Formation of professional competencies of preschool teachers

Formation of professional competencies of preschool teachers

Modern standard for a preschool teacher

Requirements from educational standards for a preschool teacher include knowledge of the specifics of preschool education, willingness to plan and adjust tasks, participation in creating a psychologically comfortable environment, proficiency in digital technologies and other components.
In general, the professional competencies of a teacher imply active psychological, communicative and research activities. The popular educational course “Paths” is aimed at preparing a child for school through creativity. But for this form of work, the teacher himself needs to be able to solve his professional problems with the help of creativity. In recent years, much has been said about unlocking a child’s potential, but it is also important to think about the teacher’s internal resources, his professional and personal development.

Salutogenic factors that positively influence the formation of pedagogical competencies:

  • High level of intelligence and creativity.
  • Communication skills, willingness to cooperate.
  • Formation of special interests and hobbies.
  • Positive self-confidence.
  • Increased locus of control.

The basis of pedagogical acmeology - the science of continuous professional improvement of a teacher - is the principle of mutual learning. You can improve your professional skills in the form of tutor support.

ABC for preschoolers. We play and read together. 5-7 years.

Training using three textbooks in the set (“Playing with sounds and words” - notebooks No. 1, 2, “Playing and reading together”) creates in children an interest in further learning their native language, strong reading and literate writing skills. The purpose of the “Let's Play and Read Together” guide is to lay the foundations of reading and writing skills. In the manual, children get acquainted with the letters denoting the consonant sounds zh, sh, shch, x, ts, ch, letters soft sign, hard sign. A different application contains cards with letters for all consonant sounds.



A tutor is a teacher who ensures the development of individual programs and accompanies the process of their implementation. Tutoring is useful not only when working with students, but also within the teaching staff.

Model of tutor action in a preschool educational institution
1. Crystallization stage

Creating a "Redundant Environment" selection environment.


Auction, fair of ideas.


Formation of orders, formation of individual and modular groups in the main shortage area.

2. Design stage.




Tutorat (coach meeting).


Adjusting the order, forming expectations for events, developing an interaction strategy (targeted support).

3. Implementation stage.


Implementation of an individual plan.

Support modules:

Workshops, laboratories, coaching sessions.


Studying cases, technological maps and didactic materials, mastering pedagogical technologies, developing professional thinking.

4. Analytical stage.


Tutor tests “Choice environment”.


Open day, fair of ideas.


Writing essays, compiling cases.

Thus, in mutual assistance “teacher to teacher,” the level of proficiency in social methods and techniques of the deficit direction increases.

We speak correctly. We talk and write. Benefit for children 6-8 years old

The proposed manual will help the child learn: • determine the semantic (logical) sequence of the plot; • build coherent statements based on pictures; • use a rich imagination; • interact with adults and peers. The manual is intended for individual work with children aged 6–8 years, both in a preschool educational organization and in the family.



Coaching is a technology aimed at unlocking an individual's potential. The competencies of a teacher and a coaching specialist largely coincide. A modern educator acts not just as a consultant, but as a professional inspirer, giving advice on finding and solving educational problems. Coaching techniques also suggest ways to develop a teacher’s professional competence.

Consider the “Balance Wheel”

, successfully implemented in work with novice educators:

  1. At the first coaching meeting with a young specialist, we draw a circle divided into equal parts. Each of them represents possible problem areas: growth prospects, teamwork, planning, mastery of pedagogical techniques, self-analysis, job responsibilities, age and characteristics of children. The teacher ranks each problem from 1 to 10 in different colors on the “wheel”. This allows you to clearly see what causes the main difficulties in his work.
  2. Let's draw up the first 3 steps to strengthen the weakest sector. We assign a tutor.
  3. The tutor sets 3 simple, clear tasks with a limited deadline for the young teacher.
  4. At the next meeting with the tutor, the teacher turns in completed assignments and draws a new “Balance Wheel” to mark his progress.


  • Understanding the situation.
  • Understanding what could have been better.
  • Understanding how to do better.
  • Thus, with the help of technologies, borrowed, among other things, from business and marketing, it is possible to increase professionalism and develop the competencies of educators.

