A series of complex lessons “Tales of Water” (artistic activity)

A tale of water, the most wonderful miracle on Earth

Methodical piggy bank

Ecological fairy tales for preschool children

Bespalova Larisa Vladimirovna


Ecological tales about plants………………………………………………………3

-Why is the dress green near the ground A. Lopatina……………………………………………………………3

— Who decorates the earth A. Lopatina………………………………………………………………………………..3

— Mighty Blade of Grass M. Skrebtsova………………………………………………………………………………4

— The story of one Christmas tree (Ecological fairy tale)………………………………………………………..6

— The Tale of the Little Cedar (Ecological Tale)…………………………………………………..7

Ecological tales about water………………………………………………………………..8

— The story of one Drop (sad tale about water)………………………………………………………8

— How Cloud was in the desert (a fairy tale about a place where there is no water)………………………………………………………..9

— The Power of Rain and Friendship (a tale about the life-giving power of water)…………………………………….10

— The Story of the Little Frog (a good tale about the water cycle in nature)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………eleven

— All living things need water (Ecological fairy tale)………………………………………………………11

— A Tale of Water, the most wonderful miracle on Earth (Ecological Tale)…………………12

Ecological tales about garbage…………………………………………………………..13

— Bunny and Little Bear (Ecological fairy tale)………………………………………………………..13

— Masha and the Bear (Ecological fairy tale)…………………………………………………………………………………14

— No place for garbage (Ecological fairy tale)…………………………………………………………………………………..15

— A fairy tale about a trash-cursed creature (Ecological fairy tale)…………………………………………16

Ecological tales about mushrooms…………………………………………………………18

— Noble mushroom M. Malyshev………………………………………………………………………………18

— Brave honey mushroom E. Shim……………………………………………………………………………………………………………19

— War of the mushrooms…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..20

— Introduction to mushrooms by A. Lopatin……………………………………………………………………………………….…..21

A. Lopatin’s mushroom pharmacy………………………………………………………………………………….23

— Two fairy tales by N. Pavlov…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…25

— For mushrooms N. Sladkov…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..28

— Fly agaric N. Sladkov…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………29

— Rival O. Chistyakovsky…………………………………………………………………………………………………………29

Ecological tales about plants

Why is the earth's dress green?

A. Lopatina

What's the greenest thing on earth? — a little girl once asked her mother.

“Grass and trees, daughter,” mother answered.

- Why did they choose green and not some other color?

This time my mother thought for a moment and then said:

— The Creator asked the sorceress Nature to sew a dress in the color of faith and hope for his beloved Earth, and Nature gave the Earth a green dress. Since then, a green carpet of fragrant herbs, plants and trees gives birth to hope and faith in a person’s heart, making it purer.

- But by autumn the grass dries out and the leaves fall off.

Mom thought again for a long time, and then asked:

“Did you sleep sweetly in your soft bed today, daughter?”

The girl looked at her mother in surprise:

“I slept well, but what does my bed have to do with it?”

- Flowers and herbs sleep in the fields and forests under a soft fluffy blanket just as sweetly as you do in your crib. Trees rest to gain new strength and delight the hearts of people with new hopes. And so that we don’t forget during the long winter that the Earth has a green dress, and don’t lose our hopes, the Christmas tree and the pine tree are our joy and turn green in winter.

Who decorates the earth

A. Lopatina

A long time ago, our Earth was a deserted and hot celestial body; there was no vegetation, no water, or those beautiful colors that decorate it so much. And then one day God decided to revive the earth, he scattered a countless number of seeds of life all over the earth and asked the Sun to warm them with his warmth and light, and the Water to give them life-giving moisture.

The sun began to warm the Earth and water, but the seeds did not sprout. It turned out that they did not want to grow gray, because only gray monochromatic soil spread around them, and there were no other colors. Then God commanded a multi-colored Rainbow-arc to rise above the earth and decorate it.

Since then, the Rainbow Arc appears every time the sun shines through the rain. She stands above the ground and looks to see if the Earth is beautifully decorated.

Here are clearings in the forest. They look alike, like twin sisters. They are sisters. Everyone has one forest-father, everyone has one mother earth. The Polyana sisters put on colored dresses every spring, show off in them, and ask:

- Am I the whitest in the world?

- All blush?

- Bluer?

The first clearing is all white with daisies.

In the second, sunny meadow, small carnation stars with red sparks in the centers bloomed, and the whole meadow became blush pink. On the third, surrounded by old spruce trees, forget-me-nots bloomed and the clearing became blue. The fourth is lilac with bells.

