Analysis of physical education classes

1. The preparation of the FC leader for the lesson consists of writing notes, selecting items for the outdoor control unit, thinking through and placing children in the room.

2. The necessary equipment and aids were prepared in advance and their arrangement was thought out so that the children could sort them out as they moved. This organization contributed to the rapid distribution of benefits and the organization of children.

3.Classes began and ended as scheduled. The time for conducting individual parts was distributed correctly (for example: the final part

4. When placing children in classes, various techniques are used, game moments for the younger group (a friend on the left and a friend on the right turned out to be an even circle), in the older preparatory group, a formation of 3-4 columns using a landmark.

5. The premises and equipment were used rationally. When walking, the entire usable area of ​​the hall is used.

6.Each of the lessons conducted has a clear structure, starting with the children lining up in a line, checking their posture (we checked their posture, everyone pulled their shoulder blades together, stood on their toes, and then on their heels), greeting.

7. During the lessons, the tasks of teaching movement and consolidating the skills of children were successfully solved. For this purpose, the teacher used methods and techniques of guidance: explanation with demonstration, joint performance with children, demonstration by individual children who do better, reminders that I think these techniques were effective, explanation of the exercise was accessible, clear and concise.

8. The selected teaching methods in the classroom corresponded to the age of the children and the level of preparedness of the learning stage, the nature of the movement and the musical accompaniment

9. The teacher knows how to warn children about mistakes, as well as provide insurance for children when performing exercises. In order to ensure safety, she enlists the help of a teacher (for example, in the younger group, the teacher determines the bridge for insurance, and with the other group she does the jumping over an obstacle herself)

10. During the lesson, not only educational, but also health-improving ones were solved: strengthening the organs and systems of the body, hardening. Breathing exercise, hardening through lightweight clothing, shoes, pre-ventilation of the premises. Therefore, the implementation and dosage were strictly observed.

11. During the lesson, much attention was paid to solving the problem, practicing posture skills, as well as personal hygiene. In the process of performing the exercises, the teacher clearly determined the starting position for performing the exercises, monitored compliance, and paid attention to posture (using verbal instructions). Before conducting a lesson, pays attention to the appearance of children, and if necessary, troubleshoots problems.

12.The duration of the entire lesson and each part of it was observed in all lessons watched

13. In the procession, educational activities were decided upon, the teacher pays attention to instilling in children the ability to independently engage in physical exercises and carry them out with their peers.

14. In the process of organized educational activities, the tasks are: mental education (a situation is proposed on how best to perform the exercises) labor education (distribution and collection of equipment) tasks of aesthetic education - a uniform form, neatness, neatness, beauty performing exercises

15. Discipline is observed; children hear the teacher obey his demands, and perform the movements with great pleasure. Relationships with peers are smooth, without conflict

16. The teacher clearly and competently explains and shows the exercises. Gives commands to children, manages to control all children’s exercises and their behavior, the teacher is in a good mood.

17. I think that the classes I watched were conducted at a fairly high level.


on pedagogical practice

PM.01 Organization of activities aimed at strengthening the child’s health and physical health


Well ___________________________

DOU No. ________________________________________________________________________

Age group of preschool educational institution _________________________________________________________________

Full name of the teacher-mentor_______________________________________________________________

Full name of the physical education instructor:__________________________________________________________

Duration of internship from ______________ to ________________________ 2013

Motivation for activity before going to practice________________________________


The main goal of the practice is _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

Realization of the set goal during:

— development of notes on activities aimed at promoting the health and physical development of children ___________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________ - organizing and conducting routine processes in the first half of the day _______________________


— organizing and conducting security processes in the second half of the day _____________________

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - organizing and conducting morning exercises_________________________________


— organizing and conducting physical education classes


— organizing and conducting physical education entertainment ______________________________


Problems that arose during practice ________________________________________________


The causes of these problems and their solution during practice ___________________________________


What did the practice give me in terms of developing professional and pedagogical skills_____


General conclusions on practice. Suggestions for organizing practice ______________________


Tasks for self-education and self-education _____________________________________________


Date ________________________________________

Signature _______________/_____________________

Topic: Features of planning and methods of organization and implementation

Self-analysis of the work of a physical education instructor for the 2016 - 2022 academic year

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

city ​​of Kerch, Republic of Crimea “Kindergarten No. 15 “Dolphin”


physical education instructor jobs

Blokhina Natalia Valerievna

for the 2016 – 2022 academic year

Physical education is carried out in accordance with the main educational program of the MBDOU of the city of Kerch of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Kindergarten No. 15 “Dolphin”.