Professional competence of a preschool teacher; methodological development

“Professional competence of a preschool teacher”

1. Competence: definition and main components.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, an educational program for preschool education has been developed and implemented, which contains not only a mandatory part, but also a part formed by participants in educational relations, and also includes inclusive education and takes into account the ethnocultural situation. The implementation of this new general education program involves relying on the professional competence of the educator.

Competence is the personal ability of a specialist to solve a certain class of professional tasks. Competence is also understood as formally described requirements for the personal, professional, etc. qualities of the company’s employees (or for some group of employees).

Competence is also considered as a basic quality of an individual, which includes a set of interrelated personality qualities necessary for high-quality productive activity. Professional competence is the ability to successfully act on the basis of practical experience, skills and knowledge in solving professional problems.

Pedagogical competence is understood as a systemic phenomenon, the essence of which lies in the systemic unity of pedagogical knowledge, experience, properties and qualities of a teacher, which allows for the effective implementation of pedagogical activities, purposefully organizing the process of pedagogical communication and also implying the personal development and improvement of the teacher.

A teacher of a preschool educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the preschool educational institution) must be competent in the organization and content of activities in three main areas and demonstrate specific indicators of competence in each area (Table 1).

Table 1 Competency criteria by area of ​​activity

Direction Competence criteria Competency indicators
Educational activities ∙ implementation of a holistic pedagogical process;

∙ creation of a development environment;

∙ ensuring the protection of the life and health of children.

— knowledge of the goals, objectives, content, principles, forms, methods and means of teaching and educating preschool children;

— the ability to effectively generate knowledge;

— skills and abilities in accordance with the educational program;

- ability to manage the main activities of preschoolers; - ability to interact with preschoolers.

Educational and methodological activities ∙ planning educational work;

∙ designing teaching activities based on analysis of achieved results.

— knowledge of the educational program and methods of developing various types of children’s activities;

— the ability to design, plan and implement a holistic pedagogical process;

– mastery of technologies for research, pedagogical monitoring, education and training of children.

Social and pedagogical activities ∙ advisory assistance to parents;

∙ creating conditions for the socialization of children;

∙ protection of the interests and rights of children.

— knowledge of basic documents about the rights of the child and the responsibilities of adults towards children;

— ability to conduct explanatory pedagogical work with parents and preschool educational institutions specialists.

The main components of a teacher’s professional competence include:

∙ intellectual and pedagogical competence – the ability to apply acquired knowledge, experience in professional activities for effective teaching and education, the teacher’s ability to innovative activities;

∙ information competence – the amount of information a teacher has about himself, students, parents, and colleagues;

∙ regulatory competence – the teacher’s ability to manage his behavior, control his emotions, ability to reflect, stress resistance;

∙ communicative competence is a significant professional quality, including speech skills, listening skills, extraversion (the quality of a person characterized by great interest in the outside world), empathy (empathy, understanding of another).

The ability to communicate correctly with parents of students is one of the main and can be difficult professional competencies.

The professional competence of a teacher is a multifactorial phenomenon that includes a system of theoretical knowledge of the teacher and ways of applying it in specific pedagogical situations, the value orientations of the teacher, as well as integrative indicators of his culture (speech, communication style, attitude towards himself and his activities, towards related areas knowledge, etc.). In accordance with the definition of the concept of “professional competence,” it is proposed to assess the level of professional competence of teaching staff using three criteria:

1) mastery of modern pedagogical technologies and their application in professional activities;

2) willingness to solve professional subject problems;

3) the ability to control their activities in accordance with accepted rules and regulations.

Thus, the professional competence of a teacher is characterized as the general ability of a teacher to mobilize his knowledge and skills. A consistently high level of professional competence can be achieved through continuous education. What comes to the fore is not formal membership in a profession, but professional competence, that is, the specialist’s compliance with the requirements of professional activity. The formation of professional pedagogical competence is a process that continues throughout the entire professional path; according to this, constant incompleteness is one of the characteristics of a teacher’s professional competence. Work experience has a great influence on the formation of professional pedagogical competence.

