And I personally have never heard of the sugar box and match sand - That’s right, the goods are foreign...


Agnia Barto - Rope

Spring, spring outside, Spring days! Like birds, tram calls are pouring out.

Noisy, cheerful, spring Moscow. Not yet dusty, green foliage.

The rooks are chattering in the tree, the trucks are thundering. Spring, spring outside, Spring days!

Passers-by cannot pass here: There is a rope in the way. In chorus, the girls count Ten times ten.

This is from our yard Champions, masters Carry jump ropes in their pockets, Jumping since the very morning.

In the courtyard and on the boulevard, in the alley and in the garden, and on every sidewalk in full view of passers-by,

And from the run, And on the spot, And with both feet Together.

Lidochka came forward. Lida takes the jump rope.

The girls are jumping around cheerfully and deftly, and the rope has broken out of Lidochka’s hands.

- Lida, Lida, you are small! You shouldn't have taken the jump rope! - Lida doesn't know how to jump, she won't make it to the corner!

Early in the morning, suddenly there was a clatter of feet in the corridor. Neighbor Ivan Petrovich stood up and couldn’t understand anything.

He was terribly indignant, And he said angrily: “Why is there someone stomping like an elephant in the hall all night?”

Grandma got out of bed - It’s time to get up anyway. This is Lida in the corridor learning to jump in the morning.

Lida jumps around the apartment and counts out loud herself. But so far she can only count to two.

Lida asks her grandmother: “Turn it a little!” I've already jumped almost to ten.

“Well,” said the grandmother, “Isn’t that enough for now?” Lime is probably falling from the ceiling below.

Spring, spring outside, Spring days! The rooks are chattering in the tree, the trucks are thundering.

Noisy, cheerful, spring Moscow. Not yet dusty, green foliage.

Lidochka came forward, Lida took the jump rope.

- Lida, Lida! That's it Lida! Voices are heard. - Look, it’s Lida, she’s been galloping for half an hour!

- I’m straight, I’m sideways, With a turn, And with a jump, And with a run, And in place, And with both legs Together...

I galloped to the corner. - I couldn’t do that!

Spring, spring outside, Spring days! The students are coming with books and notebooks.

The boulevards and gardens are full of noisy fun, And rejoice as much as you want, Jump in every possible way.


Agnia Barto - Assistant

Tanyusha has a lot to do, Tanyusha has a lot to do: In the morning I helped my brother, - He ate candy in the morning.

She promised to wash the spoons, She spilled wood glue, She opened the door for the cat, She helped her meow.

Tanya has so much to do: Tanya ate, drank tea, sat down, sat with her mother, got up, went to her grandmother.

Before going to bed I told my mother: “You undress me yourself, I’m tired, I can’t, I’ll help you tomorrow.”


Korney Chukovsky - Fly in the bathhouse

A fly flew into the bathhouse and wanted to take a steam bath.

The cockroach chopped wood and flooded Mukha's bathhouse.

And the furry bee brought her a washcloth.

The fly was washing itself, The fly was washing itself, The fly was hovering, Then it fell, rolled and hit.

I dislocated my rib and twisted my shoulder.

“Hey, little ant, call the doctors!” The grasshoppers came and fed the fly drops.

The fly became as it was, good and cheerful.

And she rushed off again, flying along the street.


Samuel Marshak - To the city

To the city, to the city for the pig I go on foot. I'm returning home on a pig.


Alexey Eroshin - Illiterate Pirate

Once upon a time there lived an uncultured and illiterate pirate. Throwing garbage past the trash can The pirate was terribly happy.

Without any shame, he robbed ships at sea, and did not waste any effort on reading smart books.

One day a pirate decided to bury a treasure on the beach, exactly thirty-three rubies, each weighing one hundred carats.

But he just can’t decide: So that the treasure doesn’t go to waste, should I put the treasure in the hole, should I put it in or should I put it down?

“What if,” he thinks, “Unfortunately, I put the Treasure in the wrong place? So, with this situation, I’ll go all over the world!”