And suddenly Rainbow Arc sees black fire wounds, gray trampled spots, torn holes. Someone tore, burned, and trampled the multi-colored dress of the Earth.

The Rainbow Arc asks the heavenly beauty, the golden sun, the clean rains to help the earth heal its wounds, to sew a new dress for the earth. Then the Sun sends golden smiles to the earth. The sky sends blue smiles to the Earth. The rainbow arc gives the Earth smiles of all colors of joy. And Heavenly Beauty turns all these smiles into flowers and herbs. She walks the Earth and decorates the Earth with flowers.

Multi-colored meadows, meadows and gardens begin to smile at people again. These are the blue smiles of forget-me-nots - for true memory. These are the golden smiles of dandelions - for happiness. Red smiles of carnations are for joy. Lilac smiles of bluebells and meadow geraniums are for love. Every morning the Earth meets people and extends all its smiles to them. Take it people.

Mighty Blade of Grass

M. Skrebtsova

One day the trees began to spare the grass:

- We feel sorry for you, little grass. There is no one lower than you in the forest. Everyone is trampling on you. They got used to your softness and pliability and stopped noticing you completely. For example, everyone takes us into account: people, animals, and birds. We are proud and tall. You too, grass, need to reach up.

The grass answers them proudly:

“I don’t need pity, dear trees.” Even though I am not tall enough, I am of great use. When they walk on me, I just rejoice. That's why I have grass, to cover the ground: it's more comfortable to walk on a green mat than on bare ground. If someone gets caught in the rain on the way, and the paths and roads turn into mud, you can wipe your feet on me like a clean towel. I am always clean and fresh after the rain. And in the morning, when there is dew on me, I can even wash myself with grass.

Besides, trees, I only look weak. Look at me carefully. They crushed me, trampled me, but I was intact. It’s not like a person, a cow or a horse walks on me, and they weigh quite a lot - four or even five centners - but I don’t care. Even a multi-ton car can pass over me, but I’m still alive. Of course, the pressure on me is incredible, but I endure. Little by little I straighten up and sway again, as before. You trees, although tall, often cannot withstand hurricanes, but I, weak and low, don’t care about hurricanes.

The trees are silent, the grass has nothing to say to them, but she continues:

“If it’s my destiny to be born where people decided to lay a path, I still don’t die.” They trample me day after day, press me into the mud with their feet and wheels, and I again reach out with new shoots towards light and warmth. Ant grass and plantain even like to settle right on the roads. It’s as if they’ve been testing their strength all their lives, and they don’t give up yet.

The trees exclaimed:

- Yes, little grass, you have Herculean strength hidden in you.

Mighty Oak says:

“I remember now how the city birds told me how you break through thick asphalt in the city.” I didn’t believe them then, I laughed. And no wonder: people use crowbars and jackhammers to manage this thickness, and you are so tiny.

The grass exclaimed joyfully:

- Yes, oak, breaking asphalt is not a problem for us. Newly born dandelion sprouts in cities often swell and tear the asphalt.

The birch tree, which had been silent until now, said:

- I, little grass, never considered you worthless. I have admired your beauty for a long time. We trees have only one face, but you have many faces. Whomever you see in the clearing: sunny daisies, red flowers of carnations, golden tansy buttons, delicate bells, and cheerful fireweed. A forester I know told me that there are about 20 thousand different species of grasses in our country, but smaller trees and shrubs - only two thousand.

Here a hare unexpectedly intervened in the conversation and led her bunnies into a forest clearing:

- From us, hares, grass, low bow to you too. I had no idea that you were so strong, but I always knew that you were the most useful of all. For us, you are the best treat, juicy and nutritious. Many wild animals will prefer you to any other food. The giant elk himself bows his head to you. People won't live a day without you. They specially raise you in fields and vegetable gardens. After all, wheat, rye, corn, rice and various vegetables are also herbs. And you have so many vitamins that you can’t count them!

Then something rustled in the bushes, and the hare and her cubs quickly hid, and just in time, because a thin red fox ran out into the clearing. She began to hastily bite the green blades of grass.

- Fox, you are a predator, have you really started to eat grass? - the trees asked in surprise.

- Not to eat, but to be treated. Animals are always treated with grass. Don't you know? - answered the fox.

“Not only animals, people are also treated by me for various diseases,” explained the grass. — One grandmother-herbalist said that herbs are a pharmacy with the most precious medicines.

