Development of fine motor skills in preschool children through games and play exercises

Fine motor skills - what is it and how does it affect the child’s condition?

Imagine picking up a tennis ball and a grain of rice. Agree, it’s much easier and faster to grab the ball: close your fingers and you’re done. Whether it’s raising a small grain, you need to get used to it, pick up and hold this crumb.

It's all about physiology . The human hands are equipped with a large number of muscles, both large and small. We train large muscles every time we make any movements with our hands and fingers. But small muscles “rest” and do not develop until we begin to make small and precise manipulations.

Give a baby a coin - he will clutch it in his palm, no matter how interesting it is to him. But a four or five year old child will be able to pick it up with his fingers and carefully examine it. This simple difference is the effect of developed fine motor skills.

So, fine motor skills are the degree of development of the small muscles of the hands, which are used for precise and small movements. Then why develop it?

The excitement around fine motor skills began quite a long time ago, when M. Montessori, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, A.R. Luria discovered an interesting relationship: children with delayed speech development could not work with small objects, while children with a normal level of development actively used them.

This discovery became an impetus for other research in the fields of psychology, pedagogy and physiology. As a result, it was discovered that the accuracy of performing small manipulations is associated with the work of the speech parts of the brain, consciousness, thinking, spatial orientation, memory and vision.

Accordingly, by working on a child’s fine motor skills, you not only develop small hand muscles, but also train his brain, use the visual, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. Not a bad bonus for a caring parent, right?

What are fine motor skills

Fine motor skills are the consistency and precision of movements required to perform various actions with small objects using the hands and fingers and toes.

Fine motor skills are evident in children from an early age, when they are just learning to hold a toy. First, the development of the hand and finger movements occurs, then the formation of speech is formed. The formation of speech through the development of fine motor skills occurs due to the influence of nerve endings on the parts of the brain responsible for motor skills and speech, which are located next to each other.

In addition to the main function - speech development - fine motor skills influence the development of mental processes: thinking, memory, imagination, and the ability to navigate in space.

How to check the level of development of fine motor skills in your child?

To find out whether your child's developmental level is normal, look at his behavior. So, it is absolutely normal if the child is:

  • For 2-3 months he reaches out to things with his hands, grabs himself and those around him by the fingers.
  • 3-6 months can skillfully place toys in his mouth, examine his hand movements, and can purposefully grasp objects the size of his fist.
  • 8-12 months can transfer a small object from hand to hand, put small objects into large ones, and pick up small objects using the thumb and index finger.
  • 12-14 months old can draw doodles, turn all the pages of a book at once, and unwrap objects wrapped in cloth or paper.
  • 1-1.5 years puts cube on cube, unscrews small screw caps, assembles pyramids from rings.
  • 1.5-2 years holds two objects with one hand, turns the pages of a book one at a time, places 3 cubes on top of each other
  • 2-2.5 years Unbuttons and fastens large buttons, Velcro, can push and pick up small objects from a flat surface.
  • 2.5-3 years old draws with fingers, knows how to string beads on wire, wields scissors, collects cereal with a spoon.
  • 3-3.5 years draws a straight line and a dotted line, sculpts balls and sausages from plasticine, fastens and unfastens all types of locks, buttons, Velcro, etc.
  • 4-5 years old holds a pencil correctly and draws complex shapes (hexagon, star, heart), strings beads on a thread, and ties knots.
  • 5-6 years old folds paper several times, identifies small objects by touch, catches a ball in flight.
  • 6-7 years old has the skills to work with pens and pencils, draws small details, catches a small ball with one hand, braids hair.

If you notice that your child cannot cope with normal manipulations for his age, do not despair - you can easily catch up and even surpass the norm in a couple of months if you work daily on improving motor skills at home.


Doing this is extremely important due to the specific structure of the human brain. The fact is that the centers of speech and motor skills are located nearby and closely interact, therefore, the better developed the baby’s fingers, the better he speaks. Some parents make a serious mistake by asking their child to sit at the computer, playing educational games on the monitor. At first glance, everything is fine - the baby does not make noise, is busy with useful work, and acquires the necessary skills and abilities. However, researchers have found that this lack of use of hands and fingers leads to the fact that children cannot speak normally.