The sadness of the pirate gnaws, The pirate put down his knives. To put, or to put - Which is correct, tell me?


Andrey Usachev - On Dad

I can ride my dad Day and night. It's bad that dad has nothing to grab onto. If you grab him from behind, he shouts: “You can’t see!” - And it hurts for the hair, And it hurts for the ears!


Valentin Berestov - Seryozha and nails

The whole house shakes. Seryozha hits with a hammer. Blushing with anger, he hammers nails. The nails bend, the nails crumple, the nails wriggle, they just mock Seryozha - they don’t drive into the wall. It's good that your hands are intact. No, it’s a completely different matter - hammering nails into the ground! Knock! - and the hat is not visible. They don’t bend, they don’t break, they come out again.


Boris Zakhoder - Kiskino grief

Pussy is crying in the corridor. She has a great grief: Evil people do not allow Poor Pussy to Steal Sausages!


Sergey Mikhalkov - Runaway

Once upon a time there was a dog named Cheburashka, with a curly back and a funny face.

The owner was so attached to her that she took her with her everywhere in a small basket.

And often in that basket, Among the bunches of parsley, A fluffy tail stuck out and the ears moved.

The owner of Cheburashka cut her hair and bathed her, She, without knowing the limits, spoiled the dog.

She got her a beautiful leash, and cut a scarf for a warm blanket.

I bought chicken liver at the market and fed the dog at the same time.

And she lived in contentment and knew only one thing: It’s forbidden to play with other people’s dogs!

The hostess with Cheburashka goes out for a walk, thereby attracting everyone's attention:

- And a dog needs to be such a pocket dog! - Where can I get one or buy one?

- What breed is she and how old is she? — Bluish-gray Her natural color?..

The hostess answered questions in detail, The dog purred impolitely at passers-by.

And if anyone tried to reach out to her, She tried to bite him properly.

At the same time, she was shaking all over, barking at the top of her lungs, not wanting to meet people of this kind...

I don’t know how it happened And whose fault it was, But somehow Cheburashka went for a walk alone.

And suddenly, from the gateway, a stray dog ​​comes towards me - a torn ear and covered in scars, poor fellow.

Cheburashka fell with her belly on the damp grass. “I’m missing! Gone!” flashed through my head.

The lost hungry dog ​​sniffed Cheburashka and somehow became confused in front of the fashionable dog.

- Where are you from?.. - From the eighth floor... - The dog answered, trembling all over with fear.

- And y-you? - And I’m from the landfill! The dog answered tiredly. - We fought over a bone, but I got hit again!..

And the tender Cheburashka felt sorry for the poor fellow, and she wanted to know what “dump” means.

And there was something mysterious in this word that pulled so irresistibly through the gates...

Cheburashka has disappeared! The hostess is all in tears and just laments all the time “Oh!” yes “Ah!”

The evening newspaper advertised: “Whoever finds the dog will receive a reward!”

No one responded and did not pick up the trail. A week has already passed, and Cheburashka is gone...

Lives as it will for the careless dirty little one - in broad daylight for the missing fugitive Cheburashka.

In the circle of her own kind, Without shelter and without rights, Her obstinate disposition has completely changed.

As before, She no longer barks at passers-by, She stands to the side and wags her tail.

The boy is gnawing on a bagel, And Cheburashka is waiting: Perhaps half a piece will fall to her.

Nobody cares for her, doesn’t stroke her, doesn’t rock her, and yet the Dog doesn’t get bored without her owner.

She no longer sees chicken giblets, but there are so many girlfriends and boyfriends around.

Let it sometimes come to a quarrel and a fight, Stray dogs are friends with each other.

They chase cats and wander around the yards - Today they are seen here, And tomorrow they are seen there.

And with them Cheburashka spends the night anywhere, among stray dogs she became the same.

But every dog, however, spending the night under the bridge, would eventually like to get into someone's house.

Not in a golden cage, but in a house where friendship is valued and where the dog is fed for loyalty and service.

Any homeless dog always thought about this, When Cold hid his nose under his paw.

But since Cheburashka herself left home, this feeling was still unfamiliar to her...