The preschool educational institution team sets itself a single long-term goal
for the physical education of preschool children
: using the possibilities of physical education to form a healthy, comprehensively developed, harmonious personality that successfully adapts to society and implements its individual life program as effectively and usefully as possible.

We see the following tasks of physical education and health work:

- creation of favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in modern society.

Personality-oriented education has a certain ideology: the child’s acquisition of personal experience is the most valuable for his development; the child develops in the process of independent interaction with the world around him.

Planning of physical education and health activities is carried out by specialists, taking into account the age and individual characteristics and health of children. Below are the traditional and innovative forms of physical education used in our preschool educational institution:

  • morning awakening exercises (“exercises”);
  • funny physical exercises;
  • indoor physical education lesson (“physical education fairy tale”);
  • independent motor and play activity of children (free style);
  • physical education class on the street (“physical education fairy tale”);
  • a lesson with a subgroup of children on simulators (mini-group of children);
  • physical education moment;
  • physical education break;
  • gymnastics of awakening after a nap (in the bedroom);
  • physical education activities;
  • hardening procedures;
  • outdoor games (folk, sports, original);
  • small (or simplified) tourism: hiking over rough terrain, overcoming certain natural obstacles, spatial orientation, etc.;
  • relay races (with the participation of two or more teams);
  • competitions in a certain sport (adapted for preschoolers);
  • physical education holiday;
  • Health Day;
  • passing test standards (monitoring the physical development of children);
  • physical education correctional studies;
  • lesson on corrective physical development;
  • health training on plastic shows for preschool employees (primarily teaching staff working directly with children).

Independent motor activity is one of the indicators of the development of the individual and his culture. Its essence lies in the ability to independently develop one’s own physical capabilities in the surrounding world through a set of self-conscious motor actions that ensure the preservation of one’s health. The preschool educational institution has created conditions conducive to the development of independent motor activity:

— integration of motor activity with other types of activity;

— saturation of motor activity with folk outdoor games;

— changing the nature of personal interaction;

— ensuring the relationship between organized and independent activities.

To help a child find himself in movement, we conduct an examination of children’s motor activity, determine their sports “interests” and abilities.

Monitoring the physical development of children allows you to:

  • Obtain an objective assessment of the level of physical fitness of children.
  • Draw up a plan for physical education and health work with preschoolers and adjust it.

Summary table of the results of physical examination of children in percentage terms for the 2016 - 2022 school year (by level of preparedness)

Based on the diagnostic results, 95 children (100%) showed a positive result, of which: 41 children showed a high level (15 at the beginning of the year), 54 showed an average level (72 at the beginning of the year). There are no low levels of physical fitness.

The growth rate of children's physical fitness indicators for the 2016-2017 academic year showed an increase level above average. The reason for this increase is the targeted effective use of the natural forces of nature and physical exercise.

Growth rates of children's physical fitness indicators

(according to the formula of S. Brodie)

for the 2016 – 2022 academic year

Due to the fact that within each age group the range in the state of psychophysical development and health of children in general is quite wide, the content of physical education classes is formed individually and differentiated, focusing on the age characteristics of children. All children, based on a medical report, are divided into three physical education groups: basic, preparatory and special.

Most preschoolers need the prevention and correction of certain motor disorders, so we have proposed an innovative form of physical education and health work in the form of corrective physical exercises

. This form is implemented in the style of theatrical action with emotional role-playing manifestations. We used corrective physical education to fill any gap that arose in the educational process.

Since 2011, our preschool educational institution has created a creative group in the physical education and health direction “Unconventional use of health-saving technologies in physical education and health improvement of preschool children.”

In the 2016-2017 academic year, members of the creative group set the goal of their work to create motivation in children to engage in physical education and sports, familiarize themselves with the country’s sporting achievements, the high personal achievements of people who have become the glory of Russia, and form in children a sustainable habit of systematic physical education.

The creative team completed the assigned tasks:

— experience in attracting children to physical education and sports was broadcast through the kindergarten website and the personal website of the head of the creative group N.V. Blokhina, a master class was held with employees of MBDOU No. 40 “Kolobok”;

— teachers became acquainted with the GTO program, the history of the movement, and the tradition of conducting tests;

— constantly expanded and consolidated parents’ knowledge about a healthy lifestyle at parent meetings, updated material in corners for parents, according to the plan, material in the advisory club for parents was replenished;

— conducting educational activities, physical education activities, holidays, and training with employees contributed to the development of interest in physical education and sports among children, teachers and parents.