Well-developed motor skills help improve attention, memory, observation, coordination and imagination. In addition, the skills acquired in home classes will help the child prepare for more adult, school life:

  • holding a pen, pencil, brush - this is important for the learning process;
  • tie your own shoelaces, unfasten and fasten buttons.

That is why, from early childhood, motor skills classes should be conducted using games, manuals that can be made literally from improvised means, as well as doing finger gymnastics with the baby. And so that the child does not get bored, you need to actively recite nursery rhymes and funny rhymes with him.

Ways to develop fine motor skills

To improve fine motor skills, you don’t need to do tedious training and boring activities - all exercises are done in a light playful and entertaining way that will help brighten up your child’s leisure time.


Massage can be practiced to develop motor skills of both the youngest children and older schoolchildren. It is advisable to massage and stretch your hands before starting the main exercises.

Warming up the palms and hands can be done without the help of foreign objects; for this you just need to massage, rub and pinch the palms and bend the baby’s fingers. In this case, you can recite various rhymes or simply pronounce all the actions. Over time, the child will learn to do this warm-up without outside help.

You can also use improvised means: pencils, balls, small hard toys. Objects need to be rolled between the palms, inserted between the fingers and fixed in certain positions.

You can build improvised “pools”: containers with sand, cereals, lids or small balls. In this pool, the baby must lower his hands and move them, move the filler elements with his fingers, and mix the contents.

These exercises allow you to warm up your muscles and increase blood flow. Pink palms and fingers serve as a signal that the exercise has been performed well and that you can move on to the next one.

Finger games

Such games involve the child using his hands and fingers to depict certain objects, thereby developing coordination of movements.

  • Glasses . The child can make circles first with the whole fist, and then only with the thumbs and forefingers, bring the “glasses” to the eyes, etc.
  • Chair and table. Using a fist and palm, a chair is depicted, then the position of the hands changes. Then the chair can be depicted with one hand.
  • Boat . The palms are folded into a handful and the “boat” begins to travel, carrying “passengers” - small toys that need to be held or caught.
  • Scissors . By pretending to be scissors with the fingers of one hand, the baby “cuts” first the soft tissue, and then harder objects.

Lacing and dress up games

In stores you can buy special development books with fastening elements: zippers, Velcro, buttons, rivets, laces, etc. If desired, you can make them yourself. Working with such educational books, the child will not only develop fine motor skills, but also learn to dress faster.

Children are also offered special embroidery kits that use laces instead of threads. So a child can make crafts, “sew” handbags, wallets, etc. Girls especially like these toys.

Finger paint

It is difficult for young children to draw with brushes, watercolors or gouache, but this is not a reason to put drawing on the back burner. Special finger paints are now sold in stores: they do not contain harmful substances, which means that even if the baby swallows a little dye, nothing bad will happen.

Let the baby first get acquainted with paints and make prints of his fingers and palms. Next, teach him to draw lines and circles. With children 3-4 years old, you can already start drawing animals, houses, cars. Gradually, finger paints should be replaced with regular ones, and fingers with brushes.


Older children can engage in this type of creativity: from the age of 4-5, children can cut out figures from paper and cardboard, which means they can start practicing. Try to use not only paper, but also small unusual details: cereals, seeds, napkins, pebbles, sticks, etc. Crafts should be voluminous and detailed.

Ideas for creativity:

  • tree with true leaves;
  • fish with scales in the form of rhinestones;
  • flowers made from rolled napkins;
  • lamb made from rice or semolina;
  • hedgehog with needles made from sunflower seeds.

If you can’t spend time coming up with the next project, purchase special quilling kits. Working with small tapes and pieces of paper also effectively develops small arm muscles.


Plasticine of varying hardness, clay, dough and kinetic sand can be used as modeling material. It’s worth starting with softer and more pliable materials.

Children aged 2-4 years should be taught to roll sausages, balls and other basic shapes. Older children can already be trusted to create a real picture from plasticine. At 6-7 years old, children can already create real figurines with small details, so you can get your child interested in creating clay figurines.

