In the world of insects: notes on cognitive development in the younger group


Sevrikeeva Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten “Golden Key”, Vuktyl city, Komi Republic

Comprehensive lesson in visual arts (drawing)

Topic: "Ladybug".

Educational objectives: to cultivate a caring attitude towards the awakening of nature, towards its individual phenomena (the awakening of insects). Evoke an emotional response to beautiful natural objects. Cultivate a love for nature.

Materials for the lesson: a screen with a picture of a spring meadow, green paper leaves (the basis for the drawing), gouache paints (yellow, red, black), cotton swabs, cloth napkins, a sample, bugs of different colors (for a surprise moment)

Educator: Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. You and I will simply rejoice, be surprised, admire and create miracles. Children, what do you often rejoice at, what brings you joy? (children share their thoughts).

Educator: and now I am happy that the sun is shining brightly, gently, welcomingly, the birds are singing, drops are dripping, the snow is melting.

— What time of year is it now?

-What month does spring begin?

With the arrival of spring, all nature awakens from sleep: the buds on the trees swell, the snow melts, the sun shines, it becomes warm.

- Guys, what interesting things do you notice when you go to kindergarten in the morning? (birds chirp loudly).

- Yes, and the birds also rejoice at the arrival of spring. In spring, different insects wake up.

- What do they do in winter?

—Where do insects sleep in winter?

- What insects do you know? (children list).

- Guys, we live in the north and therefore our nature awakens later. Do you remember how during a math class an evil wizard bewitched insects and turned them into blocks, and then we helped them find their way home and they all returned home safely. But they are all so restless and again ran away from the house to the spring meadow. Do you want to visit this clearing and see what kind of insects there are and if everything is fine with them? You just need to think about how to do it.

- Children, I have a magic wand and such a beautiful crown. Can I be a good witch? (the teacher invites the children to turn away, close their eyes, touches each child with a wand, and at this time a spring panel with the image of dandelions is brought into the group, on which ladybugs are drawn, but there are none on the leaves. Various insects are also attached to the panel. Children approach panel).

- Guys, look, magic has happened. Does this make you happy? Me too.

- So our insects were found. Who do you see here?

Drawing in the first junior group “Let's help the bugs hide in the grass”?

Potapova Elena Anatolyevna
Drawing in the first junior group “Let's help the bugs hide in the grass”?

Objectives: to instill in children empathy for game characters, to cultivate a kind attitude towards them, to arouse a desire to help them; learn to draw grass by painting the surface of the paper with paint.

Equipment: green gouache, paper, paper bug.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: I’m going to kindergarten today, and a bug meets me.

I took him in my arms, and he told me that in the fall all the bugs managed to hide, and only this poor bug was confused and unable to hide.

- What needs to be done for you to help you?

Educator: Look how the bug looks at us pitifully. Do you guys want to help the bug? (children's answers)

Educator: Now we’ll draw him a lot of grass, he can hide in it.

-What color is the grass? (Children's answers)

Educator: That's right, green. Take your brushes and paint the bug a lot of grass so that it can hide in it.

Teacher: draws children's attention to the need to evenly cover the surface of a sheet of paper with paint, explains that the grass should be thick. (The teacher provides individual assistance to children when working with paint; there is no demonstration of how to depict grass).

At the end of the lesson, the children admire the lawns together with the bug and are happy. And the teacher, on behalf of the bug, praises the children.

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