2. Ways to develop the professional competence of a preschool teacher.

The main professional task of a teacher is to create conditions for the harmonious development of children. To do this, a preschool teacher must have the following professional competencies:

1) respectful attitude towards each child, his feelings and needs;

2) the ability to communicate with each child;

3) the ability to create conditions for children to freely choose activities and participants in joint activities;

4) the ability to create conditions for children to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts;

5) the ability to provide non-directive assistance to children, support children's initiative and independence in various types of activities;

6) the ability to create conditions for positive, friendly relationships between children, including those belonging to different national, cultural, religious communities and social strata, as well as those with different (including limited) health capabilities;

7) the ability to develop children’s communication abilities, allowing them to resolve conflict situations with peers;

8) the ability to create conditions for mastering cultural means of activity;

9) the ability to organize activities that promote the development of thinking, speech, communication, imagination and children's creativity, personal, physical and artistic-aesthetic development of children;

10) the ability to assess the individual development of each child;

11) the ability to interact with parents on issues of the child’s education, to involve them in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family.

For the high-quality formation of a teacher’s competence, basic knowledge, skills, and abilities are required, which will be improved in the process of self-education.

But none of the listed methods will be effective if the teacher himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional competence. Only a teacher who is ready for change, who is personally developing in the profession, who has a high level of knowledge and skills, reflection, and a developed ability for design activities, that is, a professionally competent teacher, can prepare children for change.

The basic education received by a teacher creates only the prerequisites for the formation of professional competence. In addition, recently there has been a tendency to increase the number of educators without special preschool education, educators whose professional training does not meet modern requirements of preschool education, and educators with established pedagogical stereotypes.

Practice shows that in order to carry out one’s activities at a high professional level, to apply pedagogically sound forms, methods of teaching and education that ensure high quality education, it is necessary to improve one’s professional level.

The demands of the modern world are such that knowledge acquired once is not enough. It is necessary to improve your professional competence. The main ways to develop professional competence include:

- refresher courses,

- internship,

- research, experimental activities,

— active participation in pedagogical competitions, master classes,

— participation in methodological associations,

- generalization of teaching experience,

- self-education.

Particular attention should be paid to the last resource. Self-education, an integral part of the continuous education system, acts as a link between basic education and periodic advanced training.

Most educators cannot (and in some cases do not want) to independently improve their professionalism. External factors have an impact (wages, material and technical equipment, work overload, everyday difficulties, etc.), but there are also subjective reasons that depend on the teachers themselves. They lack persistence, determination, and self-educational skills.

Therefore, it is very important to understand the importance of self-education and strive for your own development. As K.I. Chukovsky said, “Only that knowledge is durable and valuable that you have acquired yourself, prompted by your own passion...”.

Self-education is a purposeful cognitive activity controlled by the individual himself, the acquisition of systematic knowledge in any area. The criteria for self-education are:

— effectiveness of professional activities,

- creative growth of the teacher,

— introduction of new pedagogical technologies into the educational process.

There are various forms of self-education: studying literature, reviewing information on the Internet, listening to lectures, reports, consultations, attending seminars, conferences, trainings, as well as practical activities.

Table 2 Development of professional competence of a preschool teacher

Form Target results
Refresher courses development of professional skills, professional culture, development of new professional competencies, updating of theoretical and practical knowledge development of management skills, study and analysis of new regulatory documents, assistance in determining the content of self-education, providing assistance and support in preparing for certification and introducing innovations into the educational process
Internship formation and development of professional competencies improving knowledge and skills, mastering innovative technologies, forms, methods and means, developing specific proposals for improving activities, familiarizing with advanced technologies, developing proposals for improvement
Research, experimental activities formation in the course of experimental work of new characteristics of subjects (objects) of education, new conditions for improving the quality and accessibility of education development of research competence of teachers and students,

personal growth of teachers and children,

increasing the level of knowledge and erudition

Active participation in pedagogical competitions, master classes creation of conditions for professional self-improvement, formation of an individual style of a teacher formation of motivation and cognitive need for specific activities,

stimulation of interest, development of conditions for planning, self-organization and self-control

