Card file of outdoor games for safety card file for physical education

Topic: “Home safety rules for kids.”

Topic: “ Home safety rules for kids.”

Karkusha: Kar, kar, hello guys! I was flying past and decided to visit you, show you my treasures, and show off.

Let's see, let's see what's in your basket. Oh, how many different and interesting things there are, but also dangerous!!!!

Kar, kar, how dangerous? Everything you need is there! You can even play with these items!

Let's help Karkusha figure out what he can play with and what he can't.

The game “Dangerous is not dangerous” is played

First we choose dangerous objects, and then safe ones, while explaining our decision.

Rule #2: Dangerous objects are not toys! Therefore, do not play with them, but use them only for their intended purpose with the permission of adults and under their supervision.

Physical minute "Crows"

Here, under the green Christmas tree, crows are jumping merrily (they jump and wave their arms like wings)

Kar-kar-kar! Kar-kar-kar! Kar-kar-kar! (Loud)

They screamed all day long (torso turns left and right) and the boys were not allowed to sleep (torso tilted left and right)

Kar-kar-kar! Kar-kar-kar! Kar-kar-kar! (Loud)

Only towards night they fall silent (flapping their arms like wings) and everyone falls asleep together (squat down, hands under cheek - fall asleep)

Kar-kar-kar! Kar-kar-kar! Kar-kar-kar! (Quiet)

Karkusha: I also have drawings. Help me deal with them too, come up with rules!

D / game “Dangerous situations”.

Rule No. 3 “You cannot touch or taste medicines.”

Rule No. 4 “You can’t play on the balcony.”

Rule No. 5: “You can’t play in the bathroom and leave the tap running.”

Rule No. 6 “You cannot turn on the stove or play with electrical appliances.”

Let's play the game: "Yes or no"

Play with your child When you tell your child: “Children can...”, he should think and answer: if you can and are allowed to do it yourself in the absence of parents, say “yes” along with clapping your hands. If you are not allowed to do this in the absence of your parents, answer “no” and stomp your feet.

One two Three! Let's start! Children can...

  • play with matches and lighter;
  • paint;
  • turn the washing machine on and off;
  • Play with dolls;
  • turn on the stove;
  • put food in the microwave to heat it up;
  • turn on the electric kettle;
  • look at pictures in books;
  • use a knife;
  • to watch cartoons;
  • drag the TV plugged in by the cord;
  • turn on and use the iron;
  • turn on the hair dryer and dry your hair;
  • insert foreign objects into the socket;
  • open different cans, jars, packages;
  • collect puzzles, build a house from cubes;

Karkusha: How much I learned and remembered.

Let's repeat with you the rules of safe behavior watch video
April 22, 2022 by admin

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