Such classes allow you to broaden your horizons and gain knowledge about the color, shape, size and texture of the material.

Origami and other activities with paper

With paper and cardboard, a child can do more than just draw. You can invite him to cut and glue various appliqués, make paper beads, weave from strips of paper, glue various figures, and also make origami crafts.

To ensure that the little student does not lose interest in work, it is important that the classes constantly change and the goals become more complex. For example, you should start with simple airplanes and boats, and then move on to cranes, tigers and more complex figures.

Shadow play

Shadow theater can be a great family activity. To begin with, you should build and decorate the stage together with your child. Performances can begin with manual theater, when a child depicts an animal or object with his hands, and parents or friends guess. At first, these will be simple images that can be easily composed with your fingers: a bunny, a dog, a bird. Then you can act out entire scenes with more complex characters.

Next, you can make special figurines for the finger theater - paper caps in the form of characters from the play. At first, it is better to act out scenes from familiar fairy tales, in which there is a lot of dialogue: “The Three Little Pigs”, “The Fox and the Hare”, “Teremok”. As your child masters the skill of controlling his fingers, you can turn to your favorite cartoons.

So, with one idea you can keep your child occupied for several months, develop his motor skills, as well as artistic qualities.

Tasks with elements of writing

Six-year-olds can be occupied with more professional activities that will help them prepare for school and writing . You can purchase special coloring books with different types of shading. You can also offer decals in which you need to trace the contours of various objects using stencils.

Visual and auditory dictations are especially interesting for preschoolers, when the child needs to draw a picture following a spoken or drawn algorithm. Such activities influence the development of the child’s perseverance and attention.

There are such a large number of activities aimed at developing the small muscles of the hands that they are enough to fill the entire leisure time of the baby. Use your imagination, buy special games or books and move on to improving your fine motor skills!

Non-traditional methods for developing fine motor skills in preschoolers in kindergarten

Non-traditional methods for developing fine motor skills in preschool children.

Contents Introduction 1. Equipping a subject-based development space for the development of fine motor skills in preschool children 2. Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands. 3. Little-known non-traditional methods for developing fine motor skills of the hands Conclusion

Non-traditional methods for developing fine motor skills in preschool children.

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), education in preschool educational institutions is considered not as a preliminary stage before schooling, but as an independent important period in the life of a child, as an important milestone on the path of continuous education in a person’s life.
The problem of developing fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age is reflected in the “Federal State Standard of Preschool Education”. Presented in the target guidelines at the stage of completion of preschool education “The child has developed fine motor skills.” The problem of developing manual skills and fine motor skills is also important for the personal development of the child himself. By owning a hand, a child in the process of his development becomes more independent, autonomous and independent from an adult, which contributes to the development of his initiative in various types of children's activities. New educational programs for preschool educational institutions are aimed, first of all, at the comprehensive development of the child based on special, specific types of activities inherent in preschoolers. That is, in practice, we received a more playful and versatile approach, welcoming the maximum use of innovative and active methods of pedagogical interaction, more individualized and aimed at unlocking each child’s own potential. Dictating pedagogy has finally been completely eliminated and will be replaced by more modern pedagogy of development, pedagogy of creativity and freedom. Today, dear colleagues, I would like to share my work experience taking into account the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Fine motor skills are the ability to perform precise, coordinated movements with the fingers and hands. Fine motor skills are not only necessary in everyday life, they have a great impact on the child’s learning process. That is why, when diagnosing readiness for school, much attention is paid to how well the fine motor skills of preschoolers are developed. In everyday life, every minute we have to perform fine motor skills: fasten buttons, tie shoelaces, hold cutlery. Fine motor skills are important when learning to write and draw: a person’s handwriting will, in particular, depend on the degree of development of these skills. In addition, the development of fine motor skills is closely related to the development of speech, since the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for these functions are located very close to each other. It is in preschool age that special attention should be paid to the development of fine motor skills: by the time the child goes to school, his motor skills must be developed at a sufficient level, otherwise learning at school will be difficult for him. Working with preschool children, I am faced with such problems of children as poor development of the hands, poor memory of colors, shapes, impaired hand motor skills; in such children, slowness in performing movements predominates, and stiffness is observed. When completing tasks, the child begins to be capricious and his mood deteriorates. Understanding the importance of this problem, I set a goal for myself: to develop fine motor skills and hand coordination in preschool children through various activities, through didactic games and toys. The group has created the necessary subject-development environment, purchased games and aids for the development of fine motor skills, many of them made with their own hands. Goal: Development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements in preschool children through various types of activities, improving conditions for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers of preschool children. Objectives: - Improve coordination and accuracy of hand and eye movements, hand flexibility, rhythm;
— Improve fine motor skills of fingers and hands; — Improve general motor activity; — Promote the normalization of speech function; — Develop imagination, logical thinking, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, creative activity; — Create an emotionally comfortable environment in communication with peers and adults. Relevance.

