Conversation about the forest in the preparatory group Synopsis of a conversation about the forest for children 5-7 years old
Educational didactic game "Magic Circle" Alena Chumak Educational didactic game "Magic Circle" Presentation of the author's work
Main features of the style The stylistic principles of eco-design are determined by the ideas of preserving nature and admiring its beauty.
Long-term plan for artistic and aesthetic development in the second junior group Tatyana Romancheva Long-term plan for
Regulatory legal acts regulating fire safety requirements in preschool educational institutions. Fire safety requirements in preschool educational institutions can be
Thinking is a mental process in which both hemispheres of the brain take part. Includes in
Kindness Day in Kindergarten. Preparatory group Summary of the lesson “What is kindness” for children
Teaching drawing to a 2-3 year old child You need to get the maximum benefit from the image. The child draws first
Summary of a lesson with middle group children using sand therapy “Journey by the Sea” Summary
Goals and objectives of the additional education program “Literacy” So, extracurricular activities to prepare children for