“Yes, grass, you know how to heal, in this you are like us,” the pine tree entered the conversation.

“In fact, dear pine tree, this is not the only way I resemble trees.” Since we have such a conversation, I will tell you the ancient secret of our origin,” the grass said solemnly. “Usually we herbs don’t tell anyone about this.” So listen: before, grasses were trees, but not simple ones, but powerful ones. This happened millions of years ago. The mighty giants had to endure many trials during this time. Those of them that found themselves in the most difficult conditions became smaller and smaller until they turned into grass. So it's no surprise that I'm so strong.

Here the trees began to look for similarities between each other and the grass. Everyone is noisy and interrupting each other. They got tired and finally quieted down.

Then the grass tells them:

“You shouldn’t feel sorry for someone who doesn’t need pity, right, dear trees?”

And all the trees immediately agreed with her.

The story of one Christmas tree

Ecological fairy tale

This is a sad story, but it was told to me by old Aspen, which grows on the edge of the forest. Well, let's begin.

Once upon a time, a Christmas tree grew up in our forest, she was small, defenseless and everyone took care of her: large trees protected her from the wind, birds pecked at the black furry caterpillars, the rain watered her, the breeze blew in the heat. Everyone loved Yolochka, and she was kind and affectionate. No one could hide the little bunnies better than her from an evil wolf or a cunning fox. All animals and birds were treated with its fragrant resin.

Time passed, our Christmas tree grew up and became so beautiful that birds from neighboring forests flew in to admire it. There has never been such a beautiful slender and fluffy Christmas tree in the forest! The Christmas tree knew about its beauty, but was not at all proud, it was still the same, sweet and kind.

The New Year was approaching, it was a troublesome time for the forest, because how many beautiful forest Christmas trees faced the sad fate of falling under the ax. One day two magpies flew in and began to chirp that a man was walking through the forest looking for the most beautiful tree. Our Christmas tree began to call the person, waving its fluffy branches, trying to attract his attention. Poor thing, she didn’t know why he needed the tree. She thought that he, like everyone else, wanted to admire her beauty, and the man noticed the Christmas tree.

“Stupid, stupid,” old Aspen shook its branches and creaked, “hide, hide!!!”

Never before had he seen such a beautiful, slender and fluffy Christmas tree. “Good, just what you need!” - said the man and... He began to chop the thin trunk with an axe. The Christmas tree screamed in pain, but it was too late, and she fell into the snow. Surprise and fear were her last feelings!

When a man roughly pulled the Christmas tree by the trunk, tender green branches broke off and scattered the Christmas tree's trail in the snow. A terrible ugly stump is all that remains of the Christmas tree in the forest.

This is the story the old creaky Aspen told me...

The Tale of the Little Cedar

Ecological fairy tale

I want to tell you an interesting tale that I heard in the forest while picking mushrooms.

One day in the taiga two squirrels got into a fight over a pine cone and dropped it.

When the cone fell, a nut fell out of it. He fell into the soft and fragrant pine needles. The nut lay there for a long time and then one day it turned into a cedar sprout. He was proud and thought that he had learned a lot during the time that he lay in the ground. But the old fern, which grew nearby, explained to him that he was still very small. And he pointed to the tall cedars.

“You will be the same and live another three hundred years!” - said the fern to the cedar sprout. And the cedar began to listen to the fern and learn from it. Kedrenok learned a lot of interesting things over the summer. I stopped being afraid of the hare, which often ran past. I rejoiced at the sun, which looked through the huge paws of pines and large cedars.

But one day a terrible incident happened. One morning, Kedrenok saw that all the birds and animals were running past him. They were terribly frightened by something. It seemed to Kedrenk that now he would definitely be trampled, but he did not know that the worst was yet to come. Soon white choking smoke appeared. Fern explained to Kedrenk that this is a forest fire that kills everything in its path.

“Will I never grow up to be a big cedar?” - thought Kedrenok.

And now red tongues of fire were already close, crawling through the grass and trees, leaving behind only black coals. It's already getting hot! Kedrenok began to say goodbye to the fern, when suddenly he heard a loud buzzing and saw a huge bird in the sky. It was a rescue helicopter. Water started pouring out of the helicopter at the same moment.

"We are saved"! – Kedrenok was delighted. Indeed, the water stopped the fire. The cedar tree was not injured, but one branch of the fern was scorched.

In the evening, Kedrenok asked the fern, “Where did this terrible fire come from?”

