Application of geometric shapes: in kindergarten and master class for preschoolers
Application of geometric shapes: in kindergarten and master class for preschoolers
Geometric applique This article is intended for practicing appliqué with children. Geometric applique will unobtrusively introduce
Card index of conversations on environmental topics - what to talk about with children?
Conversation is the most important method of working with children. There are two ways to provide useful information and instill
Lesson-fairy tale “The Hedgehog’s Journey” [vowels and consonants]
Tales about sounds for children Educational fairy tales for children In the Land of Sounds Lived in
Working with families on the topic “Moral and patriotic education of preschool children in the family”
Patriotic education consists of instilling in a child love for his native land and country in
How to make a lapbook with your own hands step by step from felt, cardboard, folder
How to make a lapbook with your own hands step by step from felt, cardboard, folder
What is a lapbook? The idea of ​​​​creating a lapbook came from the American T. Dubey. The girl decided to take
Summary of educational activities on modeling in the middle group “Fish”. Outline of a lesson on appliqué, modeling (middle group)
GCD modeling in the middle group the topic is “Fish” GCD Artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling Middle group Theme: Fish
Artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children
The system of aesthetic education implies such a pedagogical influence on the child that contributes to the development of
Didactic games in mathematics in the first and second junior groups: filling up the card index and planning lessons
Specifics of using didactic games in toddlers As practice shows, in early preschool age
Master class for children and parents “Flower of Friendship”
Christmas tree made of pasta You can make a magnificent New Year's craft for the kindergarten with your own hands if you show
Development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children.
Development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children. Berezenko Anastasia Aleksandrovna Development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children
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