At the initial stage of life, it is fine motor skills that reflect how the child develops and indicate his intellectual abilities. Children with poorly developed manual motor skills awkwardly hold a spoon or pencil, cannot fasten buttons, or lace up shoes. It can be difficult for them to collect scattered parts of the construction set, work with puzzles, counting sticks, and mosaics. They refuse modeling and appliqué, which other children love, and cannot keep up with the kids in class. Thus, the possibilities for children to explore the world are impoverished. Children often feel incompetent in basic activities available to their peers. This affects the child’s emotional well-being and self-esteem. Over time, the level of development shapes school difficulties. And, of course, in preschool age, work on developing fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements should become an important part of the development of children's speech, the formation of self-service skills and preparation for writing. His further development depends on how deftly a child learns to control his fingers. Along with the development of fine motor skills, memory, attention, and vocabulary develop.

1. Equipping a subject-based development space for the development of fine motor skills in preschool children

Our group is equipped with a space for a subject-development environment for the development of fine motor skills of the hands - this is: An art activity corner, where children can independently sculpt, draw, developing creativity, imagination, independence and fine motor skills of the hands. Lacing toys The simplest lacing toys are intended for children aged one to three years. In a playful form, fine motor skills of the hands are developed, and, consequently, the child is gradually prepared for writing. Lacing makes it possible to come up with many games. This includes lacing itself, and the ability to use lacing elements in role-playing games or study primary colors. Lacing games were created with the aim of developing fine motor skills, perseverance and eye. During the game, coordination of movements and flexibility of the hands are improved. Cubes; various wooden pyramids; designer - develop fine motor skills, promote design, which develops finger dexterity and the ability to navigate in space; puzzles - by collecting colorful pictures, the baby develops not only fine motor skills, but also attentiveness, intelligence, logical thinking, coordination of the work of the eyes and hands; cubes - sorters - the child learns to select figures according to shape and insert them into the corresponding holes. Thanks to such activities, the baby develops fine motor skills of the fingers, and also gets acquainted with various geometric shapes and different colors; mosaic - promotes the development of fine motor skills, intelligence and creative abilities of the child; beans and peas fine motor skills. In educational activities for the development of fine motor skills I use: • plasticine, with the help of plasticine the child expresses himself not only creatively, but also develops the flexibility and mobility of his fingers, which, in turn, helps improve speech; • Bean pattern. On a piece of cardboard, the child draws a simple image, for example, a man. After that, apply glue on the pencil lines and stick the beans. Working with small objects such as beans trains the muscles of the hand and fingers. • Mosaic - I prepare thin strips of colored paper in advance. The child tears them into small pieces with his hands and lays them out into a mosaic, having previously smeared them with glue. This exercise is especially suitable for children who do not yet know how to use scissors. • Colored semolina Have your child draw a simple outline design on a piece of paper and cover it with glue. After this, grasping the cereal with your fingers, fill the drawing with it. Let the glue dry. At the end, you need to shake off the excess grain from the picture. • Modeling from clay and plasticine. • Drawing or coloring pictures • Making paper crafts. For example, cutting out geometric shapes yourself with scissors, making patterns, making appliqués. The child needs to be able to use scissors and glue. • Making crafts from natural materials: pine cones, acorns, straw and other available materials. In addition to developing fine motor skills of the hands, these activities also develop the child’s imagination and fantasy. • Non-traditional drawing techniques: with a brush, finger, toothbrush, candle, etc. In our free time, in the evenings, we play with the children in: Seed sorting (you need to sort different types of seeds using tweezers); transfusion of liquids and more (it’s better to start with “transfusion” of seeds, for example, peas. After that, you can learn to “transfer” sand, and only then water); fastening and unfastening buttons, buttons, hooks (good training for fingers, improves dexterity and develops fine motor skills of the hands); tying and untying ribbons, laces, knots on a rope (each such movement has a huge impact on the development of fine motor skills of the child’s hands); twisting and unwinding the lids of jars, bottles, etc. (also improves the development of fine motor skills and dexterity of the child’s fingers); My kids' favorite game is "Dry Pool". The child plunges his hand into the multi-colored containers of chocolate