Participation in methodological associations formation of the need for professional growth Sharing knowledge, providing assistance, developing common requirements, improving the quality of education
Generalization of teaching experience gaining knowledge from experience that differs from mass positive ones by high efficiency and optimality compliance of the level of education and training of students, improvement of methodological work and management activities

From the standpoint of the competency-based approach, the level of education of teachers is determined by the ability to solve problems of varying complexity based on existing knowledge, while it must be taken into account that the competency-based approach does not deny the importance of knowledge that has different values, and an increase in its volume does not mean an increase in the level of education. The competency-based approach is considered as an approach that orients the educational process towards the practicality of its results, in which a person’s ability to act in various problem situations is considered as a result, and the results of education are recognized as significant.

The specificity of a teacher’s professional activity lies in the fact that the invariant requirements and characteristics of professional activity are enriched by distinctive features: the age characteristics of preschool children, the uniqueness of the organization of activities, the nature of the interaction between children and preschool employees.

The key to professional growth of a teacher is the constant desire to improve skills. Professional skill is achieved only through constant work. The demand for lifelong learning is not new to educators. However, today it has received a new meaning. The teacher must not only monitor and study the rapidly occurring changes in the professional industry, but also master modern pedagogical technologies. Mastering technology is associated with a change in pedagogical thinking. From a psychological point of view, this requires significant effort, mobilization of human resources and abilities.

3. Educator in modern conditions.

In the practice of functioning of preschool educational institutions, the main contradiction stands out, which consists in the discrepancy between the level of professional and pedagogical preparedness of a modern teacher, his personal professional potential and the requirements placed on him. This contradiction means that at the present stage there is a need for qualitatively different requirements for the competencies of preschool teachers, allowing one to combine professional basic knowledge with innovative thinking and a practice-oriented, research approach to solving specific educational problems. And then we will “get” the Educator of the 21st century. What is meant by this high title? The educator of our time is:

∙ a harmoniously developed, internally rich personality, striving for spiritual, professional, general cultural and physical perfection;

∙ able to select the most effective methods, means and technologies of training and education for the implementation of assigned tasks;

∙ able to organize reflexive activity;

∙ possessing a high degree of professional competence.

In addition to the main components of a teacher’s professional competence mentioned in the first paragraph, the following types of competencies necessary for a teacher of the new generation are also distinguished:

1) competence in conducting the educational process. Preparation for educational activities necessitates high competence and a constant search for new information. Deep knowledge of preschool pedagogy, basic methods of raising and teaching preschool children with practical application. Using a variety of teaching methods, activities and materials that are developmentally appropriate for children. Using diagnostic tools.

2) competence in organizing the information basis for the activities of students. Preparation for educational activities necessitates high ICT competence and a constant search for new information.

3) competence in organizing educational work. Recognition of children's right to choose (activities, partners). Creating opportunities for its implementation. Modeling compassionate attitudes and positive communication styles with an emphasis on problem and conflict resolution. Show respect for each child's thoughts and judgments.

4) competence in establishing contacts with parents. This competence will allow the educator to involve parents and members of the public in the joint formation of criteria for the quality of education, to specify the social order, and to make the preschool educational institution attractive for investment.

5) competence in building an individual educational route for students. Organization of own pedagogical activities, focused on the individual characteristics of the child. Possession of means of diagnosing the individual characteristics of a child and the characteristics of a group. Defining individual goals for the short and long term.

6) competence in the development and implementation of proprietary educational programs. This competence helps to expand the content of education in a specific field of knowledge, realize creative potential and develop students’ interest in a certain type of activity.

7) competence in mastering modern educational technologies. Allows for a competency-based approach in education. Promotes the development of generalized methods of activity for pupils, allowing them to freely navigate in various life situations.

8) competence of professional and personal improvement. Ensures constant growth and creativity in teaching activities, involves continuous updating of one’s own knowledge and skills, which ensures the need for constant self-development.