The owner of Cheburashka has been looking, looking, waiting... And she won’t get herself a new dog.

And I often remember about that runaway, But what happened to her next, I still don’t know...


Maurice Carême - The doll is sick

Why are you sick, doll, I know now: At night you slowly opened the door.

At night you ran away from me to the ball, and Mishka danced with you until dawn.

You didn’t put on your coat, the cat saw it. It’s disgusting to look at – your nose is running.

So that you don’t run around dancing with the teddy bear anymore, I’ll have to make you a doll, lock you up at night.


Andrey Usachev - Gift

My friend horse is eight years old today. I will give the horse a large bouquet of flowers.

The horse will put them in a vase and won’t eat them right away.


Vladimir Stepanov - Fashionista

A zebra loves to run around the lawn in a striped T-shirt. A zebra won't wear a checkered T-shirt even for candy.


Daniil Kharms - Why are they incurious?

Why are these women on the contrary incurious? Because they are primitive, like a bad locomotive.


Maurice Carême - Teddy

All bears are worse than Teddy, And even though Teddy is small in stature, I have never met a better bear cub than Teddy.

If I see sweets, I ask for them for two. If Teddy doesn't want to eat, I eat them alone.

I am healthy - and Teddy is healthy, I am sick - and he is sick, I was guilty by accident - He goes to the corner with me.

If I’m walking late, Mom shouts to me through the window: “Come back quickly, Teddy has been waiting for you for a long time!”

And when they don’t allow me to sit with adults, Teddy the teddy bear goes to sleep with me.


Marina Boroditskaya - Conversation with a bee

I was stung by a bee. I screamed: “How could you?!” The bee responded: “How could you pick my favorite flower?” After all, I really needed him: I was saving him for dinner!”


Eduard Uspensky - Once upon a time there was a little elephant

I want to tell one simple fairy tale, Or maybe not a fairy tale, Or maybe not a simple one. I remember her from childhood, Or maybe not from childhood, Or maybe I don’t remember, But I will remember.

In one huge park, Or maybe not in a park, Or maybe in a zoo. Mom and dad lived with one funny baby elephant, Or maybe not a baby elephant, Or maybe a pig, Or maybe a crocodile.

One winter evening, Or maybe a summer evening, He wanted to take a walk in the park without his mother And got lost right away, Or maybe not right away, He sat down on a bench And roared loudly.

Some adult stork, Or maybe not a stork, Or maybe not an adult, But a very young one Decided to help a baby elephant Or maybe a piglet Or maybe a crocodile And took him with him.

Is this your street? - This is my street, Or maybe not this, Or maybe not mine.

- Is this your cage? - This is my cage, Or maybe not this one, I don’t remember exactly.

They walked like this for an hour, Or maybe two, From the cage to the pool Under the sun and in the dust, But the house where the little elephant lived, Or maybe the little pig, Or maybe the little crocodile, In the end they found it.

And at home, dad and grandma, Or maybe mom and grandpa, Now they fed the Hungry son, They stroked him lightly, Or maybe they didn’t stroke him, They spanked him lightly, Or maybe not lightly.

But from now on, the baby elephant Or maybe the pig Or maybe the crocodile has memorized His address And remembers it very firmly, And even very firmly. I remembered it myself, but I just forgot it.


Daniil Kharms - Man is made of three parts

Man is made of three parts, three parts, three parts. Heu-la-la, drum-drum-tu-tu! Three parts man!

A beard and an eye, and fifteen arms, and fifteen arms, and fifteen arms. Heu-la-la, drum-drum-tu-tu! Fifteen arms and a rib.

But, by the way, not fifteen hands, fifteen pieces, fifteen pieces. Heu-la-la, drum-drum-tu-tu! Fifteen pieces, but not hands.


Stanislav Vostokov - Here comes the Eighth of March

The Eighth of March has arrived, my chest is bursting with happiness, I need to give my mother something on this holiday.

I’ll wash my face for her as a gift, I’ll comb her hair as a gift, I’ll fit into a pair of the best slippers and put on perfume!

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