eggs and by touch looks for the toy that I hid there. A found toy brings great joy to a child. The use of such a manual is multifunctional, it is both a mosaic and objects - substitutes in the game. For example, chocolate egg containers make good rattles in the Montessori style - pedagogy. To do this, you need to take an even number of identical kinder boxes, fill them in pairs with different bulk products of different sizes: semolina, rice, peas, beans, large nuts (hazelnuts) or chestnuts. The child's task is to find two containers with the same sound. You need to start working on developing fine motor skills from a very early age. Take a bright tray. Sprinkle any small grains onto a tray in a thin, even layer. Run your baby's finger over the rump. You will get a bright contrasting line. Finger games are an important work in the development of manual skills; they are emotional, understandable, accessible and very captivating for children. These games promote speech development, creative activity and health promotion. I created a cumulative folder of finger games, trying to select exercises based on long-term planning of educational activities, according to seasonality and with a wide variety of finger movements. I perform finger gymnastics not only in educational activities, but also in routine moments, while walking. For example, the well-known game for children “The Magpie-Crow Cooked Porridge.” There is an example of massaging the palms of a child. It is the “Magpie-Crow” with its circular movements across the palm that affects digestion, and gentle pressure on the fingertips stimulates the development of speech. It is also interesting that much attention is paid to the little finger, and this is also not without reason. The little finger is supposed to be massaged more thoroughly than others, since it is believed that the points responsible for the heart, liver and kidneys are located on the little finger. Games with fingers and palms, which are accompanied by poetry, have a positive effect on the development of speech and rhythm in a child. It is important to play all games on both the right hand and the left. For children, such games remain good fun. During the game, children easily learned movements and poems. And, of course, the game “Rock, Paper, Scissors,” which came to us from China. Children from the age of four perfectly understand the rules of the game and play it with pleasure. It is worth noting that this game is the most favorite for many children. Words: rock, scissors, paper. Tsu-e-fa. At the last words, a palm is thrown out, which shows a certain sign. Stone dulls scissors, scissors cut paper, and paper dulls stone. Show your child how this happens so he doesn't get confused.

2. Games and exercises to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

I have created games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills, which are very popular in our group and children play them with great pleasure.
Game “Tactile bag” I prepared identical lids, their number should be even. You can take lids from juice boxes or plastic bottles, drinking yogurt. As a tactile material I used sandpaper, carpet, fabric with different textures (corduroy, denim, tapestry, fur, knitted fabric, leather, mosquito net, etc. I cut out two circles of each material according to the size of the lids and put the circles in lids coated with glue. I sewed a beautiful bag from thick fabric. Rules of the game: put several pairs of lids in the bag (you can start with two pairs, gradually increasing their number). The child recognizes by touch what is glued in the lid and pulls out the identically glued lids. Exercise with a pipette For this exercise you will need a pipette and small containers for pouring liquid. Suction of water with a pipette. Develops fine movements of the fingers and improves general motor skills of the hands. Exercise with tweezers Children put beads, peas, buttons into the container with tweezers. Sorting small objects Sorting by color, shape, size of small objects, for example, beads, buttons Pompoms and tongs You need to fold the pompoms into a bottle using tongs. Doll clothes with clothespins Hanging doll clothes and scraps of fabric on a string using clothespins is also a great exercise for developing fine motor skills. This type of activity is popular not only among girls, but also among boys. Box with clothespins Clothespins can be attached not only to a string, but also to a cardboard box. For these purposes I used a shoe box. To make this exercise more interesting and useful, I cut out geometric shapes from cardboard and attached clothespins to them. Exercise with a hole punch You need to cut out some figure from cardboard, and then use a hole punch to make holes along the edge of this figure. Now you need to take a colored lace or ribbon and thread it through the holes. Cocktail straws Cut multi-colored plastic cocktail straws into small pieces.
The exercise consists of stringing these pieces on a thread in a certain sequence. Dear colleagues, I introduced you to the most well-known forms and methods of working on the development of fine motor skills in preschool children. But for my work, I have identified several more unconventional and little-known methods, which I will now tell you about. 3. Little-known non-traditional methods for developing fine motor skills of the hands