Fern explained to him that this disaster happens due to the carelessness of people who come to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. People light a fire in the forest and leave embers, which then flare up in the wind.

"How so"? – the little cedar was surprised. “After all, the forest feeds them, treats them with berries and mushrooms, but they destroy it.”

“When every person thinks about this, then maybe there will be no fires in our forests,” said the old and wise fern.

“In the meantime, we have only one hope that we will be rescued in time.”

And when I heard this fairy tale, I really wanted all people to take care of nature, which treats them with its gifts. And I hope that the main character of my fairy tale “Kedrenok” will grow up to be a big cedar and live for three hundred, and maybe more years!

Ecological tales about water

The story of one drop

(sad tale about water)

A transparent stream of water ran from an open tap. The water fell directly to the ground and disappeared, irrevocably absorbed into the soil cracked by the scorching rays of the sun.

A heavy drop of water, timidly peeking out from this stream, looked down with caution. In a split second, her entire long, eventful life flashed through her head.

She remembered how, frolicking and playing in the sun, she, Little Droplet, appeared from a young and daring Spring that timidly made its way out of the ground. With her sisters, the same mischievous Little Droplets, she frolicked among the birch trees whispering tender words to them, among the meadows glowing with bright colors, among the fragrant forest herbs. How Little Drop loved to look at the clear high sky, at the feather-light clouds slowly floating and reflected in the small mirror of the Spring.

The droplet remembered how the Spring, which over time became bold and strong, turned into a noisy stream and, knocking down stones, hills and sandy embankments on its way, swept through the lowlands, choosing a place for its new refuge.

Thus was born the River, which wound like a serpentine, bypassing virgin forests and high mountains.

And now, having become mature and full-flowing, the River sheltered burbot and perch, bream and pike perch in its waters. Small fish frolicked in its warm waves, and a predatory pike hunted for it. Many birds nested along the banks: ducks, wild geese, mute swans, gray herons. At sunrise, roe deer and deer visited the watering hole, the thunderstorm of the local forests - the wild boar with its brood - did not mind tasting the cleanest and most delicious icy water.

Often a Man came to the shore, settled down by the River, enjoyed its coolness in the summer heat, admired the sunrises and sunsets, marveled at the harmonious chorus of frogs in the evening, looked with tenderness at a pair of swans who settled nearby by the water.

And in winter, children's laughter could be heard near the River; children and adults set up a skating rink on the River and were now gliding along the sparkling mirror of ice on sleds and skates. And where was there to sit still! The droplets watched them from under the ice and shared their joy with the people.

All this happened. But it seems so long ago!

For so many years, Droplet has seen a lot. She also learned that springs and rivers are not inexhaustible. And the Man, the same Man who so loved to be on the shore, enjoy the River, drink cold spring water, this Man takes this water for his needs. Yes, he doesn’t just take it, but spends it in a completely uneconomical way.

And now water flowed out in a thin stream from the tap, and a drop of water, closing its eyes, set off into a frightening, unknown future.

“Do I have a future? - Drop thought with horror. “After all, I’m going, it seems, to nowhere.”

How Cloud was in the desert

(a tale about a place where there is no water)

Cloud once got lost. She ended up in the desert.

- How beautiful it is here! – Cloud thought, looking around. - Everything is so yellow...

The wind came and leveled the sandy hills.

- How beautiful it is here! – Cloud thought again. - Everything is so smooth...

The sun began to get hotter.

- How beautiful it is here! – Cloud thought once again. - Everything is so warm...

The whole day passed like this. Behind him is the second, the third... Cloud was still delighted with what she saw in the desert.

Week is gone. Month. It was both warm and light in the desert. The sun has chosen this place on earth. The wind often came here.

There was only one thing missing here - blue lakes, green meadows, birds singing, the splash of fish in the river.

Cloud cried. No, the desert cannot see lush meadows or dense oak forests, its inhabitants cannot inhale the scent of flowers, nor can it hear the ringing trill of a nightingale.

The most important thing is missing here - WATER, and, therefore, there is no LIFE.

The Power of Rain and Friendship

(a tale about the life-giving power of water)

An alarmed Bee was circling over the lawn.

- How can this be? It hasn't rained for many days.

She looked around the lawn. The bells lowered their heads dejectedly. Daisies folded their snow-white petals. The drooping grasses looked up to the sky with hope. The birches and rowan trees were talking sadly among themselves. Their leaves gradually turned from soft green to dirty gray, turning yellow before our eyes. It became hard for the Bugs, Dragonflies, Bees and Butterflies. The Hare, Fox and Wolf were languishing from the heat in their warm fur coats, hiding in holes and not paying attention to each other. And Grandfather Bear climbed into a shady raspberry patch to at least escape from the scorching sun.