During the year, teachers conducted a number of consultations for MBDOU employees:

— Creation of a model of motor activity for children of all age groups, recommendations for optimizing the motor mode in preschool educational institutions.

— Requirements for the level of physical fitness of the population when meeting the standards of the All-Russian physical culture sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense (RLD) 1st stage, age group from 6 to 8 years.

— Presentation for teachers and parents “What is GTO?”

— Results of play testing of motor activity of children in kindergarten groups. Preparation of recommendations for educators and parents.

The library was completed in electronic version with basic documents and additional materials of the GTO complex.

Our creative group was interested in the innovative system of physical education, sports training, correction, health improvement and creative self-expression for children and adults! Our teachers in this unique direction of improving the body, mind and soul through a system of plastic movements were Efimenko Nikolai Nikolaevich - the creator and director of the “Horizontal Plastic Ballet Theater” (Plastic Show) and Efimenko Yulia Vladimirovna (Julia), instructor-teacher of the plastic show, assistant-referent. Under the guidance of physical education instructor N.V. Blokhina. Health training sessions are conducted for employees (once a week).

The result of the work of the creative group was the project “First steps towards the GTO”

The goal of the project: to introduce children to sports and a healthy active lifestyle through an organized physical education and sports model in preschool educational institutions, to create a bank of information in this area. The result of the project was a trial passing of the GTO standards by children of the preparatory group in the 30m run and standing long jump tests.

The trial passing of tests of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) by children of the preparatory group confirmed the high level of children’s preparation.

Mandatory 30 meter run test.

Test results:

  • gold badge – 1 child
  • silver badge – 11 children
  • bronze badge – 1 child

Selective test: standing long jump with two feet push.

Test results:

  • gold badge – 3 children
  • silver badge – 5 children
  • bronze badge – 6 children

Summary of morning exercises with analysis

Summary of morning exercises (with cones) “At the edge of the forest” Time: 07h.55min.

Venue: sports hall Clothing for children and teacher: children: T-shirt, shorts, Czech shoes; teacher: T-shirt, sweatpants, socks. Equipment: two cones for each child Program objectives: educational: continue to teach preschoolers to clearly and correctly perform exercises, observing the pace and frequency of breathing. developmental tasks: continue to develop in preschoolers dexterity, speed, and the ability to navigate in space.

educational objectives: to create a cheerful and cheerful mood in children for the whole day; arouse interest in physical education. Structure: Name of parts Contents of educational material Dosage, pace Methodical instructions Introductory part Walking behind the guide, in a column, one at a time, performing tasks: on toes - arms straight up, palms inward; on the heels - hands behind the head, attention to posture; on the outer arch of the foot - hands on the belt. Running in a column one at a time, maintaining your place, side gallop with your right shoulder forward, side gallop with your left shoulder forward, jumping on two legs moving forward.

Walk at a relaxed pace. Restoring breathing. Formation into a circle. 2.5-3 min. Medium Fast Calm Maintain posture.

We breathe through our nose. Keep your head straight. Main part 6-7 min. IP: standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

Hands with bumps to shoulders. 1 - right hand with the bump up 2 - left hand with the bump up 3 -4 in reverse order return to I.p. 5-6 repetitions Medium pace Don’t lower your head I.p.: standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands with bumps in front of your chest.

Self-analysis of morning exercises in the senior group on the topic: “Fitball-gymnastics for sound automation [R]”

Self-analysis of morning exercises in the senior group on the topic: “Fitball-gymnastics for sound automation [R]” The routine moment was carried out by teacher L.A. Trusova.

and speech therapist - Supagalieva G.A., Goal: to develop the motor activity of children with sound automation [R]. Objectives: Educational: - Form a reflex of the correct posture in exercises with fitballs. — Exercise in performing general developmental and basic movements with the ball.

— Practice maintaining correct posture when performing exercises for the arms and legs. Developmental; - Train balance and coordination. — Develop articulatory motor skills.

— Automate the correct pronunciation of the sound [R] in poetry and tongue twisters. — Develop the tempo-rhythmic side of speech.

Educators: - Cultivate endurance and perseverance. — Cultivate a conscious attitude towards your health. Type of operating torque: combined.

(A combination of different types of activities that do not have logical connections with each other. (automation of sound [P] and physical activity with the help of fitballs)) Educational areas: 1.

Physical development 2. Speech development 3. Social and communicative development Types of activity: 1).

Motor 2). Game 3). Communication Methods and techniques: 1.