Non-traditional methods for developing fine motor skills of the hands include: massage using a Su-jok ball, Kuznetsov applicator or Lyapko needle mats (Acupuncture, button therapy. Non-traditional material provides ample opportunities for training small muscles of the hand in various activities of a playful nature. Between continuous As part of my educational activities, I spend dynamic breaks with the Su-Jok massager.
The Su-Jok massager is a unique tactile gymnastics that has a total effect on the cerebral cortex, which protects its individual zones from overwork, evenly distributing the load on the brain. self-massage with a massager is carried out in the form of 5-minute exercises between the main parts of the lesson (dynamic pauses).Exercises to relax the fingers and hands: • “Let's pet the kitten” - smooth movements illustrating the corresponding action, performed first with one hand, then with the other. ( 3-5 times) • “Bunny” – i.p.: the hand rests on the elbow; The index and middle fingers are straightened and spread apart, the remaining fingers are clenched into a fist. • “Ring” – i. n. the same; The thumb and index fingers are connected into a ring, the remaining fingers are straightened and spread apart. Sample exercises using the Su-Jok massager: Straight-line movements of the prickly ball: – On the back and palm of the hand (first ask the child to imitate the sun by spreading the fingers of the massaging hand). The direction of movement is from the fingertips to the wrist joint. Circular movements on the palm: – First with one hand; - Then the other hand. Spiral movements: – Along the back and palmar surfaces of the hand with the pads of two to five fingers (from the fingertips to the wrist joint). Zigzag movements: – Along the palms of both hands (you can use a playful image when communicating with children: draw the child’s attention to the fact that the hand resembles a tree: the forearm is the trunk, and the hand with outstretched fingers is the crown). Weak tingling of all fingers: – Pads of one hand; – The pad of the other hand Acupuncture The term “Acupuncture” literally means treatment with needles. I carry out acupuncture with children using the Kuznetsov applicator - a needle therapeutic and prophylactic massager, which is designed in the form of a prefabricated structure, the simplest element of which is a module, which is a plastic plate with a working needle surface. Needle massage technique: in a playful way, I invite the child to put his hands on the applicator. Moreover, such a game should contain tasks in which the child touches the needle massager in different ways: sometimes with a full palm, sometimes with one finger, sometimes barely, sometimes with considerable effort. You can also diversify this activity: - offer to walk along the path; -look for individual modules in a dry pool, in sand, containers with water, -use as chips in board games, tokens in competitions; - consolidate knowledge of colors, counting, prepositional-case constructions, divide words, syllables and sounds, laying out diagrams on the table from massager modules, play checkers. Button therapy. Any teacher knows: in order to gain the trust of a child, you need to possess something secret and inaccessible to him in ordinary life. And such an item in our group became an ordinary button. A wide variety of buttons allows us to use them for correctional and developmental games to familiarize and reinforce concepts such as color, shape, size. By practicing with buttons, the child develops coordination of movements, achieving precise execution; develops perseverance and arbitrariness of mental processes, develops auditory, visual and kinesthetic channels of perception, since the exercises are performed in the mode: heard, saw, do. Button therapy is easy to use; manipulating buttons does not generate dust, does not cause allergies, does not get dirty, and cannot be cut or pricked. Buttons are easy to wash, they are processed like all plastic toys in a children's institution, and you won't have to look for or ask for help for washing buttons. Let me give you a few examples of games with buttons. Raising buttons. Using two fingers of different hands, transfer the buttons from the box to the table, and all pairs of the same fingers of both hands should participate in the process (in turn). Complication: