Methodology for developing self-service skills. Older age. Free quota operation: how to get it and
Crafts from scrap materials You can make a traffic light from scrap materials. From packages Packages will be required
Fitball-gymnastics in kindergarten January 26, 2013 Competition “My Pedagogical Initiative - 2012” Nomination
Collection of technological maps for plot-role-playing games (older age) Technological map of plot-role-playing games
Abstract of OOD in the preparatory group on the topic “Travel to the Country of Economics” Bibliographic description: Grigorieva,
Individual approach to raising and teaching a child in a kindergarten Involving parents and others
Unconventional ways of learning poems Before starting a lesson to memorize a poem, you need to do some preliminary work. She
Summary of an open lesson on FEMP in the first junior group “Geometric Figures” The teacher suggests circling