9) creative competence of the teacher. To assess this direction, one should take into account how different the teacher is in his ability to search for and implement new pedagogical ideas and new ways of solving pedagogical problems into practice. A positive attitude towards new ideas, the desire to put them into practice on one’s own initiative, without the influence of the administration. Demonstration of competence in generalizing and disseminating teaching experience.

10) competence in organizing health-preserving conditions for the educational process. This competence will ensure the presence of a criterion for a new quality of education - the creation of conditions for preserving the health of all participants in the educational process.

11) competence in creating a subject-spatial environment. This competence allows for the organization of children's communities and the stimulation of children's self-regulation processes, providing them with materials, time and space to choose and plan their own activities.

Teachers with a sufficient level of internal motivation, creative individuals, oriented to success, are able to independently achieve a high level of professionalism. However, for the majority of teachers it is necessary to create special conditions. Not every teacher can rise to the pinnacle of innovation. But everyone can join the creative search for optimal means, forms, methods of teaching and raising children.

Good professional knowledge, developed teaching abilities, skills in the field of pedagogy, constant work on oneself - these are the necessary conditions for a teacher to achieve high professional skills.

Thus, the concept of teacher competence is understood as a value-semantic attitude towards the goals and results of teaching activities, expressed in the conscious performance of professional functions. And this is especially valuable, given that such a position of a teacher is not an innate quality; it is formed under the influence of the entire educational environment, including in the process of additional professional education aimed at changing the inner world that determines the awareness of the actions of a kindergarten teacher.

Development of methodological competence of a teacher of a preschool educational institution

Development of methodological competence

teacher of a preschool educational institution

The end of the 20th century - the beginning of the 21st was marked by a transition period in the preschool education system:

  • from using a unified educational program to working with children using variable programs in the context of the methodology of developmental education;
  • from kindergartens of one type - to various types of preschool educational institutions;
  • from the work of preschool educational institutions in the functioning mode - to activities in the development mode.

In the “Concept of Preschool Education”, one of the key positions of the kindergarten renewal proclaims “a radical change in the nature of training of teaching staff” [3]. In this regard, the problem of staffing preschool educational institutions with highly qualified preschool specialists is especially acute. The importance of advanced training of teaching staff as an integral part of the system of lifelong education is increasing, the demands of science and practice are increasing in revealing the features of advanced training of teaching staff in educational institutions themselves.

In particular, in modern conditions, a teacher is expected to possess the following skills:

  • choosing a program from a range of options recommended by state education authorities;
  • development of own (author's) programs in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard;
  • searching and testing active methods of teaching preschoolers;
  • work on creating a model for organizing the educational process in a preschool educational institution;
  • work in experimental mode and much more.

In connection with the above, a competency-based approach is relevant in the professional training of teachers of preschool educational institutions .

The study of professional and pedagogical competence is one of the leading areas of activity of a number of scientists (N.V. Kuzmina, I.A. Zimnyaya, A.K. Markova, V.N. Vvedensky, M.I. Lukyanova, A.V. Khutorskoy , G.S. Sukhobskaya, O.N. Shakhmatova, V.A. Slastenin and many other researchers).

In pedagogical science, the concept of
“professional competence”
is considered from the perspective of different approaches (personal-activity, system-structural, knowledge and others) and is interpreted as:

  • based on knowledge, intellectually and personally determined experience of social and professional human life (I.A. Zimnyaya);
  • the system of knowledge and skills of a teacher, manifested in solving professional and pedagogical problems that arise in practice (G.S. Sukhobskaya);
  • a set of professional knowledge and skills, as well as ways of performing professional activities (O.N. Shakhmatova).

In the dictionary of social pedagogy “competence”

(from the Latin competentio - rightfully owned) is defined
as having competence: having knowledge that allows one to judge something.
In the conceptual dictionary-reference book on pedagogical acmeology, professional pedagogical competence

is interpreted
as an integrative professional and personal characteristic, including the merits and achievements of a teacher, determining the readiness and ability to perform pedagogical functions in accordance with the norms, standards, and requirements accepted in society at a specific historical moment.
According to A.A. Mayer,

The model of a teacher’s professional competence must contain knowledge about the structure of the educational process (goals, content, means, object, activity, result, etc.), about oneself as a subject of professional activity. It should also include experience in applying professional techniques and a creative component [9].