combine different fingers of both hands in pairs, for example, a pair - the index finger of the right hand and the little finger of the left hand. Game against time: who will collect the most buttons in a certain time? Grow up, little finger! Using your thumb, we move the button along the phalanx of the finger from the nail to the palm and back, causing each finger to “grow”. Complication: performing the exercise with both hands at the same time. Who is faster? Place the button on your child's index finger. His friend's task will be to transfer the button to his finger without using others. The one who dropped the item loses. If there are a lot of children, you can divide them into teams and arrange competitions. Pass the button. Pass the button from hand to hand in a circle. Complication: change the way the button is passed on. Pick a button. Select a button in size and color to the corresponding place in the picture - template. Cryotherapy. Cryotherapy literally means cold treatment. But in our case, the positive effect is not so much cold as the contrast of temperatures, i.e., alternating exposure of the hands to cold and heat, contrast therapy. Cold causes muscle contraction, and heat causes relaxation. Muscle tone is normalized, the contractility of small muscles of the hand increases. All this contributes to the improvement of more subtle movements of the hand, leads to the performance of clear differentiated movements, the motor zone of the cerebral cortex develops accordingly and, as a result, improves the process of speech development. Cryotherapy does not require special equipment. You need pieces of ice that are prepared in advance. Carrying out cryotherapy with children has its own contraindications and its own methodology. Contraindications. Cryotherapy cannot be performed on children with episyndrome; Use cryotherapy carefully with long-term and frequently ill children. Cryotherapy is carried out in three stages. 1. Cryocontrast. Children take pieces of ice from the bowl and sort through them for 10-15 seconds. Then they warm up their hands, this is done in a basin with warm water or on plastic bottles with hot water. They put their hands in the ice again. Cryocontrast is performed three times. Then wipe your hands dry with a towel. This work can be diversified by adding aromatic oil and color to the ice. 2. Finger gymnastics (mainly for muscle stretching). 3. Development of tactile sensitivity: - hand massage using cones, Su-Jok balls, brushes, stroking objects of different textures. Methods for developing fine motor skills - cryotherapy, acupuncture and button therapy - have allowed us to achieve certain results: - children more easily learn and independently perform complex finger exercises and their combinations; - children develop visual and graphic skills more easily; - attention and memory develop, which are closely related to speech development; — children’s interest in classes with a speech therapist and psychologist increases. In addition, both of these methods are initially medical in nature. This means that the positive effect of their use has been confirmed not only in the process of pedagogical observation, but also in the process of various medical studies. I have presented to your attention a very small part of the games that I use in my work. I am working on improving sensory perception and developing the hand while walking. These are, of course, games with sand and snow. The kids like to draw with a stick in the sand, but also make fingerprints with their palms, depicting flowers or butterflies. Draw animal tracks, highways, the world that the child sees with his own eyes. It's varied, interesting and educational. Conclusion Thus, by developing fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements in preschool children through various types of activities, improving the conditions for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers of preschool children, I achieved the following results: improved coordination and accuracy of hand and eye movements, hand flexibility, rhythm ; fine motor skills of fingers and hands; the development of imagination, logical thinking, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, creative activity has improved; an emotionally comfortable environment has been created in communication with peers and adults.