Tired of the heat. But there was still no rain.

“Grandfather Bear,” Bee buzzed, “tell me what to do.” There is no escape from the s-s-heat. The rain-j-zhidik probably forgot about our puddle-zh-zhayka.

“And you find a free Wind - a breeze,” answered the wise old Bear, “he walks all over the world, knows about everything that is happening in the world.” He will help.

The Bee flew off in search of the Wind.

And he was playing mischief at that time in distant countries. Little Bee found him and told him about the trouble. They hurried to the lawn forgotten by Rain, and along the way they took with them a light Cloud resting in the sky. Cloud did not immediately understand why Bee and Breeze disturbed him. And when I saw drying forests, fields, meadows, and unfortunate animals, I became worried:

- I will help the lawn and its inhabitants!

The Cloud frowned and turned into a rain cloud. The cloud began to swell, covering the entire sky.

She sulked and sulked until she burst into warm summer rain.

The rain danced dashingly across the revived lawn. He walked on the Earth, and everything around

fed on water, sparkled, rejoiced, sang a hymn to rain and friendship.

And the Bee, contented and happy, at that time was sitting under a wide Dandelion leaf and thinking about the life-giving power of water and that we often do not appreciate this amazing gift of nature.

The Story of Little Frog

(a good fairy tale about the water cycle in nature)

Little Frog was bored. All the Frogs around were adults, and he had no one to play with. Now he was lying on a wide leaf of a river lily and carefully looking at the sky.

“The sky is so blue and alive, like the water in our pond.” This must be the pond, only in reverse. If so, then there are probably frogs there.

He jumped up on his thin legs and shouted:

- Hey! Frogs from the heavenly pond! If you can hear me, respond! Let's be friends!

But no one responded.

- Ah well! - exclaimed the Frog. – Are you playing hide and seek with me?! There you are!

And he made a funny grimace.

Mother Frog, who was tracking a mosquito nearby, just laughed.

- Silly you! The sky is not a pond, and there are no frogs there.

“But rain often drips from the sky, and at night it darkens, like our water in the pond.” And these tasty mosquitoes so often fly into the air!

“How little you are,” Mom laughed again. “The mosquitoes need to escape from us, so they fly into the air.” And the water in our pond on hot days evaporates, rises into the sky, and then returns to our pond again in the form of rain. Got it, baby?

“Yeah,” nodded the little frog with his green head.

And I thought to myself:

“I’ll still find a friend from heaven someday.” After all, there is water there! Which means there are Frogs!!!

Every living thing needs water

Ecological fairy tale

Once upon a time there lived a hare. One day he decided to take a walk in the forest. The day was very cloudy, it was raining, but this did not stop the bunny from taking a morning walk through his native forest. A bunny is walking, walking, and a hedgehog with no head or legs meets him.

- “Hello hedgehog! Why are you so sad?"

- “Hello bunny! Why be happy, just look at the weather, it’s been raining all morning, the mood is disgusting.”

- “Hedgehog, imagine what would happen if there was no rain at all, and the sun always shone.”

- “It would be great, we could walk, sing songs, have fun!”

- “Yeah, hedgehog, it’s not like that. If there is no rain, all the trees, grass, flowers, all living things will wither and die.”

- “Come on, hare, I don’t believe you.”

- “Let's check it out”?

- “And how are we going to check this?”

- “Very simple, here’s a hedgehog holding a bouquet of flowers, this is a gift from me.”

- “Oh thank you bunny, you are a real friend!”

- “Hedgehog and you give me flowers.”

- “Yes, just take it.”

- “And now it’s time to check the hedgehog. Now we will each go to our own homes. I will put my flowers in a vase and pour water into it. And you, hedgehog, also put flowers in a vase, but don’t pour water.”

- “Okay, hare. Goodbye"!

Three days have passed. The hare, as usual, went for a walk in the forest. On this day, the bright sun shone and warmed us with its warm rays. A bunny is walking and suddenly a hedgehog with no head or legs meets him.

- “Hedgehog, are you sad again?” The rain has long stopped, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the butterflies are fluttering. You should be happy."

- “Why should the hare be happy? The flowers you gave me have dried up. I’m so sorry, it was your gift.”

- “Hedgehog, do you understand why your flowers have dried up”?