Professional and pedagogical competence

according to N.V.
Kuzmina, includes five elements or
types of competence:

  • special pedagogical
  • methodical,
  • socio-psychological,
  • differential psychological,
  • autopsychological (correlates with the concept of professional self-awareness, self-knowledge, and self-development).

Methodological competence

covers the area of ​​ways to form knowledge and skills in students [7].

N.V. Ippolitova, considering the content aspect of professional pedagogical training of future teachers, points out that it includes such components as moral-psychological, methodological, theoretical, methodological

and technological training, which, being interconnected and interdependent, ensure the effectiveness of the ongoing pedagogical process.

At the same time, “methodological training involves providing students with knowledge of the principles, content, rules, facts, forms and methods of specific areas of education and training.

Methodological activity is carried out as a special scientific activity aimed at obtaining new products - new methods and means of scientific research" [6].

These provisions served as a prerequisite for identifying the methodological sphere in the professional activities of educators. And, as a result, the development of the teacher’s methodological competence

in the process of professional and pedagogical activities, it has become
one of the priority tasks of the methodological service of a preschool educational institution

Currently, there is a reassessment of the methodological work of specialists in the education system. New models of methodological services are gradually being created that meet the needs of modern society. New directions and forms are emerging. The content is changing qualitatively, and a trend is emerging such as the variability and multi-level nature of this activity, depending on the requests and readiness of educational institutions. T.A. Zagrivnaya and a number of other researchers highlight methodological work as a leading factor in the development of methodological competence, which is an important component of the professional competence of teachers [4].

Today, modern methodological service

is a complex structural unit that carries out several areas of activity in each preschool institution:

  • organizational and managerial,
  • experimental,
  • methodological
  • organizational and pedagogical,
  • information-analytical,
  • marketing,
  • editorial and publishing.

Purpose of the activities of the methodological service

to assist the teacher in his professional development.
The current situation in education puts the teacher in fundamentally new conditions, which are characterized by the absence of strict regulation of teaching activities, a significant expansion of the information field, the modernization of the social functions of the teacher, the development of individuality, readiness to make decisions, and the mobility of the use of professional qualities.

A.M. Stolyarenko, considering the methodological side of a teacher’s work, points out that according to the old tradition it came down to methods, and most often to teaching methods. “Later they began to talk about work methods, methodological work, and recently - more and more about pedagogical technology, pedagogical technologies, methodological systems”


The methodological system of the educational and pedagogical process is designed to set in motion the capabilities of the subjects, means and conditions of this process, direct them in the right direction and effectively implement them.

Domestic researchers T.E. studied the problem of forming methodological (scientific and methodological) competence and methodological training of teachers. Kocharyan, S.G. Azarishvili, T.I. Shamova, T.A. Zagrivnaya, I.Yu. Kovaleva, T.N. Gushchina, A.A. Mayer and many others.

T.N. Gushchina defines methodological competence

as an integral multi-level professionally significant characteristic of the personality and activity of a teacher, mediating effective professional experience, as a systematic education of knowledge, abilities, skills of a teacher in the field of methodology and the optimal combination of methods of professional pedagogical activity.

I.V. Kovaleva considers scientific and methodological competence

as an integral characteristic of the business, personal and moral qualities of a teacher, reflecting the systemic level of functioning of methodological, methodological and research knowledge, skills, experience, motivation, abilities and readiness for creative self-realization in scientific, methodological and pedagogical activities in general.

Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, research in the field of educational theory and practice, we can conclude

there is no single view on the definition of the concept and structure of both professional pedagogical and methodological competence.
In the structure of methodological competence

scientists identify the following components:

  • personal,
  • active,
  • cognitive (cognitive), etc. [1].

Personal component of methodological competence

We compare the teacher of a preschool educational institution with the skills associated with the psychological side of the teacher’s personality: communicative, perceptive, reflective.