Verbal (explanation, instruction, encouragement), speaking technique.

2. Practical (speech exercises with movements) 3. Playful (involving children in outdoor play). Materials and equipment: fitballs according to the number of children, napkins, tape recorder, audio recordings. Morning exercises are carried out daily. The duration in the older group is 8-10 minutes.

Physical education leisure in kindergarten for middle group children. Scenario

Scenario of physical education leisure “We need sports” for children of the middle group
Author: Vitskova Marina Viktorovna, teacher at the MBDOU Kindergarten “Golden Fish”, Astrakhan region, Chernoyarsk district. This material will be useful for educators, physical education instructors, and parents when spending fun leisure time with children of middle preschool age. Goals: - Enrich children's motor experience. — Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of children’s health. — Develop the emotional-volitional sphere of the child. Tasks: - Continue to teach children how to play relay races. Create a joyful mood in children, - Cultivate in children courage, attention, endurance, goodwill towards each other. Equipment: hare and wolf masks, baskets, boxes, a box with acorns, pine cones, buckets, balloons.

Leisure activities
Educator. Hello children! I'm very glad to see you. To be completely healthy, everyone needs physical education. Let's start in order - Let's do some exercises in the morning! Running is good for you and playing is good for you, kids! To develop successfully, you need to play sports. Without a doubt, everything related to the Educator movement is useful to us. Guys, do you like physical education and sports? Tell us about sports? Children. Yes! Children. 1st child. We are friendly guys, we came to kindergarten, and everyone is very happy to do physical education! We did a lot of physical education in the garden. Exercising in the morning We strengthened ourselves and tempered ourselves. 2nd child. We are brave, and strong, and dexterous With sports always on the way. The guys are not afraid of training - Let the heart beat in the chest. We are brave, and strong, and dexterous. We must always be ahead. 3rd child. There will be a difficult dispute for each of our records. We believe in one thing sincerely and sacredly. All those who love sports, all those who believe in sports. Reliable guys. 4th child. Sports are important for health, to fight back diseases. You need to play sports and stay healthy! The song is sung: “All my friends have gathered at the holiday,” the children dance. Educator. Well done, good. And today we will arrange fun, sporty leisure time. First, we'll warm up a little. Our rest is a physical education minute . Take your places: Step in place left, right, (We walk in place.)
One and two, one and two!
Keep your back straight, One and two, one and two! And don’t look at your feet, (Move your arms: to the sides, up, to the sides, down)
One and two, one and two!
Educator. Fine. And now it’s time for us kids to play. An outdoor game is played: 1st game: “Hares and the Wolf” One of the players is chosen to be a wolf. The rest of the children pretend to be hares. On one side of the site, the hares make houses for themselves (draw circles). At the beginning of the game, the hares stand in their houses; the wolf is at the other end of the site (in the ravine). The teacher says: The hares gallop, hop, hop, hop, onto the green meadow, nibble the grass, eat, listen carefully to see if a wolf is coming. Hares jump out of the houses and scatter around the site. They either jump on two legs, then sit down, nibble the grass and look around to see if the wolf is coming. When the teacher says the last word, the wolf comes out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch (touch) them. The hares each run away to their own house. The wolf takes the caught hares into the ravine. As soon as the wolf leaves, the teacher repeats the text of the poem, and the game resumes. After 2-3 hares are caught, another wolf is chosen. Educator. Well done, hares, agile and fast.
And now guys, we will play relay games. 1st relay race “Double chain engine”

All team members take part in the relay race, starting with the first, who runs to the landmark and back, catches the second, runs to the landmark and back, leaving the first and catching the third, etc.

2nd relay: “Who is faster?”

Children are located on one side of the playground, with empty baskets and boxes next to them.
On the other side there is a box with acorns, cones, etc. Several children with identical buckets in their hands, at a signal from an adult, run to the box, fill the buckets with acorns (cones), bring them, pour them into baskets and boxes. Then they run to the boxes again and fill their buckets. The game continues until the children fill their baskets. Whoever does it first wins. Educator. Well done boys. During games and competitions, you demonstrated your qualities in strength, speed, agility, ingenuity, and endurance. (The teacher gives the children balloons)
The children really need sports. We are strong friends with sports, Sport is health, Sport is an assistant, Sport is a game.

We recommend watching:

Scenario of physical education leisure in the middle group on the topic: Winter Summer sports leisure based on fairy tales in the middle group. Scenario Physical education leisure in kindergarten for the middle group Physical education leisure in the middle group of kindergarten based on the fairy tale: Teremok

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"Legal consultations Angry dog" A sharp breath through the mouth, pronouncing “rr...”, with a simultaneous sharp blow of the hands overlapping the back (while standing, bending over).

