plasticine model
Abstract of the educational activity “Volcano” for the preparatory school group
All you need For the experiment you will need some household chemicals and decorative elements to create
Technological maps for familiarization with the subject and social environment senior group card file on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic
Subject environment in the senior group For the full development of the child as an individual in the senior group
Child plays fireman
Fire safety entertainment for children 3-4 years old “Young Firemen”.
It is no secret that fires most often occur due to the carelessness of people, and the most careless
Children perform kinesiological gymnastics
What are kinesiological exercises and how are they useful for preschoolers?
Kinesiology is the science of developing our brain through movement. Her techniques can be
Summary of the final lesson on FEMP in the preparatory group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard “Unusual Guest”
Summary of the final lesson in mathematics in the preparatory group Final lesson in the preparatory group in
MBDOU Ilansky kindergarten 50 Development of play activities by means of prototyping teacher Semashkevich Natalya Sergeevna. - presentation
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF Using layouts in preschool educational institutions as an innovative technology for the cognitive development of preschool children Author: Pastukhova
interaction between teacher and parents
Interaction between teacher and parents in kindergarten
For every child, the preschool period is a very important time in life. In it
Summary of a lesson on fairy tale therapy in the younger group
Summary of a lesson on fairy tale therapy in the younger group Methodological development on fairy tale therapy with children 2-3
nature experts 2.PNG
Intellectual game “Nature Experts”; 5 - 6 grades
Neshataeva Elena Vasilievna Geography teacher, MSKOU VIII type, Krasnovishersk Intellectual game “Nature Experts”.
notes for the children's center
Summary of the developmental lesson “Journey to the Land of Emotions” for children 5–6 years old
In recent days I have received many questions about our new notes and therefore decided
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