Activity component

includes accumulated professional knowledge and skills, the ability to update them at the right time and use them in the process of implementing one’s professional functions. It also requires the teacher to master research and creative skills.

Cognitive component

is based on the skills that make up the teacher’s theoretical training:

  • analytical-synthetic (the ability to analyze program and methodological documents, identify methodological problems and determine ways to solve them, the ability to classify, systematize methodological knowledge);
  • predictive (the ability to predict the effectiveness of selected means, forms, methods and techniques, the ability to apply methodological knowledge, skills, abilities in new conditions);
  • constructive and design (the ability to structure and build the learning process, select the content and forms of conducting classes, select methods, methods and techniques, the ability to plan methodological activities).

the pedagogical conditions
for the development of the methodological competence of a teacher of a
preschool educational institution in the process of his teaching activities were determined

  • development of a value-based attitude to pedagogical activity based on the integration of the teacher’s personal position and his general cultural, psychological, pedagogical, methodological and methodological knowledge, updating his individual experience;
  • inclusion of the teacher in active creative interaction in the systems “teacher - child”, “teacher - teacher”, “teacher - senior teacher (or other person providing support for methodological activities in a preschool educational institution)”, “teacher-parent” based on “subject” -subjective relations;
  • implementation of differentiated holistic methodological support for the teacher’s activities, which is analytical in nature, and its results are diagnostic in nature, and provides for the development of pedagogical skills and abilities necessary for independent implementation of teaching activities (self-organization, self-regulation);
  • reflection of pedagogical actions at different stages of activity (self-analysis and self-assessment).

Development of methodological competence

- a process that continues throughout the professional and pedagogical activity of a preschool teacher, therefore it is not possible to determine the time frame for the stages of formation of methodological competence (as, for example, in a university).
At the same time, based on the objectives of methodological work to improve the qualifications of teaching staff and correlating the stages with the levels of formation of methodological competence, we can distinguish 3 levels of development of the methodological competence of a preschool teacher

  • initial or basic (development occurs at the existing level of methodological competence in an individual mode of methodological support);
  • main or productive (teacher is an active participant in the methodological system of a preschool educational institution);
  • creative (the development process occurs independently on the basis of self-realization, is of a research and creative nature); At the same time, the process of developing methodological competence is considered as multi-level.

Thus, in the light of modern requirements, the development of the methodological competence of a preschool teacher, having gone from learning the simplest actions to select methods and techniques to work within the framework of an entire methodological system, is a necessary condition for the development of the professional competence of the teacher as a whole.


1. Adolf V.A.

Professional competence of a modern teacher: Monograph / V.A. Adolf. - Krasnoyarsk: KSU, 1998. - 310 p.

2. Volobueva L.M., Mirko I.A.

Active teaching methods in the methodological work of preschool educational institutions // Management of a Preschool Educational Institution. - 2006. - No. 6(32). — P.70-79.

3. Preschool education in Russia in documents and materials: Collection of current regulatory documents and program and methodological materials / Responsible. ed. T.I. Overchuk. - M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2001. - 472 p.

4. Zagrivnaya T.A.

Formation of scientific and methodological competence of teachers in the process of professional activity [Electronic resource]: Diss... cand. ped. Sci. - St. Petersburg: RSL, 2006 - 178 p.

5. Zimnyaya I.A.

Educational psychology: Textbook for universities. – 2nd ed. add. corr. and processed - M.: Logos, 2004. - 384 p.

6. Ippolitova N.V., Kolesnikov M.A., Sokolova E.A.

System of professional training of students of a pedagogical university: personal aspect: Monograph / N.V. Ippolitova. - Shadrinsk: Iset, 2006. - 236 p.

7. Kuzmina N.V.

Professionalism of the teacher’s personality / N.V. Kuzmina. - M.: APN, 1990. - 149 p.

8. Lukyanova M.I.

Professional competence of a teacher: theoretical analysis of the concept // Management of a Preschool Educational Institution. - 2007. - No. 1(35). — P.8-15.

9. Mayer A.A.

Model of professional competence of a preschool teacher // Management of a Preschool Educational Institution. - 2007. - No. 1(35). — P.4-8.