Exhale the same way through the nose. October Gymnastics in bed “Stretching” I. p.: lying on your back. We stretch our heels forward and both hands up (6 times). “Cheburashka” I. p.: sitting cross-legged.

We sculpt ears for Cheburashka, stroke the ears (“we apply clay” so that the ears do not come off (6 times).

“Pinocchio” I. p.: sitting on my knees, we sculpt a beautiful nose for Pinocchio. Pinocchio draws “sun”, “carrot”, “house” with his nose (6 times).

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They jump and jump in the woods, Hares are gray balls, Jump - hop, jump - hop. The little bunny stood up on a stump, lined everyone up in order, and began showing exercises.

Once - everyone walks in place. Two - they wave their hands together.

Three sat down and stood up together.

We reached four. Five - bent over and bent over.

The six all stood in a row again, They walked like a detachment. Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises “Penknife” I.

p.: lying on your back. As you exhale, bend your torso toward your legs, which do not lift off the floor.

Pronounced while exhaling “Ha! " Repeat 3-4 times. In general, it will take 5–10 minutes to complete the gymnastics. Spending 5–10 minutes after sleep helps maintain and strengthen children’s health Date Name of exercise Description September Gymnastics in bed “Bicycle” I.

p.: lying on your back, “turn the pedals with the sound “w-w-w” (6 times) “Kitten” I.

Self-analysis of invigorating gymnastics in the senior group

quoted1 > > Angry dog” A sharp breath through the mouth, saying “rr...”, with a simultaneous sharp blow of the hands overlapping the back (while standing, bending over). Exhale the same way through the nose. October Gymnastics in bed “Stretch” I.

p.: lying on your back. We stretch our heels forward and both hands up (6 times).

“Cheburashka” I. p.: sitting cross-legged. We sculpt ears for Cheburashka, stroke the auricles (“we apply clay” so that the ears do not come off (6 times). “Pinocchio” I. p.: sitting on my knees, we sculpt a beautiful nose for Pinocchio.

Pinocchio draws “sun”, “carrot”, “house” with his nose (6 times). Exercises on the mat Children imitate movements, repeat 3-4 times. They jump and jump in the woods, Hares are gray balls, Jump - hop, jump - hop.

The little bunny stood up on a stump, lined everyone up in order, and began showing exercises.

Once - everyone walks in place. Two - they wave their hands together. Three sat down and stood up together.

We reached four. Five - bent over and bent over. The six all stood in a row again, They walked like a detachment.

Walking along corrective and salt paths. Breathing exercises “Penknife” I.

p.: lying on your back. As you exhale, bend your torso toward your legs, which do not lift off the floor.

Pronounced while exhaling “Ha! " Repeat 3-4 times. In general, it will take 5–10 minutes to complete the gymnastics. Spending 5–10 minutes after sleep helps maintain and strengthen the health of children Date Name of exercise Description September Gymnastics in bed “Bicycle” I. p.: lying on your back, “pedal with the sound “zh-zh-zh” (6 times) "Kitten" I.

Self-analysis “Organization of activities aimed at strengthening the child’s health and physical development”

Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Rostov Region State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution of the Rostov Region "Shakhtinsky Pedagogical College" Self-analysis of routine moments (washing, dressing, eating, sleeping) activities of the motor regime in the conditions of an educational organization Head of MBDOU Tatsinsky d/s "Bell" Khramkova I .M / Teacher-head of GBPOU RO "ShPK": Kryuchkova I.A / Teacher-leader: MBDOU Tatsinsky d/s "Kolokolchik" Kazachenko L.F / Physical education worker: MBDOU Tatsinsky d/s "Kolokolchik" Tkacheva M .G / Medical worker: MBDOU Tatsinsky d/s "Kolokolchik" Shakhty 2022 Self-analysis of the results of the professional activities of the teacher MBDOU Tatsinsky d/s "Bell" Kupreeva Yulia Aleksandrovna I am undergoing my professional activity MBDOU Tatsinsky d/s "Bell" in the middle group.

I carry out the educational process with children within the framework of routine moments (washing, dressing, eating, sleeping). I consider the main goal of working with children to be the creation of conditions for the holistic development of students, taking into account their characteristics.

In my work I use basic educational technologies and different types of programs. The main directions of children's development, which I implement in my teaching practice: - intellectual - speech - social - personal - artistic - aesthetic; - physical education and health.

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