“Of course I understand, I understand everything now. They dried out because they were in a vase without water.”

- “Yes, hedgehog, all living things need water. If there is no water, all living things will dry out and die. And rain is droplets of water that fall to the ground and nourish all the flowers and plants. Trees. Therefore, you need to enjoy everything, rain and sun.”

- “Bunny, I understood everything, thank you. Let’s go for a walk through the forest together and enjoy everything around us!”

A tale of water, the most wonderful miracle on Earth

Ecological fairy tale

Once upon a time there lived a king, and he had three sons. One day the king gathered his sons and ordered them to bring a MIRACLE. The eldest son brought gold and silver, the middle son brought precious stones, and the youngest son brought ordinary water. Everyone started laughing at him, and he said:

— Water is the greatest miracle on Earth. The traveler I met was ready to give me all his jewelry for a sip of water. He was thirsty. I gave him clean water to drink and gave him some more to spare. I didn’t need his jewelry; I realized that water is more valuable than any wealth.

And another time I saw a drought. Without rain, the whole field dried up. It came to life only after it rained, filling it with life-giving moisture.

For the third time I had to help people put out a forest fire. Many animals suffered from it. If we had not stopped the fire, the whole village could have burned down if it had spread to it. We needed a lot of water, but we managed with all our might. That was the end of my search.

And now, I think you all understand why water is a wonderful miracle, because without it there would be nothing alive on Earth. Birds, animals, fish, and people cannot live a day without water. And water also has magical powers: it turns into ice and steam,” the youngest son finished his story and showed all the honest people the wonderful properties of water.

The king listened to his youngest son and declared water the greatest miracle on earth. In his royal Decree, he ordered to conserve water and not pollute water bodies.

A fairy tale on natural history on the topic “Three states of water”

Traveler drop

(Tale on natural history on the topic “Three states of water”)

Author: Yana Tropina, 5a grade student

Municipal educational institution IRMO "Kudinskaya secondary school"

Head: Gimburg E.A.

Once upon a time there lived a cheerful Drop in a forest river. She was such a dreamer! The drop floated all the time on the surface of its native river and looked at the high blue sky and snow-white fluffy clouds. She dreamed of how one day she would suddenly get there and ride on these wonderful clouds. She really wanted to see her native river from above, she wanted to know how many drops like her still lived in the river. And so she dreamed every day.

Suddenly the Drop heard a cheerful child's laughter. It was the boys who came to the river bank. They caught fish and wanted to cook fish soup. The drop did not have time to float away from the shore, and therefore fell into the pot with which one of the boys scooped up water. The drop held tightly to the edge of the pot and watched with curiosity everything that was happening around. It turns out that there was a clearing near the river, and a lot of beautiful flowers grew on it. And beyond the clearing there was a beautiful forest. And behind the forest something else was visible, the Drop did not have time to examine everything in detail. She felt that the pot had become very hot. The drop tried to float to the middle, but the water was boiling strongly, and there were many bubbles on the surface. She fell into one of these bubbles and lost consciousness. The Drop woke up from the warm Breeze. She asked him: “What is wrong with me? Where I am?" And Veterok answered her: “You have turned into steam, and you are flying very high above the earth.” The drop was very happy and looked down. She saw that her house - a forest river - was very large. It turns out that there are a lot of people like her living in the river. Then the Drop flew over the forest, and beyond the forest, it turned out, there was a village in which these boys lived. The drop thought that everything was very clearly visible from above. She was happy because her dream came true! Soon our traveler got tired and lay down on a small cloud. Now she was flying across the sky with her. But one day the cloud darkened and began to quickly descend to the ground. The drop thought that it was going to break and immediately lost consciousness. She woke up at the top of a tall spruce tree, nearby there were many other drops just like her. The drops explained to her that now she is rain, and if she chooses the right direction, she will be able to get home to her family. The drop immediately rolled down the branches, ran in a stream into a flower meadow and fell into a stormy stream. There she met her sister and niece, and they, holding hands, swam to their native river.

Every day the Merry Drop told everyone about her wonderful journey. Soon winter came, all the drops needed to sleep until spring. All relatives and friends gathered together, held hands tightly and asked the traveler Drop to tell them again before going to bed about her wonderful adventure. After the story, everyone fell fast asleep. A cold Breeze flew over them, looked down and thought: “Now my friend Drop has become ice. She is also beautiful and transparent, but cold. But it’s okay, spring will come soon, I will become warmer and wake her up. And we will fly under the clouds again.”

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