10. Stolyarenko A.M.

General pedagogy: Textbook for university students. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2006. - 479 p.

Features of the professional competence of a preschool teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard before

Alla Frantsuzova

Features of the professional competence of a preschool teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard before

The function of a kindergarten is the purposeful socialization of a child’s personality, that is, introducing him to the world of natural and human connections and relationships, transferring to him the best examples, methods and norms of behavior in all spheres of life. of upbringing – depends on how competently the educational process is structured in a preschool institution . Therefore, in modern society, serious demands are placed on the teacher and on the level of his professional competence .

To determine the content of the professional competence of a preschool teacher , we will analyze the concepts identified by the researchers. Professional competence is :

a range of issues in which someone is well informed, fully meeting the requirements of a given production, a given field of activity (S. I. Ozhegov)


the ability tasks within his (D. S. Savelyev)


the sum of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by the subject and necessary for his successful activities (A. P. Akimov)


an integral characteristic of the business and personal qualities of a specialist, reflecting not only the level of knowledge, skills, experience sufficient to achieve the goals of professional activity , but also the social and moral position of the individual (A. D. Goneev, A. G. Pashkov)


the formation, on the basis of general education, of such professionally significant qualities for the individual and society that allow a person to realize himself most fully in specific types of work activity that correspond to the socially necessary division of labor and market incentive mechanisms (B. S. Gershunsky)


Thus, it can be stated that professional competence is the sum of acquired knowledge, accumulated experience and developed skills that allow a person (teacher)

quickly solve assigned tasks in
the professional field .
To clarify the content of a teacher’s professional competence , let’s analyze the document Professional Standard of a Teacher

, which lists
the professional competencies of a preschool teacher ( educator) , reflecting the specifics of work in a preschool educational institution. According to this project, a modern preschool teacher must:
know the specifics of preschool education and the features of organizing educational work with children of early and preschool age;

know the general patterns of child development in early and preschool childhood, features of the formation and development of children's activities in early and preschool age;

be able to organize the main types of activities in preschool age: object-manipulative and gaming, ensuring the development of children. Organize joint and independent activities of preschoolers;

master the theory and pedagogical methods of physical, cognitive and personal development of children of early and preschool age;

be able to plan, implement and analyze educational work with children of early and preschool age in accordance with the Federal State for preschool education;

be able to plan and adjust educational tasks (together with a psychologist and other specialists)

based on monitoring results, taking into account the individual
characteristics of each child of early and/or preschool age;
implement pedagogical recommendations of specialists (psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist, etc.)

in working with children who have difficulty mastering the curriculum or children with
special educational needs;
participate in the creation of a psychologically safe, modern and comfortable educational and developmental environment, ensuring the safety of children’s lives, preserving and strengthening their health, supporting the emotional well-being of the child during their stay in an educational organization;

possess ICT competencies necessary and sufficient for planning, implementation and evaluation of educational work with children of early and preschool age.

The listed knowledge and skills of the teacher allow us to conclude that the professional competence of a teacher is the ability to effectively carry out pedagogical activities determined by job responsibilities, based on scientific education and an emotional and value-based attitude to teaching activities. Professional competence presupposes that preschool teacher professionally significant attitudes and personal qualities, theoretical knowledge, professional skills that he will improve in the process of self-education.

We can assume that increasing the professional competence of a teacher in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education can be facilitated by the methodological work into which each teacher is immersed. One of the forms of such work is the pedagogical council, which discusses issues of educational work with children, the introduction of new modern technologies, achievements in science and pedagogical practice into the work of the team. One of the effective forms of communication between teachers is a conference - it allows you to put all educators on an equal footing , ensures interaction and openness. The most effective form of methodological work remains seminars, seminars - workshops and master classes in which the skills of teachers are improved, and accumulated pedagogical experience is exchanged.

The immersion of teachers in methodological work, the constant search for effective and modern technologies, will help ensure an increase in the professional competence of the teacher , as it consolidates the knowledge independently acquired in practical or analytical work, and forms the knowledge and skills necessary for professional activities.

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