We recommend watching:

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You can work on improving the coordination of small and precise hand movements while doing everyday activities. So, the baby does not distract his parents, is busy with something that is interesting to him and benefits from it. If this prospect makes you happy, remember our recommendations so that you can apply them in your everyday life next time.

In the kitchen

Agree, when there is no one to leave the child with, the cooking process turns into a complete ordeal. The baby strives to spend time with you, completely not appreciating the dangerous proximity to fire, sharp or hot objects. Try to keep your mischievous child busy - hand him a jar of buckwheat, rice, millet or any other cereal and ask him to sort through the grains, separating out the debris. To stimulate interest, you can assign a special prize or reward.

As a result, you get a wagonload of advantages: the child is busy and does not interfere with cooking, the cereals are sorted and cleaned, another training session on the baby’s motor skills is carried out.

It will also be useful if the baby performs simple manipulations: peeling tangerines, salting ready-made dishes, adding sauces, sorting cutlery - in general, doing those basic tasks that you can trust him with.

In bathroom

Are morning or evening preparations not enjoyable for your child? Invite him to help you and speed up the waiting minutes. Entrust your baby with an important mission - to open all the jars, boxes and tubes that you will need to use, then close and put them back in place. This way you can satisfy your child’s natural interest and teach him how to quickly handle different types of containers.

In wardrobe

Clothes carry a large cognitive and developmental load for the baby: this includes a large number of parts and fastenings that you need to learn to handle, and a variety of fabrics that are very useful to study by touch.

To begin, invite your child to help you sort and fold things. Let the mother put away the adults' wardrobe items, and the child - his own. Teach him the correct techniques and algorithms and enjoy his little helper as he improves his fine motor skills.

It is also worth encouraging your child to dress himself. Allocate more time for this, give your child the necessary clothes and teach them how to put them on. At first, let these be lightweight items of clothing without buttons, locks or rivets. When the baby begins to easily cope with T-shirts, loose pants, socks and sweaters, move on to more complex things. Daily repetition of such training will allow you to master the skills of dressing yourself and improve coordination of movements.

You will be surprised how in a couple of months the baby, whom you should have worked with in your free time, turns into your mother’s little assistant, deftly using his fingers.


Modern kindergarten teachers and school teachers often note that the motor development of children leaves much to be desired. There are a number of games and exercises that can improve finger mobility and flexibility. Let's consider those that are suitable even for small children and bring the best results:

  • finger games. The main advantage of such exercises is that they are suitable even for the smallest. Finger games are both fun nursery rhymes that lift the baby’s spirits, and important training for the mobility and flexibility of a child’s hands.
  • origami. Folding various paper figures contributes not only to the development of finger flexibility, but also to the formation of perseverance in young children. At first, such exercises will be difficult, but gradually the kids will improve their skills and learn to give paper the most unexpected shapes.
  • modeling from plasticine or dough. This type of creativity promotes the development of finger motor skills and perfectly trains the hands. In order for the intended figure to turn out, you need to carefully measure every movement, because pressing too softly or too hard can ruin the work.
  • lacing. Even the simple act of tying shoelaces is important fine motor practice. You can also encourage your child to untangle loose knots on strings - this exercise will help kids learn to better control their finger movements.
  • constructor assembly. Today you can find many options for these toys to suit every taste. In addition to the benefits for finger development, children learn to use their imagination and act unconventionally. They arrange the parts at their own discretion and assemble a variety of figures from the same set - a house, a car, robots, and so on.
  • drawing. When a baby draws with a pencil or paints, he learns to express his imagination on paper. In addition, he has to strain his fingers and control their work, which has a positive effect on motor development. Drawing can be called a preparatory stage for learning to write.

Thus, the development of fine motor skills in children in preschool age is a kind of preparation for entering the first grade. But it is necessary to improve children’s skills in many ways, because flexibility and mobility of fingers is only one of the basic abilities that need to be trained. Let's talk about programs that develop both hand motor skills and intelligence of preschoolers.

Instructions for parents

It would seem that there are so many opportunities for improvement, but how to choose the appropriate methods and activities? So that you can confidently make the right choice, our psychologists have compiled a number of tips and recommendations.

  • Exercise with your child . Joint activities will not only strengthen relationships, but will also help the child cope with tasks with greater efficiency.
  • Conduct your classes systematically . To achieve good results, the baby should exercise at least 1 time a day. If you periodically skip training, try to replace the games your child is accustomed to with educational games.
  • Classes should be engaging, not boring . To do this, you need to choose the optimal duration of training for your child - as soon as he starts to get tired, stop training. Change tools and activities, include elements of play and creativity in your work.
  • Encourage your child's creative activity , let him come up with some exercises himself - it will be easier for you.
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